Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import as px | |
import pandas as pd | |
st.set_page_config( | |
page_title = 'Streamlit Sample Dashboard Template', | |
page_icon = 'β ', | |
layout = 'wide' | |
) | |
pie_new_color_discrete_sequence = [ 'royalblue', 'tomato', 'gold'] | |
bar_new_color_discrete_sequence = [ ' royalblue', 'royalblue', 'tomato', 'gold'] | |
def rating_to_sentiment(rating: float): | |
if rating >= 4: | |
sentiment = 'positive' | |
elif rating == 3: | |
sentiment = 'neutral' | |
elif rating <= 2: | |
sentiment = 'negative' | |
return sentiment | |
s = {'a': "rgb(235, 69, 95)", | |
'b': "rgb(255, 184, 76)", | |
'c':'rgb(43, 52, 103)'} | |
color_map = {'positive' : "royalblue", | |
'neutral': 'gold', | |
'negative': 'tomato'} | |
df = pd.read_csv('20230220_selected_df.csv', | |
index_col=0) | |
st.write(""" | |
# Distribution of topics discussed from ** on **Carrefour** | |
""") | |
clean_superclass = ['clean_BE', 'clean_PD', 'clean_DM', 'clean_AS'] | |
group_df = df.loc[: , ['ratings'] + clean_superclass ] | |
group_df['sentiment'] = group_df['ratings'].apply(lambda x: rating_to_sentiment(x)) | |
group_df['topic_count'] = group_df.iloc[ :, 1:5].sum(axis= 1) | |
heamap_data = group_df.groupby('sentiment').sum().reset_index().iloc[: , 2:6].to_numpy() | |
pie_fig = px.pie(data_frame= group_df, | |
names = group_df.sentiment, | |
color= 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'neutral' 'negative']}, | |
hole= 0.5) | |
pie_fig.update_layout(legend=dict( | |
orientation="h", | |
yanchor="middle", | |
y= 1.15, | |
xanchor="center", | |
x= 0.5 | |
)) | |
bar_fig = px.histogram(data_frame=group_df, | |
x = 'topic_count', | |
color= 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
text_auto =True, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'negative' 'neutral']}) | |
# color_discrete_sequence = bar_new_color_discrete_sequence, | |
heatmap_fig = px.imshow(heamap_data, | |
labels=dict(x="4 Super Classes", y="Sentiment"), | |
x=['Buying Experience', 'Product', 'Delivery', 'After Sales'], | |
y=['Negative', 'Neutral', 'Positive'], | |
color_continuous_scale=['royalblue', 'gold', 'tomato'], | |
text_auto=True) | |
class_1_fig = px.pie(data_frame= group_df[group_df['clean_BE'] == 1], | |
names = group_df[group_df['clean_BE'] == 1].sentiment, | |
color = 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'negative' 'neutral']}, | |
hole= 0.5) | |
class_2_fig = px.pie(data_frame= group_df[group_df['clean_PD'] == 1], | |
names = group_df[group_df['clean_PD'] == 1].sentiment, | |
color = 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'negative' 'neutral']}, | |
hole= 0.5) | |
class_3_fig = px.pie(data_frame= group_df[group_df['clean_DM'] == 1], | |
names = group_df[group_df['clean_DM'] == 1].sentiment, | |
color = 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'negative' 'neutral']}, | |
hole= 0.5) | |
class_4_fig = px.pie(data_frame= group_df[group_df['clean_AS'] == 1], | |
names = group_df[group_df['clean_AS'] == 1].sentiment, | |
color = 'sentiment', | |
color_discrete_map = color_map, | |
category_orders = {"sentiment": ['positive' ,'negative' 'neutral']}, | |
hole= 0.5) | |
kpi1, kpi2, kpi3 = st.columns(3) | |
with kpi1: | |
st.markdown("**All reviewsf**") | |
st.plotly_chart(pie_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
with kpi2: | |
with st.expander("Sentiment Count"): | |
st.dataframe(data=group_df['sentiment'].value_counts().rename_axis('unique_values').reset_index(name='counts'), | |
use_container_width=True) | |
st.plotly_chart(heatmap_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
with kpi3: | |
st.markdown("Looking at the how many topics each review is talking about") | |
st.plotly_chart(bar_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
st.markdown("<hr/>",unsafe_allow_html=True) | |
st.markdown("## Distribution broken down into 4 super classes") | |
class1, class2, class3, class4 = st.columns(4) | |
with class1: | |
st.markdown("#### Buying Experience") | |
st.plotly_chart(class_1_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
with class2: | |
st.markdown("#### Product") | |
st.plotly_chart(class_2_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
with class3: | |
st.markdown("#### Delivery Mode") | |
st.plotly_chart(class_3_fig, use_container_width=True) | |
with class4: | |
st.markdown("#### After Sales") | |
st.plotly_chart(class_4_fig, use_container_width=True) |