Commit History

section extraction to mongodb is working through the notebook but needs to be moved to a function.

LeoWalker commited on

set up to dump to MongoDB instead of PostgreSQL

LeoWalker commited on

removed city for streamlit app

LeoWalker commited on

updated gitignore to include pycache and removed it from the githistory as its not needed there. data24.csv was updated to some recent jobs but is still usable.

LeoWalker commited on

successfully able to extract the description information back into a pandas dataframe. Need to look how to write to the database after every call instead of doing it in such large batches.

LeoWalker commited on

able to parse objects out of the job description, but extracting in mass w/ error handling is a little difficult. Most recent run is in parse_description_test notebook thats able to connect to psql and then extract a sample set of 74 descriptions.

LeoWalker commited on

re organized the file structure in order to work with building a streamlit app to test the job description extraction.

LeoWalker commited on

Initial commit: Google_jobs has the main functions that pulls jobs from google search.

LeoWalker commited on