{ "Ultimate voice cloning tool, meticulously optimized for unrivaled power, modularity, and user-friendly experience.": "终极语音克隆工具,经过精心优化,具有无与伦比的功能、模块化和用户友好的体验。", "This section contains some extra utilities that often may be in experimental phases.": "本节包含一些额外的实用程序,这些实用程序通常处于实验阶段。", "Output Information": "输出信息", "Inference": "推理", "Train": "火车", "Extra": "额外", "Merge Audios": "合并音频", "Processing": "加工", "Audio Analyzer": "音频分析仪", "Model Information": "型号信息", "Download": "下载", "Report a Bug": "报告错误", "Preprocess": "预处理", "Model Name": "型号名称", "Enter model name": "输入型号名称", "Dataset Path": "数据集路径", "Enter dataset path": "输入数据集路径", "Sampling Rate": "采样率", "RVC Version": "RVC 版本", "Preprocess Dataset": "预处理数据集", "Extract": "提取", "Hop Length": "跳跃长度", "Batch Size": "批量大小", "Save Every Epoch": "保存每个纪元", "Total Epoch": "总纪元", "Pretrained": "预训练", "Save Only Latest": "仅保存最新", "Save Every Weights": "节省每一次砝码", "Custom Pretrained": "自定义预训练", "Upload Pretrained Model": "上传预训练模型", "Pretrained Custom Settings": "预训练的自定义设置", "The file you dropped is not a valid pretrained file. Please try again.": "您删除的文件不是有效的预训练文件。请再试一次。", "Click the refresh button to see the pretrained file in the dropdown menu.": "单击刷新按钮,在下拉菜单中查看预训练文件。", "Pretrained G Path": "自定义预训练 G", "Pretrained D Path": "自定义预训练 D", "GPU Settings": "GPU 设置", "GPU Custom Settings": "GPU 自定义设置", "GPU Number": "GPU 数量", "0 to ∞ separated by -": "0 到 ∞ 之间用 -", "GPU Information": "GPU 信息", "Pitch Guidance": "音高指导", "Extract Features": "提取特征", "Start Training": "开始训练", "Generate Index": "生成索引", "Voice Model": "语音模型", "Index File": "Index 文件", "Refresh": "刷新", "Unload Voice": "卸载语音", "Single": "单", "Upload Audio": "上传音频", "Select Audio": "选择音频", "Advanced Settings": "高级设置", "Clear Outputs (Deletes all audios in assets/audios)": "清除输出(删除资产/音频中的所有音频)", "Custom Output Path": "自定义输出路径", "Output Path": "输出路径", "Pitch": "投", "If >=3: apply median filtering to the harvested pitch results. The value represents the filter radius and can reduce breathiness": "如果 >=3:对收获的音高结果应用中值滤波。该值表示过滤器半径,可以减少呼吸", "Search Feature Ratio": "搜索特征比率", "Pitch extraction algorithm": "音高提取算法", "Convert": "转换", "Export Audio": "导出音频", "Batch": "批", "Input Folder": "输入文件夹", "Enter input path": "输入输入路径", "Output Folder": "输出文件夹", "Enter output path": "输入输出路径", "Get information about the audio": "获取有关音频的信息", "Information about the audio file": "有关音频文件的信息", "Waiting for information...": "等待信息...", "Model fusion": "模型融合", "Weight for Model A": "A型重量", "Whether the model has pitch guidance": "模型是否具有俯仰引导", "Model architecture version": "模型架构版本", "Path to Model A": "模型 A 的路径", "Path to Model B": "模型 B 的路径", "Path to model": "模型路径", "Model information to be placed": "要放置的模型信息", "Fusion": "融合", "Modify model information": "修改模型信息", "Path to Model": "模型路径", "Model information to be modified": "要修改的模型信息", "Save file name": "保存文件名", "Modify": "修改", "View model information": "查看型号信息", "View": "视图", "Model extraction": "模型提取", "Model conversion": "模型转换", "Pth file": "Pth 文件", "Output of the pth file": "pth 文件的输出", "# How to Report an Issue on GitHub": "# 如何在 GitHub 上报告问题", "1. Click on the 'Record Screen' button below to start recording the issue you are experiencing.": "1.单击下面的“录制屏幕”按钮开始记录您遇到的问题。", "2. Once you have finished recording the issue, click on the 'Stop Recording' button (the same button, but the label changes depending on whether you are actively recording or not).": "2. 录制完问题后,单击“停止录制”按钮(相同的按钮,但标签会根据您是否正在录制而变化)。", "3. Go to [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/IAHispano/Applio/issues) and click on the 'New Issue' button.": "3. 转到 [GitHub 问题](https://github.com/IAHispano/Applio/issues),然后单击“新问题”按钮。", "4. Complete the provided issue template, ensuring to include details as needed, and utilize the assets section to upload the recorded file from the previous step.": "4. 填写提供的问题模板,确保根据需要包含详细信息,并利用资产部分上传上一步的记录文件。", "Record Screen": "录制屏幕", "Record": "记录", "Stop Recording": "停止录制", "Introduce the model .pth path": "引入模型 .pth 路径", "See Model Information": "查看型号信息", "## Download Model": "## 下载模型", "Model Link": "模型链接", "Introduce the model link": "介绍模型链接", "Download Model": "Descargar Modelo", "## Drop files": "## 删除文件", "Drag your .pth file and .index file into this space. Drag one and then the other.": "将 .pth 文件和 .index 文件拖到此空间中。拖动一个,然后拖动另一个。", "TTS Voices": "TTS语音", "Text to Synthesize": "要合成的文本", "Enter text to synthesize": "输入要合成的文本", "Output Path for TTS Audio": "TTS 音频的输出路径", "Output Path for RVC Audio": "RVC 音频的输出路径", "Enable Applio integration with Discord presence": "Applio 存在" }