Standard_Intelligence_Dev /
YchKhan's picture
change chunk sizes
288dd42 verified
history blame contribute delete
No virus
42.1 kB
import numpy as np
import io
import os
import zipfile
import logging
import collections
import tempfile
from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredFileLoader
from langchain.text_splitter import CharacterTextSplitter
from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS
from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings
import gradio as gr
from langchain.document_loaders import PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
from langchain.docstore.document import Document
import unstructured
from unstructured.partition.docx import partition_docx
from import partition
import tiktoken
#from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from pypdf import PdfReader
import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
MODEL = "thenlper/gte-base"
embeddings = HuggingFaceEmbeddings(
# model_id = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1"
# access_token = os.getenv("HUGGINGFACE_SPLITFILES_API_KEY")
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
# model_id,
# padding_side="left",
# token = access_token
# )
tokenizer = tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-3.5-turbo")
text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(
separator = "\n",
chunk_size = CHUNK_SIZE,
chunk_overlap = CHUNK_OVERLAP,
length_function = len,
# def update_label(label1):
# return gr.update(choices=list(df.columns))
def function_split_call(fi_input, dropdown, choice, chunk_size):
if choice == "Intelligent split":
nb_pages = chunk_size
return split_in_df(fi_input, nb_pages)
elif choice == "Non intelligent split":
return non_intelligent_split(fi_input, chunk_size)
return split_by_keywords(fi_input,dropdown)
def change_textbox(dropdown,radio):
if len(dropdown) == 0 :
dropdown = ["introduction", "objective", "summary", "conclusion"]
if radio == "Intelligent split":
return gr.Dropdown(dropdown, visible=False), gr.Number(label="First pages to keep (0 for all)", value=2, interactive=True, visible=True)
elif radio == "Intelligent split by keywords":
return gr.Dropdown(dropdown, multiselect=True, visible=True, allow_custom_value=True), gr.Number(visible=False)
elif radio == "Non intelligent split":
return gr.Dropdown(dropdown, visible=False),gr.Number(label="Chunk size", value=1000, interactive=True, visible=True)
return gr.Dropdown(dropdown, visible=False),gr.Number(visible=False)
def group_text_by_font_size(content):
cur_fs = []
cur_text = ''
cur_page = -1
cur_c = content[0]
multi_fs = False
snippets = [] # first collect all snippets that have the same font size
for c in content:
# print(f"c={c}\n\n")
if c.find('a') != None and c.find('a').get('name'):
cur_page = int(c.find('a').get('name'))
sp_list = c.find_all('span')
if not sp_list:
for sp in sp_list:
# print(f"sp={sp}\n\n")
if not sp:
st = sp.get('style')
if not st:
fs = re.findall('font-size:(\d+)px',st)
# print(f"fs={fs}\n\n")
if not fs:
fs = [int(fs[0])]
if len(cur_fs)==0:
cur_fs = fs
if fs == cur_fs:
cur_text += sp.text
elif not sp.find('br') and cur_c==c:
cur_text += sp.text
multi_fs = True
elif sp.find('br') and multi_fs == True: # if a br tag is found and the text is in a different fs, it is the last part of the multifontsize line
snippets.append((cur_text+sp.text,max(cur_fs), cur_page))
cur_fs = []
cur_text = ''
cur_c = c
multi_fs = False
snippets.append((cur_text,max(cur_fs), cur_page))
cur_fs = fs
cur_text = sp.text
cur_c = c
multi_fs = False
snippets.append((cur_text,max(cur_fs), cur_page))
return snippets
def get_titles_fs(fs_list):
filtered_fs_list = [item[0] for item in fs_list if item[0] > fs_list[0][0]]
return sorted(filtered_fs_list, reverse=True)
def calculate_total_characters(snippets):
font_sizes = {} #dictionary to store font-size and total characters
for text, font_size, _ in snippets:
#remove newline# and digits
cleaned_text = text.replace('\n', '')
#cleaned_text = re.sub(r'\d+', '', cleaned_text)
total_characters = len(cleaned_text)
#update the dictionary
if font_size in font_sizes:
font_sizes[font_size] += total_characters
font_sizes[font_size] = total_characters
#convert the dictionary into a sorted list of tuples
size_charac_list = sorted(font_sizes.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return size_charac_list
def create_documents(source, snippets, font_sizes):
docs = []
titles_fs = get_titles_fs(font_sizes)
for snippet in snippets:
cur_fs = snippet[1]
if cur_fs>font_sizes[0][0] and len(snippet[0])>2:
content = min((titles_fs.index(cur_fs)+1), 3)*"#" + " " + snippet[0].replace(" ", " ")
category = "Title"
content = snippet[0].replace(" ", " ")
category = "Paragraph"
metadata={"source":source, "filename":source.split("/")[-1], "file_directory": "/".join(source.split("/")[:-1]), "file_category":"", "file_sub-cat":"", "file_sub2-cat":"", "category":category, "filetype":source.split(".")[-1], "page_number":snippet[2]}
categories = source.split("/")
if len(categories)>4:
cat_update = {"file_category":categories[1], "file_sub-cat":categories[2], "file_sub2-cat":categories[3]}
elif len(categories)>3:
cat_update = {"file_category":categories[1], "file_sub-cat":categories[2]}
elif len(categories)>2:
cat_update = {"file_category":categories[1]}
docs.append(Document(page_content=content, metadata=metadata))
return docs
## Group Chunks docx or pdf
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def group_chunks_by_section(chunks, min_chunk_size=64):
filtered_chunks = [chunk for chunk in chunks if chunk.metadata['category'] != 'PageBreak']# Add more filters if needed
#print(f"filtered = {len(filtered_chunks)} - before = {len(chunks)}")
new_chunks = []
seen_paragraph = False
new_title = True #switches when there is a new paragraph to create a new chunk
for i, chunk in enumerate(filtered_chunks):
# print(f"\n\n\n#{i}:METADATA: {chunk.metadata['category']}")
if new_title:
#print(f"<-- NEW title DETECTED -->")
new_chunk = chunk
new_title = False
add_content = False
new_chunk.metadata['titles'] = ""
#print(f"CONTENT: {new_chunk.page_content}\nMETADATA: {new_chunk.metadata['category']} \n title: {new_chunk.metadata['title']}")
if chunk.metadata['category'].lower() =='title':
new_chunk.metadata['titles'] += f"{chunk.page_content} ~~ "
#Activates when a paragraph is seen after one or more titles
seen_paragraph = True
#Avoid adding the title 2 times to the page content
if add_content:#and chunk.page_content not in new_chunk.page_content
new_chunk.page_content += f"\n{chunk.page_content}"
#edit the end_page number, the last one keeps its place
new_chunk.metadata['end_page'] = chunk.metadata['page_number']
print("", end="")
#print("Exception: No page number in metadata")
add_content = True
#If filtered_chunks[i+1] raises an error, this is probably because this is the last chunk
#If the next chunk is a title and we have already seen a paragraph and the current chunk content is long enough, we create a new document
if filtered_chunks[i+1].metadata['category'].lower() =="title" and seen_paragraph and len(new_chunk.page_content)>min_chunk_size:
if 'category' in new_chunk.metadata:
new_title = True
seen_paragraph = False
#index out of range
#print('🆘 Gone through all chunks 🆘')
return new_chunks
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
## Split documents by font
def split_pdf(file_path):
loader = PDFMinerPDFasHTMLLoader(file_path)
data = loader.load()[0] # entire pdf is loaded as a single Document
soup = BeautifulSoup(data.page_content,'html.parser')
content = soup.find_all('div')#List of all elements in div tags
snippets = group_text_by_font_size(content)
except Exception as e:
snippets = [("ERROR WHILE GROUPING BY FONT SIZE", 0, -1)]
font_sizes = calculate_total_characters(snippets)#get the amount of characters for each font_size
chunks = create_documents(file_path, snippets, font_sizes)
return chunks
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def split_docx(file_path):
chunks_elms = partition_docx(filename=file_path)
chunks = []
file_categories = file_path.split("/")
for chunk_elm in chunks_elms:
category = chunk_elm.category
if category == "Title":
chunk = Document(page_content= min(chunk_elm.metadata.to_dict()['category_depth']+1, 3)*"#" + ' ' + chunk_elm.text, metadata=chunk_elm.metadata.to_dict())
chunk = Document(page_content=chunk_elm.text, metadata=chunk_elm.metadata.to_dict())
metadata={"source":file_path, "filename":file_path.split("/")[-1], "file_category":"", "file_sub-cat":"", "file_sub2-cat":"", "category":category, "filetype":file_path.split(".")[-1]}
if len(file_categories)>4:
cat_update = {"file_category":file_categories[1], "file_sub-cat":file_categories[2], "file_sub2-cat":file_categories[3]}
elif len(file_categories)>3:
cat_update = {"file_category":file_categories[1], "file_sub-cat":file_categories[2]}
elif len(file_categories)>2:
cat_update = {"file_category":file_categories[1]}
return chunks
def split_txt(file_path, chunk_size=700):
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
content =
words = content.split()
chunks = [words[i:i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(words), chunk_size)]
file_basename = os.path.basename(file_path)
file_directory = os.path.dirname(file_path)
source = file_path
documents = []
for i, chunk in enumerate(chunks):
tcontent = ' '.join(chunk)
metadata = {
'source': source,
"filename": file_basename,
'file_directory': file_directory,
"file_category": "",
"file_sub-cat": "",
"file_sub2-cat": "",
"category": "",
"filetype": source.split(".")[-1],
"page_number": i
document = Document(page_content=tcontent, metadata=metadata)
return documents
# Load the index of documents (if it has already been built)
def rebuild_index(input_folder, output_folder):
paths_time = []
to_keep = set()
print(f'number of files {len(paths_time)}')
if len(output_folder.list_paths_in_partition()) > 0:
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
for f in output_folder.list_paths_in_partition():
with output_folder.get_download_stream(f) as stream:
with open(os.path.join(temp_dir, os.path.basename(f)), "wb") as f2:
index = FAISS.load_local(temp_dir, embeddings)
to_remove = []"{len(index.docstore._dict)} vectors loaded")
for idx, doc in index.docstore._dict.items():
source = (doc.metadata["source"], doc.metadata["last_modified"])
if source in paths_time:
# Identify documents already indexed and still present in the source folder
# Identify documents removed from the source folder
docstore_id_to_index = {v: k for k, v in index.index_to_docstore_id.items()}
# Remove documents that have been deleted from the source folder
vectors_to_remove = []
for idx in to_remove:
del index.docstore._dict[idx]
ind = docstore_id_to_index[idx]
del index.index_to_docstore_id[ind]
index.index.remove_ids(np.array(vectors_to_remove, dtype=np.int64))
index.index_to_docstore_id = {
i: ind
for i, ind in enumerate(index.index_to_docstore_id.values())
}"{len(to_remove)} vectors removed")
index = None
to_add = [path[0] for path in paths_time if path not in to_keep]
print(f'to_keep: {to_keep}')
print(f'to_add: {to_add}')
return index, to_add
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def split_chunks_by_tokens(documents, max_length=170, overlap=10):
# Create an empty list to store the resized documents
resized = []
# Iterate through the original documents list
for doc in documents:
encoded = tokenizer.encode(doc.page_content)
if len(encoded) > max_length:
remaining_encoded = tokenizer.encode(doc.page_content)
while len(remaining_encoded) > 0:
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(remaining_encoded[:max(10, max_length)]), metadata=doc.metadata.copy())
remaining_encoded = remaining_encoded[max(10, max_length - overlap):]
print(f"Number of chunks before resplitting: {len(documents)} \nAfter splitting: {len(resized)}")
return resized
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def split_chunks_by_tokens_period(documents, max_length=170, overlap=10, min_chunk_size=20):
# Create an empty list to store the resized documents
resized = []
to_encode = ""
skip_next = False
# Iterate through the original documents list
for i, doc in enumerate(documents):
if skip_next:
skip_next = False
current_file = doc.metadata['source']
if current_file != previous_file: #chunk counting
previous_file = current_file
chunk_counter = 0
is_first_chunk = True # Keep track of the first chunk in the document
to_encode += doc.page_content
# if last chunk < min_chunk_size we add it to the previous chunk for the splitting.
if (documents[i+1] is documents[-1] or documents[i+1].metadata['source'] != documents[i+2].metadata['source']) and len(tokenizer.encode(documents[i+1].page_content)) < min_chunk_size: # if the next doc is the last doc of the current file or the last of the corpus
# print('SAME DOC')
skip_next = True
to_encode += documents[i+1].page_content
except Exception as e:
encoded = tokenizer.encode(to_encode)#encode the current document
if len(encoded) < min_chunk_size and not skip_next:
# print(f"len(encoded):{len(encoded)}<min_chunk_size:{min_chunk_size}")
elif skip_next:
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(encoded).replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy())
split_doc.metadata['token_length'] = len(tokenizer.encode(split_doc.page_content))
# print(f"Added a document of {split_doc.metadata['token_length']} tokens 1")
to_encode = ""
# print(f"len(encoded):{len(encoded)}>=min_chunk_size:{min_chunk_size}")
to_encode = ""
if len(encoded) > max_length:
# print(f"len(encoded):{len(encoded)}>=max_length:{max_length}")
remaining_encoded = encoded
is_last_chunk = False
while len(remaining_encoded) > 1 and not is_last_chunk:
# Check for a period in the first 'overlap' tokens
overlap_text = tokenizer.decode(remaining_encoded[:overlap])# Index by token
period_index_b = overlap_text.find('.')# Index by character
if len(remaining_encoded)>max_length + min_chunk_size:
# print("len(remaining_encoded)>max_length + min_chunk_size")
current_encoded = remaining_encoded[:max(10, max_length)]
# print("not len(remaining_encoded)>max_length + min_chunk_size")
current_encoded = remaining_encoded #if the last chunk is to small, concatenate it with the previous one
is_last_chunk = True
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(current_encoded).replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy())
split_doc.metadata['token_length'] = len(tokenizer.encode(split_doc.page_content))
# print(f"Added a document of {split_doc.metadata['token_length']} tokens 2")
period_index_e = -1 # an amount of character that I am sure will be greater or equal to the max lengh of a chunk, could have done len(tokenizer.decode(current_encoded))
if len(remaining_encoded)>max_length+min_chunk_size:# If it is not the last sub chunk
# print("len(remaining_encoded)>max_length+min_chunk_size")
overlap_text_last = tokenizer.decode(current_encoded[-overlap:])
period_index_last = overlap_text_last.find('.')
if period_index_last != -1 and period_index_last < len(overlap_text_last) - 1:
# print(f"period index last found at {period_index_last}")
period_index_e = period_index_last - len(overlap_text_last)
# print(f"period_index_e :{period_index_e}")
# print(f"last :{overlap_text_last}")
if not is_first_chunk:#starting after the period in overlap
# print("not is_first_chunk", period_index_b)
if period_index_b == -1:# Period not found in overlap
# print(". not found in overlap")
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(current_encoded)[:period_index_e].replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy()) # Keep regular splitting
if is_last_chunk : #not the first but the last
# print("is_last_chunk")
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(current_encoded)[period_index_b+1:].replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy())
#print("Should start after \".\"")
# print("not is_last_chunk", period_index_e, len(to_encode))
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(current_encoded)[period_index_b+1:period_index_e].replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy()) # Split at the begining and the end
else:#first chunk
# print("else")
split_doc = Document(page_content=tokenizer.decode(current_encoded)[:period_index_e].replace('<s> ', ''), metadata=doc.metadata.copy()) # split only at the end if its first chunk
if 'titles' in split_doc.metadata:
# print("title in metadata")
chunk_counter += 1
split_doc.metadata['chunk_id'] = chunk_counter
#A1 We could round chunk length in token if we ignore the '.' position in the overlap and save time of computation
split_doc.metadata['token_length'] = len(tokenizer.encode(split_doc.page_content))
print(f"Added a document of {split_doc.metadata['token_length']} tokens 3")
remaining_encoded = remaining_encoded[max(10, max_length - overlap):]
is_first_chunk = False
# # print(len(tokenizer.encode(split_doc.page_content)), split_doc.page_content[:50], "\n-----------------")
# print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
# print(split_doc.page_content[:100])
# # print("😂😂😂😂")
# print(split_doc.page_content[-100:])
# print("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~")
else:# len(encoded)>min_chunk_size:#ignore the chunks that are too small
print(f"found a chunk with the perfect size:{len(encoded)}")
#print(f"◀Document:{{ {doc.page_content} }} was not added because to short▶")
if 'titles' in doc.metadata:#check if it was splitted by or split_docx
chunk_counter += 1
doc.metadata['chunk_id'] = chunk_counter
doc.metadata['token_length'] = len(encoded)
doc.page_content = tokenizer.decode(encoded).replace('<s> ', '')
print(f"Added a document of {doc.metadata['token_length']} tokens 4")
print(f"Number of chunks before resplitting: {len(documents)} \nAfter splitting: {len(resized)}")
return resized
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def split_doc_in_chunks(input_folder, base_folders, nb_pages):
docs = []
for i, filename in enumerate(input_folder):
path = filename#os.path.join(input_folder, filename)
print(f"Treating file {i+1}/{len(input_folder)}")
# Select the appropriate document loader
if path.endswith(".pdf"):
# try:
print("Treatment of pdf file", path)
raw_chunks = split_pdf(path)
for raw_chunk in raw_chunks:
print(f"BASE zzzzz LIST : {base_folders} = i = {i}")
raw_chunk.metadata["Base Folder"] = base_folders[i]
sb_chunks = group_chunks_by_section(raw_chunks)
if nb_pages > 0:
for sb_chunk in sb_chunks:
print(f"CHUNK PAGENUM = {sb_chunk.metadata['page_number']}")
if int(sb_chunk.metadata["page_number"])<=nb_pages:
chunks = sb_chunks
print(f"Document splitted in {len(chunks)} chunks")
# for chunk in chunks:
# print(f"\n\n____\n\n\nPDF CONTENT: \n{chunk.page_content}\ntitle: {chunk.metadata['title']}\nFile Name: {chunk.metadata['filename']}\n\n")
# except Exception as e:
# print("Error while splitting the pdf file: ", e)
elif path.endswith(".docx"):
print ("Treatment of docx file", path)
raw_chunks = split_docx(path)
for raw_chunk in raw_chunks:
raw_chunk.metadata["Base Folder"] = base_folders[i]
#print(f"RAW :\n***\n{raw_chunks}")
chunks = group_chunks_by_section(raw_chunks)
print(f"Document splitted in {len(chunks)} chunks")
#if "cards-Jan 2022-SP.docx" in path:
#for chunk in chunks:
#print(f"\n\n____\n\n\nDOCX CONTENT: \n{chunk.page_content}\ntitle: {chunk.metadata['title']}\nFile Name: {chunk.metadata['filename']}\n\n")
except Exception as e:
print("Error while splitting the docx file: ", e)
elif path.endswith(".doc"):
loader = UnstructuredFileLoader(path)
# Load the documents and split them in chunks
chunks = loader.load_and_split(text_splitter=text_splitter)
counter, counter2 = collections.Counter(), collections.Counter()
filename = os.path.basename(path)
# Define a unique id for each chunk
for chunk in chunks:
chunk.metadata["filename"] = filename.split("/")[-1]
chunk.metadata["file_directory"] = filename.split("/")[:-1]
chunk.metadata["filetype"] = filename.split(".")[-1]
chunk.metadata["Base Folder"] = base_folders[i]
if "page" in chunk.metadata:
counter[chunk.metadata['page']] += 1
for i in range(len(chunks)):
counter2[chunks[i].metadata['page']] += 1
chunks[i].metadata['source'] = filename
if len(chunks) == 1:
chunks[0].metadata['source'] = filename
#The file type is not supported (e.g. .xlsx)
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
elif path.endswith(".txt"):
print ("Treatment of txt file", path)
chunks = split_txt(path)
for chunk in chunks:
chunk.metadata["Base Folder"] = base_folders[i]
print(f"Document splitted in {len(chunks)} chunks")
except Exception as e:
print("Error while splitting the docx file: ", e)
if len(chunks)>0:
docs += chunks
except NameError as e:
print(f"An error has occured: {e}")
return docs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def resplit_by_end_of_sentence(docs, max_len, overlap, min_len):
print("❌❌\nResplitting docs by end of sentence\n❌❌")
resized_docs = split_chunks_by_tokens_period(docs, max_len, overlap, min_len)
# add chunk title to all resplitted chunks #todo move this to split_chunks_by_tokens_period(inject_title = True) with a boolean parameter
cur_source = ""
cpt_chunk = 1
for resized_doc in resized_docs:
title = resized_doc.metadata['titles'].split(' ~~ ')[-2] #Getting the last title of the chunk and adding it to the content if it is not the case
if title not in resized_doc.page_content:
resized_doc.page_content = title + "\n" + resized_doc.page_content
if cur_source == resized_doc.metadata["source"]:
resized_doc.metadata['chunk_number'] = cpt_chunk
cpt_chunk = 1
cur_source = resized_doc.metadata["source"]
resized_doc.metadata['chunk_number'] = cpt_chunk
except Exception as e:#either the title was notfound or title absent in metadata
print("An error occured: ", e)
cpt_chunk += 1
except Exception as e:
print('AN ERROR OCCURRED: ', e)
return resized_docs
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTEBOOK-CELL: CODE
def build_index(docs, index, output_folder):
if len(docs) > 0:
if index is not None:
# Compute the embedding of each chunk and index these chunks
new_index = FAISS.from_documents(docs, embeddings)
index = FAISS.from_documents(docs, embeddings)
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
for f in os.listdir(temp_dir):
output_folder.upload_file(f, os.path.join(temp_dir, f))
def extract_zip(zip_path):
extracted_files = []
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, 'r') as zip_ref:
for file_info in zip_ref.infolist():
return extracted_files
def split_in_df(files, nb_pages):
processed_files = []
base_folders = []
print("Processing zip files...")
for file_path in files:
if file_path.endswith('.zip'):
extracted_files = extract_zip(file_path)
base_folders.extend([os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_path))[0]] * len(extracted_files))
print(f"BASE FOLDERS LIST : {base_folders}, FILES LIST : {processed_files}")
print("Finished processing zip files\nSplitting files into chunks...")
documents = split_doc_in_chunks(processed_files, base_folders, nb_pages)
re_docs = resplit_by_end_of_sentence(documents, 700, 100, 1000)
print("Finished splitting")
df = pd.DataFrame()
for re_doc in re_docs:
filename = re_doc.metadata['filename']
content = re_doc.page_content
# metadata = document.metadata
# metadata_keys = list(metadata.keys())
# metadata_values = list(metadata.values())
doc_data = {'Filename': filename, 'Content': content}
doc_data["Token_Length"] = re_doc.metadata['token_length']
doc_data["Titles"] = re_doc.metadata['titles'] if 'titles' in re_doc.metadata else ""
doc_data["Base Folder"] = re_doc.metadata["Base Folder"]
# for key, value in zip(metadata_keys, metadata_values):
# doc_data[key] = value
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([doc_data])], ignore_index=True)
df.to_excel("dataframe.xlsx", index=False)
return "dataframe.xlsx"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPLIT FILES BY KEYWORDS
def split_by_keywords(files, key_words, words_limit=1000):
processed_files = []
extracted_content = []
tabLine = []
# For each files : stock the PDF, extract the Zips and convert the Doc & Docx to PDF
not_duplicate = True
for f in files:
for p in processed_files:
if (f[:f.rfind('.')] == p[:p.rfind('.')]):
not_duplicate = False
if not_duplicate:
if f.endswith('.zip'):
extracted_files = extract_zip(f)
print(f"Those are my extracted files{extracted_files}")
for doc in extracted_files:
if doc.endswith('.doc') or doc.endswith('.docx'):
if doc.endswith('.pdf'):
if f.endswith('.pdf'):
if f.endswith('.doc') or f.endswith('.docx'):
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Error occured while processing files : {ex}")
# For each processed files extract content
for file in processed_files:
file_name = file
file = PdfReader(file)
pdfNumberPages = len(file.pages)
for pdfPage in range(0, pdfNumberPages):
load_page = file.get_page(pdfPage)
text = load_page.extract_text()
lines = text.split("\n")
sizeOfLines = len(lines) - 1
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
for key in key_words:
if key in line:
print("Found keyword")
lineBool = True
lineIndex = index
previousSelectedLines = []
stringLength = 0
linesForSelection = lines
loadOnce = True
selectedPdfPage = pdfPage
while lineBool:
if stringLength > words_limit or lineIndex < 0:
lineBool = False
if lineIndex == 0:
print(f"Line index == 0")
if pdfPage == 0:
lineBool = False
selectedPdfPage -= 1
newLoad_page = file.get_page(selectedPdfPage)
newText = newLoad_page.extract_text()
newLines = newText.split("\n")
linesForSelection = newLines
print(f"len newLines{len(newLines)}")
lineIndex = len(newLines) - 1
except Exception as e:
print(f"Loading previous PDF page failed")
lineBool = False
stringLength += len(linesForSelection[lineIndex])
lineIndex -= 1
previousSelectedLines = ' '.join(previousSelectedLines[::-1])
lineBool = True
lineIndex = index + 1
nextSelectedLines = ""
linesForSelection = lines
loadOnce = True
selectedPdfPage = pdfPage
while lineBool:
if len(nextSelectedLines.split()) > words_limit:
lineBool = False
if lineIndex > sizeOfLines:
lineBool = False
if pdfPage == pdfNumberPages - 1:
lineBool = False
selectedPdfPage += 1
newLoad_page = file.get_page(selectedPdfPage)
newText = newLoad_page.extract_text()
newLines = newText.split("\n")
linesForSelection = newLines
lineIndex = 0
except Exception as e:
print(f"Loading next PDF page failed")
lineBool = False
nextSelectedLines += " " + linesForSelection[lineIndex]
lineIndex += 1
print(f"Previous Lines : {previousSelectedLines}")
print(f"Next Lines : {nextSelectedLines}")
selectedText = previousSelectedLines + ' ' + nextSelectedLines
tabLine.append([file_name, selectedText, key])
print(f"Selected line in keywords is: {line}")
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Error occured while extracting content : {ex}")
for r in tabLine:
text_joined = ''.join(r[1])
text_joined = r[2] + " : \n " + text_joined
extracted_content.append([r[0], text_joined])
df = pd.DataFrame()
for content in extracted_content:
filename = content[0]
text = content[1]
# metadata = document.metadata
# metadata_keys = list(metadata.keys())
# metadata_values = list(metadata.values())
doc_data = {'Filename': filename[filename.rfind("/")+1:], 'Content': text}
# for key, value in zip(metadata_keys, metadata_values):
# doc_data[key] = value
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([doc_data])], ignore_index=True)
df.to_excel("dataframe_keywords.xlsx", index=False)
return "dataframe_keywords.xlsx"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NON INTELLIGENT SPLIT
def transform_to_pdf(doc):
instructions = {'parts': [{'file': 'document'}]}
response = requests.request(
headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer pdf_live_nS6tyylSW57PNw9TIEKKL3Tt16NmLCazlQWQ9D33t0Q'},
files = {'document': open(doc, 'rb')},
data = {'instructions': json.dumps(instructions)},
stream = True
pdf_name = doc[:doc.find(".doc")] + ".pdf"
if response.ok:
with open(pdf_name, 'wb') as fd:
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8096):
return pdf_name
return none
def non_intelligent_split(files, chunk_size = 1000):
extracted_content = []
processed_files = []
# For each files : stock the PDF, extract the Zips and convert the Doc & Docx to PDF
not_duplicate = True
for f in files:
for p in processed_files:
if (f[:f.rfind('.')] == p[:p.rfind('.')]):
not_duplicate = False
if not_duplicate:
if f.endswith('.zip'):
extracted_files = extract_zip(f)
print(f"Those are my extracted files{extracted_files}")
for doc in extracted_files:
if doc.endswith('.doc') or doc.endswith('.docx'):
if doc.endswith('.pdf'):
if f.endswith('.pdf'):
if f.endswith('.doc') or f.endswith('.docx'):
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Error occured while processing files : {ex}")
# Extract content from each processed files
for f in processed_files:
print(f"my filename is : {f}")
file = PdfReader(f)
pdfNumberPages = len(file.pages)
selectedText = ""
for pdfPage in range(0, pdfNumberPages):
load_page = file.get_page(pdfPage)
text = load_page.extract_text()
lines = text.split("\n")
sizeOfLines = 0
for index, line in enumerate(lines):
sizeOfLines += len(line)
selectedText += " " + line
if sizeOfLines >= chunk_size:
textContent = (f"Page {str(pdfPage)} : {selectedText}")
extracted_content.append([f, textContent])
sizeOfLines = 0
selectedText = ""
textContent = (f"Page {str(pdfNumberPages)} : {selectedText}")
extracted_content.append([f, textContent])
except Exception as ex:
print(f"Error occured while extracting content from processed files : {ex}")
df = pd.DataFrame()
for content in extracted_content:
filename = content[0]
text = content[1]
doc_data = {'Filename': filename[filename.rfind("/")+1:], 'Content': text}
df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame([doc_data])], ignore_index=True)
df.to_excel("dataframe_keywords.xlsx", index=False)
return "dataframe_keywords.xlsx"