Update app.py
Browse files
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ def generate(prompt, history):
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yield output
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global Name, Occupation,Ethnicity,Gender,Age,chat_log_name,YearsOfExp
203 |
204 |
Name = name
@@ -240,37 +240,32 @@ def reset_all():
240 |
unique_id = generate_unique_id()
241 |
return f"All Chat components have been rest. Uniqe ID for this session is, {unique_id}. Please note this down."
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with gr.
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269 |
btn = gr.Button("Reset ChatBot Instance")
270 |
btn.click(fn=reset_all, inputs=None, outputs=out)
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273 |
tabs = gr.TabbedInterface([name_interface, chat_bot,reset_section], ["User Info", "Chat Bot","Reset Chatbot"])
274 |
275 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
276 |
198 |
yield output
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def submit_user_info(name,occupation,yearsofexp,ethnicity,gender,age,reset_button):
202 |
global Name, Occupation,Ethnicity,Gender,Age,chat_log_name,YearsOfExp
203 |
204 |
Name = name
240 |
unique_id = generate_unique_id()
241 |
return f"All Chat components have been rest. Uniqe ID for this session is, {unique_id}. Please note this down."
242 |
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with gr.Blocks() as app:
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gr.Markdown("# ECU-IVADE: Enhanced Conversational UI for Virtual Assistance and Dialogue Engagement")
245 |
unique_id_display = gr.Textbox(value=unique_id, label="Session Unique ID", interactive=False)
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with gr.Tab("User Info"):
248 |
name = gr.Textbox(label="Name")
249 |
occupation = gr.Textbox(label="Occupation")
250 |
yearsofexp = gr.Textbox(label="Years of Experience")
251 |
ethnicity = gr.Textbox(label="Ethnicity")
252 |
gender = gr.Dropdown(choices=["Male", "Female", "Other", "Prefer Not To Say"], label="Gender")
253 |
age = gr.Textbox(label="Age")
254 |
submit_info = gr.Button("Submit")
255 |
submit_info.click(submit_user_info, inputs=[name, occupation, yearsofexp, ethnicity, gender, age], outputs=None)
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with gr.Tab("Chat Bot"):
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chatbot = gr.Chatbot()
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msg = gr.Textbox(label="Type your message")
260 |
send = gr.Button("Send")
261 |
clear = gr.Button("Clear Chat")
262 |
send.click(generate, inputs=[msg], outputs=chatbot)
263 |
clear.click(lambda: chatbot.clear(), inputs=[], outputs=chatbot)
264 |
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with gr.Tab("Reset"):
266 |
reset_button = gr.Button("Reset ChatBot Instance")
267 |
reset_output = gr.Textbox(label="Reset Output", interactive=False)
268 |
reset_button.click(reset_all, inputs=[], outputs=[reset_output])
269 |
270 |
if __name__ == "__main__":
271 |