# Finacial Sentiment Analysis Using Huggingface App # Team Name :- Free Thinkers # Authors:- Lalit Chaudhary and Khushter Kaifi # Update On- 2 Jan 2024 # streamlit is a Python library used for creating web applications with minimal effort. # pipeline is a class from the Hugging Face Transformers library that allows you to easily use pre-trained models for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline # This line creates a sentiment analysis pipeline using the Hugging Face Transformers library. # The pipeline is pre-configured to perform sentiment analysis on input text. # # Load sentiment analysis pipeline sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis") # Sets the title of the Streamlit web application st.title("Financial Sentiment Analysis Using HuggingFace \n Team Name:- Free Thinkers") # Displays a text input box where the user can enter a sentence for sentiment analysis. st.write("Enter a Sentence to Analyze the Sentiment:") user_input = st.text_input("") st.write("Press the Enter key") # Performing Sentiment Analysis: # Checks if the user has entered some text. If yes, # it uses the sentiment_pipeline to analyze the sentiment of the input text and stores the result in the result variable. if user_input: result = sentiment_pipeline(user_input) sentiment = result[0]["label"] confidence = result[0]["score"] # Displaying Results: #If there is user input, it displays the sentiment and confidence score. # The sentiment is extracted from the "label" field in the result, and the confidence score is extracted from the "score" field. st.write(f"Sentiment: {sentiment}") st.write(f"Confidence: {confidence:.2%}")