import gradio as gr import difflib # Define the knowledge base as a dictionary knowledge_base = { "CDA" : "Citizen Development Program", "TIME" : "Technical Infastructure Modernization Exercise", "CDP" : "Citizen Development Program", "ITSC" : "IT Service Continuity", "GMAA" : "GMs Accountability Audit", "GBCM" : "Global Business Continuity Management", "PFP":"Pay for Performance", "HORECA":"Hotel,Restaurants,Cafe", "GT" : "General Trade", "TLP":"Trade Loyalty Platform", "MVP":"Most Valued Partners", "VP":"Valued Partners", "P":"Partners", "OMR":"Open Market Rate", "POS": "Point of Sales", "POSM": "Point of Sales Material", "PMM": "Permanent Merchandising Material", "PTR": "Purchase Through Retailer", "QC": "Quality Complaint", "RA": "Retail Assistant", "RAO": "Regional Administration Officer", "RM": "Regional Manager", "RTM": "Route to Market", "RTGS": "Real Time Gross Settlement", "RC": "Regional Coordinator", "RRO": "Regional Reporting Officer", "SKU": "Stock Keeping Unit", "SR": "Sales Representative", "SUP": "Sales Supervisor", "SM": "Sales Manager", "S&OP": "Sales and Operation Plan", "STT": "Sales to Trade", "SCR": "Stock Coverage Ratio", "SRATE": "Strike Rate", "SLA": "Service Length Agreement", "TSA": "Territory Sales Assistant", "TSR": "Territory Sales Representative", "TLP": "Trade Loyalty Programme", "TC": "Trade Clusters", "TPG": "Trade Planning Group", "VBP": "Valued Business Partner", "WC": "Working Capital", "2/W": "Twice Per Week", "3/W": "Thrice Per Week", "ADS": "Average Daily Sales", "AM": "Area Manager", "ASR": "Assistant Sales Representative", "ATM&D": "Activation and Trade Marketing and Distribution", "BM": "Business Manager", "BR": "Brand Representative", "BA": "Brand Admirer", "BCP": "Brand Call Productivity", "BX": "Business Express", "CC": "Central Coordinator", "CSC": "Customer Service Centre", "C&C": "Cash and Carry", "CM": "Contract Merchandiser", "CBC": "Corrugated Board Carton", "CDR": "Consumer Dialogue Through Retailer", "DSS": "Direct Store Service", "D&D": "Damaged and Damp", "DD": "Demand Draft", "DDSS": "Daily Direct Store Service", "DCC": "Discounted Cash and Carry", "DOMA": "Distributor’s Operation and Management Audit", "EFT": "Electronic Fund Transfer", "FF": "Field Force", "FIFO": "First In First Out", "IOQ": "Ideal Order Quantity", "IMP": "International Marketing Principle", "ICA": "Inward Cartage Allowance", "KPI": "Key Performance Indicators", "MC": "Merchandising Coordinator", "OHS": "On Hand Stock", "OSD": "On Site Distribution Operation", "OCA": "Outward Cartage Allowance", "OOS": "Out of Stock", "AM" : "Area Manager", "ARM" : "Area Manager", "TSO": "Territory Sales Officer", "EO":"Equipment Owner", "3GGT" : "The 3 Great Growth Things", "3PL" : "3rd Party Logistics", "4 Cast" : "Estimating market share (replaced STM)", "4 Real" : "Ethnographic research of new concepts", "4 Screen" : "Prioritization of ideas and concepts", "4 Sight" : "New concept testing", "4D" : "Four D model / Define, Discover, Develop, Deploy", "60 day crops" : "60 day crops", "70/70" : "70 'tipping point'", "A1" : "Cutter", "BNH" : "Benson & Hedges", "B&H" : "Benson & Hedges", "A4R" : "Article Four Review", "AAR" : "Alternative Account Representative", "AB" : "Activity Board", "ABC" : "Activity Based Costing / Account Business Competencies", "ABD" : "Advance Booking Deadlines", "ABT" : "A Better Tomorrow", "AC" : "Air curing / Assessment Centre", "ACA" : "Area Cycle Alignment", "ACF" : "Active Charcoal Filter / Active Characoal Filter (Brand Status Report)", "ACO" : "Amsteram Corporate Office", "ACP" : "ACTIVITY CYCLE PLAN / Activity Critical Path / Annual Cycle Plan", "ACT" : "Air Cured Tobacco / Aspirational Consumer Target / Association of Corporate Treasurers / Advance Corporation Tax", "AD" : "Annual Demand / Area Director", "ADC" : "Average Daily Consumption", "ADH" : "Adhesive (WMS)", "Admoist" : "Conditioner", "ADR" : "American Depository Receipts", "ADS" : "Average Daily Sales", "Ad-valorem" : "Ad-valorem / Type of tobacco taxation typically calculated on the value of cigarettes sold", "AED" : "Arab Emirates Dirham", "AER" : "Annual Equivalent Rate", "Aerosort" : "Sorter", "AF" : "Air Frieght", "AFAIRP" : "As Far As Is Reasonably Practical / Possible", "AFS" : "Approval for service", "AG" : "Arabian Gulf", "AGD" : "Atlantic Grocery Distributors", "AGM" : "Annual General Meeting", "AGV" : "Automated Guided Vehicle / Automated Guided Vehicule", "AI" : "Artificial Intelligence", "AIA" : "Attract-Interact-Act", "AIC" : "Intra community acquisitions", "AIR" : "Activity Impact Ratio / Average Issue Readership", "Air lift" : "Air lift", "Air-cured tobacco" : "Air-cured tobacco", "Air-curing" : "Air-curing", "AIT" : "Anti Illicit Trade", "AL" : "Air lift", "ALC" : "Asian Labour Camp", "ALPS" : "Area Leaf Planning System", "ALT" : "Area Leadership Team", "Alufoil" : "Aluminium Foil", "AM" : "Area Manager / Audit Memo / Autonomous Maintenance", "Ambassador" : "See Amplifier", "AME" : "Achieving Marketing Excellence database / Africa / Middle East (Region) / Americas & Europe Region / Africa Middle East (region)", "Ameliorants" : "Additives - usually acids and alkalis - which are added to particularly harsh grades of blends of tobaccos to balance the taste o the smoke.", "AMGP" : "Additives and Material Guidance Panel (see PSC) / Additives and Material Guidance Panel", "AMO" : "Average Module Output / Average Module Output", "AMPAC" : "America-Pacific (region) / America Pacific (previous region name, now included in 'The Americas' region) / America Pacific (previous region name now included in 'The Americas' region)", "Amplifier" : "People who are considered 'role models' in the target group of a particular brand that advocates sales of the brand to others in the same target group.", "AMR" : "Americas", "AMS" : "Account Market Share", "AmSSA" : "Americas and Sub Saharan Africa", "ANP" : "Alternative Nicotine Products", "AO" : "Area Office", "AOL" : "Adult Only Location", "AOP" : "Adverse Outcome Pathway", "AP" : "Accounts Payable", "APFO" : "Adjusted Profit from Operations", "APM" : "Attribute Process Matrix", "APME" : "Asia Pacific and Middle East Region", "APMEA" : "Asia Pacific / Middle East Region", "APO" : "Advanced Planner / Optimizer (SAP) / Advanced Planner / Optimizer / Advanced Planner / Optimiser", "APR" : "Annual Performance Review / Annual Performance Review (identification of past issues)", "APS" : "Adavnced Planning Systems / Advanced Planning Systems / Air Product Separator / Annual Planning System / Advanced Planning System", "APSCSC" : "Asia Pacific Supply Chain Service Centre", "APT" : "Account Planning Tool", "APV" : "Accounts Payable Vouchers / Accounts Payable Voucher", "AQL" : "Acceptance Quality Limit / Acceptance Quality Limits", "AR" : "Accounts Receivable / Account Representative / Angst Ridden", "AR51" : "Nobleza Piccardo SACIyF", "ARF" : "Activity Recommendation Form", "ARRL" : "Adult Retail Restricted Location", "AS" : "Ageing Study", "ASH" : "Action on Smoking / Health / Action on Smoking Health / Action on Smoking and Health", "ASI" : "Account Strategic Importance", "ASM" : "Area Sales Manager / Area Senior Manager", "ASMO" : "Area Sales / Marketing Office", "ASN" : "Advanced Ship Notice", "ASO" : "Adult Smokers Over", "ASP" : "Application Service Provider / Aspirational Premium", "ASPAC" : "Asia Pacific Region / Asia Pacific (region) / Asia Pacific (region)", "ASR" : "Annual Salary Review", "ASTM" : "American Society of Testing and Materials", "ASU" : "Adult Smokers Under", "ASU 30" : "Adult Smoker Under 30 years old", "ASU30" : "Adult smokers under 30 / Adult Smoker Under 30 years old", "AT" : "Account teams / Account teams", "ATC" : "Advanced Technologies Cambridge", "ATD" : "Anti Tampering Device", "ATIF" : "Any Time In Full", "ATL" : "Above The Line (traditional media advertising term) / Above the Line (traditional media advertising)", "ATP" : "Availability to Promise", "ATS" : "Adult Tobacco Shoppers", "ATSM" : "Adult Tobacco Shopper Marketing / Adult Tobacco Shoppers Marketing", "Attemporation" : "Attemporation", "ATTL" : "Advanced Tereasury Technologies Ltd.", "AU70" : "Australia Factory", "AUC" : "Assets under Construction", "AUD" : "Australian Dollar", "Autofeeder" : "Autofeeder", "Automation" : "Automation", "AV" : "Ad Valorem / Availability / Ad-valorem", "AVG" : "Average", "AW" : "Active Data Warehouse", "AWAP" : "Above Weighted Average Premium (du Maurier) / Above Weighted Average Price", "AWR" : "Average # cartons ordered per week", "BorH" : "Benson / Hedges", "BorT" : "Brand / Trade", "B2B" : "Business to Business", "B2C" : "Business to Consumer", "B2E" : "Business to Employee", "BA" : "Brand Architecture -Brand guidelines that defines the look / feel / Business Analyst", "Back Margin" : "Back Margin", "BADI" : "Business Add In", "BAM" : "Business Area Manager", "BARQA" : "British Association for Research Quality Assurance", "BAS" : "Brand Attributes Survey", "Baseline" : "To calculate the incidence", "BASS" : "British American Shared Services / Bristish American Shared Services", "BASSE" : "British American Shared Service Europe", "BAT" : "British American Tobacco / British American Tobacco", "BAT ME" : "BAT Middle East", "BATA" : "British American Tobacco Australasia", "BATB" : "British American Tobacco Bangladesh", "BATCA" : "British American Tobacco Central America", "BATCAP" : "BAT Capital Corporation", "BATES" : "Advertising Agency", "BATICS" : "British American Tobacco Inter Company Settlement", "BatMark" : "Trademark Department", "BATProbe" : "General consumer survey GCS analysis tool", "BATPS" : "British American Tobacco Pension Scheme", "BATUKE" : "BAT (UK / Export) Ltd", "BAU" : "Business As Usual / Business As Usual", "BBOA" : "Best Bet Option Analysis", "BC" : " Business Case / Base Condition", "BCC" : "Board Compensation Committee / Broad Compensation Committee", "BCM" : "Business Continuity Management / Business Continuity Management / Business Change Manager", "BCOT" : "Blend Coordination Team", "BCP" : "Business Continuity Planning / Business Continuity Plan / Planning / Business Contingency Plan", "BCT" : "Business Control Teams / Business Controls Team", "BD" : "Bobbin Depalletizer", "BD01" : "Bangladesh - Dhaka Factory", "BDD" : "Business Development Department", "BDE" : "Breakdown Elimination", "BDI" : "Brand development index", "BDR" : "Brand Director Review / Business Development Review", "BE" : "Bevel Edge(Pack Format) / Bulls Eye", "BEC" : "Basic Equipment Conditions:", "Beetle trap" : "These are traps designed to catch tobacco beetles", "BEG" : "Brand Enforcement Group (Vendor Group)", "BEL" : "Business Excellence for Leaders", "BES" : "Brand Excellence Series / Brand Excellence Series Best Practice A procedure / method recommended by the Tobacco Management Board", "BEST" : "Business Enablers Survey Tool / Belgian Engineering Sortation Technique", "Best Practice" : "A procedure / Method recommended by the Tobacco Management Board", "BFL" : "Breakdown Function Loss", "BFR" : "Breakdown Function Reduction", "BHAG" : "Big Hairy Audacious Goal", "BI" : "Business Intellegence", "BIA" : "Business Impact Analysis", "BIB" : "Blend In a Box", "BIM" : "Brand Image Mapping / Brand Image Mapping / Business Implementation Manager", "Blank" : "WMS - Blank", "BLM" : "Brand Launch Modification / Brand Launch / Modification", "BLT" : "BATCCA Leadership Team", "BM" : "Brand Manager / Bench Mark", "BMF" : "Brand Modification Form", "BMG" : "Brand Management Group", "BMP" : "Brand Marketing Planning", "BMTA" : "British Measurement Testing Association", "bn" : "Billion, e.g. 1.3 bn sticks (Brand Status Report) / Billion", "BO" : "Business Objects", "BOB" : "Back of Bar", "BOB-ME" : "Bobbin Loader", "BOC" : "Business Optimisation Centre", "BOD" : "Bill Of Distribution", "BOL" : "Bill Of Lading / Bill Of Lending", "BOM" : "Bill of Material / Bill of Material / Bill Of Materials", "Bonded" : "Finished goods (FG) stock held before excise is paid", "BOSS" : "Business and Operational Systems Steering Group / Business and Operational System Steering Group", "BOT" : "Board Outer (WMS)", "BP" : "Bigpack", "BPC" : "Business Planning / Consolidation", "BPCOE" : "Business Process Centre of Excelence / Business Process Centre of Excellence", "BPCS" : "Business Planning / Control System (Integrated AS400 computer system)", "BPF" : "Brand Project Forum", "BPI" : "Business Process Improvement", "BPK" : "Board Pack (WMS)", "BPM" : "Business Project Management", "BPO" : "Business Process Outsourcing", "BPPQ" : "Brand, Price, Product, Quality / Brand Price Product Quality", "BPR" : "Business Process Re-engineering / Business Performance Review", "BPT" : "Branded Product Testing", "BPTI" : "Brand Product Testing with Innovation", "BPTO" : "Brand Price Trade-Off / Brand Price Trade – Off", "BR" : "Business Release", "BRAA" : "Brazil - Cachoeirinha Factory", "BRAD" : "Brazil - Uberlândia Factory", "BrAmToCo" : "British American Tobacco Company", "Brand Pillars" : "One of the core elements that comprise the marketing mix of the 21st century for a particular brand- for example: PR, Packaging / New Media are all separate brand pillars several projects can be initiated in each of these pillars.", "Brand Price Guidelines" : "The ideal price gaps between each brands.", "BrandPriceGuidelines" : "The ideal price gaps between each brands.", "BRD" : "Business Requirent Document", "BRIC" : "Brazil, Republic of South Africa, India, China / Brazil Republic of South Africa India China", "BritAm" : "The name of the proprietary type face designed specially for BAT / The name of the proprietary typeface designed specifically for the British American Tobacco logotype in our corporate signature", "BRM" : "Budget Review Meeting", "BRR" : "Business Risk Register", "BS" : "Burley Strips / Bond Street / Balance Sheet", "BSE" : "Brand Support Expenditure / Brand Support Expenditures", "BSL" : "Bond Street Lights (brand) / Bond Street Lights", "BSS" : "Brand Strength Score", "BSU" : "Business Service Unit / Business Services Unit / Business Support Unit", "BT" : "Business Technology / British Telecoms", "BTC" : "BAT Technology Center / British American Tobacco Technology Centre / British American Tobacco Technology Centre", "BTE" : "Brand Trade Expenditure", "BTIF" : "Before Time In Full", "BTL" : " promotion) / Below the Line (traditional merchandising / Below The-Line (traditional merchandising / promotions)", "BU" : "Business Unit", "Bulk" : "Bulk", "Bulking" : "Bulking", "BUM" : "Business Unit Manager", "BUoM" : "Based Unit of Measure", "Burrus" : "Carton", "BVA" : "Best Value Analysis", "BVS" : "Brand Value Segmentation / Brand Values Segmentation / Brand Value Segment", "BW" : "Business Warehouse", "BWAP" : "Below Weighted Average Premium / Below Weighted Average Product / Below Weighted Average Price", "BY" : "Burley", "C + C" : "Cash + Carry", "CorC" : "Cleaning / Classifying", "CorD" : "Connect / Develop", "CorF" : "Casing / Flavours", "CorG" : "Convenience / Gas", "CorIS" : "Control and Information System", "CorL" : "Classification / Labelling", "CorPCR" : "Complexity / Product Cost Reduction", "C+1" : "Current cycle plus one (i.e. following planning cycle)", "C2P" : "Conformance to Plan", "C2S" : "Conformance to Schedule", "CA" : "Camel (brand) / Camel", "CAB" : "Change Advisory Board", "CAB1CAB2andCAB3" : "Types of changes in Information systems and applications", "CAC" : "Corporate Audit Committee", "CAD" : "Computer Aided Design / Cash Against Documents", "CAF" : "Cour d'Appel Fédérale", "CAGR" : "Compound Annual Growth Rate / Compound Annual Growth Rate", "CAL" : "Camel Lights (brand) / Camel Lights", "CAM" : "Central America", "CAMH" : "Centre for addiction and Mental Health", "Cannibalization Effect" : "price change that comes directly from other ITCAN products / The proportion of volume added due to product", "CAO" : "Computer Assisted Ordering", "CAP" : "Channel Account Profitability / Customer Account Profitability / Conformity Assessment Process", "CAP1" : "Conformity Assessment Process", "CAPA" : "Corrective and preventive action", "CAPEX" : "Capital Expenditure / Capital Expenditure - the investment / purchase of an asset", "CAPI" : "Computer Assisted Personal Interviews", "CAR" : "Caribbean", "CARICOM" : "Caribbean Community Regional Integration", "Carton" : "The unit of measure for holding packs (otherwise termed 'outer')", "Cash make cost" : "Cash make cost", "Casings" : "Casings", "CASN" : "Chemical Abstract Service Number", "Castings" : "Processing terminology", "Category" : "The segment of the tobacco market / the tobacco category within the retail environment", "Category Management" : "A distributor-supplier process of managing categories as strategic business units, producing enhanced business results by focusing on delivering consumer value.", "CATI" : "Computer Assisted Telephone Interview", "CATMAN" : "Category Management", "CBA" : "Cost Benefit Analysis / Current Best Approach", "CBC" : "Choice Base Conjoint", "CBI" : "Competency-Based Interviews", "CBM" : "Condition Based Maintenance", "CBN" : "Compelling Business Need (IWS)", "CBPR" : "Checklist Based Project Review", "CBR" : "Central Bank Rate", "CBU" : "Commercial Business Unit", "CC" : "Consumer Companion", "cc/g" : "Cubic Centimeters / Gramme", "CCB" : "Change Control Board", "CCC" : "Common Communication Code", "CCM" : "Continuous Control Monitoring", "CCR" : "Consumer Companion Representant", "CCSA" : "Canadian Convenient Store Association", "CCT" : "Cut Tobacco at brought in cost / Consumer Concept test", "CD" : "Consumer Dialogue (old name - now BAT Way of Marketing) / Consumer Dialogue / Cross Docking", "CDorI" : "Consumer Dialogue / Insight", "CDC" : "Consumer Dialogue Capability / Consumer Dialogue Capability", "CDE" : "Customer Defect Elimination", "CDF" : "Consumer Disposition Funnel / Canadian Duty Free", "CDF/RDF" : "Consumer / Retailer Disposition Matrix", "CDI" : "Commodity development index", "CDM" : "Career Development Meeting", "CDMP" : "Consumer Dialogue Media Planning", "CDR" : "Consumer Dialogue through Retail", "CE" : "Cost Element", "CEA" : "Cost Element Accounting", "Centre" : "Colloquial term for Globe House", "CEO" : "Chief Executive Officer", "CEP" : "Consumer Engagement Programme", "CEQ" : "Cigarette Equivalence, sticks, 200 in a carton / Cigarette Equivalence sticks 200 in a carton", "CES" : "Competitive Edge Series", "CF" : "Cashflow", "CFC" : "Controlled Foreign Companies", "CFD" : "Computational Fluid Dynamics", "CFG" : " Cross Functional Group / Customer Focus Group", "CFMP" : "Consumer Focused Marketing Plan", "CFO" : "Chief Financial Officer", "CFR" : "CFR (Customer Service) Customer Failure Report / Cumulative Failure Rate", "CFT" : "Customer Facing Team", "CGI" : "Computer Generated Image", "CGP" : "Canada Growth Plan", "CGU" : "Cash-generating unit", "CH12" : "BAT CH - Boncourt Factory", "Channel Development Index" : "Compares the importance of a channel to brand / manufacturer sales to the importance of that same channel to category sales", "Channel Importance" : "The percentage of sales a specific channel represents to the total market", "CHK " : "Checker", "CI" : "Continuous Improvement / Continuous Improvement / Coperate Identity / Continual Improvement / Corporate Identity", "CIA" : "Change Impact Assessment", "CIC" : "Capex Investment Committee / Continuous Improvement Coach", "CIES" : "Centre International des Entreprises de Secteur Alimentaire (The Food Business Forum) / Centre International des Enterprises de Secteur Alimentaire (The Food Business Forum)", "CIF" : "Cost, Insurance and Freight (shipping term)", "CIF+MSF" : "Cost Insurance Freight + Market Support Funds", "CIGMAR" : "Cigarette Market (Group Marketing Information System) / Cigarette Market (Group Marketing Information System) / Cigarrette Market (Group Marketing Information System)", "CIL" : "Clean, Inspect, Lubricate / Continuous Improvement Lead", "CINCT" : "Caucasus, Israel, Northern Cyprus and Turkey", "CINTC" : "Caucasus, Israelm northern Cyprus and Turkey", "CIS" : "Central Information System", "CIT" : "Cash in Transit", "CKB" : "Competitor Knowledge Base", "CL" : "Cut Lamina / Cut Lamina / Centerline Management (e.g. Visual controls of settings, deviation checks vs sticker tags (rapid audit))", "CL03" : "BAT Chile Operaciones S.A. - Casablanca", "Classification" : "Classification is the grouping of outlets in terms of various criteria", "CLD" : "Cased Leaf Drier (Tobacco process) / Central Legal Department / Cased Leaf Drier (Tobacco process)", "CLT" : "Canadian Leadership Team", "CM" : "Case Management / Country Manager / Change Management / Case", "CMA" : "Census Metropolitan Area", "CMB" : "Centrally Managed Brands", "CME" : "Colin Mear Engineering", "CMIB" : "Centrally-Managed International Brand", "CMMS" : "Computerized Maintenance Management System", "CMR" : "Convention relative au contrat de transport international de Marchandise par Route", "CN" : "Control Navigator", "CNC" : "Compute Numerical Control / Computer Numerical Control", "CNP" : "Consumer National Promotion", "CNTC" : "China National Tobacco Co", "CO" : "Change Over / Convenience organised", "CoA" : "Certificate of Analysis", "COB" : "Close of Business", "COC" : "Cigarette Overhead Conveyor / Cigarette Overhead Conveyor", "CoCo" : "Consumer Complaints / Corporately Owned Corporately Operated / Customer Complaint", "COD " : "Code destroyer ", "CODO" : "Corporately Owned Dealer Operated", "COE" : "Centre of Expertise / Center (/ Communities) of Expertise", "CoEs" : "Centres of Excellence", "COG " : "Code Generator", "Cogr" : "Convenience / Grocery", "COI" : "Compounds of Interest", "COL" : "Cost of Living", "COLA" : "Cost of Living Adjustment", "Comas" : "Supplier", "COMIECO" : "Council of Ministers for Economic Integration", "Common platform" : "Common platform / A compulsory procedure", "Communicative name" : "Communicative name", "CONR" : "Constant Rate", "Consumer Dialogue Marketing" : "The way of doing business by building a mutual, beneficial relationship with our consumer franchise through a closed loop of listening, learning and responding.", "Consumer Engagement" : "Interacting with consumer by engaging in the brand world and creating a dialogue. It is an 'emotional' exposure, a contact opportunity which creates a quantifiable, positive action / emotion from the consumer towards the brand.", "Consumer Off-Take" : "Consumer Off-Take", "Consumer Price Turnover" : "Consumer Price Turnover", "Consumer Spaces" : "New Status, Connect, Luxury, Perform, Eco Local, Reduced Impact, My Taste, Crafted Taste, Price, Product Integrity", "Consumer Studies" : "Consumer Studies", "ConsumerSpaces" : "New Status Connect Luxury Perform Eco Local Reduced Impact \My\ Taste \Crafted\ Taste Price Product Integrity", "Convergence" : "Standardising information and processes.", "COO" : "Country Of Origin / Country Of Origin / Chief Operating Officer / Cost of Ownership / Country Of Origin / Cost Of Ownership", "COP" : "Conference of Parties / Conference of the Parties", "COPA" : "Controlling Profitability Analysis", "COPlan" : "BAT Company Plan / Volume we believe we're going to make, ship, profit, etc. / Company plan / Volume we believe we're going to make ship profit etc.", "Coplan" : "Company plan", "CORA" : "Corporate & Regulatory Affairs department / Corporate & Regulatory Affairs department / Corporate & Regulatory Affairs", "CORESTA" : "Co-operation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco / Co-operation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco / Co-operation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tabacco", "Cork Tipping" : "Color and frame that goes around the filter", "Corporate Definition" : "ITCAN, RBH, JTI / Non-CTMC (to be used ONLY when looking at regular brand)", "Corporate signature" : "The fixed configuration of the British American Tobacco symbol and logotype", "CorporateDefinition" : "ITCAN RBH JTI / Non-CTMC (to be used ONLY when looking at regular brand)", "COS" : "Cost of Sales / COST OF SALE / COST OF SALE", "COSO" : "The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission", "CP" : "Process Capability / Cycle Plan / Cycle Plan / Capability of process / Cigarette Paper / Capability of Process", "CPC" : "Common Planning Calendar", "CPD" : "Consumption Per Day: provides percentages per bracket (ex: 1-5, 6-10, 11-15) / Combustible Product Discovery / Consumption Per Day: provides percentages per bracket (ex: 1-5 6-10 11-15)", "CPDR" : "Cycle Plan / Demand Review", "CPE" : "Critical Process Equipment / Element", "CPFR" : "Collaborative Planning, Forecasting / Replenishment", "CPG" : "Consumer Packaged Goods", "CPI" : " Consumer Price Index / Cuts per inch (30 cpi for lamina 120-160 cpi for stem) / Consumer Price Index / Cut Per Inch (Tobacco)", "CPK" : "Process Capability index / Process Capability index", "CPLT" : "Central Product Leadership Team", "CPM" : "Cycle Planning Meeting / Consumer Product Manager / Cigarettes Per Minute / Cigarettes Per Minute / Cycle Plan Meeting", "CPMH" : "Cigarettes Per Man Hour", "CPOM" : "Cycle Planning Operations Meeting", "CPP" : "Consumer Promotion Program / Critical Process Parameters", "CPQE" : "Consumer Physical Quality Evaluation / Cigarette Physical Quality Evaluation", "CPS" : "Consumer Product Strategy / Consumer Product Safety / Crown Prosecution Service", "CPT" : "Consumer Product Testing / Consumer Product Test", "CPTO" : "Consumer Price Turn Over", "CQA" : "Critical Quality Attributes", "CQMS" : "Corporate Quality Management System", "CQV" : "Commission, Qualify, Verify (Commissioning, Qualification, Verification)", "CR" : "Change Request / Customer Relationship / Collaborative Replenishment / Comp. Ratio / Change Request / Change Request / Cost Rank", "CRA" : "Change Readiness Assessment / Customer Relationship Amplifier", "CRCM" : "Canada Retails Classification Model", "CREW" : "CReW - Change Request Exception Waiver", "CRI" : "Consumer Relevant Innovation", "CRM" : "Customer Relationship Management", "CROSQ" : "CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards / Quality", "CRP" : "Continuous Replenishment Programme", "CRS" : "Cut Rolled Stem (tobacco) / Cut Rolled Stem", "CRT" : "Cut Rag / Cut Rag Tobacco", "CS" : "Contestible Space / Cut stem / Cut Stem / Current State", "CS3" : "An ERP system, now provided by Sage, which supports some of our smaller markets.", "CSF" : "Critical Success Factors", "CSI" : "Corporate social investment / Corporate social investment / Corporate Social Investment / Consumer Satisfaction Index", "CSL" : "Controlled Strand Length", "CSM" : "Customer Satisfaction Measurement", "CSP" : "Cluster Strategy Process", "CSQA" : "Commodity Specification and Quality Agreement / Comodity Specification / Quality Agreement / Commodity Specification / Quality Agreement", "CSR" : "Corporate Social Responsibility / Chgemical Safety Report", "CST" : "Cluster Strategy Team", "CSU" : "Computer Services Unit", "CT" : "Central Treasury", "CTA" : "Contribution to Admin", "CTB" : "Consolidated Trial Balance", "CTP" : "Capable-to-Promise (CTP)", "KSB1" : "SAP tCode", "KSB2" : "SAP tCode", "CJI3" : "SAP tCode", "CJI5" : "SAP tCode", "MB5LN" : "SAP tCode", "ZXLN" : "SAP tCode", "KE30" : "SAP tCode", "CTS" : "Cut Tobacco Store", "CU" : "Capacity Utilization", "CUCO" : "Consumer Complaint", "CUP" : "Compliant User Provisioning", "Customer" : "Retailer", "CV" : "Control Value / Control Valve", "CVC" : "Characteristic Value Combinations", "CY" : "Current year", "DorA" : "Data / Analytics", "DorD" : "Damaged / Destroyed / Design / Destroyed", "DorI" : "Diversity / Inclusion / Distribution / inventory (IPT) / Diversity and Inclusion", "DorM2AC" : "Design and make to a cost", "DorO" : "Director / Officers", "DorS" : "Design / Specify", "D2C" : "Direct-2-Consumers / Direct to Consumer", "DAC" : "Dark air cured / Dark air cured / Daily Average Consumption", "Dark Market" : "Regulation enforcing the coverage of all cigarette backwalls", "DB" : "Defined Benefit / Display Ban", "DB Agencies" : "Database Agencies", "DBNR" : "Days Before Next Run", "DBS" : "Digital Business Solutions", "DC" : "Double Capsules / Demanding Critic / Distribution Centre / Data Centre / Defined Contribution(Pension) / Defined Contribution / Data Centre / Distribution Centre", "DCC" : "Direct Cylinder Conditioning / Direct Cylinder Conditioning and Casing", "DCCC" : "Direct Cylinder Conditionning and Casing / Direct Conditioning / Casing Cylinder / Also known as DC3, Director Cylinder Conditionning and Casing / Also known as DC3, Director Cylinder Conditioning and Casing", "DCF" : "Discounted Cash Flow", "DCTA" : "Digital coding and Tracking Association", "DD" : "Doubtful Debts", "DD1" : "Down-Day", "DDC" : "Distributor Distribution Centre / Distributor Distribution Center", "DDG" : "Device Development Guideline", "DDP" : "Delivery Duty Paid", "DDS" : "Daily Direction Setting", "DDU" : "Delivery Duty Unpaid", "DE" : "Design effectiveness", "DE27" : "DE Bayreuth", "Declink" : "Massflow Conveyor", "Deep Blue" : "Pricing Model determing brand elasticities / cross elasticities", "DeepBlue" : "Pricing Model determining brand elasticities / cross elasticities", "DEER" : "Directly Extruded Expanded Recon / Directly Expanded Extruded Reconstituted (tobacco) / Directly Expanded Extruded", "DEI" : "Diversity Equity Inclusion", "Deletions" : "Short shipments", "Delphi" : "Reclaimer", "Demand Planning" : "Forecast at a granular level based on brand and variant volumes", "Demand Replenishment Planning" : "Developed after Demand Planning, determining the required product amount from Mexico", "Demand Variables" : "Incidence, Average Daily Usage, Population", "DemandReplenishmentPlanning" : "Developed after Demand Planning determining the required product amount from Mexico", "DemandVariables" : "Incidence Average Daily Usage Population", "DES" : "Distribution Edge Series / Distribution Edge Series", "DEX" : "Direct Exchange", "DEX-UCS" : "Direct Exchange UCS", "DF" : "Demand Forecasting", "DFA" : "Demand Forecast Accuracy / Design for Assembly", "DfM" : "Design for Manufacture / Design for Manufacture", "DFMEA" : "Design Failure Modes Effects and Analysis", "DFSS" : "Designed For Six Sigma", "DFX" : "Duty Free Export", "DG" : "Deployment Group / Discussion Guide", "DG5" : "Deployment Group 5", "DH" : "Defect Handling (IWS terminology)", "DI" : "Data Integrity", "Di-ad's" : "Dual In-Depth Interviews", "DICE" : "DICE Chart", "DIET" : "Processing Term / Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco", "DIP" : "Diversified International Product", "DKS" : "Dunhill King Size (brand) / Dunhill King Size", "DM" : "Data Management / District Manager", "DM2C" : "Design / Make to a Cost", "DME" : "Distance to Mouth End", "DMM" : "Distributor Management Manual", "DMR" : "Deployment Metrics Review", "DMS" : "Daily Management System", "DNP" : "Duty Not Paid / Duty Not Paid", "DNP\DPP" : " Duty Partly Paid(DPP)", "DO" : "Distribution Outlets", "DoA" : "Delegation of Authorities", "DODO" : "Dealer Owned Dealer Operated", "DOL" : "Daily Overdraft Limit", "DOM" : "Demand Operations Manager", "DOR" : "Do On the Run", "DP" : "Duty Paid / Design Prototype / Development Product (a sub phase in Develop)", "DPP" : "Direct Product Profitability / Duty Partly Paid", "DQ" : "Data Quality", "DQC" : "Data Quality Check / Data Quality Checks (Data extracted from a specific dataset) / Data Quality Checks (Data extracted from a specific dataset)", "DR" : "Distribution Representative / Distribution Representative / Disaster Recovery / Disaster Recovery", "DRBU" : "Direct Reporting Business Unit / Direct Reporting Business Unit", "DRF" : "Dust Recovery Filter / Dynamic Retention Feature / Dust Recovery Fans", "DRG" : "Design Reference Group", "Drill down" : "Brand Communication implemented at SQ level that is reflected in HQ and NQ.", "DRIP" : "Dividend Re-investment Programme", "DRM" : "Demand Review Meeting", "DRP" : "Distribution Resource Planning / Disaster Recovery Programme / Distributions Requirement Planning / Disaster Recovery Programme / Distribution Resource Planning / Disaster Recovery Programme / Distribution Resource Planning", "DRWO" : "Designing Risk / Waste Out", "DS" : "Demi Slim / Demi Slims", "DSA" : "Daily Sales Average", "DSBS" : "Deferred Share Benefit Scheme", "DSD" : "Direct Store Delivery / Direct Sales Distribution / Direct to Store Delivery", "DSM" : "Demand Supply Meeting", "DSS" : "Direct Store Sales / Direct Service Sales / Direct Store Sales (preferred route to market model)", "DT" : "Down Time", "DTI" : "Department of Trade and Industry / Duty Transit Insurance / Down Time Indicator", "DTR" : "Double Tax Relief", "DTS" : "Digital Tax Stamps", "DTV" : "Digital Tax Verification", "du Maurier" : "Consumer brand", "duM" : "du Maurier", "DV" : "Digital Verification", "DWB" : "Dry Weight Basis", "DX" : "Distribution Excellence / Distribution Excellence", "Dye Print" : "Tipping design printed at the factory", "DZ01" : "Oran Factory", "E2E" : "End to End / End to End", "E2E PM" : "End to End Product Manager (overall RorD responsibility of project, works closely with the PPM)", "EAI" : "Enterprise Applications Integration", "EAM" : "Effective Area Management", "EAN" : "European Article Numbering", "EAS" : "Enterprise Applications Strategy", "East (CS)" : "Remaining Quebec / Atlantic", "EBD" : "European Board of Directors", "EBF" : "Employees Benevolant Funds / Employees Benevolent Funds", "EBITDA" : "Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization", "EC" : "Employee Central / Electronic cigarettes", "ECA" : "European and Central Asia / European Competitor Analysis", "ECC" : "Enterprise (Resource Planning) Central Component", "ECGD" : "Export Credit Guarantee Department / Export Credit Guarantee Departement", "ECLT" : "Foundation Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing Foundation", "ECLT Foundation" : "Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco Growing Foundation", "ECP" : "Euro Commercial Paper", "ECR" : "Efficient Consumer Response", "ECRS" : "Eliminate Combine Reduce / Reorder Simplify", "EDC" : "European Data Centre / European Data Center", "EDI" : "Electronic Data Interchange", "EDLC" : "Every Day Low Cost", "EDLP" : "Every Day Low Prices / Every Day Low Price", "EDM" : "Executive Directors' Meeting / Enterprise Data Model", "EDP" : "Electronic Data Processing", "EE" : "Enthusiastic Experimenter / Exceed Expectations", "EEAME" : "Eastern Europe, Africa / Middle East", "EEC" : "European Employee Council", "EELT" : "East European Leadership Team", "EEMEA" : "Eastern Europe Middle East and Africa", "EFM" : "Export Finance Manager", "EFO" : "End Fall-Out", "EFT" : "Electronic Fund Transfer / Expansion Flexible Terms", "EFTL" : "European Finance Leadership Team", "EFTPos" : "Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sale", "EHorS" : "Environmenal, Health and Safety / Environment, Health and Safety / Environmental, Health and Safety / Environmental Health / Safety", "EHS" : "Environmental Health / Safety Department", "EIR" : "Effective Interest Rate", "EISP" : "Enterprise Infrastructure and Services Programme", "Elasticity" : "Annual analysis", "ELPc" : "Extra low price cigarettes", "ELT" : "Extended Leadership Team", "EM" : "End-Market / End Market / Environment Management / End Market / Environment Management", "EMDM" : "European Master Data Management", "EMEA" : "Europe, Middle East and Africa / Europe Middle East Africa region", "EMF" : "Effective market focus / Effective Meeting Focus – old definition replaced with SorOP / Effective Marketing Focus", "EMF II" : "Effective market focus", "EMIS" : "European Mathematical Information Service", "EMLT" : "European Marketing Leadership Team", "EMO" : "External Manufacturing Organization", "EMON" : "Emonitor", "EMSP" : "End Market Strategic Plan", "EMTT" : "Endmarket Top Team", "ENA" : "Europe and North Africa", "ENDS" : "Electronic nicotine delivery systems", "ENNDS" : "Electronic non-nicotine delivery systems", "ENT" : "Enterprise Management (IWS Pillar)", "EO" : "Equipment Owner / ship", "EOB" : "End of Business Day", "EOD" : "End of the day", "EOM" : "Enterprise Operating Model", "EOQ" : "Economic Order Quantities", "EOS" : "Exchange Of Sale", "EOSB" : "End of Service Benefits", "EP" : "Electrostatic Perforation", "EPAP" : "Experimental Product Advisory Panel", "E-PDC" : "European Product Development Committee", "EPF" : "Economic Production Frequency", "EPIC" : "Enhanced Productivity in the Cloud", "EPO" : "Enterprise Programme Office", "EPoS" : "Electronic Point of Sales", "EPP" : "European Productivity Portfolio", "EPPE" : "Export Production Planning Executive", "EPPM" : "European Productivity Portfolio Manage", "EPR" : "Effective Problem Resolution", "EPS" : "Earnings Per Share", "EQUATA" : "Combustible Quality system (visuals)", "ER" : "Expert Review", "ERM" : "Enterprise Role Management / Exchange Rate Mechanism", "ERP" : "Enterprise Resourcing Planning / Enterprise Resource Planning", "ERTS" : "Enhanced Remote Planning Shed / Enhansed Remote Planning Shed", "ESG" : "Environmental, Social / Governance / Environmental, Social / Corporate Governance", "esh" : "Extended Scheduling Horizon", "ESOP" : "Employee Stock Ownership Plan", "ESOS" : "Executive Share Option Scheme", "ESRO" : "Employees Savings Related Options", "ESSC" : "External Secondary Supply Chain", "ET" : "Expanded Tobacco / Executrac / Expanded Tobacco / Executrac", "Ethnic Origin" : "The ethnic / cultural origin of your ancestors for people born outside of Canada", "ETI" : "BAT Acquisition", "ETLS" : "ECOWAS Trade Liberalisational Scheme / ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme", "ETR" : "Effective Tax Rate", "ETS" : "Environmental Tobacco Smoke", "EU" : "Euopean Union / European Union", "EUCA" : "EU Cooperation Agreement with BAT on illicit trade / European Union Co-operation Agreement", "EUP" : "End User Procedure", "EVA" : "Economic Value Added", "EVP" : "Employer Value Proposition / Employee Value Proposition", "EWC" : "Expected Week of Confinement", "EWP" : "Engineering Work Process", "ExCo" : "Executive Committee", "Expat" : "Expatriate", "Expat Arabs" : "Expatriate Arabs", "Exploratory" : "Generally first steps to examine potential research / product developments", "EY" : "Ernst / Young", "ForS" : "Flavour / Sensation / Freshness / stimulation / Flavour / Style", "ForSV" : "Fixed and Semi Variable Expenses", "F2F" : "Face to Face", "F2S" : "Forecast to Stock", "FA" : "Fixed Assets", "FAB" : "Filtered Adjustable Brown", "Fair Share" : "Expression of proportion to current market share at any level", "FAP" : "Finance Appreciation Programme", "FAQ" : "Frequently Asked Question(s)", "FAR" : "Fixed Assets Register", "FASO" : "Female Adult Smokers Over", "FASU" : "Female Adult Smokers Under", "FB" : "Fine Blend", "FBD" : "Fluidised Bed Dryer", "FBO" : "Fine Blends Only", "FC" : "Flue Cured / Forecast / Fine Cut", "FC8" : "Filter combiner 800", "FCC " : "FractureCode Corporation", "FCE" : "Functional Cluster Expert", "FCF" : "Free Cash Flow", "FCL" : "Full Container Load", "FCS" : "Financial Control System", "FCTC" : "Framework Convention of Tobacco Control / Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO international Treaty) / Framework Convention for Tobacco Control", "FCV" : "Flue Cured Virginia", "FD" : "Finance Director / Finance Director", "FDA" : "Food and Drug Administration", "FDD" : "Finance Director Delegate checklist", "FDI" : "Foreign Direct Investments / Foreign Direct Investment", "FDP" : "Finance Development Programme", "FEA" : "Finite Element Analysis", "Feedback" : "The process to offer insight on recent accomplishments and developments", "FEFO" : "First Expired First Out", "FEI" : "Front End Innovation", "FEM" : "Factory Engagement Meeting", "FEP" : "Finance Excellence Programme", "FET" : "Fire Embers Test", "FF" : "Full Flavour (Brand Status Report) / Field Force / Full Flavour / Field Force", "FFI" : "Fauna and Flora International", "FFP" : "Factory Foot Print / Fit for Purpose", "FFR" : "Forecast Fill Rate", "FG" : "Focus Group / Finished Goods / Focus Group", "FGA" : "Federation of Quebec Food Retailers", "FGL" : "Federation of Quebec Grocers Association", "FGS" : "Finished Good Stock / Finished Goods Sales / Finished Goods Sales", "FGV" : "Finished Goods Validation", "FHC" : "Financial Health Check", "FI" : "Focussed Improvement (IWS Pillar) / Filter", "Fibex" : "Fibre Extrusion / Fibre Extrusion", "FIFO" : "First In First Out", "Fill Rate" : " invoiced billed qty) / (deletions", "FillRate" : "Delivery percentage", "Filtromat" : "Filter Feeder", "FitA" : "Fit for Assembly", "FITM" : "Functional IT Manager / Fit for Manufacturing", "FitS" : "Fit for Shipment", "FJ01" : "Fiji Factory - Suva", "Flagship store" : "A retail store that engages target consumers into a brand world.", "Flavourings" : "Top dressings which are applied onto cut tobacco in small quantities towards the end of the primary process", "Flexport" : "Modules", "FLT" : "Finance Leadership Team / Fork Lift Truck", "FLTs" : "Functional Leadership Team", "Flue-curing" : "A curing process which uses a flue to transmit heat to leaf to dry it and promote chemical change", "FMC" : "Factory Manufactured Cigarettes, Fast Moving Combustibles, / Factory Manufactured Cigarettes / Factory Made Cigarettes / Full Market Coverage / Fast-Moving Consumer Goods / Factory Made / Manufactured Cigarettes", "FMCG" : "Fast Moving Consumer Goods / Fast Moving Consumer Goods (products that are sold quickly at relatively low cost)", "FMD" : "Filter Manufacturing Department / Final Manufacturing Unit", "FMEA" : "Failure Modes Effects and Analysis", "FMECA" : "Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis", "FMGC" : "Fast Moving Goods Companies", "FMV" : "Fair Market Value", "FN" : "First Nations", "FO" : "Field Objective", "FOB" : "Free On Board", "FOC" : "Free Of Charge stock / Fixed Order Cycles / Free Of Charge", "FOOD + DEPT" : "Food, grocery and department stores selling tobacco products", "FOQ" : "Fixed Order Quantity", "FoQus" : "Field Quality Standards", "FOR" : "Flavour on rod", "Foresight" : "Sales forecasting and supply chain system", "FOS" : "Front of Store", "FOT's" : "French Overseas Territories", "FP" : "Filling Power / Functional Protocol", "FPA" : "Field Performance Appraisal / Fundamental Performance Assessment", "FPD" : "Foreign Particle Detector", "FPG" : "Floor Price Gap", "FPI" : "Finished Product Inspection / Finished Product Inspection", "FPO" : "Full pass on", "FPS" : "Final Product Silo / Functional Performance Specification", "FR" : "Filter Rod (WMS)", "Franchise" : "Consumers that already smoke the selected product", "FRC" : "Financial Reporting Council", "FRD" : "Filter Rod Department", "FRE" : "Full Responsibility Estimates", "FS" : "Future State", "FSA" : "First three letters of a Postal Code", "FSC" : "Forest Stewardship Council", "FSD" : "Financial Service Desk", "FSLI" : "Financial Statements Line Items", "FSP" : "Forward Stock Planner / Frozen Selling Price / Functional Specification Plan", "FSS" : "Finance Shared Services", "FSSC" : "Financial Shared Service Centre", "FSV" : "Financial Statement Version", "FT" : "Filter Tow / Field Technician", "FTA" : "Filter Tip Attacher / Free Trade Agreement / Filter Tipo Attacher", "FTD" : "Feedback To Design", "FTE" : "Full Time Equivalent Employee / Full Time Equivalent / Employee", "FTO" : "Freedom To Operate", "FTSE" : "Financial Times Stock Exchange", "FTZ" : "Free Trade Zone", "FU" : "Follow-up", "FUTT" : "Trade Terms = active contracts being applied", "FV" : "Fill Value / Fill Value", "FW" : "Field Work", "FX" : "Financial Exchange", "FY" : "Full Year", "FYI" : "For Your Information", "FYR" : "Full Year Results", "GorIA" : "Growth / Innovation Agenda", "G1" : "Generation One", "G2" : "Grey advertising agency / Generation Two", "G2C" : "Global to Canada (price segment)", "G2G" : "Go to Go time", "GA" : "Gap Analysis", "GAAP" : "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles", "GAM" : "Group Accounting Manual", "GAMS" : "Glue Application Monitoring System", "GAP" : "Good Agricultural Practices", "GATT" : "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade", "GAV" : "Gross Added Value", "GB" : "Gauloises Blondes / Global Brands", "GB24" : "BAT (Corby) Limited", "GBE" : "Global Business Exchange", "GBL" : "Gauloises Blondes Legeres", "GBLT" : "Global Blending Leadership Team", "GBM" : "Group Brand Manager / Group Brand Manager", "GBP" : "Great Britain Pounds", "GBS" : "Global Business Services", "GBS HR" : "Global Business Service HR", "GBU" : "Global Business Unit", "GBV" : "Gross book value", "GBVS" : "Global Brand Values Segmentation, / Global Brand Values Segment (e.g. GBVS3)", "GCC" : "Gulf Cooperation Council", "GCEU" : "Global Customer Engagement Unit", "GCI" : "Global Commerce Initiative", "GCMI" : "Greece, Cyprus Malta / Israel", "GCoA" : "Group Chart of Accounts", "GCP" : "Good Clinical Practice", "GCS" : "General Consumer Survey", "GCS-S" : "General Consumer Survey for Segmentation", "GD" : "Italian cigarette machinery supplier", "GD X1" : "Soft cup packer", "GD X2" : "Hinge lid packer", "GD X2000" : "High speed HL packer", "GD X500" : "High speed SC packer", "GDB" : "Global Drive Brand / Global Drive Brands (KENT, Pall Mall, Lucky Strike, DUNHILLl – can also refer to Viceroy and Vogue if ‘GDB+2’) / Global Drive Brands", "GDB+2" : "Global Drive Brands +2", "GDDC" : "Global Device Development Center", "GDFP" : "Global Demand Forecasting Project", "GDP" : "Gross Domestic Product", "GDPR" : "General Data Protection Regulation", "GDSN" : "Global Data Synchronization Network", "GE" : "General Electric", "GeHOP" : "Geographic Head Of Procurement", "GENA" : "Global Enterprise Network Architecture / Global Entreprise Network Architecture", "Geo marketing" : "Tool that is used to help identify geographic areas populated with your target group.", "GES" : "General Electrical Safety", "GF" : "Green Filter", "GFC" : "Global Finished Goods Configuration", "GFDC" : "Global Filter Defect Catalog", "GFSS" : "Global Financial Shared Services", "GG" : "Global Graduates / Gross Group (Rothmans and Benson / Hedges volumes added to match Imperial)", "GGP" : "Global Graduate Programme", "GH" : "Globe House- The British American Tobacco headquarters / Globe House (The British American Tobacco headquarters)", "GHG" : "Green House Gas", "GHS" : "Globally Harmonised System", "GHW" : "Graphic Health Warnings / Graphic Health Warning / Government Health Warnings / Graphic", "GI" : "Goods Issued / Grocery Independent", "GIC" : "Government Investment Certification", "GIP" : "Global Integration Program / Global Integration Programme / Global Integration Plan", "GIPS" : "Group Intellectual Property Service", "GIR" : "Growth Incidence Rate", "GIT" : "Goods in Transit", "GIV" : "Gross Invoice Value", "GJ" : "Gigajoule", "GL" : "General Ledger", "GLD" : "General Labour Division", "GLM" : "Global Leadership Meeting", "Global CORE" : "A set of standard global processes and data which enables convergence, defined by authorised managers in Finance and Operations.", "GLOSS" : "Global Leaf Order Supply System", "GLP" : "Global Leaf Pool / Global Leaf Processing", "GLS" : "Good Laboratory System", "GLSU" : "General Ledger Spreadsheet Uploader", "GLT" : "Green Leaf Threshing", "GLTP" : "Green-Leaf-Threshing-Plant", "GLZ" : "Global Learning Zone", "GM" : "General Manager / GROSS MARGIN / GROSS MARGIN / Gross Margin", "GMA" : "Greater Montreal Area", "GMALT" : "Global Manufacturing Leadership Team", "GMAPP" : "Group Manual of Accounting Policies / Procedures / Group Manual of Accounting Policies and Procedures", "GMDM" : "Global Master Data Management", "GMES" : "Global Manufacturing Executive System", "GMI" : "General Market Initiative", "GMLT" : "Global Marketing Leadership Team / Global Marketing Leadership Team", "GMP" : "Good Manufacturing Practice", "GMS" : "General Market", "gnaa" : "Greater North America Area", "GNC" : "Global Naming Convention", "GO" : "Grocery Organised", "Go National" : "Performance rebate program based on volume", "Go Quebec" : "Limited performance rebate program based on objectives", "GOD" : "Global Operations Director", "GOLT" : "Global Operations Leadership Team", "GOM" : "Group Operating Model / Global Operating Model", "GOP" : "Gross Operating Profit", "GOT" : "Good Order Taking", "GOV-CHK" : "Government Checker", "GP" : "Glide Path / Growth Plan / Governance Protocol / Guiding Principles", "GPA" : "Global Process Audit", "GPC" : "Group Product Champion", "GPDC" : "Global Product Development Council", "GPE" : "Global Process Expert", "GPGP" : "Global Policies / Group Principles", "GPI" : "General Price Increase", "GPLT" : "Global Product Leadership Team", "GPMO" : "Global Programme Management Office", "GPO" : "Global Process Owner", "GPOC" : "Global Product Optimisation Council", "GPS" : "Global Process Standards / Global Product Specification / Global Product Stewardship", "GPSG" : "Global Product Steering Group", "GPtW" : "Great Place to Work", "GQD" : "Global Quality Directory", "GQLT" : "Global Quality Leadership Team", "GQT" : "Group Quality Team", "GR" : "Goods Received / Gross Revenue", "GRorD" : "Group Research / Development", "GRC" : "Governance, Risk / Compliance", "GRC PC" : "Governance Risk / Control – Process Control", "GRE" : "Global Retail Excellence", "GRMC" : "Global Risk Management Committee", "GRNI" : "Goods Received but not invoiced", "Gross Weight" : "Gross Weight", "GRP" : "Gross Rating Points", "GRRR" : "Global Ruthless Relentless Repeatability", "GRUE" : "Grow Unlock Export", "GSorI" : "Global Supply and Inventory", "GS1" : "Global Standards Organization", "GSC" : " Global Standards Council / Global Supply Chain / Global Standards Council / Global Supply Chain", "GSCS" : "Global Supply Chain Strategy", "GSCSC" : "Global Supply Chain Service Centre", "GSCSCLT" : "Global Supply Chain Service Centre Leadership Team", "GSD" : "Group Service Delivery / Global Service Desk / Group Service Delivery", "GSD- CS" : "Customer Services", "GSD- CS- S" : "Customer Services- Solutions", "GSD- CS- T" : "Customer Services- Technologies", "GSD- CS-A" : "Customer Services- Applications", "GSD- IT- S" : "IT- Security", "GSI" : "General Standing Instructions", "GSM" : "Grams per Square Meter / Global Specification Management / Grams per square metre / Global Specification Management", "GSMP" : "Global Service Management Project", "GSOP" : "Global Sales Operations Planning", "GSP" : "General System of Tariffs and Preferences / Global Specification Platform / Global Strategy Process / Global Specification Platform", "GSS" : "Global Specification Services", "GST" : "Goods and Services Tax / Government Sales Tax / Global Scheduling Tool", "GSUM" : "Global Start-Up Methodology", "GT" : "General Trade", "GTA" : "Greater Toronto Area", "GTGG" : "Global TOM Governance Group", "GTIV" : "Good Things in Value", "GTM" : "Global Technology Manager J / Global Technology Manager", "GTNF" : "Global Tobacco Nicotine Forum", "GTO" : "Gross Turnover", "GTR" : "Global Travel and Retail / Global Travel Retail", "GUI" : "Graphical User Interface / Graphic User Interface", "GVA" : "Greater Vancouver Area", "GWAN" : "Global Wide Area Network", "GWD" : "Gross Weighted Distribution (Brand Status Report) / Gross Weighted Distribution", "GWP" : "Global Warming Potential", "H1" : "First half of year", "H2" : "Half 2", "HACCP" : "Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point", "HAE" : "High Added-Value Execution", "HAS" : "Historical Analysis of Spend / Historical Spend Analysis", "HAV" : "Highest Added-Value Execution", "HB" : "Haus Bergman (Cigarette Brand) / Haus Bergman", "HBS" : "High Bay Storage", "HC" : "Health Check / Health Canada", "HCM" : "Human Capital Management", "HCS" : "HoReCa Classification System - system used by Belgium to help determine SQ, HQ / NQ outlets", "HDPE" : "High-Density Polyethylene", "HDT" : "Dryer", "HEAREC" : "THP Consumable Blend", "HEETS" : "Brand name for Heatsticks - IQOS consumables", "HES" : "Heat Exchanger Screw / High Efficiency Sieve", "HESG" : "Health, Environmental, Social / Corporate Governance", "HFM" : "Hyperion Financial Management", "HGS" : "High Growth Segment", "HH" : "Households", "HHD" : "High Humidity Dryer", "HHP" : "Household Penetration", "HITM" : "Headquarters IT Manager", "HL" : "Hinge Lid", "HLC" : "Hinged Lid Corners (board type for cigarette packs) / Hinge Lid Carton", "HLP" : "Hinge lid packer", "HLR" : "Highlight Report", "HM" : "Hiring Manager", "HMC" : "Hand made cigarettes", "HMI" : "Human Machine Interface", "HMRC" : "Her Royal Majesty's Revenue an Customs", "HMV" : "Heavily Modified Virginia", "HN01" : "Tabacalera Hondureña SA - San Pedro Sula", "HnB" : "Heat not Burn", "HO" : "Head Office", "HoB" : "Head of Brands", "HoCM" : "Head Of Category Management", "HOD" : "Head Of Department / Head Of Department", "HOF" : "Head Of Function / Head of Finance / Head Of Function", "HOHR" : "Head of Human Ressources / Head of Human Resources", "HOLO" : "Head Of Leaf Operations / Head Of Leaf Operations", "HOLOS" : "Holistic System", "HOLP" : "Head Of Leaf Processing / Head Of Leaf Processing", "HOP" : "High Opacity Paper", "HoReCa" : "Hotel, Restaurant / Cafe / Hotels, Restaurants and Cafes / Hotel, Restaurants and Cafés / Hotel Restaurant / Catering / Hotels Restaurants and Cafes / Hotels Restaurants Cafes", "Horsley Court" : "International Training Center at Horsley, Surrey, UK", "HOS" : "Head Office Services / Head Office Services", "HOT" : "Head Of Trade / Head Of Trade", "HP" : "Holiday Plan / Heating Products (previously called THP - Tobacco Heating Products) / High Potential", "HPO" : "High Performance Organization", "HPQC" : "Hewlett Packard Quality Centre", "HPV" : "High Production Volume", "HPWS" : "High Performance Work System", "HQ" : "High Quality / Headquarters", "HR" : "Human Resources", "HRBP" : "Human Resources Business Partner", "HRIS" : "Human Resources Information System", "HRLT" : "Human Resources Leadership Team", "HRT" : "Heat Resistant Transport", "HSCode" : "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System", "HSE" : "Health and Safety Executive / Health Safety Environment / Health Safety / Environment", "HSR" : "Health / Safety Representative", "HSS" : "Heated Smoke Segment", "HSSE" : "Health Safety Security and Environment", "HSU" : "High Speed Unit", "HTD" : "High Temperature Dryer", "HTL" : "Homogenoius Tobacco Leave / Homogenized Tobacco Leaf", "HTR" : "Hard To Reach", "Hu mectants" : "Additives to blends which assist moisture retention", "HU13" : "Pécs Main Factory", "HU15" : "Pécs LCO Factory", "HV" : "High Value", "HVAC" : "Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning", "HVST" : "High Velocity Stem Tube content / High Velocity Stem Tube / High Velocity Steam / Stem Tube", "HW" : "Hollywood (cigarette brand) / Health Warnings / Hollywood", "HWL" : "Health Warning Label", "Hyperion" : "Financial terminology", "IorC" : "Information and Consultation / Information / Consultation / Installation and commissioning", "I.E." : "Incidence Estimate", "IA" : "International Assignment / Impact Assessment", "IAA" : "International Advertising Association", "IAD" : "Invoice Authorization Database", "IAM" : "Identity and Access Management", "IAQ" : "Indoor Air Quality", "IAR" : "Interactive Advertising Report", "IAS" : "International Accounting Standards", "IATA" : "Intenational Air Transport Association / International Air Transport Association", "IB" : "International Brand (not GDB, e.g. Rothmans) / International Brand / International Brand / Imperial Brands / Inner Bundling (WMS)", "IBG" : "International Brand Group", "IBIS" : "Packing machinery", "IBPM" : "Integrated Budgeting and Planning Management", "IC" : "Inter Company", "ICA" : "Inward Cartage Allowance", "ICC" : "International Chamber of Commerce", "ICFR" : "Internal Control Over Financial Reporting", "ICG" : " Interchangeable groups / Interchangeable goods", "ICP" : "Individual Career Plan / Individual Career Plan / International Career Plan", "IDD" : "If Down - Do", "IDI's" : "In-depth Interviews", "IDM" : "Initiative Diamond Management", "Idoc" : "Intermediate Document", "IDP" : "Individual Development Programme", "IDT" : "Inventory drive team / Information / Digital Technology", "IDU" : "In-Depth Understanding", "IE" : "Industry Exchange / International Edition / Inventory Effeciency / Incident Elimination (IWS)", "IE11" : "Internet Explorer 11", "IEIS" : "International Executive Incentive Scheme", "IF" : "Inner Frame (WMS)", "IFRS" : "International Financial Reporting Standards", "IFT" : "Induced Failure Test", "IFU" : "International Finished Unit", "IG" : "Individual Grocery", "IGT" : "Intercompany Global Team", "IH" : "Industry Hygiene", "IHorS" : "Industrial Health and Safety", "IHC" : "In House Cash", "IIR" : "Injury Incident Rate", "IKA" : "International Key Account", "IKEA" : "Integrated Key Element Assessment", "Illicit" : "Illegal cigarettes", "ILO" : "International Labour Organisation", "IM" : "Initiative Management (IWS Pillar)", "IMASCO" : "Financial services, tobacco and retailing group (Canada) / Financial Services Tobacco and Retailing Group (Canada)", "IMC" : "Integrated Marketing Communications", "IMF" : "Incident Management Feedback / International Monetary Fund", "IMI" : "Incoming Materials Inspection / Incoming Material Inspection", "IMP" : "International Marketing Principles / International Marketing Programme / Important", "IMP " : "Importer", "IMPACT" : "Internal Market Analysis", "IMPETS" : "Internal Marketing Services", "IMR" : "Imperial Monthly Review", "IMS" : "International Marketing Standards / In Market Sales / International Marketing Standards / Imperial Marketing Services", "INAC" : "Indian and Northern Affairs Canada", "Incidence" : "Number of Adult Tobacco Shoppers divided by the Population", "Incidence of Smoking" : "The percentage of the population that smokes", "IncidenceofPurchase" : "Percentage of adults who buy tobacco products", "INCOTERMS" : "International Commercial Terms", "Inflation/Deflation" : "Difference between dollar and tonnage growth", "INFOCAL" : "Information Calendar", "INFOTAC" : "Informing Tobacco Control", "INN" : "Innovation", "Innovation" : "Major modifications with increased consumer acceptance and measurable volume potential", "INSEAD" : "Institut Européen d'Administration des Affaires", "INSIGHTS" : "Market and industry trends that influence the company strategies", "International spec" : "A term referring to the approximate length of international cigarettes (87mm long)", "INTERPOL" : "International Criminal Police Organization", "InTransitTime" : "Time needed for a product to move from one place to another.", "INV" : "Investment", "IO" : "Information Officer", "iOS" : "Apple Operating System", "IoT" : "Internet of Things", "IP" : "Intellectual Property / Ingress of Protection", "IPA" : "Intellectual Property Assets", "IPHSA" : "International Public Health / Scientific Affairs Centre of Expertise", "IPM" : "Innovations Project Manager", "IPO" : "Initial Public Offering", "IPP" : "Integrated Planning Process", "IPR" : "Intellectual Property Rights", "IPRA" : "International Political and Regulatory Affairs", "IPS" : "Initial Problem Solving", "IPSG" : "International product Strategy Group", "IPT" : "Integrated Planning Transformation", "IPV" : "Incremental Planned Volume", "IR" : "Investor Relations / Imperial Representative / Information Request / Industrial Relations", "IRI" : "Immediately Reportable Incident", "IRIS" : "Integrated Risk Information System", "IRM" : "Interactive Relationship Management", "IRP" : "International Registration Plan", "IRR" : "Internal Rate of Return", "IS" : "International Staff", "ISC" : "Integrated Supply Chain", "ISF" : "In store Furniture / In store Furniture", "ISIS" : " Supplier", "ISL" : "Interactive Store Locator", "ISMS" : "Information Security Management System", "ISO" : "International Standards Organisation / International Organisation for Standardisation", "ISP" : "Integrated Service Provider", "ISU" : "Instantaneous Start-Up", "IT" : "Information Technology / Information Technology / Illicit Trade", "IT- BE" : "Information Technology- Business Engagement", "IT- BI" : "Information Technology- Business Information", "IT- SDM" : "Information Technology- Service Delivery Management", "ITC" : "India Tobacco Company (subsidiary) / India Tobacco Company / Information Technology Communications", "ITCAN" : "Imperial Tobacco Canada", "ITCL" : "Imperial Tobacco Co. (Canada)", "ITCO" : "Imperial Tobacco Company", "ITD" : "Information Technology Department", "ITFS" : "Internal Tobacco Flavor Standard", "ITG" : "Imperial Tobacco Group", "ITGA" : "International Tobacco Growers' Association / International Tobacco Growers’ Association", "ITGC" : "Information Technology General Controls", "ITIL" : "Information Technology Infrastructure Library", "ITL" : "Imperial Tobacco Limited", "ITM" : "International Tobacco Machinery / Principle of a Rotary Drier Process / International Tobacco machinery (Supplier)", "ITP" : "Illicit Trade Protocol", "ITPC" : "IT Project Committee", "ITPP" : "Innovative Tobacco Processing Plant", "ITS" : "Innovative Tobacco Segment", "ITT" : "Internationally Traded Tobacco", "ITX" : "IT Transformation", "IU" : "Intelligence Unit", "IVS" : "International Visitors Service", "IWG" : "Industry Working Group", "IWS" : "Integrated Work System / Interactive Web Service", "IWT" : "Inventory Within Target", "JorB" : "Justerini / Brooks", "JF" : "Job Families", "JIT" : "Just In Time / Just-In-Time", "JK" : "Justification Kit", "JKAM" : "Junior Key Account Manager", "JMI" : "Japanese Ministry of International Trade", "JML" : "Joiners, Movers, Leavers", "JND" : "Just Noticeable Difference", "JO" : "Job Order", "JO03" : "BAT Jordan - Amman Factory", "Joshua" : "Advertising Agency", "JP" : "Journey Plan", "JP Std." : "John Player Standard", "JPGL" : "John Player Gold Leaf (brand) / John Player Gold Leaf", "JPS" : "John Player Special (brand) / John Player Special", "JRC" : "Joint Research Centre", "JSA" : "Job Safety Analysis", "JT" : "Japan Tobacco", "JTBD" : "Jobs To Be Done", "JTI" : "Japan Tobacco International", "JTI-Macdonald" : "JTI-MACDONALD", "JTL" : "Job Target Level", "JV" : "Joint Venture / Joint Venture / Joint Venture", "KA" : "Key Accounts / Key Account", "KAM" : "Key Account Manager / Key Account Management", "Kantar" : "BAT's preferred research partner", "KAPPA" : "Key Area Paper", "KB" : "Knowledge Base", "KBE" : "Knowledge-Based Economy", "KCM" : "Key Competitor Metrics", "KCN" : "Key Control Navigator", "KDF" : "Filter Rod Maker", "KDFII" : "Filter rod maker supplied by Hauni", "KDG" : "Key Distributor Group", "KE01" : "BAT Kenya - Nairobi", "KEA" : "Key Element Assessment", "Kent" : "brand", "Key" : "Significant / crucial information", "KFC" : "Kentucky Fried Chicken", "KFS" : "Key Financial Statistics", "KH01" : "BATC Factory Plant - Phnom Penh", "KIL" : "Key Issues List", "King size" : "A term referring to the approximate length of a cigarette (87-94mm long)", "KIP" : "Key Indicator Performance", "KIS" : "Keep It Simple", "KISS" : "Keep It Simple Stupid", "KLT" : "Key Launch Tracker", "KM" : "Knowledge Management", "KOR" : "Keep Ops Running / Keep Ops Running (a capex category)", "KPC" : "1000 sticks / 5 cartons", "KPI" : "Key Performance Indicators / Key Performance Indicator", "KPL" : "Kent Premium Lights", "KR07" : "Sacheon BAT Korea Manufacturing", "KRA" : "Key Result Areas", "KRI" : "Key Risk Indicator", "KRN" : "Kronos", "KS" : "King Size (cigarette) / King Size", "KSA" : "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", "KSB" : "King Size Box", "KSBA" : "Key Balance Sheet Accounts", "KSF" : "King Size Filter", "KSI" : "Key Strategic Initiatives", "KSM" : "Key Success Measures", "KSS" : "King Size Super Slim", "KSSS" : "King Size Slide and Shell / King Size Super Slim Sticks", "KT" : "Kent / Knowledge Transfer / Knowledge transfer / Kent (brand)", "KTA" : "Key Trading Area", "KYC" : "Know your Customer", "KYS" : "Know Your Supplier", "LorB" : "Lambert / Butler (brand) / Lambert / Butler", "LorD" : "Logistics and Distribution / Logistics / Distribution / Learning / Development / Learning / Development / Learning / Development", "LorI" : "Logistics / Inventory", "LorM" : "Liggett / Myers (brand) / Liggett / Myers", "L+1" : "Launch + 1", "L10P" : "Last 10 Purchases", "L2L" : "Local to Local Transfer / Local to Local", "LA" : "Learning Architect / Loss Allocation / Launch Authorisation", "LAB print" : "Print on cigaretted stick done at the factory", "LAC" : "Latin America and the Caribbean / Latin America and the Caribbean (Region)", "LACAR" : "Latin America and the Caribbean (previously a region, replaced by The Americas region)", "LAE" : "Learning Architect Editor", "LAM" : "Local Area Marketing / Local Area Manager", "Lamina" : "Lamina", "LAN" : "Local Area Network / Financial services, tobacco and retailing group (Canada)", "Landscape management" : "Landscape management", "LAP" : "Laminated Pouch (WMS)", "Laserport" : "Cigarette Maker Laser", "LAT" : "Leadership Assessment Tool / Local Area Team", "LATAM" : "Latin America", "Latent Demand" : "An increase in brand switching that is stimulated by the launch of a new brand (meeting a previously unmet need)", "LB" : "Local Brand", "LC" : "Leaf Council / Leadership Capabilities / Local Currency", "LCC" : "Life Cycle Costs / Logistics Control Center", "LCL" : "Lower Control Limit", "LCP" : "Local Cycle Plan", "LCV" : "Life Cycle Value", "LD" : "Lady lighter", "LDE" : "Local Deployment Execution (IPT)", "LDF" : "Local Duty-Free", "LDP" : "Local Demand Plan", "LDR" : "Leadership (IWS Pillar)", "LDW" : "Laid Down Weight", "LE" : "Latest Estimate / Limited Edition / Limited Edition / Logistics Execution", "LEAN" : "Methodology focused on minimizing waste within manufacturing systems", "LEC" : "Leaf Executive Council / Local Executive Committee", "LEDS" : "Line Event Data System", "LEED" : "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design", "LEO" : "Legal Entity Object / Local Execution Officer", "LEP" : "Limited Edition Pack", "LEPP" : "Limited Edition Product and Pack", "LES" : "Logistic Execution System", "Levant" : "Lebanon, Syria, Jordan / Yemen", "LEX" : "Legal and External Affairs / Legal / External Affairs", "LEXLT" : "Legal / External Affairs Leadership Team", "LFRs" : "Legal, Fiscal and Regulatory", "LGC" : "Logistics / General Services", "LIA" : "Leadership Institute of America", "LIFO" : "Last In First Out / Last In First Out", "LIMS" : "Laboratory Information Management System / Laboratory Information Management Solution", "LIP" : "Lower Ignition Propensity / Low Ignition Propensity", "LIS" : "Logistics Information System", "LIW" : "Loss In Weight", "LK01" : "Colombo Factory", "LL" : " Lower Limit / Line Lead", "LLC" : "Line Coach / Limited Liability Company", "LLL" : "Lessons Learned Log", "LLP" : "Lead Logistics Partner", "LLT" : "Local Leadership Team", "LM" : "Licensed Manufacture / Line Manager", "LMC" : "Last Mile Carrier", "LMS" : "Learning Management System", "LMV" : "Lightly Modified Virginia", "LN" : "Lotus Notes", "LOC" : "Letter Of Credit", "Local Arabs" : "Arabs Living in the Country (Saudis in KSA)", "LOF" : "Cigarette Maker / Language of Finance", "LOI" : "Letter of Intent", "Look / Feel" : "The look (visual design) and feel (materials used) of any brand communication developed", "LOS" : "Line of Sight / Line of Sight", "LOV" : "List Of Values / List Of Values", "LOY" : "Loyalist", "LPA" : "Launch Plan Agreement", "LPE" : "Latest Profit Estimate", "LPG" : "Liquefied Petroleum Gas", "LPI" : "Logistics Performance Index", "LPM" : "Low Price Market", "LPO" : "Local Purchase Order", "LPR" : "Low Price Range", "LPV" : "Low Production Volume", "LRR" : "Leaf Reception Room", "LS" : "Lucky Strike (Brand Status Report) / Lucky Strike / Line Structure (LL, ML, PL)", "LSC" : " Line Structure Coaches (LLC, MLC, PLC) / Logistic Service Center", "LSD" : "Laboratory Services Department", "LSE" : "London Stock Exchange", "LSL" : "Lucky Strike Lights / Lower Specification Limit", "LSM" : "Leaf Suppliers Manual / Local Store Marketing", "LSR" : "Local Store Representative", "LSS" : "Low Smoke Smell", "LT" : "Logistics Trials / Leadership Team / Low Tar / Leadership Team / Loss Tree", "LTE" : "Local Terminal Equipment", "LTM" : "Last Twelve Months", "LTR" : "LTR", "LTV" : "Life Time Value", "LUM" : "Line under microscope", "LUX" : "Luxury Segment", "LVM" : "Logistics Value Measurement", "LWC" : "Lost Workday Case", "LWCIR" : "Lost Workday Case Incident Rate", "LY" : "Last Year", "MorA" : "Mergers and Acquistions / Mergers and Acquisitions", "MorM Project" : "Municipal Mobilization (Project to put pressure on all government levels to take action on Illicit Trade)", "MorR" : "Maintenance / Repair", "MorS" : "Materials and Supplies", "M2U" : "Manufacture To User", "MA" : "Management Accounts", "MAC" : "Marine / Air Control / Market Area Code", "MAD" : "Market Area Distributor", "MAEP" : "Mean Absolute Percent Error", "Major Manufacturer" : "ITCAN (BAT), RBH (PMI), JTI", "MAL" : "Marlboro Lights", "Man " : "Manufacturer", "ManEx" : "Manufacturing Exellence / Manufacturing Exellence (assessments) / Manufacturing Excellence", "MAP" : "Minimum Advertised Price", "MAPE" : "Method of Assessing Smoking Quality", "Maritimes (Nielsen)" : "Includes NB, NS, PEI but excludes Newfoundland", "Market" : "Market", "Market Capitalisation" : "Market Capitalisation", "Market Importance" : "The percentage of sales a specific region represents to the total market", "Market review" : "Market review", "Marketing Definition (NEW)" : "Gross Shipments - SAL Returns - UNS Returns + Samples = …", "Marketing Definition (OLD)" : "Gross Shipments - SAL Returns + Samples = …", "Marketing Standards" : "A self imposed system of regulation defining acceptable standards of communication", "Marking" : "A code that indicates the provincial tax stamp of the product (e.g. 01 for British Columbia, 02 for Alberta, etc.)", "MAS" : "Market Analysis Survey", "MASO" : "Male Adult Smokers Over", "MASQ" : "Method for Assessing Smoking Quality", "MASU" : "Male Adult Smokers Under", "MAT" : "Machinery Acceptance Test / Moving Annual Total (Brand Status Report) / Moving Annual Total", "Material Group" : "Category of products (e.g. Cigarettes, Fine Cut, Tubes, etc.)", "Material Subgroup 1" : "Groups products by Premium and Below Premium price segments", "Material Subgroup 2" : "Groups products by Premium, VFM and Low price segments", "MatQuIS" : "Material Quality Information System", "Maxfli" : "TMorD Information System", "MBA" : "Master of Business Administration", "MBL" : "Modern BAT Leaf", "MBO" : "Marlboro / Management by Objectives", "MBR" : "Management by Results", "MC" : "Multi-Category / Monte Carlo / Manufacturing Cost / Moisture Content", "MCA" : "Manager Customer Activation", "MCD" : "Market Context Development (identification of opportunities)", "MCE" : "Minimum Collectable Excise / Multi-Category Experts / Minimum Collectible Excise", "MCF" : "Manageable Cash Flow", "MCG" : "Manufacturing Centre Gateway", "MCI" : "Market Condition Indicator", "MCM" : "Marketing Communications Manager", "MCP" : "Master Control Program", "MCS" : "Manufacturing Contingency Sourcing", "MCSP" : "Manufacturing Contigency Supply Plan", "MCT" : "Minimum Collectable Taxation / Management Consulting Team", "MD" : "Managing Director / Managing Director / Master Data / Marketing Director", "MDC" : "Marketing Development Centres / Material Defect Catalog", "MDD" : "Management Decision Diary", "MDDS" : "Machine Desing and Documentation Standard", "MDG" : "Master Data Governance", "MDM" : "Master Data Management", "MDP" : "Management Development Program", "MDS" : "Marketing Tool for CD", "MDSG" : "Manufacturing Development Steering Group ", "ME" : "Meets Expectation / Middle East / Market Entry / Maxim", "MEA" : "Marketing Environment Analysis", "MEC" : "Manufacturing Executive Council / Market Environment Control", "MEEG" : "Managed External Email Gateway", "MEIO" : "Multi Echelon Inventory Optimization", "MELT" : "Maximum End-of-Life Temperature", "MENA" : "Middle East, North Africa", "MEP" : "Manufacturing Essentials Programme / Manufacturing Essentials Programme (training course) / Market Expansion Plan", "MES" : "Manufacturing Execution System", "MESA" : "Middle East South Asia", "MESCA" : "Middle East, South and Central Asia (Region)", "MET" : "Minimum Excise Tax", "Metering Band" : "Process machinery", "MEX" : "Mexico", "MF" : "Marketing Finance / Mainstream Filler", "MFB" : "Multi-Function Barcode", "MFC" : "Manufacturing Cost", "MFEI" : "Marketing Finance Excellence Index", "Mfg Cig." : "Manufactured Cigarette", "MFP" : "Multi-Functional Printer", "MFU" : "Marketing Finance Unit / Marketing Finance Unit", "MGMT" : "Management", "MGP" : "Materials Guidance Panel / Materials Gudance Panel", "MH" : "Marketing Hub", "MHE" : "Materials Handling Equipment", "MHI" : "Monthly Household Income", "MHRA" : "Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency", "MI" : "Marketing investment / Manufacturing Innovation / Management Information", "MIC" : "Marketing Information Center", "MIF" : "Marketing Investment Framework", "MIGTPA" : "Master Inter-Group Treasury Products Agreement", "MIL" : "Market Investment Logic", "Mille" : "One thousand Cigarettes / Measurement for per thousand cigarette sticks / One thousand Cigarettes", "MIM" : "Marketing Information Manager", "MIN-G" : "Marketing Informationor Numbers - Global", "MIR" : "Miscellaneous Invoice Request", "MIS" : "Management Information System / Marketing Intelligence System", "MISD" : "Marketing Intelligence / Staff Department", "MISO" : "Management Information Systems Office", "Missile" : "A strategic brand launch by BAT / a competitor in the last 12 months", "MKT" : "Marketing", "ML" : "Maintenance Lead / Market Leadership", "MLA" : "Minimum legal age", "MLC" : "Maintenance Lead Coach", "MLD" : "Multi-Level Design", "MLE" : "Module Learning Element", "MLT" : "Marketing Leadership Team", "MM" : "Marketing Management / Materials Manager / Maintenance Manager", "MMA" : "Management Marketing Account", "MMIS" : "Maintenance Manager Information System", "MMS" : "Market Monitoring System", "mn" : "Million / Mainstream Non-Filler", "MNC" : "Multinational Corporation", "MNF" : "Manufacturing", "MO" : "Modern Oral / Market Opportunity", "MOB" : "Most Often Purchased Brand / Merchandising Objective", "MoC" : "Minister of Commerce", "MOE" : "Major Obsolescence Electronic / Market Operating Expenses", "MoF" : "Minister of Finance / Manufacturing Overhead", "MoH" : "Minister of Health", "MOM" : "Month on Month (Brand Status Report)", "Mon" : "Month on Month", "MOP" : "Members of the Protocol / Marketing Operating Plan", "MOPaD" : "Methodology of Packaging Development", "MOPD" : "Methodology of Process Development", "MOPE" : "Monthly Operating Profit Estimate", "MOQ" : "Minimum Order Quantity", "MOR" : "Market Opportunity Review", "MoS" : "Measures of success / Measures of success / Measure of Success / Market Opportunity Score", "MOU" : "Memorandum Of Understanding / Memorandum Of Understanding", "MP" : "Marketing Plan / Material Planner / Maintenance Planner", "MPorS" : "Maintenance Planning / Scheduling (IWS)", "MPA" : "Market Performance Analysis", "MPC" : "Marketing Portfolio Committee / Monetary Policy Committee", "MPD" : "Manufacturing Performance Dashboard", "MPE" : "Market Price Estimate", "MPEP" : "Master Planner for external procurement (IPT)", "MPF" : "Marketing Product Framework", "MPI" : "Market Price Index / Major Price Increase / Minimum Price increase / Market Performance Indicator", "MPLE" : "Managing People Lawfully / Effectively", "MPM" : "Marketing Planning Manager / Market Performance Model", "MPN" : "Manufacturer Part Number", "MPPC" : "Most Popular Price category", "MPQ" : "Managing Product Quality", "MPR" : "Manual Payment Request", "MPS" : "Master Production Schedule / Master Production Scheduling / Market Performance System / Maintenance Planning and Scheduling", "MPSA" : "Master Production Schedule Adherence", "MPSG" : "Marketing / Product Strategy Group / Master and Product Strategy Group", "MQ" : "Material Qualification / Market Qualification", "MQI" : "Manufacturing Quality Index", "MQS" : "Material Qualification Stage / Material Quality Standard / Materials Qualification System", "MQS 1" : "Material Qualification Stage 1", "MQS 2" : "Material Qualification Stage 2", "MQS 3" : "Material Qualification Stage 3", "MR" : "Management Review / Market Research", "MRorI" : "Marketing Research / Information / Market Research and Information", "MRA" : "Manufacturing Readiness Assesment / Market Research Analysis", "MRCFF" : "Multicurrency Rolling Cashflow Forecast", "MRD" : "Market Requirements Document", "MRH" : "Management Reporting Hierarchy", "MRIB" : "Market research initiating brief", "MRM" : "Marketing Research Manager", "MRO" : "Maintenance, Repair / Operations / Maintenance Repair and Operations", "MRP" : "Manufacturing Resource Planning / Materials Resource Planning / Materials Resource Planning / Materials Requirements Planning", "MRP 2" : "Manufacturing Resource Planning II", "MRP II" : "Manufacturing Ressource Planning II", "MRPII" : "Manufacturing resource planning process", "MS" : "Market Share / Mainstream Smoke / Minor Stop", "MSA" : " Master Settlement Agreement / Machine Standardization Audit", "MSC" : "Mainstream Cigarette", "MSD" : "Microsoft Dynamics / Marketing Skill Development / Management Services Department", "MSDM" : "Marketing Skills Development Manager", "MSDS" : "Materials Safety Data Sheet", "MSE" : "Marketing Spend Effectivness / Marketing Spend Effectiveness", "MSHG" : "Materials Specification Harmonisation Group", "MSM" : "Material Supply Management / Market Share Monitor", "MSO" : "Market Share Objective", "MSP" : "Managing Successful Programmes / Market Share Points (Brand Status Report) / Market Share Performance / Market Share Points", "MSR" : "Market Share Report", "MSS" : "Market Share Strategy", "MSSO" : "Marketing Skill Sourcing Manager", "MSU" : "Marketing Service Unit", "MSVD" : "Material Stock Value / Duration", "MT" : "Management Trainee / Modern Trade / Market Trend / management Trainee / Materials Testing / Materials Testing", "MTBF" : "Mean Time Between Failure", "MTBM" : "Mean Time Between Maintenance", "MTBS" : "Mean Time Between Stops", "MTC" : "Malaysian Tobacco Company", "MTG" : "Market Target Group", "MTH" : "Market Trend Hypothesis", "MTM" : "Market-to-market", "MTO" : "Made to Order / Make To Order", "MTS" : "Made to Stock / Make to Stock / Make to Stock / Market Trend System", "MTT" : "Market Trend Tracking", "MTTR" : "Mean Time to Repair", "MTV" : "Market Trend Value", "MU" : "Material Utilization / Market Understanding", "MUE" : "Market Understanding Essentials", "MUP" : "Market Understanding Plan", "MV" : "Modified Virgina / Market Value", "MVL" : "Market Value Leadership", "MVLS" : "Market Value Leadership Strategy", "MVP" : "Market Value Proposition", "MVU" : "Multi-Variant Usage", "MW" : "Master Wholesale / Market Watch", "MX03" : "BAT Mexico", "MXS" : "Marketing Excellence Series / Marketing Excellence Series (Learning and Development programme)", "MY02" : "BAT Malaysia", "MYO" : "Make your Own / Make your own (a type of loose tobacco) / Make your Own", "MYOB" : "Mind Your Own Business", "MYR" : " Mid-Year Review / Mid-Year Results", "MZ04" : "BAT Mozambique", "N/A" : "Not Applicable", "NA" : "Net Available / National Account / Not Applicable", "NAA" : "North Asia Area", "NAFTA" : "North American Free Trade Agreement", "NAKAM" : "National Key Account Manager", "NAMAS" : "National Measurement Accreditation Service", "Nano" : "Cigarette Maker", "NAP" : "National Account Plan", "NAR" : "National Account Review", "National signatures" : "National signatures", "NB" : "Noteworthy", "NBD" : "New Business Development", "NBMC" : "Non-Branded Master Cases", "NBO" : "New Business Opportunity", "NBR" : "New Business Results", "NBS" : "New Business Strategy", "NBSE" : "Non Brand Span Expenditure", "NBV" : "Net book value", "NC" : "New categories / New categories / National Coverage", "NCA" : "National Coverage Area", "NCACT" : "National Coalition Against Contraband Tobacco", "NCC" : "National Competitive Capability", "NCD" : "Non Communicable Diseases / New Concept Development", "NCH" : "National Coverage Hub", "NCL" : "Non Criminal Losses", "NCM" : "Non-conforming Material", "NCO" : "Network Change Opportunities", "NCP" : "Nicotine Containing Products / Nicotine Containing Product / Non-Conforming Product", "NCR" : "National Coverage Region", "ND" : "Normal Deterioration", "NDA" : "Non Disclosure Agreement / National Distribution Agreement", "NDB" : "New Distribution Base", "NDC" : "New Distribution Center", "NDD" : "New Distribution Deal", "NDF" : "New Distribution Forecast", "NDP" : "New Distribution Partner", "NDV" : "New Distribution Volume", "NEA" : "New Executive Appointment", "NEC" : "Northern European Cluster", "NEM" : "New Executive Market", "NEO" : "SAP NetWeaver Cloud Platform", "NES" : "New Executive Strategy", "Net Cost" : "Financial terminology", "Net Weight" : "Net Weight", "New Media" : "Digital communication channels, such as web-based technology, mobile phone technology etc.", "NEX" : "Network Exchange / New Executive", "NF" : "National Field", "NFC" : "Near Field Communication", "NFDPM" : "Nicotine Free Dry Particulate Matter / Nicotine Free Dry Particulate Matter (tar, new terminology) / Nicotine Free Dry Particulate Matter (tar, new terminology)", "NFP" : "New Financial Plan", "NFS" : "New Financial Strategy", "NG" : "Northern Gulf / Next Generation", "NG03" : "British American Tobacco Nigeria Limited", "NGO" : "Non-governmental Organisation / Non-governmental Organisation / Non-Governmental Organization", "NGP" : "Next Generation Products / New Generation Products", "NHR" : "New Hire", "NHS" : "New Hire Strategy", "NI" : "Nielsen / National Initiative", "Nic" : "Nicotine / New Initiative Concept", "NIE" : "New Initiative Execution", "Nielsen" : "Global leader in measurement and collection of information", "NIM" : "New Initiative Market", "NIP" : "New Initiative Plan", "NIS" : "New International Standards / New Initiative Strategy", "NL" : "National Launch", "NL33" : "BAT Niemeyer Groningen", "NLA" : "New Launch Announcement", "NLD" : "New Launch Date", "NLF" : "New Launch Forecast", "NLM" : "New Launch Market", "NLP" : "New Launch Plan", "NLR" : "New Launch Region", "NLS" : "New Launch Strategy", "NM" : "National Market", "NM1" : "New Market One", "NMA" : "National Manufacturers Association / National Market Analysis", "NMD" : "National Market Data", "NME" : "National Market Entry", "NMF" : "National Market Forecast", "NMG" : "New Marketing Guidelines / National Market Growth", "NMK" : "National Market Knowledge", "NML" : "National Market Leader", "NMM" : "National Market Manager", "NMP" : "National Market Plan", "NMS" : "National Market Strategy", "NMT" : "National Market Trend", "NMY" : "National Market Year", "NN" : "New Network", "NNA" : "New Network Analysis", "NNAS" : "Number of non-attributable Stops", "NND" : "Net Net Density / New Network Data", "NNE" : "New Network Entry", "NNF" : "New Network Forecast", "NNG" : "New Network Growth", "NNK" : "New Network Knowledge", "NNL" : "New Network Leader", "NNM" : "New Network Manager", "NNP" : "New Network Plan", "NNS" : "New Network Strategy", "NNT" : "New Network Trend", "NNY" : "New Network Year", "NO" : "Network Operator", "NOA" : "Network Operations Analysis", "NOC" : "Network Operations Centre / Network Operations Center", "NOD" : "Network Operations Data", "NOE" : "Network Operations Entry", "NOF" : "Network Operations Forecast", "NOG" : "Network Operations Growth", "NOK" : "Network Operations Knowledge", "NOL" : "Network Operations Leader", "NOM" : "Network Operations Manager", "Non Regular Users" : "Total Variant Usage - Regular Brand = …", "Non-Traditional Media tools" : "Communication channels other than ATL / BTL for e.g. media PR, New Media, Consumer Engagement etc.", "NOP" : "Network Operations Plan", "North Africa" : "Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt / Soudan / Morroco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt / Soudan", "NOS" : "Network Operations Strategy", "NOT" : "Network Operations Trend", "NOY" : "Network Operations Year", "NP" : "Net Permeability / New Product", "NPA" : "New Product Analysis", "NPAT" : "Net Profit After Tax", "NPBT" : "Net Profit Before Tax", "NPC" : "New Product Concept", "NPD" : "New Product Development", "NPE" : "New Product Entry", "NPF" : "New Product Forecast", "NPG" : "New Product Growth", "NPI" : "New Product Introduction / New Product Introduction / New Product Innovation", "NPK" : "New Product Knowledge", "NPL" : "New Product Launch", "NPM" : "New Product Manager", "NPP" : "New Product Plan", "NPRB" : "No Previous Regular Brand", "NPS" : "New Product Strategy", "NPT" : "New Product Trend", "NPV" : "Net Present Value / Net payback value", "NPY" : "New Product Year", "NQ" : "Normal Quality", "NQP" : "Normal Quality Prestige", "NR" : "Network Resilience", "NRA" : "Network Resilience Analysis", "NRC" : "Network Resilience Concept", "NRD" : "Network Resilience Data", "NRE" : "Network Resilience Entry", "NRF" : "Network Resilience Forecast", "NRG" : "Network Resilience Growth", "NRK" : "Network Resilience Knowledge", "NRL" : "Network Resilience Leader", "NRM" : "Network Resilience Manager", "NRP" : "Network Resilience Plan", "NRS" : "Network Resilience Strategy", "NRT" : "Nicotine Replacement Therapy / Network Resilience Trend", "NRY" : "Network Resilience Year", "NS" : "New Segment", "NSA" : "New Segment Analysis", "NSC" : "National Sales Centre / New Segment Concept", "NSD" : "New Segment Data", "NSE" : "New Segment Entry", "NSF" : "New Segment Forecast", "NSG" : "New Segment Growth", "NSK" : "New Segment Knowledge", "NSL" : "New Segment Leader", "NSM" : "National Sales Meeting / New Segment Manager", "NSP" : "New Segment Plan", "NSS" : "New Supplier Selections / New Segment Strategy", "NST" : "New Segment Trend", "NSV" : "National Street View", "NSWH" : "Near Site Warehouse", "NSY" : "New Segment Year", "NT" : "New Territory", "NTA" : "Net Trading Assets / New Territory Analysis", "NTC" : "New Territory Concept", "NTD" : "New Territory Data", "NTE" : "New Territory Entry", "NTF" : "New Territory Forecast", "NTG" : "New Territory Growth", "NTK" : "New Territory Knowledge", "NTL" : "New Territory Leader", "NTM" : "Nottingham Tobacco Machinery / New Territory Manager", "NTMR" : "Neighbourhood Trade Marketing / Neighborhood Trade Marketing", "NTO" : "Net Turnover / Net Turnover", "NTP" : "New Territory Plan", "NTRM" : "Non Tobacco Related Material", "NTS" : "New Territory Strategy", "NTT" : "New Territory Trend", "NTY" : "New Territory Year", "NU" : "New Unit", "NUA" : "New Unit Analysis", "NUC" : "New Unit Concept", "NUD" : "New Unit Data", "NUE" : "New Unit Entry", "NUF" : "New Unit Forecast", "NUG" : "New Unit Growth", "NUK" : "New Unit Knowledge", "NUL" : "New Unit Leader", "NUM" : "New Unit Manager", "NUP" : "New Unit Plan", "NUS" : "New Unit Strategy", "NUT" : "New Unit Trend", "NUY" : "New Unit Year", "NV" : "New Volume", "NVA" : "New Volume Analysis", "NVC" : "Net variable cost / New Volume Concept", "NVD" : "New Volume Data", "NVE" : "New Volume Entry", "NVF" : "New Volume Forecast", "NVG" : "New Volume Growth", "NVK" : "New Volume Knowledge", "NVL" : "New Volume Leader", "NVM" : "New Volume Manager", "NVP" : "New Volume Plan", "NVS" : "New Volume Strategy", "NVT" : "New Volume Trend", "NVY" : "New Volume Year", "NW" : "New Workforce", "NWA" : "Non Wrapped Acetate / New Workforce Analysis", "NWAM" : "New World Activation Model", "NWB" : "National Westminster Bank", "NWC" : "New Workforce Concept", "NWD" : "New Workforce Data", "NWE" : "New Workforce Entry", "NWF" : "New Workforce Forecast", "NWG" : "New Workforce Growth", "NWK" : "New Workforce Knowledge", "NWL" : "New Workforce Leader", "NWM" : "New Workforce Manager", "NWOM" : "New World of Marketing", "NWP" : "New Workforce Plan", "NWS" : "New Workforce Strategy", "NWT" : "New Workforce Trend", "NWY" : "New Workforce Year", "NY" : "New Year", "NYA" : "New Year Analysis", "NYC" : "New Year Concept", "NYD" : "New Year Data", "NYE" : "New Year Entry", "NYF" : "New Year Forecast", "NYG" : "New Year Growth", "NYK" : "New Year Knowledge", "NYL" : "New Year Leader", "NYM" : "New Year Manager", "NYP" : "New Year Plan", "NYS" : "New Year Strategy", "NYT" : "New Year Trend", "OorM" : "Ogilvy / Mather advertising agency", "O2C" : "Order to Cash / Order to Cash", "O365" : "Office 365", "OA" : "Opportunity Analysis / Objective Achievement", "OAC" : "Objective Achievement Certification", "OAD" : "Objective Achievement Data", "OAE" : "Objective Achievement Entry", "OAF" : "Objective Achievement Forecast", "OAG" : "Objective Achievement Growth", "OAK" : "Objective Achievement Knowledge", "OAL" : "Objective Achievement Leader", "OAM" : "Objective Achievement Manager", "OAP" : "Objective Achievement Plan", "OAS" : "Objective Achievement Strategy", "OAT" : "Objective Achievement Trend", "OAY" : "Objective Achievement Year", "OBS" : "Opportunistic Business Simulation", "OBU" : " Factory / Operational Business Unit", "OC" : "Opportunity Cost", "OCA" : "Outward Carriage Allowance / Out of Home (Advertising) / Opportunity Cost Analysis", "OCC" : "Optimistic Concurrency Control / Opportunity Cost Concept", "OCD" : "Opportunity Cost Data", "OCE" : "Opportunity Cost Entry", "OCF" : "Operational Cashflow / Operating Cash Flow / Opportunity Cost Forecast", "OCG" : "Opportunity Cost Growth", "OCI" : "Operating Company Income (UOP)", "OCK" : "Opportunity Cost Knowledge", "OCL" : "Opportunity Cost Leader", "OCM" : "Opportunity Cost Manager", "OCP" : "Opportunity Cost Plan", "OCR" : "Optical Character Recognition", "OCS" : "Opportunity Cost Strategy", "OCSA" : "Ontario Convenient Store Association", "OCT" : "Opportunity Cost Trend", "OCV " : "Optical Character verification ", "OCY" : "Opportunity Cost Year", "OD" : "Organisational Development / Organizational Development / Organisational Design / Outcome Driver", "OD (M) S" : "One Day (Material) Store", "ODA" : "Organizational Development Analysis", "ODC" : "Organizational Development Concept", "ODD" : "Organizational Development Data", "ODE" : "Organizational Development Entry", "ODF" : "Organizational Development Forecast", "ODG" : "Operational Design Group / Organizational Development Growth", "ODK" : "Organizational Development Knowledge", "ODL" : "Organizational Development Leader", "ODM" : "Organizational Development Manager", "ODMS" : "One Day Material Store", "ODP" : "Operational Demand Planning / Organizational Development Plan", "ODS" : "Organizational Development Strategy / Operational Data Store / One Day Store (Wrapping Material)", "ODT" : "Organizational Development Trend", "ODY" : "Organizational Development Year", "OE" : "Order Estimate / Organizational Effectiveness / Operational Excellence / Operating Effectiveness", "OEA" : "Operational Excellence Analysis", "OEC" : "Operational Excellence Concept", "OECD" : "Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development", "OED" : "Operational Excellence Data", "OEE" : "Overall Equipment Efficiency / Overall Equipment Effectiveness", "OEF" : "Operational Excellence Forecast", "OEG" : "Operational Excellence Growth", "OEI" : "Other expenses internal", "OEK" : "Operational Excellence Knowledge", "OEL" : "Occupational Exposure Limit / Operational Excellence Leader", "OEM" : "Original Equipment Manufacturer / Operational Excellence Manager", "OEP" : "Operational Excellence Plan", "OES" : "Operational Excellence Strategy", "OET" : "Operational Excellence Trend", "OEY" : "Operational Excellence Year", "OF" : "Operating Funds", "OFA" : "Operating Funds Analysis", "OFC" : "Operating Funds Concept", "OFD" : "Operating Funds Data", "OFE" : "Operating Funds Entry", "OFEI" : "Operations finance excellence index", "OFF" : "Operating Funds Forecast", "OFG" : "Operating Funds Growth", "OFI" : "Opportunity for Improvement", "OFK" : "Operating Funds Knowledge", "OFL" : "Operating Funds Leader", "OFM" : "Operating Funds Manager", "OFP" : "Operating Funds Plan", "OFR" : "Order fill rate", "OFS" : "Operating Funds Strategy", "OFT" : "Operating Funds Trend", "OFY" : "Operating Funds Year", "OG" : "Operating Group", "OGA" : "Operating Group Analysis", "OGC" : "Operating Group Concept", "OGD" : "Operating Group Data", "OGE" : "Operating Group Entry", "OGF" : "Operating Group Forecast", "OGG" : "Operating Group Growth", "OGK" : "Operating Group Knowledge", "OGL" : "Open General License / Operating Group Leader", "OGM" : "Operating Group Manager", "OGP" : "Operating Group Plan", "OGS" : "Operating Group Strategy", "OGSM" : "Objectives, Goals, Strategies, Measures", "OGT" : "Operating Group Trend", "OGY" : "Operating Group Year", "OH" : "Operational Hours", "OHA" : "Organization Health Assessment / Operational Hours Analysis", "OHAS" : "Occupational Health and Safety", "OHC" : "Operational Hours Concept", "OHD" : "Operational Hours Data", "OHE" : "Operational Hours Entry", "OHF" : "Operational Hours Forecast", "OHG" : "Operational Hours Growth", "OHK" : "Operational Hours Knowledge", "OHL" : "Operational Hours Leader", "OHM" : "Operational Hours Manager", "OHP" : "Operational Hours Plan", "OHS" : "Operational Hours Strategy", "OHT" : "Operational Hours Trend", "OHY" : "Operational Hours Year", "OI" : "Operating Income", "OIA" : "Operating Income Analysis", "OIC" : "Operating Income Concept", "OID" : "Operating Income Data", "OIE" : "Other income external / Other Income & Expense / Operating Income Entry", "OIF" : "Operating Income Forecast", "OIG" : "Operating Income Growth", "OII" : "Other income internal", "OIK" : "Operating Income Knowledge", "OIL" : "Operating Income Leader", "OIM" : "Operating Income Manager", "OIP" : "Operating Income Plan", "OIS" : "Operating Income Strategy", "OIT" : "Operating Income Trend", "OIY" : "Operating Income Year", "OJ" : "Operational Justification", "OJA" : "Operational Justification Analysis", "OJC" : "Operational Justification Concept", "OJD" : "Operational Justification Data", "OJE" : "Operational Justification Entry", "OJF" : "Operational Justification Forecast", "OJG" : "Operational Justification Growth", "OJK" : "Operational Justification Knowledge", "OJL" : "Operational Justification Leader", "OJM" : "Operational Justification Manager", "OJP" : "Operational Justification Plan", "OJS" : "Operational Justification Strategy", "OJT" : "Operational Justification Trend", "OJY" : "Operational Justification Year", "OK" : "Operational Knowledge", "OKA" : "Operational Knowledge Analysis", "OKBA" : "Ontario Korean Businessmen's Association", "OKC" : "Operational Knowledge Concept", "OKD" : "Operational Knowledge Data", "OKE" : "Operational Knowledge Entry", "OKF" : "Operational Knowledge Forecast", "OKG" : "Operational Knowledge Growth", "OKK" : "Operational Knowledge Knowledge", "OKL" : "Operational Knowledge Leader", "OKM" : "Operational Knowledge Manager", "OKP" : "Operational Knowledge Plan", "OKS" : "Operational Knowledge Strategy", "OKT" : "Operational Knowledge Trend", "OKY" : "Operational Knowledge Year", "OL" : "Operational Level", "OLA" : "Operational Level Analysis", "OLAF" : "European Anti-Fraud Office", "OLAP" : "On-Line Analytical Processing", "OLC" : "Operational Level Concept", "OLD" : "Operational Level Data", "OLE" : "Operational Level Entry", "OLF" : "Operational Level Forecast", "OLG" : "Operational Level Growth", "OLK" : "Operational Level Knowledge", "OLL" : "Operational Level Leader", "OLM" : "Operational Level Manager", "OLP" : "Operational Level Plan", "OLS" : "Operational Level Strategy", "OLT" : "Operations Leadership Team / Operational Level Trend", "OLY" : "Operational Level Year", "OM" : "Operations Management / Organisational Management (Modulo SAP) / Outcome Milestones / Operating Model", "OMA" : "Operations Management Analysis", "OMBC" : "Operating Model Business Case", "OMC" : "Operations Management Concept", "OMD" : "Operations Management Data", "OME" : "Operations Management Entry", "OMF" : "Operations Management Forecast", "OMG" : "Operations Management Growth", "OMK" : "Operations Management Knowledge", "OML" : "Operations Management Leader", "OMM" : "Operations Management Manager", "OMP" : "Operations Management Plan", "OMS" : "Operations Management Strategy", "OMT" : "Operations Management Trend", "OMY" : "Operations Management Year", "ON" : "Operational Network", "ONA" : "Operational Network Analysis", "ONB" : "Onboarding", "ONC" : "Operational Network Concept", "OND" : "Operational Network Data", "ONE" : "Operational Network Entry", "ONF" : "Operational Network Forecast", "ONG" : "Operational Network Growth", "ONK" : "Operational Network Knowledge", "ONL" : "Operational Network Leader", "ONM" : "Operational Network Manager", "ONP" : "Operational Network Plan", "ONS" : "Operational Network Strategy", "ONT" : "Operational Network Trend", "ONY" : "Operational Network Year", "OO" : "Other Overheads / Operational Objective", "OOA" : "Operational Objective Analysis", "OOC" : "Operational Objective Concept", "OOD" : "Operational Objective Data", "OOE" : "Operational Objective Entry", "OOF" : "Operational Objective Forecast", "OOG" : "Operational Objective Growth", "OOH" : "Out Of Home", "OOK" : "Operational Objective Knowledge", "OOL" : "Out Of Limits / Operational Objective Leader", "OOM" : "Operational Objective Manager", "OOO" : "Out of office ", "OOP" : "Out of Pocket / Operational Objective Plan", "OOR" : "Open Order Report", "OOS" : "Out of Stock / Out of Stocks / Out of Stock / Operational Objective Strategy", "OOS (GCS)" : "she visited the store = percentage of people faced with OOS / Unavailability of reg brand the last time he", "OOS% (Market Track)" : " WTD Handling Distribution = OOS% / Avg. WTD Shelf OOS", "OOT" : "Operational Objective Trend", "OOY" : "Operational Objective Year", "OP" : "Operational Planning (translation of programmes into activities) / Operating Profit / Operational Plan / Organizational Process (Assessment)", "OPA" : "Operational Plan Analysis", "OPB" : "Operations Portfolio Board", "OPC" : "Operational Plan Concept", "OpCo" : "Operating Company", "OPD" : "Operational Plan Data", "OPE" : "Operational Plan Entry", "Operation" : "The term used to describe a manufactured unit of stem and lamina", "OpEx" : "Operating Expenditure / Operationing Expenditure", "OPF" : "Operational Plan Forecast", "OPG" : "Operational Plan Growth", "OPK" : "Operational Plan Knowledge", "OPL" : "One Point Lessons / Operational Plan Leader", "OPM" : "Organisation Performance Model (IWS) / Operational Plan Manager", "OPO" : "Other Production Overheads", "OPOL" : "Open Purchase Order List", "OPP" : "Operational Plan Plan", "OPS" : "Operations / Operational Plan Strategy", "OPT" : "Operational Plan Trend", "OPY" : "Operational Plan Year", "OQ" : "Operational Quality", "OQA" : "Operational Quality Analysis", "OQC" : "Operational Quality Concept", "OQD" : "Operational Quality Data", "OQE" : "Operational Quality Entry", "OQF" : "Operational Quality Forecast", "OQG" : "Operational Quality Growth", "OQK" : "Operational Quality Knowledge", "OQL" : "Operational Quality Leader", "OQM" : "Operational Quality Manager", "OQP" : "Operational Quality Plan", "OQS" : "Operational Quality Strategy", "OQT" : "Operational Quality Trend", "OQY" : "Operational Quality Year", "/" : "Oriental Leaf / Operational Results", "ORA" : "Overall Risk Assessment / Operational Results Analysis", "Oracle" : "Oracle Market Research Ltd / All approved methods, processes and people in the Marketing Research / Information function", "ORC" : "Operational Results Concept", "ORD" : "Operational Results Data", "ORE" : "Operational Results Entry", "ORF" : "Operational Results Forecast", "ORG" : "Organization / Operational Results Growth", "Oriental (/)" : "Oriental blends are normally composed of 100% sun-cured tobacco", "Oriental tobacco" : "Small aromatic leaf generally grown around the middle eastern Mediterranean region used for its characteristic smoking quality", "ORK" : "Operational Results Knowledge", "ORL" : "Operational Results Leader", "ORM" : "Operational Results Manager", "ORP" : "Operational Results Plan", "ORS" : "Operational Results Strategy", "ORSC" : "Operations Regional Standards Council", "ORT" : "Odour Reducing Technology / Odour Reduction Technology / Operational Results Trend", "ORY" : "Operational Results Year", "OS" : "Operational Standards", "OSA" : "Operational Standards Analysis", "OSC" : "Operations Standards Councils / Operational Standards Concept", "Oscar" : "Objectives for business / Size / Configuration / Activation / Readiness", "OSCAR approach" : "An approach to help us build deliveries to targets, and focus execution to reach them.", "OSD" : "Operational Standards Data", "OSE" : "Operational Standards Entry", "OSF" : "Operational Standards Forecast", "OSG" : "Operational Standards Growth", "OSI" : "Outlet Strategic Importance", "OSK" : "Operational Standards Knowledge", "OSL" : "Operational Standards Leader", "OSM" : "Operational Standards Manager", "OSOR" : "One Substance One Registration", "OSP" : "Operational Supply Planning / Operational Standards Plan", "OSS" : "Operational Standards Strategy", "OSSO" : "Operation Skill Sourcing Officer", "OST" : "Operational Standards Trend", "OSY" : "Operational Standards Year", "OT" : "Oracle Tracker / Operational Targets", "OT/OM" : "Manager / Operation Technician", "OTA" : "Operational Targets Analysis", "OTC" : "Other Tobacco Categories / Office of Tobacco Control (Ireland) / Operational Targets Concept", "OTD" : "Operational Targets Data", "OTDP" : "Operations Transformation Data Project", "OTE" : "Operational Targets Entry", "OTF" : "Operational Targets Forecast", "OTG" : "Operational Targets Growth", "OTIF" : "On Time In Full / On Time, In Full (order fulfilment KPI measurement)", "OTK" : "Operational Targets Knowledge", "OTL" : "Operational Targets Leader", "OTM" : "Operational Targets Manager", "OTP" : "Other Tobacco Products / Operational Targets Plan", "OTS" : "Opportunity To See / Opportunity To See / Opportunity To See / Operational Targets Strategy", "OTT" : "Operational Targets Trend", "OTY" : "Operational Targets Year", "OU" : "Operational Units", "OUA" : "Operational Units Analysis", "OUC" : "Operational Units Concept", "OUD" : "Operational Units Data", "OUE" : "Operational Units Entry", "OUF" : "Operational Units Forecast", "OUG" : "Operational Units Growth", "OUK" : "Operational Units Knowledge", "OUL" : "Operational Units Leader", "OUM" : "Operational Units Manager", "OUP" : "Operational Units Plan", "OUS" : "Operational Units Strategy", "OUT" : "Operational Units Trend", "Outer" : "The unit of measure for holding packs (otherwise termed 'carton')", "Outlet" : "Point of purchase", "OUY" : "Operational Units Year", "OV" : "Oven Volatile / Operational Value", "OVA" : "Operational Value Analysis", "OVC" : "Operational Value Concept", "OVD" : "Operational Value Data", "OVE" : "Operational Value Entry", "OVF" : "Operational Value Forecast", "OVG" : "Operational Value Growth", "OVK" : "Operational Value Knowledge", "OVL" : "Operational Value Leader", "OVM" : "Operational Value Manager", "OVP" : "Operational Value Plan", "OVS" : "Operational Value Strategy", "OVT" : "Operational Value Trend", "OVY" : "Operational Value Year", "OW" : "Operational Workflow", "OWA" : "Operational Workflow Analysis", "OWC" : "Operational Workflow Concept", "OWD" : "Operational Workflow Data", "OWE" : "Operational Workflow Entry", "OWF" : "Operational Workflow Forecast", "OWG" : "Operational Workflow Growth", "OWK" : "Operational Workflow Knowledge", "OWL" : "Operational Workflow Leader", "OWM" : "Operational Workflow Manager", "OWP" : "Operational Workflow Plan", "OWS" : "Operational Workflow Strategy", "OWT" : "Operational Workflow Trend", "OWY" : "Operational Workflow Year", "OXE" : "Operational Excellence Entry", "OY" : "Operational Year", "OYA" : "Operational Year Analysis", "OYC" : "Operational Year Concept", "OYD" : "Operational Year Data", "OYE" : "Operational Year Entry", "OYF" : "Operational Year Forecast", "OYG" : "Operational Year Growth", "OYK" : "Operational Year Knowledge", "OYL" : "Operational Year Leader", "OYM" : "Operational Year Manager", "OYP" : "Operational Year Plan", "OYS" : "Operational Year Strategy", "OYT" : "Operational Year Trend", "OZ" : "Project OZ - transition from 50% warning to 75% pack warning", "PE" : "Price Earnings Ratio & Profit Earning", "PORE" : "Price Excise / Pricing and Excise", "PORG" : "Pay / Go", "POPHM" : "Pest / Hygiene Management", "PORL" : "Profit / Loss / Profit and Loss (usually referring to accountability) / Profit and Loss", "PORP" : "Programmes and Projects", "PORR" : "Planning and Reporting", "P1" : "Incident Priority 1", "P2" : "Incident Priority 2", "P2P" : "Procure to Pay", "P3" : "Incident Priority 3", "P4" : "Incident Priority 4", "P7D" : "Past 7 Day", "PA" : "Product Academy / Personal Administration (SAP) / Product Analysis", "PAA" : "Product Analysis Analysis", "PAC" : "Platforms Aligned Committee / Product Analysis Concept", "PACE" : "Performance Appraisal and Career Evaluation", "Pack" : "Cigarette packet", "PAD" : "Pricing Activation Deployment, Payment Days / Product Analysis Data", "PAE" : "Product Analysis Entry", "PAF" : "Preliminary Approval Form / Product Analysis Forecast", "PAG" : "Programa de Alta Gerencia / Product Analysis Growth", "PAGB" : "Proprietary Association of Great Britain", "PAK" : "Product Analysis Knowledge", "PAL" : "Product Analysis Leader", "PAM" : "Price Activation Meeting / Primary Area Management / Product Analysis Manager", "PAP" : "Personal Action Plan / Pre-Authorized Payment / Product Analysis Plan", "PAS" : "Product Analysis Strategy", "PASS" : "Personal Administration Site Services", "PASSIM" : "Cigarette Maker", "PAT" : "Profit After Tax / Product Analysis Trend / Project Assessment Tool", "PAY" : "Product Analysis Year", "PB" : "Product Base", "PBA" : "Product Base Analysis", "PBAT" : "Principle Behavior Assessment Tool", "PBC" : "Product Base Concept", "PBD" : "Product Base Data", "PBE" : "Product Base Entry", "PBF" : "Product Base Forecast", "PBG" : "Product Base Growth", "PBI" : "Power BI", "PBIT" : "Profit Before Interest - Tax / Profit before interest and tax", "PBK" : "Product Base Knowledge", "PBL" : "Product Base Leader", "PBM" : "Product Base Manager", "PBP" : "Puff By Puff / Product Base Plan", "PBS" : "Product Breakdown Structure / Product Base Strategy", "PBT" : "Profit Before Tax / Product Base Trend", "PBV" : "Product Brand Value", "PBY" : "Product Base Year", "PC" : "Product Concept / Project Commitment / Product Centre", "PCA" : "Product Concept Analysis", "PCBA" : "Printed Circuit Board Assembly", "PCC" : "Product Concept Concept", "PCD" : "Pathway for Continuous Development / Product Concept Data / Pitch Circle Diameter", "PCE" : "Product Concept Entry", "PCF" : "People Capability Framework / Product Concept Forecast", "PCG" : "Product Concept Growth", "PCK" : "Product Concept Knowledge", "PCL" : "Product Concept Leader", "PCM" : "Product Concept Manager", "PCoE" : "Process Centre of Excellence", "PCP" : "Product Concept Plan", "PCR" : "Production Change Request / Product Complexity Reduction", "PCS" : "Pack Collector Study / Product Concept Strategy", "PCT" : "Product Concept Trend", "PCY" : "Product Concept Year", "PD" : "Pressure Drop / Product Development , Product Deployment / Product Development", "PDA" : "Product Development Analysis", "PDBI" : "Property Damage / Business Interruption", "PDC" : "Product Development Committee / Product Development Concept", "PDCA" : "Plan, Do, Check, Act", "PDD" : "Programme Definition Document / Product Development Data", "PDE" : "Product Development Entry", "PDF" : "Product Development Forecast", "PDG" : "Product Development Growth", "PDK" : "Product Development Knowledge", "PDL" : "Product Development Leader", "PDM" : "Project Delivery Manager / Product Development Manager", "PDP" : "Product Development Plan", "PDPC" : "Primary Delivered Product Cost", "PDQ" : "Predefined Queries", "PDS" : "Product Development Strategy", "PDSG" : "Product Development Strategy Group", "PDT" : "Product Development Team / Product Development Trend / Planned Down Time", "PDY" : "Product Development Year", "PE" : "Product Entry / Production Execution / Price to earnings ratio", "PEA" : "Product Entry Analysis", "PEC" : "Procurement Executive Committee / Product Entry Concept", "PED" : "Primary Engineering Department / Product Entry Data", "PEE" : "Product Entry Entry", "PEF" : "Product Entry Forecast", "PEG" : "Product Entry Growth", "PEK" : "Product Entry Knowledge", "PEL" : "Product Entry Leader", "PEM" : "Programme Effectiveness Management / Programme Effectiveness Measurement / Product Entry Manager", "PEP" : "Product Entry Plan", "PEPY" : "Political / Regulatory, Economic / Competitive, Social / Technological Environmental analysis / Political / Regulatory, Economic / Competitive, Social / Technological Environmental analysis", "PES" : "Product Entry Strategy", "PEST" : "Analytical approach based on: Political, Economical, Social and Technological factors", "PET" : "Product Entry Trend", "Peter Jackson" : "Consumer brand", "PeTra" : "PErformance TRAnsformation (Programme)", "PEY" : "Product Entry Year", "PF" : "Film (WMS) / Product Forecast", "PFA" : "Product Forecast Analysis", "PFB" : "Periodic Focus Brand", "PFC" : "Product Forecast Concept", "PFD" : "Process Flow Diagram / Product Forecast Data", "PFE" : "Product Forecast Entry", "PFF" : "Product Forecast Forecast", "PFG" : "Product Forecast Growth", "PFK" : "Product Forecast Knowledge", "PFL" : "Product Forecast Leader", "PFM" : "Product Forecast Manager", "PFMEA" : "Process Failure mode and Effect Analysis", "PFP" : "Product Forecast Plan", "PFR" : "Product Fill Rate", "PFS" : "Process Flow Sheet / Product Forecast Strategy", "PFT" : "Product Forecast Trend", "PFY" : "Product Forecast Year", "PG" : "Product Growth", "PG27" : "Madang Factory", "PGA" : "Product Growth Analysis", "PGC" : "Product Growth Concept", "PGD" : "Product Growth Data", "PGE" : "Product Growth Entry", "PGF" : "Product Growth Forecast", "PGG" : "Product Growth Growth", "PGK" : "Product Growth Knowledge", "PGL" : "Product Growth Leader", "PGM" : "Product Growth Manager", "PGP" : "Product Growth Plan", "PGS" : "Product Growth Strategy", "PGT" : "Product Growth Trend", "PGY" : "Product Growth Year", "PH" : "Product Handling", "PHA" : "Product Handling Analysis", "Phantom Awareness" : "Pertains to GCS questionnaire; consumers aware of a product before it is even launched", "PHC" : "Product Handling Concept", "PHD" : "Product Handling Data", "PHE" : "Product Handling Entry", "PHF" : "Product Handling Forecast", "PHG" : "Product Handling Growth", "PHK" : "Product Handling Knowledge", "PHL" : "Product Handling Leader", "PHM" : "Product Handling Manager", "PHP" : "Product Handling Plan", "PHS" : "Product Handling Strategy", "PHT" : "Product Handling Trend", "PHW" : "Pictorial Health Warning", "PHY" : "Product Handling Year", "PI" : "Product Inspection / Product Innovation", "PIorT" : "Product Integrity / Traceability / Product Integrity and Traceability", "PIA" : "Product Innovation Analysis", "PIB" : "Product Initiation Brief / Paper Inner Bundling", "PIC" : "Personal Information Centre / Personal Information Center / Product Innovation Concept", "PID" : "Project Initiation Document / Product Innovation Data / Proportional Integral Derivative", "PIE" : "Product Innovation Entry", "PIF" : "Product Innovation Forecast", "PIG" : "Product Innovation Growth", "PIK" : "Product Innovation Knowledge", "PIL" : "Process improvement Lead / Process improvement Lead / Product Innovation Leader", "PIM" : "Portfolio Integration Meeting / Planning / Insights Manager / Product Innovation Manager", "PIP" : "Personal Improvement Plan / Performance Improvement Plan / Product Improvememt Project / Product Innovation Plan", "PIPO" : "Phase In Phase Out", "PIR" : "Post-implementation review / Post Implementation Review / Purchase Info Record", "PIS" : "Product Innovation Strategy", "PIT" : "Point In Time / Product Innovation Trend", "PIY" : "Product Innovation Year", "PJ" : "Peter Jackson / Product Justification", "PJA" : "Product Justification Analysis", "PJC" : "Product Justification Concept", "PJD" : "Product Justification Data", "PJE" : "Product Justification Entry", "PJF" : "Product Justification Forecast", "PJG" : "Product Justification Growth", "PJK" : "Product Justification Knowledge", "PJL" : "Product Justification Leader", "PJM" : "Product Justification Manager", "PJP" : "Product Justification Plan", "PJS" : "Product Justification Strategy", "PJT" : "Product Justification Trend", "PJY" : "Product Justification Year", "PK" : "Product Knowledge", "PK01" : "Pakistan - Jhelum factory", "PK02" : "Pakistan - Akora factory", "PKA" : "Product Knowledge Analysis", "PKC" : "Product Knowledge Concept", "PKD" : "Product Knowledge Data", "PKE" : "Product Knowledge Entry", "PKF" : "Product Knowledge Foundation / Product Knowledge Forecast", "PKG" : "Product Knowledge Growth", "PKK" : "Product Knowledge Knowledge", "PKL" : "Product Knowledge Leader", "PKM" : "Product Knowledge Manager", "PKP" : "Product Knowledge Plan", "PKS" : "Product Knowledge Strategy", "PKT" : "Product Knowledge Trend", "PKY" : "Product Knowledge Year", "PL" : "Process Lead / Price List / Product Launch", "PL01" : "Poland - Augustow Factory", "PLA" : "Poly Lactose Acetate / Product Launch Analysis", "Planogram" : "Retail store backwall", "Plasticiser" : "Filter rod component", "PLB" : "Paper Label (WMS)", "PLC" : "Programmable Logic Controller / Public Listed Company / Programmable Logic Controller / Product Launch Concept / Public Listed Company", "PLD" : "Product Launch Data", "PLE" : "Product Launch Entry", "PLF" : "Product Launch Forecast", "PLG" : "Product Launch Growth", "PLK" : "Product Launch Knowledge", "PLL" : "Product Launch Leader", "PLM" : "Product Lifecycle Management / Product Life Cycle Management / Product Life Management / Product Launch Manager", "PLP" : "Product Line Profitability / Product Launch Plan", "PLS" : "Plan Logistic Services / Post Launch Support / Product Launch Strategy", "PLT" : "Procurement Leadership Team / Product Launch Trend", "PLU" : "Price Lookup Function / People Like Us / Price Lookup Function", "PLY" : "Product Launch Year", "PM" : "Pall Mall / Prime Minister / Product Management / Predictive Maintenance / Preventative Maintenance", "PMorH" : "Pest Management and Hygiene", "PMA" : "Product Management Analysis", "PMC" : "Proceso de Mejoramiento Contínuo / Product Management Concept", "PMD" : "Primary Manufacturing Department / Primary Manufacturing Unit / Product Management Data", "PME" : "Product Management Entry", "PMF" : "Product Management Forecast", "PMG" : "Product Management Growth", "PMI" : "Philip Morris International / Phillip Morris International", "PMK" : "Product Management Knowledge", "PML" : "Pall Mall Lights / Product Management Leader", "PMM" : "Product Management Manager", "PMO" : "Portfolio / Programme / Project Management Office PPPM / Programme Management Office", "PMP" : "People Management Programme / Product Management Plan", "PMS" : "Planned Maintenance System / Product Management Strategy", "PMT" : "Product Management Trend", "PMWNF" : "Particulate Matter Water / Nicotine Free (tar old terminology) / Particular Matter Water / Nicotine Free (tar old terminology)", "PMY" : "Product Management Year", "PN" : "Product Network", "PNA" : "Product Network Analysis", "PNC" : "Product Network Concept", "PND" : "Product Network Data", "PNE" : "Product Network Entry", "PNF" : "Product Network Forecast", "PNG" : "Papua New Guinea / Product Network Growth", "PNK" : "Product Network Knowledge", "PNL" : "Product Network Leader", "PNM" : "Product Network Manager", "PNP" : "Product Network Plan", "PNS" : "Product Network Strategy", "PNT" : "Price Net of Tax / Product Network Trend", "PNY" : "Product Network Year", "PO" : "Purchase Order / Purchase Order / Performance Objective / Product Offering / Performance Objective / Purchase Order", "POA" : "Power of Attorney / Proof of Application / Product Offering Analysis", "POAP" : "Plan On A Page", "POC" : "Proof of Concept / Product Offering Concept", "POD" : "Proof of Delivery / Product Offering Data", "POE" : "Product Offering Entry", "POF" : "Product Offering Forecast", "POG" : "Product Offering Growth", "POK" : "Product Offering Knowledge", "POL" : "Product Offering Leader", "POM" : "Purchase Order Management / Product Offering Manager", "POP" : "Point of purchase / Point of purchase / Proof of Proposition / Product Offering Plan", "POPIC" : "Point of Purchase Innovation Centre", "POPS" : "Place of Purchase", "POrg" : "Purchasing Organization", "POS" : "Point of Sale / Performance Objectives / Product Offering Strategy", "Positive" : "Field Training Program / Planning / Preparation / Opening / Situation / Stockcheck / Ideas / Total Agreements / Impact the Shopper / Validate and Value Add / Evaluation", "POSM" : "Point of Sale Material", "POSS" : "Plant Operating Strategy System", "POT" : "Paid on Time / Product Offering Trend", "POV" : "Point of View", "POY" : "Product Offering Year", "PP" : "Production Plan / Product Portfolio / Production Plan / Plain Packaging", "PPorD" : "Product Planning / Development / Production Planning and Development", "PPA" : "Psychophysical Analysis . Purchase Price Allocation / Psychophysical Analysis / Psychophysical Analysis / Product Portfolio Analysis", "PPB" : "Productivity Portfolio Board", "PPC" : "Product Portfolio Concept", "PPCT" : "Printed packaging costing tool", "PPD" : "Product Portfolio Data", "PPDA" : "Planning Parameter Download Automation", "PPE" : "Product Physical Evaluation / Product Portfolio Entry", "PPF" : "Product Portfolio Forecast", "PPG" : "Product Portfolio Growth", "PPK" : "Product Portfolio Knowledge", "PPL" : "Product Portfolio Leader", "PPM" : "Product Project Manager (also referred to as the Technical Lead, works closely with the E2EPM) / Product Portfolio Manager", "PPORD" : "Product Process Orientated Research Development", "PPP" : "Premium Preferred Partners / Product Portfolio Plan / Portfolio, Programmes / Projects / Plant Protection Products", "PPR" : "Post Project Review", "PPS" : "Public Place Smoking / Public Place Smoking (Ban) / Product Portfolio Strategy", "PPT" : "Product Portfolio Trend", "PPVP" : "Product Performance Validation Plan", "PPY" : "Product Portfolio Year", "PQ" : "Packaging material Qualification / Product Quality", "PQA" : "Product Quality Attributes / Product Quality Analysis", "PQC" : "Product Quality Control / Product Quality Concept", "PQCDSM" : "Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Safety Morale", "PQD" : "Product Quality Data", "PQE" : "Product Quality Entry", "PQF" : "Product Quality Forecast", "PQG" : "Product Quality Growth", "PQI" : "Product Quality Index", "PQIT" : "Product Quality Improvement Team", "PQK" : "Product Quality Knowledge", "PQL" : "Product Quality Leader", "PQM" : "Product Quality Manager", "PQP" : "Product Quality Parameters / Product Quality Plan", "PQRS" : "Product Quality Rating System / Physical Quality Rating System", "PQS" : "Product Quality Strategy", "PQT" : "Product Quality Trend", "PQY" : "Product Quality Year", "PR" : "Purchase Requisition / Product Research / Purchase Requisition / Process Reliability", "PRA" : "Product Research Analysis", "Prairies" : "Includes Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta", "PRC" : "Product Research Concept", "PRCC" : "Process related conversion cost", "PRD" : "Product Research Data", "PRE" : "Product Research Entry", "PREP" : "Potentially Reduced Exposure Product", "Preprinted paper" : "Print on tipping done by contractor", "PREPs" : "Potentially Reduced Exposure Products (i.e. potentially less harmful product)", "Pre-SOP" : "Pre Sales / Operations Planning / Pre Sales and Operations Planning", "Previous Place of Purchase" : "UPP less than 1 year", "PRF" : "Project Recommendation Form / Product Research Forecast", "PRG" : "Product Research Growth", "Price Effect" : "Direct gross margin impact before price change as an effect on volume. The immediate budget required to execute the activity.", "Price Index" : " category'sbenchmark product's average price) x 100 / (Product's average price", "Price Tolerance" : "Analysis based on consumers' willingness to take price changes.", "Pricer" : "Software / Software to analyse results of BPTO (Brand Price Trade-off)", "PRINCE" : "Projects IN Controlled Environment", "PRIV-CHK" : "Private Checker", "PRK" : "Product Research Knowledge", "PRL" : "Product Research Leader", "PRM" : "Portfolio Reporting Milestones / Product Research Manager", "Province of Tax" : "For MW, because they may ship to outside the province", "PRP" : "Profit Related Pay / Product Research Plan", "PRRP" : "Potentially Reduced Risk Product", "PRS" : "Product Research Strategy", "PRT" : "Product Research Trend", "PRY" : "Product Research Year", "PS" : "Product Supply / Peter Stuyvesant (Brand Status Report) / Product Strategy", "PSorRA" : "Product Safety / Regulatory Affairs", "PSA" : "Product Strategy Analysis / Product Space Appropriation / Partial Scope Agreement", "PSC" : "Product Stewardship Council / Primary Supply Chain / Product Strategy Concept", "PSD" : "Particle Size Distribution / Product Strategy Data", "PSE" : "Product Sensory Evaluation / Product Strategy Entry", "PSF" : "Product Strategy Forecast", "PSG" : "Product Steering Group / Product Strategy Growth", "PSHG" : "Product Specification Harmonisation Group", "PSK" : "Product Strategy Knowledge", "PSL" : "Product Strategy Leader", "PSM" : "Product Space Mapping / Product Strategy Manager / Product Support Services", "PSP" : "Product Stewardship Plan / Product Strategy Plan", "PSR" : "Packed Store Room", "PSS" : "Product Strategy Strategy", "PST" : "Product Strategy Trend", "PSU" : "Production Services Unit / Production Services Unit", "PSY" : "Product Strategy Year", "Psychographics" : "Mental characteristics of a group of people i.e. lifestyle, behaviour, interests etc.", "PT" : "Product Trend", "PTA" : "Product Transformation Analysis (IWS) / Product Trend Analysis", "PTC" : "Pakistan Tobacco Company / Product Trend Concept", "PTD" : "Product Trend Data", "PTE" : "Product Trend Entry", "PTF" : "Planning Time Fence / Product Trend Forecast", "PTFE" : "Polytetrafluoroethylene", "PTG" : "Product Trend Growth", "PTK" : "Product Trend Knowledge", "PTL" : "Product Trend Leader", "PTM" : "Programme TaO Methodology / Product Trend Manager", "PTP" : "Personal Training Portfolio / Product Technical Protocol / Product Trend Plan", "pts" : "Percentage Points / Percentage Points / Product Trend Strategy", "PTSG" : "Process Technology Steering Group", "PTT" : "Provincial Tobacco Tax / Product Trend Trend", "PTY" : "Product Trend Year", "PU" : "Product Unit", "PUA" : "Product Unit Analysis", "PUC" : "Product Unit Concept", "PUD" : "Product Unit Data", "PUE" : "Product Unit Entry", "PUF" : "Product Unit Forecast", "PUG" : "Product Unit Growth", "PUK" : "Product Unit Knowledge", "PUL" : "Product Unit Leader", "PUM" : "Product Unit Manager", "PUOM" : "Purchased unit of measurement", "PUP" : "Product Unit Plan", "PUS" : "Product Unit Strategy", "PUT" : "Product Unit Trend", "PUY" : "Product Unit Year", "PV" : "Performance Validation / Product Value", "PVA" : "Product Value Analysis", "PVC" : "Product Value Concept", "PVD" : "Product Value Data", "PVE" : "Product Value Entry", "PVF" : "Product Value Forecast", "PVG" : "Product Value Growth", "PVK" : "Product Value Knowledge", "PVL" : "Product Value Leader", "PVM" : "Product Value Manager", "PVP" : "Product Validation Plan / Product Value Plan", "PVS" : "Product Value Strategy", "PVT" : "Product Value Trend", "PVV " : "Product Volume Verification", "PVY" : "Product Value Year", "PW" : "Plaisware system (Project management system) / Product Workflow / Product Wheel / Plug Wrap (WMS)", "PWA" : "Product Workflow Analysis", "PWC" : "Price Waterhouse Coopers / Product Workflow Concept", "PWD" : "Product Workflow Data", "PWE" : "Product Workflow Entry", "PWF" : "Product Workflow Forecast", "PWG" : "Product Workflow Growth", "PWK" : "Product Workflow Knowledge", "PWL" : "Product Workflow Leader", "PWM" : "Product Workflow Manager", "PWP" : "Packaging Work Process / Product Workflow Plan", "PWS" : "Product Workflow Strategy", "PWT" : "Product Workflow Trend", "PWY" : "Product Workflow Year", "PX" : "Product Excellence", "PXA" : "Product Excellence Analysis", "PXC" : "Product Excellence Concept", "PXD" : "Product Excellence Data", "PXE" : "Product Excellence Entry", "PXF" : "Product Excellence Forecast", "PXG" : "Product Excellence Growth", "PXK" : "Product Excellence Knowledge", "PXL" : "Product Excellence Leader", "PXM" : "Product Excellence Manager", "PXP" : "Product Excellence Plan", "PXS" : "Product Excellence Strategy", "PXT" : "Product Excellence Trend", "PXY" : "Product Excellence Year", "PY" : "Product Year", "PYA" : "Product Year Analysis", "PYC" : "Product Year Concept", "PYD" : "Product Year Data", "PYE" : "Product Year Entry", "PYF" : "Product Year Forecast", "PYG" : "Product Year Growth", "PYK" : "Product Year Knowledge", "PYL" : "Product Year Leader", "PYM" : "Product Year Manager", "PYP" : "Product Year Plan", "PYS" : "Product Year Strategy", "PYT" : "Product Year Trend", "PZ" : "Plasticizer", "Q" : "Quality (IWS Pillar)", "QorA" : "Questions and asnwers", "Q2" : "Quality Reporting System", "QA" : "Quality Assurance / Quality Analysis", "QAA" : "Quality Analysis Analysis", "QAC" : "Quality Analysis Concept", "QAD" : "Quality Analysis Data", "QAE" : "Quality Analysis Entry", "QAF" : "Quality Analysis Forecast", "QAG" : "Quality Analysis Growth", "QAK" : "Quality Analysis Knowledge", "QAL" : "Quality Analysis Leader", "QAM" : "Quality Analysis Manager", "QAP" : "Quality Analysis Plan", "QAS" : "Quality Acceptance Standards / Quality Analysis Strategy", "QAT" : "Quality Analysis Trend", "QAY" : "Quality Analysis Year", "QB" : "Quaterly Briefing / Quality Base", "QBA" : "Quality Base Analysis", "QBC" : "Quality Base Concept", "QBD" : "Quality Base Data", "QBE" : "Quality Base Entry", "QBF" : "Quality Base Forecast", "QBG" : "Quality Base Growth", "QBK" : "Quality Base Knowledge", "QBL" : "Quality Base Leader", "QBM" : "Quality Base Manager", "QBP" : "Quality Base Plan", "QBR" : "Quarterly Business Review", "QBS" : "Quarterly Borrowings Survey / CSS / Quality Base Strategy", "QBT" : "Quality Base Trend", "QBY" : "Quality Base Year", "QC" : "Quality Concept / Quarterly Control / Quality Control", "QCA" : "Quality Concept Analysis", "QCC" : "Quality Concept Concept", "QCD" : "Quality Concept Data", "QCE" : "Quality Concept Entry", "QCF" : "Quality Concept Forecast", "QCG" : "Quality Concept Growth", "QCK" : "Quality Concept Knowledge", "QCL" : "Quality Concept Leader", "QCM" : "Quality Concept Manager", "QCP" : "Quality Control Plan / Quality Control Plans / Quality Concept Plan", "QCS" : "Quality Concept Strategy", "QCSA" : "Quebec Convenient Store Association", "QCT" : "Quality Concept Trend", "QCY" : "Quality Concept Year", "QD" : "Quality Development", "QDA" : "Quality Development Analysis", "QDC" : "Quality Development Concept", "QDD" : "Quality Development Data", "QDE" : "Quality Development Entry", "QDF" : "Quality Development Forecast", "QDG" : "Quality Development Growth", "QDK" : "Quality Development Knowledge", "QDL" : "Quality Development Leader", "QDM" : "Quality Development Manager", "QDP" : "Quality Development Plan", "QDS" : "Quality Development Strategy", "QDT" : "Quality Development Trend", "QDY" : "Quality Development Year", "QE" : "Quality Entry", "QEA" : "Quality Entry Analysis", "QEC" : "Quality Entry Concept", "QED" : "Quality Entry Data", "QEE" : "Quality Entry Entry", "QEF" : "Quality Entry Forecast", "QEG" : "Quality Entry Growth", "QEK" : "Quality Entry Knowledge", "QEL" : "Quality Entry Leader", "QEM" : "Quality Entry Manager", "QEP" : "Quality Entry Plan", "QES" : "Quality Entry Strategy", "QET" : "Quality Entry Trend", "QEY" : "Quality Entry Year", "QF" : "Quality Forecast", "QFA" : "Quality Forecast Analysis", "QFC" : "Quality Forecast Concept", "QFD" : "Quality Forecast Data", "QFE" : "Quality Forecast Entry", "QFF" : "Quality Forecast Forecast", "QFG" : "Quality Forecast Growth", "QFK" : "Quality Forecast Knowledge", "QFL" : "Quality Forecast Leader", "QFM" : "Quality Forecast Manager", "QFP" : "Quality Forecast Plan", "QFS" : "Quality Forecast Strategy", "QFT" : "Quality Forecast Trend", "QFY" : "Quality Forecast Year", "QG" : "Quality Growth", "QGA" : "Quality Growth Analysis", "QGC" : "Quality Growth Concept", "QGD" : "Quality Growth Data", "QGE" : "Quality Growth Entry", "QGF" : "Quality Growth Forecast", "QGG" : "Quality Growth Growth", "QGK" : "Quality Growth Knowledge", "QGL" : "Quality Growth Leader", "QGM" : "Quality Growth Manager", "QGP" : "Quality Growth Plan", "QGS" : "Quality Growth Strategy", "QGT" : "Quality Growth Trend", "QGY" : "Quality Growth Year", "QH" : "Quality Handling", "QHA" : "Quality Handling Analysis", "QHC" : "Quality Handling Concept", "QHD" : "Quality Handling Data", "QHE" : "Quality Handling Entry", "QHF" : "Quality Handling Forecast", "QHG" : "Quality Handling Growth", "QHK" : "Quality Handling Knowledge", "QHL" : "Quality Handling Leader", "QHM" : "Quality Handling Manager", "QHP" : "Quality Handling Plan", "QHS" : "Quality Handling Strategy", "QHT" : "Quality Handling Trend", "QHY" : "Quality Handling Year", "QI" : "Quality Inspection / Quality Innovation", "QIA" : "Quality Innovation Analysis", "QIC" : "Quality Innovation Concept", "QID" : "Quality Innovation Data", "QIE" : "Quality Innovation Entry", "QIF" : "Quality Innovation Forecast", "QIG" : "Quality Innovation Growth", "QIK" : "Quality Innovation Knowledge", "QIL" : "Quality Innovation Leader", "QIM" : "Quality Innovation Manager", "QIO" : "Quality Improvement Opportunities", "QIP" : "Quality Innovation Plan", "QIS" : "Quality Innovation Strategy", "QIT" : "Quality Innovation Trend", "QIY" : "Quality Innovation Year", "QJ" : "Quality Justification", "QJA" : "Quality Justification Analysis", "QJC" : "Quality Justification Concept", "QJD" : "Quality Justification Data", "QJE" : "Quality Justification Entry", "QJF" : "Quality Justification Forecast", "QJG" : "Quality Justification Growth", "QJK" : "Quality Justification Knowledge", "QJL" : "Quality Justification Leader", "QJM" : "Quality Justification Manager", "QJP" : "Quality Justification Plan", "QJS" : "Quality Justification Strategy", "QJT" : "Quality Justification Trend", "QJY" : "Quality Justification Year", "QK" : "Quality Knowledge", "QKA" : "Quality Knowledge Analysis", "QKC" : "Quality Knowledge Concept", "QKD" : "Quality Knowledge Data", "QKE" : "Quality Knowledge Entry", "QKF" : "Quality Knowledge Forecast", "QKG" : "Quality Knowledge Growth", "QKK" : "Quality Knowledge Knowledge", "QKL" : "Quality Knowledge Leader", "QKM" : "Quality Knowledge Manager", "QKP" : "Quality Knowledge Plan", "QKS" : "Quality Knowledge Strategy", "QKT" : "Quality Knowledge Trend", "QKY" : "Quality Knowledge Year", "QL" : "Quality Loss / Quality Launch", "QLA" : "Quality Launch Analysis", "QLC" : "Quality Launch Concept", "QLD" : "Quality Launch Data", "QLE" : "Quality Launch Entry", "QLF" : "Quality Launch Forecast", "QLG" : "Quality Launch Growth", "QLK" : "Quality Launch Knowledge", "QLL" : "Quality Launch Leader", "QLM" : "Quality Launch Manager", "QLP" : "Quality Launch Plan", "QLS" : "Quality Launch Strategy", "QLT" : "Quality Launch Trend", "QLY" : "Quality Launch Year", "QM" : "Quality Manager / Quality Management", "QMA" : "Quality Management Analysis", "QMC" : "Quality Management Concept", "QMD" : "Quality Management Data", "QME" : "Quality Management Entry", "QMF" : "Quality Management Forecast", "QMG" : "Quality Management Growth", "QMK" : "Quality Management Knowledge", "QML" : "Quality Management Leader", "QMM" : "Quality Management Manager", "QMP" : "Quality Management Plan", "QMR" : "Quarterly Marketing Report", "QMS" : "Quality Management System / Quality Management Strategy", "QMT" : "Quality Management Trend", "QMY" : "Quality Management Year", "QN" : "Quality Network", "QNA" : "Quality Network Analysis", "QNC" : "Quality Network Concept", "QND" : "Quality Network Data", "QNE" : "Quality Network Entry", "QNF" : "Quality Network Forecast", "QNG" : "Quality Network Growth", "QNK" : "Quality Network Knowledge", "QNL" : "Quality Network Leader", "QNM" : "Quality Network Manager", "QNP" : "Quality Network Plan", "QNS" : "Quality Network Strategy", "QNT" : "Quality Network Trend", "QNY" : "Quality Network Year", "QO" : "Quality Offering", "QOA" : "Quality Offering Analysis", "QOC" : "Quality Offering Concept", "QOD" : "Quality Offering Data", "QOE" : "Quality Offering Entry", "QOF" : "Quality Offering Forecast", "QOG" : "Quality Offering Growth", "QOK" : "Quality Offering Knowledge", "QOL" : "Quality Offering Leader", "QOM" : "Quality Offering Manager", "QOP" : "Quality Offering Plan", "QOS" : "Quality Offering Strategy", "QOT" : "Quality Offering Trend", "QOY" : "Quality Offering Year", "QP" : "Quality Portfolio", "QPA" : "Quality Portfolio Analysis", "QPC" : "Quality Portfolio Concept", "QPD" : "Quality Portfolio Data", "QPE" : "Quality Portfolio Entry", "QPF" : "Quality Portfolio Forecast", "QPG" : "Quality Portfolio Growth", "QPK" : "Quality Portfolio Knowledge", "QPL" : "Quality Portfolio Leader", "QPM" : "Quality Portfolio Manager", "QPP" : "Quality Portfolio Plan", "QPR" : " Quarterly Profit Review / Quarterly Performance Review / Quarterly Profit Review / Quarterly Progress Review", "QPR / QTR" : "Quarterly Reviews", "QPS" : "Quality Portfolio Strategy", "QPT" : "Quality Portfolio Trend", "QPY" : "Quality Portfolio Year", "QQ" : "Quality Quality", "QQA" : "Quality Quality Analysis", "QQC" : "Quality Quality Concept", "QQD" : "Quality Quality Data", "QQE" : "Quality Quality Entry", "QQF" : "Quality Quality Forecast", "QQG" : "Quality Quality Growth", "QQK" : "Quality Quality Knowledge", "QQL" : "Quality Quality Leader", "QQM" : "Quality Quality Manager", "QQP" : "Quality Quality Plan", "QQS" : "Quality Quality Strategy", "QQT" : "Quality Quality Trend", "QQY" : "Quality Quality Year", "QR" : "Quick Response / Quality Research", "QRA" : "Quality Research Analysis", "QRB" : "Quality Review Board", "QRC" : "Quality Research Concept", "QRD" : "Quality Research Data", "QRE" : "Quality Research Entry", "QRF" : "Quality Research Forecast", "QRG" : "Quality Research Growth", "QRK" : "Quality Research Knowledge", "QRL" : "Quality Research Leader", "QRM" : "Quality Research Manager", "QRP" : "Quality Research Plan", "QRS" : "Quality Research Strategy", "QRT" : "Quality Research Trend", "QRY" : "Quality Research Year", "QS" : "Qualitative Study / Qulitative Study / Qualitative Studies / Quality Strategy", "QSA" : "Quality Strategy Analysis", "QSC" : "Quick Size Change / Quality Strategy Concept", "QSD" : "Quality Strategy Data", "QSE" : "Quality Strategy Entry", "QSF" : "Quality Strategy Forecast", "QSG" : "Quality Strategy Growth", "QSK" : "Quality Strategy Knowledge", "QSL" : "Quality Strategy Leader", "QSM" : "Quality Strategy Manager", "QSP" : "Quality Strategy Plan", "QSS" : "Quality Strategy Strategy", "QST" : "Quality Strategy Trend", "QSY" : "Quality Strategy Year", "QT" : "Quality Trend", "QTA" : "Quality Trend Analysis", "QTC" : "Quality Trend Concept", "QTD" : "Quality Trend Data", "QTE" : "Quality Trend Entry", "QTF" : "Quality Trend Forecast", "QTG" : "Quality Trend Growth", "QTK" : "Quality Trend Knowledge", "QTL" : "Quality Trend Leader", "QTM" : "Quality Test Machine / Quality Trend Manager", "QTP" : "Quality Through People / Quality Trend Plan", "QTR" : "Quarterly …. / Quarter", "QTS" : "Quality Trend Strategy", "QTT" : "Quality Trend Trend", "QTY" : "Quality Trend Year", "QU" : "Quality Unit", "QUA" : "Quality Unit Analysis", "QUAIL" : "Quality In Leaf", "Qual" : "Qualitative", "Qualifications for GCS Respondents" : "Must smoke > 1 TM cigarette per day; 19 years 7 months", "Quant" : "Quantitative", "Quantum" : "TMorD Information System", "QUC" : "Quality Unit Concept", "QUD" : "Quality Unit Data", "QUE" : "Quality Unit Entry", "Quest" : "Quality Enabler Survey Team", "QUF" : "Quality Unit Forecast", "QUG" : "Quality Unit Growth", "QUK" : "Quality Unit Knowledge", "QUL" : "Quality Unit Leader", "QUM" : "Quality Unit Manager", "QUP" : "Quality Unit Plan", "QUS" : "Quality Unit Strategy", "QUT" : "Quality Unit Trend", "QUY" : "Quality Unit Year", "QV" : "Quality Value", "QVA" : "Quality Value Analysis", "QVC" : "Quality Value Concept", "QVD" : "Quality Value Data", "QVE" : "Quality Value Entry", "QVF" : "Quality Value Forecast", "QVG" : "Quality Value Growth", "QVK" : "Quality Value Knowledge", "QVL" : "Quality Value Leader", "QVM" : "Quality Value Manager", "QVP" : "Quality Value Plan", "QVS" : "Quality Value Strategy", "QVT" : "Quality Value Trend", "QVY" : "Quality Value Year", "QW" : "Quality Workflow", "QWA" : "Quality Workflow Analysis", "QWC" : "Quality Workflow Concept", "QWD" : "Quality Workflow Data", "QWE" : "Quality Workflow Entry", "QWF" : "Quality Workflow Forecast", "QWG" : "Quality Workflow Growth", "QWK" : "Quality Workflow Knowledge", "QWL" : "Quality Workflow Leader", "QWM" : "Quality Workflow Manager", "QWP" : "Quality Workflow Plan", "QWS" : "Quality Workflow Strategy", "QWT" : "Quality Workflow Trend", "QWY" : "Quality Workflow Year", "QX" : "Quality Excellence", "QXA" : "Quality Excellence Analysis", "QXC" : "Quality Excellence Concept", "QXD" : "Quality Excellence Data", "QXE" : "Quality Excellence Entry", "QXF" : "Quality Excellence Forecast", "QXG" : "Quality Excellence Growth", "QXK" : "Quality Excellence Knowledge", "QXL" : "Quality Excellence Leader", "QXM" : "Quality Excellence Manager", "QXP" : "Quality Excellence Plan", "QXS" : "Quality Excellence Strategy", "QXT" : "Quality Excellence Trend", "QXY" : "Quality Excellence Year", "QY" : "Quality Year", "QYA" : "Quality Year Analysis", "QYC" : "Quality Year Concept", "QYD" : "Quality Year Data", "QYE" : "Quality Year Entry", "QYF" : "Quality Year Forecast", "QYG" : "Quality Year Growth", "QYK" : "Quality Year Knowledge", "QYL" : "Quality Year Leader", "QYM" : "Quality Year Manager", "QYP" : "Quality Year Plan", "QYS" : "Quality Year Strategy", "QYT" : "Quality Year Trend", "R / I Log" : "Risk / Issue Log", "RorAs" : "Report / Accounts", "RorB" : "Remuneration / Benefits", "RorD" : "Research / Development", "RorR" : "Repairs / Renewals", "RorRS" : "Repairs / Renewals Stocks (/ System) / Renewals / Repairs Stocks (/ System)", "R2M" : "Route to market", "R2P" : " Record To report / Requisition to Pay", "R2R" : "Record to Report", "R4F" : "Ready for future", "R4R" : "Ready for Regulation", "RA" : "Retail Audit / Retailers Assistant / Research Analysis", "RA share" : "Retail Audit (consumed)", "RAA" : "Research Analysis Analysis", "RAC" : "Regional Audit Controllers / Research Analysis Concept", "RACC" : "Regional Audit and CSR Committee", "RACI" : "Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed / Responsible, Accountable, Consult, Inform", "RACM" : "Risk / Controls Matrix", "RAD" : "Research Analysis Data", "RAE" : "Research Analysis Entry", "RAF" : "Research Analysis Forecast", "RAG" : "Red, Amber, Green Status / Research Analysis Growth", "RAI" : "Reynolds American Incorporated / Reynolds American Inc.", "RAID" : "Risks, Assumptions, Issues and Dependencies / Recommend Agreed Input Decide", "RAK" : "Research Analysis Knowledge", "RAL" : "Regulatory Analysis Laboratory / Research Analysis Leader", "RAM" : "Research Analysis Manager", "Ramp-up Rate" : "period in which a change will take into full effect / The rate", "RAP" : "Research Analysis Plan", "RAR" : "Risk Analysis and Remediation", "RAS" : "Research Analysis Strategy", "RAT" : "Research Analysis Trend", "RAY" : "Research Analysis Year", "RB" : "Round Corner / Research Base", "RBA" : "Research Base Analysis", "RBC" : "Research Base Concept", "RBD" : "Research Base Data", "RBE" : "Research Base Entry", "RBF" : "Research Base Forecast", "RBG" : "Regional Brand Group / Research Base Growth", "RBH" : "Rothman Benson / Hedges", "RBK" : "Research Base Knowledge", "RBL" : "Research Base Leader", "RBM" : "Research Base Manager", "RBP" : "Research Base Plan", "RBS" : "Retirement Benefit Schemes (costs) / Research Base Strategy", "RBT" : "Research Base Trend", "RBU" : "Regional Business Unit / Regional Business Unit", "RBY" : "Research Base Year", "RC" : "Research Concept / Round Corner (Pack Format)", "RCA" : "Root Cause Analysis / Research Concept Analysis", "RCC" : "Research Concept Concept", "RCCP" : "Rough Cut Capacity Plan / rough cut capacity planning / Roughly Cut Capacity Plan", "RCD" : "Rebates Commission / Discounts / Rebates Commission and Discounts / Research Concept Data", "RCE" : "Research Concept Entry", "RCEE" : "Rothmans Central Eastern Europe", "RCF" : "Revolving credit facility / Research Concept Forecast", "RCG" : "Research Concept Growth", "RCK" : "Research Concept Knowledge", "RCL" : "Research Concept Leader", "RCM" : "Reliability Centered Maintenance / Regional Commercial Manager / Regional Classification Model / Retail Classification Methodology / Research Concept Manager", "RCO" : "Rapid Change Over (IWS)", "RCP" : "Retail Classification Platform / Retail Classification Platform / Research Concept Plan", "RCS" : "Retail Classification System / Research Concept Strategy", "RCS 5" : "Retail Classification System version 5", "RCT" : "Research Concept Trend", "RCY" : "Research Concept Year", "RD" : "Regional Director / Research Development", "RDA" : "Research Development Analysis", "RDC" : "Retailer Distribution Centre / Retailer Distribution Center / Research Development Concept", "RDD" : "Research Development Data", "RDE" : "Research Development Entry", "RDF" : "Retail Disposition Funnel / Research Development Forecast", "RDG" : "Research Development Growth", "RDK" : "Research Development Knowledge", "RDL" : "Research Development Leader", "RDM" : "Research Development Manager", "RDP" : "Research Development Plan", "RDS" : "Research Development Strategy", "RDT" : "Radio Data Terminal / Research Development Trend", "RDY" : "Research Development Year", "RE" : "Recon / Research Entry / Run Efficiency", "REA" : "Research Entry Analysis", "REB" : "Rebel", "REC" : "Research Executive Council / Research Entry Concept", "RECON" : "Reconstituted Tobacco", "Reconstituted" : "Processing Term", "RED" : "Research Entry Data", "REE" : "Research Entry Entry", "REF" : "Research Entry Forecast", "REG" : "Research Entry Growth", "Regression Concept" : "Correlation between performance of brands and relative price vs home price. Home price dynamics and relative price. The threshold of switching between regular brand and relative segment. Online when regression finds correlation between the two.", "Regular Brand" : "The one brand a consumer smokes more often than any other (each consumer can only have one reg. brand)", "REK" : "Research Entry Knowledge", "REL" : "Research Entry Leader", "Reloc" : "Paper inside the pack that allows to be resealed in order to keep the freshness of cigarettes", "REM" : "Research Entry Manager", "Rem. Ontario CS" : "Remaining Ontario", "Remaining CorG" : "Comprised mostly of independents", "REP" : "Research Entry Plan", "RES" : "Retail Environment Strategy (maximum impact in stores) / Research Entry Strategy", "Resy" : "Massflow Reservoir", "RET" : "Research Entry Trend", "Retail Audit" : "performed on a sample basis", "Retail Census" : "Gather information on the retailes", "Retail Universe" : "The total number of retail outlets in a specified area (i.e. Country / City)", "REY" : "Research Entry Year", "RF" : "Round corner Front / Research Forecast", "RFA" : "Request For Approval / Research Forecast Analysis", "RFC" : "Regional Finance Controller / Request For Change / Research Forecast Concept / Rothmans Fine Cut", "RFD" : "Research Forecast Data", "RFE" : "Research Forecast Entry", "RFF" : "Research Forecast Forecast", "RFG" : "Research Forecast Growth", "RFID" : "Radio Frequency Identification", "RFK" : "Research Forecast Knowledge", "RFL" : "Research Forecast Leader", "RFM" : "Research Forecast Manager", "RFP" : "Request for Proposal / Research Forecast Plan", "RFS" : "Research Forecast Strategy", "RFT" : "Research Forecast Trend", "RFY" : "Research Forecast Year", "RG" : "Research Growth", "RGA" : "Research Growth Analysis", "RGC" : "Research Growth Concept", "RGD" : "Research Growth Data", "RGE" : "Research Growth Entry", "RGF" : "Research Growth Forecast", "RGG" : "Research Growth Growth", "RGK" : "Research Growth Knowledge", "RGL" : "Research Growth Leader", "RGM" : "Research Growth Manager", "RGP" : "Research Growth Plan", "RGS" : "Research Growth Strategy", "RGSS" : "Regular Slide and Shell", "RGT" : "Research Growth Trend", "RGY" : "Research Growth Year", "RH" : "Research Handling", "RHA" : "Research Handling Analysis", "RHC" : "Research Handling Concept", "RHD" : "Research Handling Data", "RHE" : "Research Handling Entry", "RHF" : "Research Handling Forecast", "RHG" : "Research Handling Growth", "RHK" : "Research Handling Knowledge", "RHL" : "Research Handling Leader", "RHM" : "Research Handling Manager", "RHOP" : "Regional Head Of Procurement", "RHP" : "Research Handling Plan", "RHRM" : "Regional Human Resources Manager", "RHS" : "Research Handling Strategy", "RHT" : "Reearch Handling Trend", "RHY" : "Research Handling Year", "RI" : "Rothmans International / Require Improvements / Research Innovation", "RIA" : "Research Innovation Analysis", "RIC" : "Research Innovation Concept", "RID" : "Research Innovation Data", "RIE" : "Research Innovation Entry", "RIF" : "Research Innovation Forecast", "RIG" : "Regional improvement group / Research Innovation Growth", "RIK" : "Research Innovation Knowledge", "RIL" : "Research Innovation Leader", "RIM" : "Regional Insights Manager / Research Innovation Manager", "RIP" : "Research Innovation Plan", "RIS" : "Retail Incentive Scheme / Research Innovation Strategy", "RIT" : "Regional Improvement Team / Research Innovation Trend", "RITM" : "Regional IT Manager", "RIY" : "Research Innovation Year", "RJ" : "Research Justification", "RJA" : "Research Justification Analysis", "RJC" : "Research Justification Concept", "RJD" : "Research Justification Data", "RJE" : "Research Justification Entry", "RJF" : "Research Justification Forecast", "RJG" : "Research Justification Growth", "RJK" : "Research Justification Knowledge", "RJL" : "Research Justification Leader", "RJM" : "Research Justification Manager", "RJP" : "Research Justification Plan", "RJR" : "RJ Reynolds", "RJRT" : "RJ Reynolds Tobacco", "RJS" : "Research Justification Strategy", "RJT" : "Research Justification Trend", "RJY" : "Research Justification Year", "RK" : "Research Knowledge", "RKA" : "Research Knowledge Analysis", "RKC" : "Research Knowledge Concept", "RKD" : "Research Knowledge Data", "RKE" : "Research Knowledge Entry", "RKF" : "Research Knowledge Forecast", "RKG" : "Research Knowledge Growth", "RKK" : "Research Knowledge Knowledge", "RKL" : "Research Knowledge Leader", "RKM" : "Research Knowledge Manager", "RKP" : "Research Knowledge Plan", "RKS" : "Rothmans King Size (Brand Status Report) / Research Knowledge Strategy", "RKSF" : "Rothmans King Size Filtered (brand) / Rothmans King Size Filtered", "RKT" : "Research Knowledge Trend", "RKY" : "Research Knowledge Year", "RL" : "Research Launch", "RLA" : "Reloc Label (WMS) / Research Launch Analysis", "RLC" : "Research Launch Concept", "RLD" : "Research Launch Data", "RLE" : "Research Launch Entry", "RLF" : "Research Launch Forecast", "RLG" : "Research Launch Growth", "RLK" : "Research Launch Knowledge", "RLL" : "Research Launch Leader", "RLM" : "Research Launch Manager", "RLT" : "Regional Leadership Team", "RM" : "Regional Manager / Records Management / Record Management", "RMA" : "Return Merchandise Authorization", "RML" : "Retail Media Landscape", "RMLT" : "Regional Marketing Leadership Team", "RMM" : "Regional Marketing Manager / Risk Management Measure", "RMO" : "Retail Media Outlet / s same as Superior Quality outlet", "RMS" : "Retail Measurement Surveys", "RMT" : "Regional Management Team", "RN" : "Ready Now", "RO" : "Rothmans King Size (brand) / Rothmans King Size", "RO02" : "Ploiesti Factory", "ROC" : "Rest Of Canada", "ROCE" : "Return On Capital Employed / Return On Capital Employed", "ROD" : "Regional Operations Director", "ROE" : "Return on Equity / Roll-Out Education / Return on Equity", "ROI" : "Return On Investment / Return On Investment", "ROLT" : "Regional Operations Leadership Team", "ROM" : "Regional Operations Manager", "RONA" : "Return On Net Assets / Return On Net Assets", "RONS" : "Return On Net Stockholding / Return On Net Stockholding", "RONTA" : "Return on Net Trading Assets", "ROO" : "Rest Of Ontario", "ROQ" : "Rest of Quebec", "ROSE" : "Return On Shareholders' Equity / Return On Shareholders' Equity", "ROSF" : "Return On Shareholder Funds / Return On Shareholder Funds", "ROY" : "Return of Investment", "RPA" : "Robotic Process Automation", "RPC" : "Regional Product Centre / Regional Packaging Center", "RPI" : "Retail Price Index", "RPM" : "Regional Procurement Managers", "RPN" : "Risk Priority Number", "RPRC" : "Regional Portfolio Review Committees", "RPSG" : "Regional Product Steering Group", "RPT" : "Routine Product Testing", "RQA" : "Retail Quality Assessment / Retail Quality Analysis", "RQI" : "Retail Quality Index / Relative Quality Index", "RR" : " Rapid Response / Risk Register", "RRA" : "Rate Reliability Advisor", "RRB" : "Resource Related Billing", "RRP" : "Reduced Risk Product / Recommended Retail Price (Brand Status Report) / Reduced Risk Products / Reduced Risk Product / Recommended Retail Price", "RS" : "Regular Size / Raw Stem / Regular Size / Ready Soon", "RSH" : "Ripper Shorts", "RSM" : "Rothmans Special Mild (brand) / Regional Sales Manager / Rothmans Special Mild", "RSP" : "Retail Selling Price", "RSS" : "Robust Study Summary", "RSU" : "Regional Support Unit / Retail Selling Unit (Brand Status Report)", "RTA" : "Road Traffic Accident", "RTB" : "Reason To Believe", "RTC" : "Route to Consumer", "RTM" : "Route to market / Route-to-Market", "RTP" : "Reduced Toxicity Product / Reduced Toxicity Product (i.e. ‘safer cigarette’)", "RTPM" : "Role to Position Mapping", "RTS" : "Reconstituted Tobacco Sheet / Massflow Conveyor", "RTT" : "Run To Target (IWS)", "RU" : "Rate Utilization", "RU40" : "Saratov factory", "ROI" : "Return on Investment", "SF" : "Savar Factory", "RU41" : "Saint Petersburg factory and LC", "RYO" : "Roll Your Own (Loose tobacco) / Roll Your Own / Roll Your Own / Roll Your Own Tobacco", "SORI" : "Suppy / Inventory Meeting", "SORM" : "Sales / Marketing", "SOROP" : "Sales / Operations Planning", "SORP" : "Strategy / Planning", "SORRA" : "Scientific / Regulatory Affairs", "SOW" : "Salaries and Wages / Salaries / Wages", "S90" : "A cigarette reservoir between the maker and the packer", "SA" : "Status Appropriator", "SAA" : "South Asia Areas", "SaaS" : "Software as a Service", "SAD" : "Single Administrative Document", "SAL" : "Saleable", "SAM" : "Strategic Account Management / Strategic Assessment Management / Strategic Asset Manager", "SAP" : "Systems, Applications / Products in data processing / Systems, Applications and Products in data processing (German Enterprise planning system) / Systems Application Programme / Systems Administration Platform", "SAP BI" : "SAP Business Information", "SAP BW" : "SAP Business Warehouse", "SAPGRC" : "SAP Governance Risk and Compliance", "SAPII" : "SAP Information Interchange", "SAPPI" : " Interfaces between SAP ECC and other applications / SAP Process Integration", "SAS" : "Shelf Advertising System", "SB" : "Stock Build", "SB01" : "Solomon Factory - Honiara", "SBM" : "Strategic Brand Manager", "SBO" : "Sales Based Ordering", "SBS" : "Strategic Business System", "SC" : "Soft Cup / Standing Committee / Supply Chain Champions", "SCA" : "Global SCA / Supply Chain Academy", "SCADA" : "Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition", "SCAM" : "Supply Chain Above Market", "SCC" : "Supply Chain Compliance / Supply Chain Collaborator", "SCCSE" : "Supply Chain Customer Service Excellence", "SCDT" : "Supply Chain Drive Team / Supply Chain Diagnostic Tool", "SCE" : "Supply Chain Excellence", "SCEE" : "Supply Chain Eastern Europe", "SCEM" : "Supply Chain Event Management", "SCIA" : "Supply Chain Impact Assessment / Supply Scain Impact Assesment / Supply Chain Impact Assessment", "SCIP" : "Supply Chain Improvement Project", "SCM" : " Solution Centre managers / Supply Chain Management / Solution Centre Managers / Supply Chain Management", "SCOC" : "Suppliers Code of Conduct", "SCOR" : "Supply Chain Operations Reference Model", "SCS" : "Supply Chain Strategy / Supply Chain Synchronisation", "SCSC" : "Supply Chain Service Centre", "SCTM " : "Supply Chain Technology Manager", "SCTV" : "Supply Chain Tax Verification", "SCTV " : "Supply Chain Tracking and Verification", "SCWE" : "Supply Chain Western Europe / Supply Chain West Europe", "SD" : "Sales Document / Sales Distribution / Sales Distribution / Standard Deviation", "SDDS" : "Strategy Development and Deployment Systems", "SDG" : "Strategic Design Group", "SDM" : "Service Delivery Manager / Model", "SDS" : "Shredded Stem / Safety Data Sheet", "SDWT" : "Self Directed Work Teams", "SDWT Self " : "Directed Working Teams ", "SE" : "Sensory Evaluation", "Seasonality" : " avg. of all periods sales) x 100 / (individual period sales", "SEC" : "US Securities and Exchange Commission", "Seg-ident" : "Line of questions that determine the consumer SYNC segments", "Segment Development Index" : "Compares the importance of a segment to brand / manufacturer sales to the importance that same segment to category sales", "Segment Importance" : "The percentage the sales of a specific segment represents to total sales", "Sellex" : "Selling Expenses", "SEM" : "Strategic Enterprise Management", "SEP" : "Staff Engagement Program", "SEPA" : "Single Euro Payments Area", "SF" : "Success Factors / Sea Frieght, SuccessFactors", "SFDP" : "Senior Finance Development Programme", "SFG" : "Semi-finished Goods", "SFR" : "Semi-finished Goods - Filter Rods", "SG" : "Southern Gulf / Steering Group", "SG0 - SG6" : "Stage Gate", "SG21" : "Singapore Factory", "SGM" : "Steering Group Meeting / Strategic Global Marketing", "SGPH" : "Singapore Planning Hub", "SH" : "Section Head", "Share" : "The percentage of manufacturer, brand / item has achieved of total category / segment sales", "Share Pt Chg" : "Share difference vs year ago", "SHC" : "Shipping Case", "Shipper" : "The unit of measure for holding cartons / outers", "SHP" : "Stock Holding Policy", "SICA" : "Central American Integration System", "SIDS" : "Screening Information Data Sets", "SIECA" : "Secretariat for Economic Integration for Central America", "SIEF" : "Substance Information Exchange Forum", "SIG" : "Strategic Innovations Group / StrategicInnovationGroup", "Signature" : "Our corporate signature consisting of our three-leaf symbol in corporate yelow and the logotype in the BritAm typeface in corporate blue, in a fixed configuration", "SIL" : "Stem In Lamina", "SIMPL" : "Successful Initiative Management / Product Launch", "SIMPTWW" : "Safety Information Material People Tool Where Who", "SIMS" : "Substance Inventory Management System", "SIPOC" : "Suppliers, Inputs, Process, Outputs, Customers", "SIS" : "Shipment Information System / Shipments Information System", "SITA" : "Worldwide telecommunications link", "SITPRO" : "Simplification of International Trade Procedures / Simplification of Internal Trade Procedures", "SKU" : "Stock Keeping Unit", "SL" : "Source List / Super Long / Super Long", "SLA" : "Service Level Agreement / Strategic Leadership Agenda / Strategic Leadership Agenda", "SLD" : "Severity, Likelihood, Detection", "SLOBS" : "Slow Moving / Obsolete Stocks", "Sloc" : "Storage Location", "SLS" : "Shelf Life Study", "SLT" : "Site Leadership Team", "SM" : "Service Management / Service Management", "SM@RT" : "Standardised Materials At Realistic Transfer Prices", "SMART" : "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based (Objectives)", "SMC" : "Stakeholder Mapping / Classification", "SMD" : "Secondary Manufacturing Department / Secondary Manufacturing Unit", "SME" : "Subject Matter Expert", "SMF" : "Senior Managers Finance programme", "SMP" : "Strategic Marketing Programme / Shared Materials Planning / Strategic Marketing Programme / Shared Materials Planning", "SMS" : "Senior Managers Skills Workshop", "SN" : "Supply Network (IWS Pillar)", "SND" : "Supply Network Design", "SNO" : "Supply Network Operations", "SNOLT" : "SNO lead team", "SNP" : "Supply Network Planning", "SNPLT" : "SNP lead team", "SNS" : "Supply Networking Systems", "SO" : "Sales Order", "SOB" : "Source of Business / Share of brand", "SOBC" : "Standards of Business Conduct", "SOC" : "Source of Contamination, Standard Operating Conditions, Span Of Control, Statement Of Capability, Special Operations Command, State Of Charge, Separation of Concerns, Statement of Case, Special Operations Component, Systems Operations Control, Schedule of Compliance, System Operations Concept, Standard of Conduct, Statement of Overriding Considerations, Sales Order Confirmation / Share of category", "SOD" : "Segregation of Duties", "SODA" : "Statement of Delegated Authorities / Service Operation Desk Application / Service Operation Desk Application", "SOH" : "Stocks on hand", "SOM" : "Share of Market / Source of Manufacture", "SONA" : "Share of net available", "SOP" : "Sales Operations Planning / Standard Operating Procedures / Standard Operational Procedure", "SOPE" : "Sales and Operations Planning Executive", "SOR" : "Statement Of Requirment", "SOS" : "Share of Segment - Start of Shipment / Share of Segment / Share of Sales", "SOSUC" : "System Owner Step-Up Card", "Soton" : "Southampton / Southhampton", "SOV" : "Share of Voice (and spend) / Share of Voice", "SoW" : "Statement of Work", "SOX" : "Sarbanes Oxley Act / Sarbanes - Oxley Act", "SP" : "Supply Planning / Sellable Product (a sub phase in Develop)", "SPorI" : "Strategic Planning and Insights (department) / Strategy, Planning / Insights", "SPC" : "Statistical Process Control", "SPDorS" : "Strategic Product Development / Support", "Specific" : "Tobacco terminology", "SPECS" : "Specialists", "SPI" : "Strategy Planning Insights", "SPK" : "Special Procurement Key", "SPLY" : "Same Period Last Year", "SPM" : "Superuser Privilege Management / Sales Promotional Merchandise", "SPOC" : "Single Point of Contact / Single Point of Contact", "SPR" : "Stock Projection Review", "SPRT" : "Sequential Probability Ratio Test", "SPU" : "Secondary Packing Unit", "SQ" : "Superior Quality Outlet / Superior Quality / Superior Quality Outlet / Square Corner", "SQP" : "Supplier Quality Partnership", "SQPCDM" : "Safety Quality Production Cost Delivery Morale", "SR" : "IT Service Request / Sales Representative / Study Request / Service Request (IT)", "SRB" : "Feeder", "CR" : "Change Request", "VMS" : "Visitor Management System", "SRCC" : "Support Related Conversion Cost", "SREM" : "Senior Regional Export Manager", "SRF" : "Supplier Request Forms / Suppliers Request Forms", "SRG" : "Scientific Research Group", "SRM" : "Supplier Relationship Management / Specified Risk Material / Supplier Relationship Management / Specified Risk Material", "SRO" : "Supervised Re-order / Senior Responsible Owner / Service and Repair Organization / Supervised Re-order", "SRT" : "Sheet Reconstituted Tobacco / Schweitzer Reconstituted Tobacco / Sheet (Schweitzer) Reconstituted Tobacco", "SRTP" : "Social Responsibility in Tobacco Production", "SS" : " Six Sigma / Sidestream Smoke", "SSorT" : "Strategic Science / Technology", "SSBP" : "Small Strips By-Pass", "SSC" : "Secondary Supply Chain / Shared Service Centre / Shared Service Centre", "SSCC" : "Serial Shipping Container Code", "SSG" : "Systems Steering Group", "SSO" : "Single Sign-on", "ST" : "Scheduled Time", "STC" : "Smoking Tobacco / Cigars", "STDD" : "Standdisplay", "STEM" : "Shared Terms for Export Manufacture / Stem", "STEP" : "Success Through Effective Performance", "STI" : "Stocks in Transit", "STK" : "Skandinavisk Tobakskompagni (Denmark)", "STL" : "Shift Team Leader", "STM" : "Simulated Test Market / Speed to Market", "STNU" : "Staffed Time Not Used", "STO" : "Stock Transport Order", "STP" : "Smokeless Tobacco Products", "STR" : "Stock Transfer Requisition", "STS" : "Steam Treated Stem", "STT" : "Sales to Trade", "SU" : "Scheduled Utilization", "SU/KO" : " Kick Off / Set Up", "Sun cured" : "Tobacco", "Sun-cured tobacco" : "Also known as oriental tobacco", "SUP" : "Single Use Plastics Directive", "SUPI " : "Secure Unique Product Identifier", "SUTL" : "Singapore United Tobacco Limited", "SWAN" : "Sales Weighted Average Nicotine", "SWAP" : "Sales Weighted Average Price", "SWAT" : "Sales Weighted Average Tar", "SWIM" : "Spend Where It Matters", "SWOT" : "Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities ,Threats ", "SWP" : "Standard Work Process", "TorA" : "Technical / Advisory Fee", "TorA fee" : "Fee Technical / Advisory Fee", "TorE" : "Travel and Expenses / Travel and Entertainment", "TorT" : "Track and Trace / Track and Trace Project", "TA" : "Target Audience / Talent Acquisition", "TAB" : "Technology Architecture Board", "TAMs" : "Template Adherence Metrics", "TANIC" : "Tabacalera Nicarguense SA", "TAO" : "Target Operating Model and OneSAP / TOM or OneSAP or Business Intelligence ", "Target consumer" : "A group of people that have been defined by demographics, psychographics / socio-economic groups for a particular brand", "Target outlet universe" : "That part of the total universe most relevant to build your brand(s)", "TB" : "Total blend / Tech Block", "TBA" : "Target Balancing", "TBC" : "To Be Confirmed", "TBCR" : "Tech Block Closure Review", "TBD" : "To be decided", "TBM" : "Time Based Maintenance", "TBP" : "Tipping Base Paper", "TBS" : "To be settled", "TC" : "Teamcenter system (Technical data store)", "TCC" : "Tobacco Control Community", "TCI" : "Total Customer Investment", "TCO" : "Total Cost Ownership", "TCP" : "Trade Coverage Plan", "TCR" : "Transport change request", "TD" : "Top Dressing", "TDB" : "Technical database", "TDC" : " Technical Development Corp / Total Delivered Cost", "TDD" : "Trade Development Department", "TDM" : "Trade Development Manager", "TDR" : "Tvornica Duhana Rovinj", "TEBs" : "Tailored End Brands", "TEI" : "Total Employee Involvement", "TEO" : "Total Employee Ownership", "TF" : "Tray Filler", "TFS" : "Transformation Flow Sheet", "TFT" : "Tobacco Fusion Technology", "th" : "Milles", "THP" : "Tobacco Heated Product", "THR" : "Tobacco Harm Reduction", "TIC" : "Tobacco Insurance Company", "TICS" : "Total Integrity Communications System (Quality Reporting)", "TIH" : "Tactical Inventory Hub", "TIR" : "Total Incident Rate", "TL" : "Team Leader / Technical Lead (the RorD technical lead)", "TLA" : "Three Letter Acronym", "TLD" : "Task Level Description", "TLDW" : "Team Leaders Development Workshop", "TLE" : "Tobacco Leaf Extract", "TM" : "Trade Marketing / Tobacco Moisture gauge / Talent Management / Time Management (SAP)", "TM&D" : "Trade Marketing & Distribution / Trade Marketing and Distribution", "TM&DX" : "Trade Marketing / Distribution Execution", "TMA" : "Tobacco Manufacturers' Association / Tobacco Manufacturers' Association / Tobacco Manufacturer's Association", "TMB" : "Tobacco Management Board", "TMC" : "Trade Mark Communication / Trade Marketing Communication / Tobacco Manufactured Cigarettes / Trade Marketing Communication / Tailor Made Cigarettes / Total Manufacturing Cost", "TMD" : "Trade Marketing Diversification / Trade Mark Diversification", "TMDM" : "Trade Marketing Distribution Manager", "TME" : "Trade Marketing Execution", "TMFA" : "Time Mapping / Flow Analysis", "TMI" : "Tobacco Manufacturers (India) Ltd", "TMM" : "Total Market Model", "TMO" : "same as High Quality outlet / Trade Marketing Outlet", "TMR" : "Trade Marketing Representant / Trade Marketing Representative / Trade Marketing Representent / Trade Marketing Representative", "TMS" : "Trade Mark Service", "TMU" : "Trade Marketing Universe", "TMVF" : "Trade Mark Verification", "TMW" : "Task Management Workflow", "TNA" : "Training Needs Analysis", "TNE" : "Tobacco Nothing Else", "TO" : "Territory Officer/ Transport Order", "TOM" : "Target Operating Model / Type Of Machine", "TOP" : "Type Of Part", "TOR" : "Terms of Reference", "TOS" : "Tear Off Strip (WMS)", "TOT" : "Total Offer Test / Terms of Trade (Finance) / Total Offer Test (Marketing)", "TOW" : "Cigarette component", "TP" : "Trading Profit / Tipping Paper / Tobacco Product Directive", "TP " : "Technology Provider", "TPD" : "Tobacco Products Directive", "TPDA" : "Tobacco Products Duty Act", "TPES" : "Towers Perring Eagles Star Shares Plan services Ltd", "TPM" : "Technical Project Management - old terminology (now referred to as IPM) / Total Particulate Matter / Total Productive Maintenance", "TPO" : "Transactional Procurement Optimisation", "TPP" : "Trans Pacific Partnership", "TPRI" : "Trade Performance Related Investment", "TQLT" : "Tobacco Quality Leadership Team", "TQM" : "Total Quality Management / Total Quality Management", "TR" : "Technical Review / Talent Review", "TR45" : "BAT - Samsun", "TRA" : "Technical Readiness Assessment", "Traditional Advertising" : "Above the Line advertising - TV, Print and Out of Home", "Trend follower" : "People who follow trends", "Trendsetter" : "People who set trends that others follow", "TRL" : " Technical Readiness Leader / Target Rate Loss", "TRM" : "Talent Review Meetings", "TS" : "Technical Standards", "TSC" : "Technical Steering Council", "TSG" : "Tobacco Strategy Group (BAT Industries)", "TSP" : "Total System Profit", "TSR" : "Total Shareholders Return", "TSU" : "Technology Scouting Unit", "TSV" : "Slicer", "TT" : "Top Team / Top Team / Twin Ten", "TTorC" : "Trading Terms / Conditions", "TTorT" : "Technology Transfer / Training", "TT04" : "The West Indian Tobacco Company - Port of Spain", "TTC" : "Training Center", "TTL" : "Through-the-line / Through-the-line (communication)", "TUA" : "Tobacco Utilisation Assessment", "TUSS" : "Tobacco Utilisation Sourcing / Supply", "TV" : "Tip Ventilation", "TWF" : "The Way Forward", "TWR" : "Weight of Rejected", "UA01" : "BAT Prilucki", "UAE" : "United Arab Emirates", "UAT" : "User Acceptance Testing / User Acceptance Testing", "UCC" : "Uniform Code Council", "UCL" : "Upper Control Limit", "UCS" : "Uniform Communication Standard-II transactions", "UGM" : "User Group Meeting", "UI" : "Unleash Innovation", "UI " : "User Interface", "UK OPS" : "UK Operations (Southampton / Corby) / UK Operations (Shouthampton / Corby)", "UKAS" : "United Kingdom Accreditation Service", "UKIB" : "UK International brand", "UKOps" : "UK Operations", "UL" : "Ultra Lights", "ULOW" : "Ultra Low", "ULP" : "Ultra Low Price", "UNSPSC" : "Universal Standards Products Service Classification", "UOM" : "Unit Of Measure", "UOP" : "Underline Operating Profit / Underlying Operating Profit", "UP" : "Un-authorized Product", "UPC" : "Universal Product Code", "UPDT" : "Unplanned Downtime (IWS)", "UPS" : "Uninterupptable Power Supply / Uninterruptable Power Supply / Unified Problem Solving / Uninteruptable Power Supply", "URS" : "User Requirement Specification", "US Blended" : "United States Blended tobacco", "USB" : "Universal Serial Bus", "USDA" : "Us Department of Agriculture", "USIB" : "US International brand / US International brand", "USL" : "Upper Specification Limit", "USP" : "Universal Stock Policy / Unique Selling Point", "UT" : " Unit Testing / Up Time", "UTC" : "Coordinated Universal Time", "UX" : "User Experience", "UZ02" : "Cigarette factory - Samarqand", "V3" : "Version 3 (BAT's Standard Seibel CRM Platform)", "VA" : "Virginia tobacco / Virginia", "VAA" : "Value Adding Activity", "VAT" : "Value Added Tax - Vendor Acceptance Testing / Value Added Tax / Value Added Tax (/ sales tax)", "VAX" : "(Fictitious Project Name)", "VC" : "Volume Classification / Visual Controls", "VCF" : "Vendor Creation Form", "VE09" : "C.A. Cigarrera Bigott Sucs - Valencia", "VE10" : "C.A. Cigarrera Bigott Sucs - Caracas", "VEO" : "Virtual Electronic Ordering", "VFD" : "Variable Frequency Drive", "VFM" : "Value For Money", "VIES" : "VAT Information Exchange System", "VIS" : "Vertically Inclined Slicer", "VMI" : "Vendor Managed Inventory", "VMR" : "Vendor Managed Replenishment", "VN10" : "Vina-BAT SMD Joint Venture - Ho Chi Minh City", "VN11" : "BAT-Vinataba (JV) Ltd - Dong Nai factory", "VR" : "Viceroy (brand) / Viceroy", "VRL" : "Viceroy Lights (brand) / Viceroy Lights", "VS" : "Versus", "VSM" : "Value Stream Mapping (IWS)", "VST" : "Vazir Sultan Tobacco (India)", "VSU" : "Vertical Start-UP", "VWD" : "Volume Weighted Distribution", "W" : "Winston", "WORS" : "Wellness / Stimulation", "W10" : "Windows 10", "W3" : "The Way We Work", "WA" : "Reloc", "WAC" : "Weighted Average Cost", "WACC" : "Weighted Average Cost of Capital", "WALT" : "Weighted Average Lead Time", "WAP" : "Weighted Average Price / Wighted Average Price", "WAR" : "Warehouse Receipt", "WBS" : "Workgroup Breakdown Structure / Work Breakdown Structure", "WC" : "Weigh Conveyor", "WCC" : "Weekly Control Cycle", "WCF" : "World Class Finance", "WCO" : "World Customs Organization", "WDP" : "Work / Development Plan (an individuals)", "WDS" : "Weekly Direction Setting", "WE" : "Reloc Bevel Edge", "WECT" : "Western Europe Central Trading", "WEL" : "Workplace Exposure Limit", "WER" : "Western Europe", "WH" : "Weighted Handling", "WHA" : "World Health Assembly", "WHO" : "World Health Organisation", "WHT" : "Withholding Tax", "CO":"Computer Operator", "WIC" : "World Investment Co Ltd", "WIP" : "Work in progress", "WITCO" : "West Indian Tobacco Company", "WL" : "Winston Lights (brand) / Winston Lights", "WLB" : "Work Life Balance", "WM" : "Warehouse Management", "WMS" : "Wrapping Materials Stock / Wraping Materials / Wrapping Material Specification / Wrapping MaterialS / Wrapping Materials Specifications / Wrapping Materials Store / Warehouse Management System / Warehouse Management System / Wearhouse Management System", "WNTD" : "World No Tobacco Day", "WO" : "Write off", "WOC" : "Width Of Cut", "WOM" : "Word Of Mouth / World Of Mouth", "WOOS" : "Weighted Out of Stock", "WOW" : "Winning in Our World - Change Management process / Way Of Working / Winning in Our World", "WPA" : "Work Point Analysis", "WPI" : "Work Progress Improvement (IWS)", "WPP" : "Weekly Planning Process", "WR" : "Weight of Reject", "WS01" : "Samoa Manufacturing - Apia", "WSP" : "Wholesale Selling Price", "WTCF" : "Winning Through Consumer Focus", "WTL" : "Water Treated Lamina", "WTO" : "World Trade Organization", "WTS" : "Water Treated Stem", "WWA" : " Why-Why Analysis / Where-Where Analysis", "WWB" : "Wet Weight Basis", "WWTP" : "Wastewater Treatment Plant", "YAUS" : "Young Adult Urban Smokers", "YE" : "Year End", "YIU" : "Yield in Use", "YoY" : "Year on Year", "YSP" : "Youth Smoking Prevention", "YTD" : "Year to Date / Year to Date", "YTG" : "Year To Go / Year to Goal / Year To Go", "YV" : "Your Voice Survey", "ZA04" : "BAT South Africa - Heidelberg", "ZLJM" : "Zero Loss Journey Map", "ZW06" : "BAT Zimbabwe - Harare", "SDLW" : "Same day last week", "ATMO" : "Area Trade Marketing Office", "RTMO" : "Regional Trade Marketing Office", "DH" : "Distribution House", } # Define the Gradio interface function def chatbot_interface(acronym): acronym = acronym.strip().upper() # Remove leading/trailing whitespace and convert to uppercase if acronym in knowledge_base: # Split the definitions by '/' and join with new lines response = "According to BATCCAPEDIA:\n" + "\n".join(knowledge_base[acronym].split(" / ")) else: closest_match = difflib.get_close_matches(acronym, knowledge_base.keys(), n=1) if closest_match: response = f"No exact match found in BATCCAPEDIA. Did you mean '{closest_match[0]}'?" else: response = "Not found in BATCCAPEDIA" return response # Create the Gradio interface css = """ .gradio-container { background: rgb(14, 43, 99); display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; } footer { display: none !important; } """ # HTML content for the logo and footer html_content = """
BAT Bangladesh Logo
""" footer_content = """
If any of the acronyms are missing, please mail the acronyms to
""" with gr.Blocks(title="BATB Acroquest",css=css) as demo: gr.HTML(html_content) gr.Interface( fn=chatbot_interface, inputs=gr.Textbox(label="Acronym", placeholder="Enter Acronym Here"), outputs=gr.Textbox(label="Result"), theme='default', ) gr.HTML(footer_content) demo.launch(allowed_paths=["."])