from rwkvstic.agnostic.backends import TORCH, TORCH_QUANT import torch quantized = { "mode": TORCH_QUANT, "runtimedtype": torch.bfloat16, "useGPU": torch.cuda.is_available(), "chunksize": 32, # larger = more accurate, but more memory "target": 100 # your gpu max size, excess vram offloaded to cpu } # UNCOMMENT TO SELECT OPTIONS # Not full list of options, see and for more models/modes # RWKV 1B5 instruct test 1 model # Approximate # [Vram usage: 6.0GB] # [File size: 3.0GB] config = { "path":"", "mode":TORCH, "runtimedtype":torch.float32, "useGPU":torch.cuda.is_available(), "dtype":torch.float32 } title = "RWKV-4 (1B5 Instruct 2)" # RWKV 1B5 instruct model quantized # Approximate # [Vram usage: 1.3GB] # [File size: 3.0GB] # config = { # "path": "", # **quantized # } # title = "RWKV-4 (1.5b Instruct Quantized)" # RWKV 7B instruct pre-quantized (settings baked into model) # Approximate # [Vram usage: 7.0GB] # [File size: 8.0GB] # config = { # "path": "" # } # title = "RWKV-4 (7b Instruct Quantized)" # RWKV 14B quantized (latest as of feb 9) # Approximate # [Vram usage: 15.0GB] # [File size: 15.0GB] # config = { # "path": "" # } # title = "RWKV-4 (14b 94% trained, not yet instruct tuned, 8-Bit)"