Build error
Build error
import os | |
from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, Wav2Vec2Tokenizer | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, DistilBertPreTrainedModel, DistilBertModel, DistilBertTokenizer | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch | |
import shutil | |
from fastapi import FastAPI, File, UploadFile, Form | |
from pydantic import BaseModel | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, DistilBertPreTrainedModel, DistilBertModel, DistilBertTokenizer | |
import torch.nn as nn | |
import torch | |
import streamlit as st | |
import soundfile as sf | |
import numpy as np | |
import warnings | |
import librosa | |
import torch | |
from transformers import Wav2Vec2ForCTC, Wav2Vec2Tokenizer | |
import requests | |
import re | |
import tempfile | |
import os | |
import pyarrow as pa | |
import json | |
import joblib | |
import re | |
import nltk | |
from nltk.corpus import words | |
import pickle | |
import sys | |
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util | |
from textblob import TextBlob | |
import nltk | |
data_dir = 'nltk_data' | |
# Set the NLTK data path to the local directory | | | |
''''''''''''''''''''''''' Skeletal Structure for the Models ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' | |
class DistilBertForRegression(DistilBertPreTrainedModel): | |
def __init__(self, config): | |
super().__init__(config) | |
self.distilbert = DistilBertModel(config) | |
self.pre_classifier = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, config.hidden_size) | |
self.classifier = nn.Linear(config.hidden_size, 1) | |
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(config.seq_classif_dropout) | |
self.init_weights() | |
def forward(self, input_ids=None, attention_mask=None, head_mask=None, inputs_embeds=None, labels=None): | |
distilbert_output = self.distilbert ( | |
input_ids=input_ids, | |
attention_mask=attention_mask, | |
head_mask=head_mask, | |
inputs_embeds=inputs_embeds, | |
) | |
hidden_state = distilbert_output[0] # (bs, seq_len, dim) | |
pooled_output = hidden_state[:, 0] # (bs, dim) | |
pooled_output = self.pre_classifier(pooled_output) # (bs, dim) | |
pooled_output = nn.ReLU()(pooled_output) # (bs, dim) | |
pooled_output = self.dropout(pooled_output) # (bs, dim) | |
logits = self.classifier(pooled_output) # (bs, 1) | |
return logits | |
''''''''''''''' Loading the Pronunciation Model and Tokenizer ''''''''' | |
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') | |
# Load the Pronunciation model and tokenizer from the local directory | |
pronunciation_model_dir = 'pronunciation_model' | |
fluency_model_dir = 'fluency_model' | |
print("Loading pronunciation tokenizer from local directory...") | |
pronunciation_tokenizer = Wav2Vec2Tokenizer.from_pretrained(pronunciation_model_dir) | |
print("Loading pronunciation model from local directory...") | |
pronunciation_model = Wav2Vec2ForCTC.from_pretrained(pronunciation_model_dir) | |
# Load the Fluency model and tokenizer from the local directory | |
print("Loading fluency tokenizer from local directory...") | |
fluency_tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizer.from_pretrained(fluency_model_dir) | |
print("Loading fluency model from local directory...") | |
fluency_model = DistilBertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(fluency_model_dir) | |
print("Models loaded successfully.") | | | |
# device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") | |
# Determine the device to use (GPU if available, otherwise CPU) | |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") | |
# Move the models to the appropriate device | |
# | |
# | |
''''''''''''''''''''' LOADING THE BIASING MODELS ''''''''''''''' | |
def load_pickle_file(file_path): | |
with open(file_path, 'rb') as file: | |
data = pickle.load(file) | |
return data | |
linreg_fluency = load_pickle_file("fluency_model_biasing.pkl") | |
linreg_pronunciation = load_pickle_file("pronunciation_model_biasing.pkl") | |
'''''''''''''''''''''' Load the Content Relevance and Scoring Model ''''''''''''''' | |
model_dir = 'content_relevance_model' | |
# Load the SentenceTransformer model from the local directory | |
print("Loading SentenceTransformer model from local directory...") | |
model = SentenceTransformer(model_dir) | |
print("Model loaded successfully.") | |
print(linreg_fluency) | |
print(linreg_pronunciation) | |
print(content_relevance_model) | |
import requests | |
from PIL import Image | |
from transformers import BlipProcessor, BlipForConditionalGeneration | |
import torch | |
''''''''''''''''''''''' IMAGE CAPTIONING MODEL ''''''''''''''''' | |
# Define the directories where the models and processors are saved | |
processor_dir = 'blip_processor' | |
model_dir = 'blip_model' | |
# Load the BlipProcessor from the local directory | |
print("Loading BlipProcessor from local directory...") | |
image_captioning_processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained(processor_dir) | |
print("BlipProcessor loaded successfully.") | |
# Load the BlipForConditionalGeneration model from the local directory | |
print("Loading BlipForConditionalGeneration model from local directory...") | |
image_captioning_model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_dir) | | # Move model to the appropriate device | |
print("BlipForConditionalGeneration model loaded successfully.") | |
''''''''''''''''''' FUNCTIONS FOR PREPROCESSING ''''''''''''''' | |
async def count_misspelled_words(text): | |
nltk_data_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nltk_data') | | | |
english_words = set(words.words()) | |
words_in_text = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text.lower()) | |
total_words = len(words_in_text) | |
misspelled = [word for word in words_in_text if word not in english_words] | |
incorrect_count = len(misspelled) | |
return f"{(incorrect_count / total_words * 100):.2f}" | |
async def get_fluency_score(transcription): | |
tokenized_text = fluency_tokenizer(transcription, return_tensors="pt") | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
output = fluency_model(**tokenized_text) | |
fluency_score = output.item() | |
return round(fluency_score, 2) | |
def download_word_list(): | |
print("Downloading English word list...") | |
url = "" | |
response = requests.get(url) | |
words = set(response.text.split()) | |
print("Word list downloaded.") | |
return words | |
english_words = download_word_list() | |
# Function to count correctly spelled words in text | |
async def count_spelled_words(text, word_list): | |
print("Counting spelled words...") | |
# Split the text into words | |
words = re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', text.lower()) | |
correct = sum(1 for word in words if word in word_list) | |
incorrect = len(words) - correct | |
print("Spelling check complete.") | |
return incorrect, correct | |
# Function to apply spell check to an item (assuming it's a dictionary) | |
async def apply_spell_check(item, word_list): | |
print("Applying spell check...") | |
if isinstance(item, dict): | |
# This is a single item | |
text = item['transcription'] | |
incorrect, correct = await count_spelled_words(text, word_list) | |
item['incorrect_words'] = incorrect | |
item['correct_words'] = correct | |
print("Spell check applied to single item.") | |
return item | |
else: | |
# This is likely a batch | |
texts = item['transcription'] | |
results = [count_spelled_words(text, word_list) for text in texts] | |
incorrect_counts, correct_counts = zip(*results) | |
item = item.append_column('incorrect_words', pa.array(incorrect_counts)) | |
item = item.append_column('correct_words', pa.array(correct_counts)) | |
print("Spell check applied to batch of items.") | |
return item | |
async def get_pronunciation_and_fluency_scores(transcription): | |
count_spelled_words_response, fluency_score = await asyncio.gather( | |
count_spelled_words(transcription, english_words), | |
get_fluency_score(transcription) | |
) | |
incorrect = count_spelled_words_response[ 0 ] | |
correct = count_spelled_words_response[ 1 ] | |
# Calculate pronunciation score | |
fraction = correct / (incorrect + correct) | |
pronunciation_score = round(fraction * 100, 2) | |
# Calculate fluency score | |
return { | |
"transcription": transcription, | |
"pronunciation_score": pronunciation_score, | |
"fluency_score": fluency_score, | |
"Content Quality and Relevance Score": 0 | |
} | |
def transcribe_audio(audio_path): | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="PySoundFile failed. Trying audioread instead.") | |
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="") | |
# Load audio file | |
audio, sample_rate = | |
# Check if the audio is mono | |
if len(audio.shape) > 1: | |
audio = audio[:, 0] | |
# Resample if needed (Wav2Vec2 expects 16kHz) | |
if sample_rate != 16000: | |
# Simple resampling (less accurate but doesn't require librosa) | |
audio = np.array(audio[::int(sample_rate/16000)]) | |
input_values = pronunciation_tokenizer(audio, return_tensors="pt") | |
logits = pronunciation_model(input_values).logits | |
prediction = torch.argmax(logits, dim = -1) | |
transcription = pronunciation_tokenizer.batch_decode(prediction)[0] | |
return transcription.lower() | |
async def content_score( text1: str, text2 : str ): | |
essay_embedding = content_relevance_model.encode( text1 ) | |
summarization_embedding = content_relevance_model.encode( text2 ) | |
relevance_score = float(util.dot_score( essay_embedding, summarization_embedding).cpu()[0][0]) * 100 | |
if(relevance_score >= 40): | |
relevance_score = relevance_score + 30 | |
relevance_score = min( relevance_score , 100 ) | |
relevance_score = max( 0 , relevance_score ) | |
return relevance_score | |
app = FastAPI() | |
async def speech_scoring(speech_topic: str = Form(), audio_file: UploadFile = File(...)): | |
''''''''''''''''''' Get THE RAW TRANSCRIPTION ''''''''''''''''''' | |
# Save the uploaded file to a temporary location | |
temp_file_path = "temp_audio_file.wav" | |
with open(temp_file_path, "wb") as buffer: | |
shutil.copyfileobj(audio_file.file, buffer) | |
# Transcribe the audio file | |
transcription = transcribe_audio(temp_file_path) | |
# Clean up the temporary file | |
os.remove(temp_file_path) | |
print("transcription: " , transcription , "\n\n") | |
''''''''''''''''''' GET THE PRONUNCIATION AND FLUENCY SCORING ''''''''''''' | |
''''''''''''''''''' GET THE CONTENT AND RELEVANCE SCORING ''''''''''''' | |
result, relevance_scores, incorrect_words_percentage = await asyncio.gather( | |
get_pronunciation_and_fluency_scores(transcription), | |
content_score(speech_topic, transcription), | |
count_misspelled_words(transcription) | |
) | |
''''''''''''''''''' PASS THE RAW OUTPUTS TO THE BIASING MODEL ''''''''''''' | |
base_pronunciation_score = result["pronunciation_score"] | |
base_fluency_score = result["fluency_score"] | |
base_pronunciation_score = float(base_pronunciation_score) | |
base_fluency_score = float(base_fluency_score) | |
incorrect_words_percentage = float(incorrect_words_percentage) | |
print("Base Pronunciation Score:", base_pronunciation_score) | |
print("Base fluency Score:", base_fluency_score) | |
print("Incorrect Words Percentage:", incorrect_words_percentage) | |
final_pronunciation_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_pronunciation.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
final_fluency_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_fluency.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
result["Content Quality and Relevance Score"] = relevance_scores | |
result["pronunciation_score"] = final_pronunciation_score | |
result["fluency_score"] = final_fluency_score | |
return result | |
def Get_Captions(context: str , image_captioning_model, image_file): | |
# Open and convert the image | |
raw_image ='RGB') | |
context = "Describe this image, " | |
# Prepare the inputs | |
inputs = image_captioning_processor(raw_image, context, return_tensors="pt") | |
print("Generating the output ") | |
# Generate the caption | |
out = image_captioning_model.generate(**inputs, num_beams=5) | |
# Decode and return the caption | |
caption = image_captioning_processor.decode(out[0], skip_special_tokens=True) | |
return caption | |
#"/get_image_description/") | |
# async def image_captioning(context: str, image_file: UploadFile = File(...)): | |
# image_caption_text = Get_Captions(context, image_captioning_model, image_file) | |
# return {"image_captions" : context + " " + image_caption_text} | |
async def image_description_scoring( context : str = Form() , audio_file: UploadFile = File(...) ,image_file: UploadFile = File(...) ): | |
''''''''''''''''''' Get THE RAW TRANSCRIPTION ''''''''''''''''''' | |
# Save the uploaded file to a temporary location | |
temp_file_path = "temp_audio_file.wav" | |
with open(temp_file_path, "wb") as buffer: | |
shutil.copyfileobj(audio_file.file, buffer) | |
# Transcribe the audio file | |
transcription = transcribe_audio(temp_file_path) | |
# Clean up the temporary file | |
os.remove(temp_file_path) | |
image_captions = Get_Captions( context , image_captioning_model , image_file) | |
result, relevance_scores, incorrect_words_percentage = await asyncio.gather( | |
get_pronunciation_and_fluency_scores(transcription), | |
content_score( image_captions , transcription), | |
count_misspelled_words(transcription) | |
) | |
''''''''''''''''''' PASS THE RAW OUTPUTS TO THE BIASING MODEL ''''''''''''' | |
base_pronunciation_score = result["pronunciation_score"] | |
base_fluency_score = result["fluency_score"] | |
base_pronunciation_score = float(base_pronunciation_score) | |
base_fluency_score = float(base_fluency_score) | |
incorrect_words_percentage = float(incorrect_words_percentage) | |
print("Base Pronunciation Score:", base_pronunciation_score) | |
print("Base fluency Score:", base_fluency_score) | |
print("Incorrect Words Percentage:", incorrect_words_percentage) | |
final_pronunciation_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_pronunciation.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
final_fluency_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_fluency.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
print("Base Pronunciation Score:", base_pronunciation_score) | |
print("Base fluency Score:", base_fluency_score) | |
print("Incorrect Words Percentage:", incorrect_words_percentage) | |
final_pronunciation_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_pronunciation.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
final_fluency_score = max(0, min(100, linreg_fluency.predict(np.array([[base_pronunciation_score, base_fluency_score, incorrect_words_percentage]]))[0])) | |
result["Content Quality and Relevance Score"] = relevance_scores | |
result["pronunciation_score"] = final_pronunciation_score | |
result["fluency_score"] = final_fluency_score | |
return result | |
#"/transcribe_audio/") | |
# async def transcribe( audio_file: UploadFile = File(...) ): | |
# temp_file_path = "temp_audio_file.wav" | |
# with open(temp_file_path, "wb") as buffer: | |
# shutil.copyfileobj(audio_file.file, buffer) | |
# # Transcribe the audio file | |
# transcription = transcribe_audio(temp_file_path) | |
# return {"transcription" : transcription} | |
import string | |
import asyncio | |
async def is_valid_summary_format(summary: str) -> bool: | |
if '-' in summary or '*' in summary: | |
return True | |
sentences = re.split(r'[.!?]', summary) | |
short_sentences = sum(len(sentence.split()) <= 70 for sentence in sentences if sentence.strip()) | |
print(" Short Sentences: " , short_sentences ) | |
return short_sentences >= len(sentences) / 2 | |
async def form_score_summary(summary: str) -> float: | |
summary_upper = summary.upper() | |
summary_clean = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', summary_upper) | |
word_count = len(summary_clean.split()) | |
valid_format = is_valid_summary_format(summary) | |
print("\n\n word count: ", word_count, " valid_format: ", valid_format) | |
if valid_format: | |
if 45 <= word_count <= 75: | |
if word_count < 50: | |
score = 50 + (word_count - 45) * (50 / 5) # Gradual increase from 50 | |
elif word_count <= 75: | |
score = 100 # Best score range | |
else: | |
score = 100 - (word_count - 70) * (50 / 5) # Gradual decrease from 100 | |
else: | |
score = 0 # Worst score if word count is out of acceptable range | |
else: | |
score = 0 # Worst score if format is invalid | |
score = float( score ) | |
return max(0.0, min(100.0, score)) | |
async def grammar_score(text: str) -> int: | |
# Create a TextBlob object | |
blob = TextBlob(text) | |
# Check for grammatical errors | |
errors = 0 | |
for sentence in blob.sentences: | |
if sentence.correct() != sentence: | |
errors += 1 | |
print(" \n\n Number of grammatical errors: " , errors ) | |
errors *= 5 | |
result = 100 - errors | |
return max( 0 , result) | |
async def vocabulary_score(text: str) -> float: | |
# Create a TextBlob object | |
blob = TextBlob(text) | |
# Extract words from the text | |
words = blob.words | |
# Count the total words and correctly spelled words | |
total_words = len(words) | |
correctly_spelled = sum(1 for word in words if word == TextBlob(word).correct()) | |
# Calculate the percentage of correctly spelled words | |
if total_words == 0: | |
return 0.0 # Avoid division by zero if there are no words | |
percentage_correct = (correctly_spelled / total_words) * 100 | |
percentage_correct = min( percentage_correct , 100) | |
percentage_correct = max( 0 , percentage_correct ) | |
percentage_correct = round( percentage_correct , 2 ) | |
return percentage_correct | |
async def summarization_score( essay : str = Form() , summarization : str = Form() ): | |
content_score_result, form_score_result, grammar_score_result, vocabulary_score_result = await asyncio.gather( | |
content_score(essay, summarization), | |
form_score_summary(summarization), | |
grammar_score(summarization), | |
vocabulary_score(summarization) | |
) | |
return { | |
"Content Score: " : content_score_result, | |
"Form Score: " : form_score_result, | |
"Grammar Score: " : grammar_score_result, | |
"Vocabulary Score: " : vocabulary_score_result, | |
"Overall Summarization Score: " : round( (content_score_result + form_score_result + grammar_score_result + vocabulary_score_result) / 4 , 2) | |
} | |
''' | |
transitional words can significantly contribute to the development, structure, and coherence of a text. | |
Development: Transitional words help to show how ideas build upon each other and progress | |
throughout the essay. They can introduce new points, provide examples, or signal a shift in focus. | |
Structure: Transitional words help to organize the text by indicating relationships between | |
ideas. They can show cause and effect, compare and contrast, or signal a sequence of events. | |
Coherence: Transitional words help to create a smooth flow between sentences and paragraphs, | |
making the text easier to understand and follow. They can clarify connections between | |
ideas and prevent the text from feeling disjointed. | |
''' | |
addition_transitional_words = [ | |
"and", "also", "too", "in addition", "furthermore", "moreover", "besides", "likewise", | |
"similarly", "equally important", "not to mention", "as well as", "what's more", | |
"on top of that", "to boot", "in the same way", "by the same token", "similarly", | |
"likewise", "in a similar vein", "correspondingly", "at the same time", "concurrently", | |
"simultaneously", "not only... but also", "both... and", "as well", "and then", | |
"and so forth", "and so on" | |
] | |
contrast_transitional_words = [ | |
"but", "however", "nevertheless", "nonetheless", "on the other hand", "on the contrary", | |
"in contrast", "conversely", "although", "though", "even though", "despite", "in spite of", | |
"regardless of", "while", "whereas", "yet", "still", "even so", "even if", "at the same time", | |
"by the same token", "equally", "in common", "similarly", "just like", "just as", "as well as", | |
"resemble", "equally", "in common", "by the same token" | |
] | |
cause_effect_transitional_words = [ | |
"because", "since", "as", "due to", "owing to", "thanks to", "on account of", | |
"as a result", "consequently", "therefore", "hence", "thus", "so", "accordingly", | |
"for this reason", "as a consequence", "in consequence", "in that case", | |
"that being the case", "for that reason", "as a result of", "because of", | |
"on account of", "owing to", "due to", "thanks to" | |
] | |
time_transitional_words = [ | |
"first", "second", "third", "next", "then", "after", "before", "later", "earlier", | |
"previously", "subsequently", "following", "meanwhile", "simultaneously", | |
"at the same time", "concurrently", "in the meantime", "in the interim", "afterwards", | |
"thereafter", "finally", "lastly", "ultimately", "in conclusion", "to conclude", | |
"in summary", "to sum up" | |
] | |
emphasis_transitional_words = [ | |
"indeed", "in fact", "certainly", "assuredly", "without a doubt", "undoubtedly", | |
"unquestionably", "undeniably", "absolutely", "positively", "emphatically", | |
"decisively", "strongly", "forcefully", "with conviction", "with certainty", | |
"with assurance", "without hesitation", "without question", "without fail", "without doubt" | |
] | |
example_transitional_words = [ | |
"for example", "for instance", "such as", "like", "as an illustration", "to illustrate", | |
"to demonstrate", "to exemplify", "namely", "specifically", "in particular", | |
"particularly", "especially" | |
] | |
conclusion_transitional_words = [ | |
"in conclusion", "to conclude", "in summary", "to sum up", "finally", "lastly", | |
"ultimately", "therefore", "hence", "thus", "so", "accordingly", "as a result", | |
"consequently" | |
] | |
transition_between_sections_transitional_words = [ | |
"in the following section", "moving on to", "now", "let's explore", | |
"turning our attention to", "to delve deeper", "we will now examine", | |
"next", "at this point", "at this juncture", "furthermore", "moreover", | |
"in addition" | |
] | |
miscellaneous_transition_words_list = [ | |
# Clarification | |
"in other words", "that is to say", "namely", "to put it another way", | |
"in simpler terms", "to clarify", "to explain further", "to elaborate", | |
"to be more specific", "to be more exact", | |
# Concession | |
"admittedly", "granted", "of course", "naturally", "it is true that", | |
"it must be admitted that", "it cannot be denied that", "it goes without saying that", | |
# Digression | |
"by the way", "incidentally", "aside from that", "apart from that", | |
# Repetition | |
"again", "once again", "still", "further", "furthermore", "moreover", "in addition" | |
] | |
contrast_within_sentence_transitional_words = [ | |
"but", "however", "nevertheless", "nonetheless", "on the other hand", | |
"in contrast", "conversely", "although", "though", "even though", | |
"despite", "in spite of", "regardless of", "while", "whereas", | |
"yet", "still", "even so", "even if" | |
] | |
comparison_transitional_words = [ | |
"similarly", "likewise", "in the same way", "equally", "in common", | |
"by the same token", "just like", "just as", "as well as", "resemble" | |
] | |
cause_and_effect_within_sentence_transitional_words = [ | |
"because", "since", "as", "due to", "owing to", "thanks to", | |
"on account of", "as a result", "consequently", "therefore", | |
"hence", "thus", "so", "accordingly", "for this reason", | |
"as a consequence", "in consequence", "in that case", | |
"that being the case", "for that reason", "as a result of", | |
"because of", "on account of", "owing to", "due to", "thanks to" | |
] | |
emphasis_within_sentence_transitional_words = [ | |
"indeed", "in fact", "certainly", "assuredly", "without a doubt", | |
"undoubtedly", "unquestionably", "undeniably", "absolutely", | |
"positively", "emphatically", "decisively", "strongly", "forcefully", | |
"with conviction", "with certainty", "with assurance", | |
"without hesitation", "without question", "without fail", "without doubt" | |
] | |
concession_digression_repetition_transitional_words = [ | |
# Concession | |
"admittedly", "granted", "of course", "naturally", | |
"it is true that", "it must be admitted that", | |
"it cannot be denied that", "it goes without saying that", | |
# Digression | |
"by the way", "incidentally", "aside from that", | |
"apart from that", | |
# Repetition | |
"again", "once again", "still", "further", | |
"furthermore", "moreover", "in addition" | |
] | |
async def dsc_score( essay: str ): | |
# Normalize the essay | |
essay_lower = essay.lower() | |
# Helper function to count occurrences of transitional words | |
def count_transitional_words(word_list): | |
return sum(essay_lower.count(word) for word in word_list) | |
# Calculate counts for each type of transitional word list | |
addition_count = count_transitional_words(addition_transitional_words) | |
contrast_count = count_transitional_words(contrast_transitional_words) | |
cause_effect_count = count_transitional_words(cause_effect_transitional_words) | |
time_count = count_transitional_words(time_transitional_words) | |
emphasis_count = count_transitional_words(emphasis_transitional_words) | |
example_count = count_transitional_words(example_transitional_words) | |
conclusion_count = count_transitional_words(conclusion_transitional_words) | |
transition_between_sections_count = count_transitional_words(transition_between_sections_transitional_words) | |
misc_count = count_transitional_words(miscellaneous_transition_words_list) | |
contrast_within_sentence_count = count_transitional_words(contrast_within_sentence_transitional_words) | |
comparison_count = count_transitional_words(comparison_transitional_words) | |
cause_and_effect_within_sentence_count = count_transitional_words(cause_and_effect_within_sentence_transitional_words) | |
emphasis_within_sentence_count = count_transitional_words(emphasis_within_sentence_transitional_words) | |
concession_digression_repetition_count = count_transitional_words(concession_digression_repetition_transitional_words) | |
# Calculate total transitional word count | |
total_transitional_count = ( | |
addition_count + contrast_count + cause_effect_count + time_count + | |
emphasis_count + example_count + conclusion_count + | |
transition_between_sections_count + misc_count + | |
contrast_within_sentence_count + comparison_count + | |
cause_and_effect_within_sentence_count + emphasis_within_sentence_count + | |
concession_digression_repetition_count | |
) | |
print("\n\n\n Total Transitional Words Count: " , total_transitional_count ) | |
words = essay.split() | |
word_count = len(words) | |
transitional_words_percentage = round( ( total_transitional_count / ( word_count * 1.00) ) * 100 , 2 ) | |
print("]n\n\n transitional_words_percentage: " , transitional_words_percentage) | |
''' | |
Since a transition_words_percentage of 10% is considered as the ideal percentage of transitional words in an essay, | |
we are deducting points with respect to how much is it deviating from its ideal percentage value. | |
This have proven to be powerful to determine the Development, Structure and Coherence in essays | |
''' | |
return 100 - abs( transitional_words_percentage - 10 ) | |
def is_capitalized(text: str) -> bool: | |
"""Check if the entire text is in capital letters.""" | |
return text.isupper() | |
def contains_punctuation(text: str) -> bool: | |
"""Check if the text contains any punctuation.""" | |
return bool('[.,!?;:]', text)) | |
def is_bullet_points(text: str) -> bool: | |
"""Check if the text consists only of bullet points or very short sentences.""" | |
sentences = text.split('\n') | |
bullet_points = any(line.strip().startswith('-') for line in sentences) | |
short_sentences = sum(len(sentence.split()) <= 2 for sentence in sentences if sentence.strip()) | |
return bullet_points or short_sentences > len(sentences) / 2 | |
async def form_score_essay(essay: str) -> float: | |
word_count = len(re.findall(r'\b\w+\b', essay)) | |
is_capital = is_capitalized(essay) | |
has_punctuation = contains_punctuation(essay) | |
bullet_points_or_short = is_bullet_points(essay) | |
if 200 <= word_count <= 300 and has_punctuation and not is_capital and not bullet_points_or_short: | |
score = 100.0 # BEST SCORE | |
elif (120 <= word_count <= 199 or 301 <= word_count <= 380) and has_punctuation and not is_capital and not bullet_points_or_short: | |
score = 50.0 # AVERAGE SCORE | |
else: | |
score = 0.0 # WORST SCORE | |
return score | |
async def essay_score( prompt : str = Form() , essay : str = Form() ): | |
content_score_result, form_score_result, dsc_score_result, grammar_score_result = await asyncio.gather( | |
content_score( prompt , essay ), | |
form_score_essay( essay ), | |
dsc_score( essay ), | |
grammar_score( essay ) | |
) | |
print( essay ) | |
return { | |
"Content Score: " : content_score_result, | |
"Form Score: " : form_score_result, | |
"DSC Score: " : dsc_score_result, | |
"Grammar Score: " : grammar_score_result, | |
"Overall Essay Score" : ( content_score_result + form_score_result + dsc_score_result + grammar_score_result) / 4.0 | |
} |