import io |
import numpy as np |
from PIL import Image |
import streamlit as st |
import tensorflow as tf |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
from tensorflow import keras |
st.title('Brain \U0001F9E0 Tumor Detector ') |
st.subheader('Find out whether there is a tumor \U0001F534 (Glioma Meningioma Pituarie) in the brain (or) \ |
not \U0001F7E2') |
inp_t = st.file_uploader(label='Upload MRI here', accept_multiple_files=True) |
def load_img(path): |
img_l = [] |
for i in path: |
img_byte = i.read() |
img = Image.open(io.BytesIO(img_byte)) |
img = img.resize((64, 64), Image.ANTIALIAS) |
if img.mode != 'L': |
img = img.convert('L') |
img_arr = np.array(img, dtype='float32')/255 |
img_arr = np.expand_dims(img_arr, axis=-1) |
img_l.append(img_arr) |
img = np.stack(img_l) |
return img |
def pred(img): |
model = keras.models.load_model('model2_weights.h5') |
result = model.predict(img) |
return result |
if inp_t: |
img = load_img(inp_t) |
result = ['Glioma', 'Meningioma', 'no tumor', 'Pituarie'] |
st.warning( |
'** Uploaded {} images [View images in side Panel]'.format(img.shape[0])) |
res = pred(img) |
max_value = res[0][np.argmax(res)]*100 |
if (result[np.argmax(res)] == 'no tumor'): |
st.subheader("\U0001F7E2 Model predicts there is {} tumor with {:.2f} % confidence].\U0001F7E2".format(result[np.argmax(res)], max_value)) |
else: |
st.subheader("\U0001F534 Model predicts there is {} tumor with {:.2f} % confidence.\U0001F534 ".format(result[np.argmax(res)], max_value)) |
st.write('\n') |
st.image(inp_t, width = 400) |
st.markdown('---') |
st.error( |
'Dont conclude by looking at predictions, just take them as a reference!!') |