Do0rMaMu's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
e45d058 verified
import re
from pathlib import Path
import torch
import math
from einops import rearrange
def load_checkpoint(path, device='cpu'):
path = Path(path).expanduser()
is_deepspeed = False
if path.is_dir(): # DeepSpeed checkpoint
is_deepspeed = True
latest_path = path / 'latest'
if latest_path.is_file():
with open(latest_path, 'r') as fd:
tag =
raise ValueError(f"Unable to find 'latest' file at {latest_path}")
path /= f'{tag}/'
state_dict = torch.load(path, map_location=device)
if is_deepspeed:
state_dict = state_dict['module']
# Replace the names of some of the submodules
def key_mapping(key):
return re.sub(r'^module.model.', '', key)
state_dict = {key_mapping(k): v for k, v in state_dict.items()}
return state_dict
def blockdiag_to_dense_mlp_bert(state_dict):
from src.ops.blockdiag_multiply import blockdiag_weight_to_dense_weight
names = {name for name in state_dict
if re.match('bert.encoder.layer.(\d+).(mlp.fc(1|2)|(intermediate|output).dense).weight',
for name in names:
state_dict[name] = blockdiag_weight_to_dense_weight(state_dict[name])
return state_dict
def interpolate_pos_embedding(state_dict, out_seqlen, pos_embedding_name='', interleave=False):
orig_emb = state_dict['state_dict'][pos_embedding_name]
assert (out_seqlen % orig_emb.shape[1]) == 0, 'out_seqlen must be a multiple of the original sequence length'
reps = [1 for i in orig_emb.shape]
reps[1] = out_seqlen // orig_emb.shape[1]
if interleave:
assert math.isqrt(orig_emb.shape[1]) ** 2 == orig_emb.shape[1], 'interleave only works for square lengths'
assert math.isqrt(out_seqlen) ** 2 == out_seqlen, 'interleave only works for square lengths'
assert math.isqrt(reps[1]) ** 2 == reps[1], 'out_seqlen / seqlen must be a perfect square'
emb_square = rearrange(orig_emb, 'b (h w) d -> b h w d', h = math.isqrt(orig_emb.shape[1]))
emb_square_expanded = emb_square.repeat_interleave(math.isqrt(reps[1]), axis=1).repeat_interleave(math.isqrt(reps[1]), axis=2)
new_emb = rearrange(emb_square_expanded, 'b h w d -> b (h w) d')
state_dict['state_dict'][pos_embedding_name] = new_emb
state_dict['state_dict'][pos_embedding_name] = orig_emb.repeat(*reps)
ret = remove_model_prefix(state_dict)
# # HACK: this is a hack for block-sparse flash attention
ret = {
k: v
for k, v in ret.items()
if not k.endswith('inner_attn.layout')
return ret
def remove_model_prefix(state_dict):
# HACK: this is a hack to get the model to load properly, get rid of 'model.' prefix
for key in list(state_dict['state_dict'].keys()):
if key.startswith('model.'):
new_key = key[len('model.'):]
state_dict['state_dict'][new_key] = state_dict['state_dict'].pop(key)
# HACK: something is wrong with the state dict being loaded...
return state_dict['state_dict']