{ "Calli": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "MoriCalliope_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "MoriCalliope_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Mori Calliope", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Humored": "A3.wav", "Preset 4": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav", "Preset 6": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "But I commissioned it long before like, I commissioned it a long time before we released it, so like, I was right in the middle of my voice lessons.", "Soft": "Sorry if the cicadas get to be loud or anything like that they're just really screeching.", "Humored": "If you're sipping every time Mori spins un alive will kill you. Ruh roh raggy, Yeah I really did get down with the spins on that one huh?", "Preset 4": "Um it's not, much of a spoiler so I wanna explain it now so that we can enjoy the song but the first part of the song, it starts out with the sound of a car right?", "Preset 5": "Oh maybe we should do something besides rapping on this stage. Let's also sing.", "Preset 6": "Yeah. But yeah I couldn't sing the highest note when I initially got the draft but I was like you know what no let's keep it." }, "cover": "calli.png" }, "Shiori": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "ShioriNovella_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "ShioriNovella_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Shiori Novella", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Shocked": "A2.wav", "Confused": "A3.wav", "Scared": "A4.wav", "Humored": "A5.wav", "Thinking": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "PlayStation was better Yeah that's true at the time. Ar Yong thank you for the S C Revelant And Christian thank you for becoming a bookworm.", "Shocked": "I didn't know I forgot I didn't realize! I didn't realize! that's more comedic though!", "Confused": "Isn't it banned in some places Oh I'm not sure. I'm not really- I really don't know. Why would it be banned? Because it has your imagination?", "Scared": "Oh no! Oh no! There's another scene! Oh! Oh! Oh no Hide your children and hide your, your people and stuff! Oh sorry!", "Humored": "Night Raven, Blitz Phantom, Rubber ton, thank you for the thing! Oh oh it starts off as an anime!", "Thinking": "I can't... It seems like there's a slope there that she could climb out of right? Oh unless he, closes it." }, "cover": "shiori.png" }, "Zeta": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "VestiaZeta_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "VestiaZeta_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Vestia Zeta", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Soft": "A2.wav", "Confused": "A3.wav", "Sarcastic": "A4.wav", "Proud": "A5.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "I think it's a good idea to have the real there because sometimes in movies sometimes they don't reload.", "Soft": "No B G M just silence just me and my voice alone.", "Confused": "Hunt the thimble what does that even mean, I mean I don't know English speakers help me out here what's hunt, the thimble?", "Sarcastic": "Surely they're not gonna be shooting in this train. It's packed with people surely they won't be shooting here.", "Proud": "Hell yeah we'll keep doing what we always do! Yeah boys!" }, "cover": "zeta.png" }, "Lia": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "AsheliaRinkou_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "AsheliaRinkou_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Ashelia Rinkou", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Angry": "A2.wav", "Questioning": "A3.wav", "Shouting": "A4.wav", "Preset 5": "A5.wav", "Preset 6": "A6.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "What the fuck do you mean mid. I I don't know. I don't know Lord of the Rings just, wasn't.", "Angry": "It's absolutely not what I fucking meant You guys are absolutely fucking disgusting I hate you all.", "Questioning": "Mascot right? Like Shy Lily has her super cute little shrimpy, right? You get the tiny little shrimpy tattooed on you, No one's ever gonna know.", "Shouting": "Maybe if I posted on Twitter and at you No I would not do that Cologne chan thank you for four months No I would no do that Oh my god, stop it!", "Preset 5": "No instead of an engagement ring I, really really really just, think I would prefer to have a womb tattoo.", "Preset 6": "Cannot, cannot say but I assure you, I assure you if you lived on the west coast anywhere on the west coast, You learned about the gold rush." }, "cover": "lia.png" }, "Dokibird": { "enable": true, "gpt_model_path": "Dokibird_GPT.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "Dokibird_SoVITS.pth", "title": "Dokibird", "modelauthor": "dacoolkid44, Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "Neutral": "A1.wav", "Humored": "A2.wav", "Laughing": "A3.wav", "Cry Laughing": "A4.wav", "Tired": "A5.wav", "Bored": "A6.wav", "Surprised": "A7.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "Neutral": "Yeah it does look very risky I'd rather just like turn fast because it feels like, they can just shoot you better.", "Humored": "Is that, I did it guys! Welcome to the ember ship welcome welcome!", "Laughing": "Unforgiving lands of Alaska, sorry Alaska ha ha ha! What the fuck is what the fuck?", "Cry Laughing": "Ha ha sorry, oh shit that's just so funny, the care up seeds.", "Tired": "But I just I couldn't, I couldn't, be I was not I couldn't bring myself into finishing it.", "Bored": "Alright let me go look through, let me go look through the hashtag guys I didn't, I looked through a little bit but you know.", "Surprised": "What the heck a fish sword? Dude my weapon has everything it can be a watering can and a fishing pole?" }, "cover": "dokibird.png" }, "Template": { "enable": false, "gpt_model_path": "model.ckpt", "sovits_model_path": "model.pth", "title": "Full Name", "modelauthor": "Kit Lemonfoot", "styles":{ "name": "audio.wav", "name": "audio.wav", "name": "audio.wav" }, "styletrans":{ "name": "", "name": "", "name": "" }, "cover": "image.png" } }