# set path import glob, os, sys; sys.path.append('../utils') import streamlit as st import ast # Reading data and Declaring necessary variables with open('ndcs/countryList.txt') as dfile: countryList = dfile.read() countryList = ast.literal_eval(countryList) countrynames = list(countryList.keys()) with open('ndcs/cca.txt', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as dfile: cca_sent = dfile.read() cca_sent = ast.literal_eval(cca_sent) with open('ndcs/ccm.txt', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as dfile: ccm_sent = dfile.read() ccm_sent = ast.literal_eval(ccm_sent) def app(): #### APP INFO ##### with st.container(): st.markdown("

Check NDC Coherence

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.write(' ') st.write(' ') with st.expander("ℹ️ - About this app", expanded=False): st.write( """ The *Check NDC Coherence* application provides easy evaluation of coherence between a given policy document and a country’s (Intended)\ Nationally Determined Contribution (INDCs/NDCs) using open-source \ data from the German Institute of Development and Sustainability’s \ (IDOS) [NDC Explorer](https://klimalog.idos-research.de/ndc/#NDCExplorer/worldMap?NewAndUpdatedNDC??income???catIncome).\ """) st.write("") st.write(""" User can select a country context via the drop-down menu \ on the left-hand side of the application. Subsequently, the user is \ given the opportunity to manually upload another policy document \ from the same national context or to select a pre-loaded example \ document. Thereafter, the user can choose between two categories \ to compare coherence between the documents: climate change adaptation \ and climate change mitigation. Based on the selected information, \ the application identifies relevant paragraphs in the uploaded \ document and assigns them to the respective indicator from the NDC \ Explorer. Currently, the NDC Explorer has 20 indicators under \ climate change mitigation (e.g., fossil fuel production, REDD+) and \ 22 indicators under climate change adaptation (e.g., sea level rise,\ investment needs). The assignment of the paragraph to a corresponding\ indicator is based on vector similarities in which only paragraphs \ with similarity above 0.55 to the indicators are considered. """) option = st.sidebar.selectbox('Select Country', (countrynames)) countryCode = countryList[option]