import os import shutil import hashlib from pathlib import Path from typing import Tuple from demucs.separate import main as demucs import gradio as gr import numpy as np import soundfile as sf from zerorvc import RVC from .zero import zero from .model import device import yt_dlp def download_audio(url): ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'outtmpl': 'ytdl/%(title)s.%(ext)s', 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'wav', 'preferredquality': '192', }], } with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info_dict = ydl.extract_info(url, download=True) file_path = ydl.prepare_filename(info_dict).rsplit('.', 1)[0] + '.wav' sample_rate, audio_data = read(file_path) audio_array = np.asarray(audio_data, dtype=np.int16) return sample_rate, audio_array @zero(duration=120) def infer( exp_dir: str, original_audio: str, pitch_mod: int, protect: float ) -> Tuple[int, np.ndarray]: checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(exp_dir, "checkpoints") if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_dir): raise gr.Error("Model not found") # rename the original audio to the hash with open(original_audio, "rb") as f: original_audio_hash = hashlib.md5( ext = Path(original_audio).suffix original_audio_hashed = os.path.join(exp_dir, f"{original_audio_hash}{ext}") shutil.copy(original_audio, original_audio_hashed) out = os.path.join("separated", "htdemucs", original_audio_hash, "vocals.wav") if not os.path.exists(out): demucs( [ "--two-stems", "vocals", "-d", str(device), "-n", "htdemucs", original_audio_hashed, ] ) rvc = RVC.from_pretrained(checkpoint_dir) samples = rvc.convert(out, pitch_modification=pitch_mod, protect=protect) file = os.path.join(exp_dir, "infer.wav") sf.write(file, samples, return file def merge(exp_dir: str, original_audio: str, vocal: Tuple[int, np.ndarray]) -> str: with open(original_audio, "rb") as f: original_audio_hash = hashlib.md5( music = os.path.join("separated", "htdemucs", original_audio_hash, "no_vocals.wav") tmp = os.path.join(exp_dir, "tmp.wav") sf.write(tmp, vocal[1], vocal[0]) os.system( f"ffmpeg -i {music} -i {tmp} -filter_complex '[1]volume=2[a];[0][a]amix=inputs=2:duration=first:dropout_transition=2' -ac 2 -y {tmp}.merged.mp3" ) return f"{tmp}.merged.mp3" class InferenceTab: def __init__(self): pass def ui(self): gr.Markdown("# Inference") gr.Markdown( "After trained model is pruned, you can use it to infer on new music. \n" "Upload the original audio and adjust the F0 add value to generate the inferred audio." ) with gr.Row(): self.original_audio = gr.Audio( label="Upload original audio", type="filepath", show_download_button=True, ) with gr.Accordion("inference by Link",open=False): with gr.Row(): youtube_link = gr.Textbox( label = "Link", placeholder = "Paste the link here", interactive = True ) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("You can paste the link to the video/audio from many sites, check the complete list [here](") with gr.Row(): download_button = gr.Button("Download!",variant = "primary"), [youtube_link], [self.original_audio]) with gr.Column(): self.pitch_mod = gr.Slider( label="Pitch Modification +/-", minimum=-16, maximum=16, step=1, value=0, ) self.protect = gr.Slider( label="Protect", minimum=0, maximum=0.5, step=0.01, value=0.33, ) self.infer_btn = gr.Button(value="Infer", variant="primary") with gr.Row(): self.infer_output = gr.Audio( label="Inferred audio", show_download_button=True, format="mp3" ) with gr.Row(): self.merge_output = gr.Audio( label="Merged audio", show_download_button=True, format="mp3" ) def build(self, exp_dir: gr.Textbox): fn=infer, inputs=[ exp_dir, self.original_audio, self.pitch_mod, self.protect, ], outputs=[self.infer_output], ).success( fn=merge, inputs=[exp_dir, self.original_audio, self.infer_output], outputs=[self.merge_output], )