import gradio as gr import io from PIL import Image import numpy as np # from config import setResoluton from models import make_image_controlnet, make_inpainting from preprocessing import get_mask def image_to_byte_array(image: Image) -> bytes: # BytesIO is a fake file stored in memory imgByteArr = io.BytesIO() # expects a file as a argument, passing a bytes io ins, format='png') # image.format # Turn the BytesIO object back into a bytes object imgByteArr = imgByteArr.getvalue() return imgByteArr def predict(input_img1, input_img2, positive_prompt, negative_prompt, num_of_images, resolution ): print("predict") # bla bla # input_img1 = Image.fromarray(input_img1) # input_img2 = Image.fromarray(input_img2) # setResoluton(resolution) HEIGHT = resolution WIDTH = resolution # WIDTH = resolution # HEIGHT = resolution input_img1 = input_img1.resize((resolution, resolution)) input_img2 = input_img2.resize((resolution, resolution)) canvas_mask = np.array(input_img2) mask = get_mask(canvas_mask) print(input_img1, mask, positive_prompt, negative_prompt) retList= make_inpainting(positive_prompt=positive_prompt, image=input_img1, mask_image=mask, negative_prompt=negative_prompt, num_of_images=num_of_images, resolution=resolution ) # add the rest up to 10 while (len(retList)<10): retList.append(None) return retList app = gr.Interface( predict, inputs=[gr.Image(label="img", sources=['upload'], type="pil"), gr.Image(label="mask", sources=['upload'], type="pil"), gr.Textbox(label="positive_prompt",value="empty room"), gr.Textbox(label="negative_prompt",value=""), gr.Number(label="num_of_images",value=2), gr.Number(label="resolution",value=512) ], outputs= [ gr.Image(label="resp0"), gr.Image(label="resp1"), gr.Image(label="resp2"), gr.Image(label="resp3"), gr.Image(label="resp4"), gr.Image(label="resp5"), gr.Image(label="resp6"), gr.Image(label="resp7"), gr.Image(label="resp8"), gr.Image(label="resp9")], title="rem fur 1", ) app.launch(share=True) # # gr.Interface( # test1, # inputs=[gr.Textbox(label="param1")], # outputs= gr.Textbox(label="result"), # title="rem fur 1", # ).launch(share=True)