Car-price-pred /
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import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import joblib
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
# Load the trained model (assuming it's saved as a .pkl file)
model = joblib.load('RandomForestRegressor_model.pkl')
# Example: sample transformers for preprocessing
num_features = ['year', 'km_driven'] # Example numerical features
cat_features = ['seller_type', 'transmission_type', 'fuel_type', 'model'] # Example categorical features
# Preprocessing pipeline
numeric_transformer = StandardScaler()
onehot_transformer = OneHotEncoder()
preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(
('num', numeric_transformer, num_features),
('cat', onehot_transformer, cat_features)
# Streamlit app
st.title('Used Car Price Prediction')
# Sidebar form for user input
st.sidebar.header('Enter Car Details')
# Input fields
year = st.sidebar.number_input('Year of Manufacture', min_value=1990, max_value=2023, value=2015)
km_driven = st.sidebar.number_input('Kilometers Driven', min_value=0, max_value=300000, value=50000)
# Dropdown fields
seller_type = st.sidebar.selectbox('Seller Type', ['Dealer', 'Individual'])
transmission_type = st.sidebar.selectbox('Transmission Type', ['Manual', 'Automatic'])
fuel_type = st.sidebar.selectbox('Fuel Type', ['Petrol', 'Diesel', 'CNG', 'LPG'])
model = st.sidebar.text_input('Car Model (encoded)')
# Button to trigger the prediction
if st.sidebar.button('Predict Price'):
# Create input dataframe
input_data = pd.DataFrame({
'year': [year],
'km_driven': [km_driven],
'seller_type': [seller_type],
'transmission_type': [transmission_type],
'fuel_type': [fuel_type],
'model': [model]
# Preprocess the input
input_data_transformed = preprocessor.transform(input_data)
# Predict the price
predicted_price = model.predict(input_data_transformed)
# Display the result
st.write(f'The predicted selling price for the car is: ₹ {predicted_price[0]:,.2f}')