import streamlit as st def app(): with open('style.css') as f: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) footer = """ """ st.markdown(footer, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.subheader("Policy Action Tracker Manual") intro = """
The manual extraction of relevant information from text documents is a time-consuming task for any policy analyst. As the amount and length of public policy documents in relation to sustainable development (such as National Development Plans and Nationally Determined Contributions) continuously increases, a major challenge for policy action tracking – the evaluation of stated goals and targets and their actual implementation on the ground – arises. Luckily, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods can help in shortening and easing this task for policy analysts. For this purpose, the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH are collaborating since 2021 in the development of an AI-powered open-source web application that helps find and extract relevant information from public policy documents faster to facilitate evidence-based decision-making processes in sustainable development and beyond.

""" st.markdown(intro, unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image("appStore/img/pic1.png", caption="NDC Coherence") st.subheader("Methodology") #st.write("Each sentence in the generated answer ends with a coloured tooltip; the colour ranges from red to green. " # "The tooltip contains a value representing answer sentence similarity to a specific sentence in the " # "Wikipedia context passages retrieved. Mouseover on the tooltip will show the sentence from the " # "Wikipedia context passage. If a sentence similarity is 1.0, the seq2seq model extracted and " # "copied the sentence verbatim from Wikipedia context passages. Lower values of sentence " # "similarity indicate the seq2seq model is struggling to generate a relevant sentence for the question " # "asked.") #st.image("wikipedia_answer.png", caption="Answer with similarity tooltips")