import gradio as gr import json import os import random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Load transcription results with open("./results/gradio_results.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: gradio_transcriptions = json.load(file) with open("./results/openai_results.json", "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: openai_transcriptions = json.load(file) audio_files_directory = "./chunks" def get_random_audio_and_transcriptions(): random_choice = random.choice(os.listdir(audio_files_directory)) audio_path = os.path.join(audio_files_directory, random_choice) base_name = os.path.splitext(random_choice)[0] gradio_transcription = next((t for t in gradio_transcriptions if t['chunk'].startswith(base_name)), {'text': ''})['text'] openai_transcription = next((t for t in openai_transcriptions if t['chunk'].startswith(base_name)), {'text': ''})['text'] return audio_path, gradio_transcription, openai_transcription def handle_vote(vote, audio_path, gradio_transcription, openai_transcription): votes_file = "./results/votes.json" # Ensure vote key is in lowercase to match dictionary keys vote = vote.lower() if os.path.exists(votes_file): with open(votes_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: votes = json.load(file) else: votes = {} key = os.path.basename(audio_path) if key not in votes: votes[key] = {"seamlessm4t": 0, "whisper": 0, "tie": 0} if vote in votes[key]: votes[key][vote] += 1 else: print(f"Invalid vote option: {vote}. Valid options are 'gradio', 'openai', and 'tie'.") with open(votes_file, "w", encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(votes, file, indent=4) def calculate_vote_totals(): votes_file = "./results/votes.json" if os.path.exists(votes_file): with open(votes_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file: votes_data = json.load(file) else: print("No votes have been recorded yet.") return None # Initialize totals totals = {"seamlessm4t": 0, "whisper": 0, "tie": 0} # Aggregate votes for _, vote_counts in votes_data.items(): for key in totals: totals[key] += vote_counts.get(key, 0) return totals def show_results(): totals = calculate_vote_totals() if totals: # Create a bar graph labels = list(["SeamlessM4T", "Whisper", "Tie"]) values = list(totals.values()) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)), values, color=['cornflowerblue', 'lavender', 'red']) plt.xlabel('Models') plt.ylabel('Votes') plt.title('Vote Distribution') plt.xticks(labels) plt.ylim(0, max(values) + 1) # Set y-axis limit to make the graph aesthetically pleasing return plt else: # Return an empty plot if no votes are found plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) return plt def setup_interface(): with gr.Blocks() as demo: vote_options = gr.Radio(choices=["SeamlessM4T", "Whisper", "Tie"], label="Vote") submit_button = gr.Button("Submit Vote") gradio_transcription = gr.Textbox(label="SeamlessM4T-V2-large Transcription", interactive=False) openai_transcription = gr.Textbox(label="OpenAI Whisper Transcription", interactive=False) audio_player = gr.Audio(label="Listen to the Audio", interactive=False) def submit_vote(vote): audio_path, gr_transcription, oa_transcription = get_random_audio_and_transcriptions() if vote: # Ensure a vote was made handle_vote(vote, audio_path, gr_transcription, oa_transcription) # Return new data to update the UI components return gr_transcription, oa_transcription, audio_path, inputs=[vote_options], outputs=[gradio_transcription, openai_transcription, audio_player]) show_results_button = gr.Button("Show Results") results_plot = gr.Plot(), inputs=[], outputs=results_plot) # Initialize with data initial_data = get_random_audio_and_transcriptions() gradio_transcription.value = initial_data[1] openai_transcription.value = initial_data[2] audio_player.value = initial_data[0] return demo demo = setup_interface() demo.launch()