ARG BASE=nvidia/cuda:11.8.0-base-ubuntu22.04 FROM ${BASE} # Install OS dependencies: RUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ gcc g++ \ make \ python3 python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv python3-wheel \ espeak-ng libsndfile1-dev \ git \ cuda-toolkit-11-8 \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Install Major Python Dependencies: RUN pip3 install llvmlite --ignore-installed \ && pip3 install torch torchaudio numpy --extra-index-url \ && rm -rf /root/.cache/pip # Set the working directory WORKDIR /app # Copy all files into the container COPY . . # Install Python dependencies RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt # Command to run the application CMD ["uvicorn", "app:app", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]