import torch, sys, os, random import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np import cv2 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from PIL import Image import pillow_heif root_path = os.path.abspath('.') sys.path.append(root_path) # Import files from the local folder from opt import opt from degradation.ESR.utils import tensor2np, np2tensor class AVIF(): def __init__(self) -> None: # Choose an image compression degradation pass def compress_and_store(self, np_frames, store_path, idx): ''' Compress and Store the whole batch as AVIF (~ AV1) Args: np_frames (numpy): The numpy format of the data (Shape:?) store_path (str): The store path Return: None ''' # Init call for avif pillow_heif.register_avif_opener() single_frame = np_frames # Prepare essential_name = "tmp/temp_"+str(idx) # Choose the quality quality = random.randint(*opt['avif_quality_range2']) method = random.randint(*opt['avif_encode_speed2']) # Transform to PIL and then compress PIL_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(single_frame[...,::-1])).convert('RGB')'.avif', quality=quality, method=method) # Read as png avif_file = pillow_heif.open_heif(essential_name+'.avif', convert_hdr_to_8bit=False, bgr_mode=True) np_array = np.asarray(avif_file) cv2.imwrite(store_path, np_array) os.remove(essential_name+'.avif') @staticmethod def compress_tensor(tensor_frames, idx=0): ''' Compress tensor input to AVIF and then return it Args: tensor_frame (tensor): Tensor inputs Returns: result (tensor): Tensor outputs (same shape as input) ''' # Init call for avif pillow_heif.register_avif_opener() # Prepare single_frame = tensor2np(tensor_frames) essential_name = "tmp/temp_"+str(idx) # Choose the quality quality = random.randint(*opt['avif_quality_range1']) method = random.randint(*opt['avif_encode_speed1']) # Transform to PIL and then compress PIL_image = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(single_frame[...,::-1])).convert('RGB')'.avif', quality=quality, method=method) # Transform as png format avif_file = pillow_heif.open_heif(essential_name+'.avif', convert_hdr_to_8bit=False, bgr_mode=True) decimg = np.asarray(avif_file) os.remove(essential_name+'.avif') # Read back result = np2tensor(decimg) return result