import os from custom_types import * import multiprocessing as mp from multiprocessing import synchronize import options import constants from ui.occ_inference import Inference from utils import files_utils import ctypes if constants.IS_WINDOWS or 'DISPLAY' in os.environ: from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller else: from ui.mock_keyboard import Key, Controller class UiStatus(Enum): Waiting = 0 GetMesh = 1 SetGMM = 2 SetMesh = 3 ReplaceMesh = 4 Exit = 5 def value_eq(value: mp.Value, status: UiStatus) -> bool: return value.value == status.value def value_neq(value: mp.Value, status: UiStatus) -> bool: return value.value != status.value def set_value(value: mp.Value, status: UiStatus): with value.get_lock(): value.value = status.value print({0: 'Waiting', 1: 'GetMesh', 2: 'SetGMM', 3: 'SetMesh', 4: 'ReplaceMesh', 5: 'Exit'}[status.value]) def set_value_if_eq(value: mp.Value, status: UiStatus, check: UiStatus): if value_eq(value, check): set_value(value, status) def set_value_if_neq(value: mp.Value, status: UiStatus, check: UiStatus): if value_neq(value, check): set_value(value, status) def store_mesh(mesh: T_Mesh, shared_meta: mp.Array, shared_vs: mp.Array, shared_faces: mp.Array): def store_tensor(tensor: T, s_array: mp.Array, dtype, meta_index): nonlocal shared_meta_ s_array_ = to_np_arr(s_array, dtype) array_ = tensor.detach().cpu().flatten().numpy() arr_size = array_.shape[0] s_array_[:array_.shape[0]] = array_ shared_meta_[meta_index] = arr_size if mesh is not None: shared_meta_ = to_np_arr(shared_meta, np.int32) vs, faces = mesh store_tensor(vs, shared_vs, np.float32, 0) store_tensor(faces, shared_faces, np.int32, 1) def load_mesh(shared_meta: mp.Array, shared_vs: mp.Array, shared_faces: mp.Array) -> V_Mesh: def load_array(s_array: mp.Array, dtype, meta_index) -> ARRAY: nonlocal shared_meta_ s_array_ = to_np_arr(s_array, dtype) array_ = s_array_[: shared_meta_[meta_index]].copy() array_ = array_.reshape((-1, 3)) return array_ shared_meta_ = to_np_arr(shared_meta, np.int32) vs = load_array(shared_vs, np.float32, 0) faces = load_array(shared_faces, np.int32, 1) return vs, faces def store_gmm(shared_gmm: mp.Array, gmm: TS, included: T, res: int): shared_arr = to_np_arr(shared_gmm, np.float32) mu, p, phi, eigen = gmm num_gaussians = included.shape[0] ptr = 0 for i, (item, skip) in enumerate(zip((included, mu, p, phi, eigen), InferenceProcess.skips)): item = item.flatten().detach().cpu().numpy() if item.dtype != np.float32: item = item.astype(np.float32) shared_arr[ptr: ptr + skip * num_gaussians] = item if i == 0: shared_arr[ptr + skip * num_gaussians: ptr + skip * constants.MAX_GAUSIANS] = -1 ptr += skip * constants.MAX_GAUSIANS shared_arr[-1] = float(res) def load_gmm(shared_gmm: mp.Array) -> Tuple[TS, T, int]: shared_arr = to_np_arr(shared_gmm, np.float32) parsed_arr = [] num_gaussians = 0 ptr = 0 shape = {1: (1, 1, -1), 2: (-1, 2), 3: (1, 1, -1, 3), 9: (1, 1, -1, 3, 3)} for i, skip in enumerate(InferenceProcess.skips): raw_arr = shared_arr[ptr: ptr + skip * constants.MAX_GAUSIANS] if i == 0: arr = torch.tensor([int(item) for item in raw_arr if item >= 0], dtype=torch.int64) num_gaussians = arr.shape[0] // 2 else: arr = torch.from_numpy(raw_arr[: skip * num_gaussians]).float() arr = arr.view(*shape[skip]) parsed_arr.append(arr) ptr += skip * constants.MAX_GAUSIANS return parsed_arr[1:], parsed_arr[0], int(shared_arr[-1]) def inference_process(opt: options.Options, wake_condition: synchronize.Condition, sleep__condition: synchronize.Condition, status: mp.Value, samples_root: str, shared_gmm: mp.Array, shared_meta: mp.Array, shared_vs: mp.Array, shared_faces: mp.Array): model = Inference(opt) items = files_utils.collect(samples_root, '.pkl') items = [files_utils.load_pickle(''.join(item)) for item in items] items = torch.stack(items, dim=0) # items = [int(item[1]) for item in items] model.set_items(items) keyboard = Controller() while value_neq(status, UiStatus.Exit): while value_eq(status, UiStatus.Waiting): with sleep__condition: sleep__condition.wait() if value_eq(status, UiStatus.GetMesh): set_value(status, UiStatus.SetGMM) gmm_info = load_gmm(shared_gmm) set_value_if_eq(status, UiStatus.SetMesh, UiStatus.SetGMM) mesh = model.get_mesh_from_mid(*gmm_info) if mesh is not None: store_mesh(mesh, shared_meta, shared_vs, shared_faces) keyboard.release(Key.ctrl_l) set_value_if_eq(status, UiStatus.ReplaceMesh, UiStatus.SetMesh) # with wake_condition: # wake_condition.notify_all() with wake_condition: wake_condition.notify_all() return 0 def to_np_arr(shared_arr: mp.Array, dtype) -> ARRAY: return np.frombuffer(shared_arr.get_obj(), dtype=dtype) class InferenceProcess: skips = (2, 3, 9, 1, 3) def exit(self): set_value(self.status, UiStatus.Exit) with self.wake_condition: self.wake_condition.notify_all() self.model_process.join() def replace_mesh(self): mesh = load_mesh(self.shared_meta, self.shared_vs, self.shared_faces) self.fill_ui_mesh(mesh) set_value_if_eq(self.status, UiStatus.Waiting, UiStatus.ReplaceMesh) def get_mesh(self, res: int): if value_neq(self.status, UiStatus.SetGMM): gmms, included = self.request_gmm() store_gmm(self.shared_gmm, gmms, included, res) set_value_if_neq(self.status, UiStatus.GetMesh, UiStatus.GetMesh) # if value_eq(self.status, UiStatus.Waiting): with self.wake_condition: self.wake_condition.notify_all() return def __init__(self, opt, fill_ui_mesh: Callable[[V_Mesh], None], request_gmm: Callable[[], Tuple[TS, T]], samples_root: List[List[str]]): self.status = mp.Value('i', UiStatus.Waiting.value) self.request_gmm = request_gmm self.sleep_condition = mp.Condition() self.wake_condition = mp.Condition() self.shared_gmm = mp.Array(ctypes.c_float, constants.MAX_GAUSIANS * sum(self.skips) + 1) self.shared_vs = mp.Array(ctypes.c_float, constants.MAX_VS * 3) self.shared_faces = mp.Array(ctypes.c_int, constants.MAX_VS * 8) self.shared_meta = mp.Array(ctypes.c_int, 2) self.model_process = mp.Process(target=inference_process, args=(opt, self.sleep_condition, self.wake_condition, self.status, samples_root, self.shared_gmm, self.shared_meta, self.shared_vs, self.shared_faces)) self.fill_ui_mesh = fill_ui_mesh self.model_process.start()