# Smart Resume Analyser App [![forthebadge made-with-python](http://ForTheBadge.com/images/badges/made-with-python.svg)](https://www.python.org/) [![Python 3.6](https://img.shields.io/badge/python-3.6-blue.svg)](https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-360/) ## [Watch Tutorial for this project](https://youtu.be/hqu5EYMLCUw) ## [Get the project Report, PPT, and Diagrams](https://kushalbhavsar1820.stores.instamojo.com/product/864991/smart-resume-analyzer-ppt-report-and-diagram-c091f/) ## Source - Extracting user's information from the Resume, I used [PyResparser](https://omkarpathak.in/pyresparser/) - Extracting Resume PDF into Text, I used [PDFMiner](https://pypi.org/project/pdfminer/). ## Features - User's & Admin Section - Resume Score - Career Recommendations - Resume writing Tips suggestions - Courses Recommendations - Skills Recommendations - Youtube video recommendations ## Usage - Clone my repository. - Open CMD in working directory. - Run following command. ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` - `App.py` is the main Python file of Streamlit Web-Application. - `Courses.py` is the Python file that contains courses and youtube video links. - Download XAMP or any other control panel, and turn on the Apache & SQL service. - To run app, write following command in CMD. or use any IDE. ``` streamlit run App.py ``` - `Uploaded_Resumes` folder is contaning the user's uploaded resumes. - `Classifier.py` is the main file which is containing a KNN Algorithm. - For more explanation of this project see the tutorial on Machine Learning Hub YouTube channel. - Admin side credentials is `machine_learning_hub` and password is `mlhub123`. ## Screenshots ## User side ## Admin Side ## Just follow☝️ me and Star⭐ my repository # [Buy me a Coffee☕](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/spidy20) ## [Donate me on PayPal(It will inspire me to do more projects)](https://www.paypal.me/spidy1820)