import torch from pytorch_lightning import Callback, Trainer, LightningModule import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We want a logger for each process, not just the rank 0 def l2_promote(): import ctypes _libcudart = ctypes.CDLL('') # Set device limit on the current device # cudaLimitMaxL2FetchGranularity = 0x05 pValue = ctypes.cast((ctypes.c_int*1)(), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)) _libcudart.cudaDeviceSetLimit(ctypes.c_int(0x05), ctypes.c_int(128)) _libcudart.cudaDeviceGetLimit(pValue, ctypes.c_int(0x05)) assert pValue.contents.value == 128 def set_affinity(trainer): try: from src.utils.gpu_affinity import set_affinity nproc_per_node = torch.cuda.device_count() affinity = set_affinity(trainer.local_rank, nproc_per_node, 'socket_unique_continuous')'{trainer.local_rank}: thread affinity: {affinity}') # TD [2022-05-07] Somehow calling this causes GPU 0 to allocate extra ~800MB of memory per # number of GPUs (e.g., 6.4GB of extra memory in a 8-GPU setup). H/t Dan. # l2_promote() except: pass class GpuAffinity(Callback): """Set GPU affinity and increase the L2 fetch granularity. Adapted from """ def setup(self, trainer: Trainer, pl_module: LightningModule, stage=None) -> None: set_affinity(trainer)