{ "0": "I'm free!", "1": "Can't get enough of that green stuff.", "2": "Excellent!", "3": "I always believed in you.", "4": "Jump against the wall, then jump again!", "5": "Amazing!", "6": "I might call it a night soon.", "7": "What's the matter?", "8": "Like, uh, tolification?", "9": "Think you're gonna make it?", "10": "You!", "11": "That is awesome!", "12": "Ha! That was cool!", "13": "Can a guy get some shut-eye around here?", "14": "Two.", "15": "Where could he be?", "16": "It just keeps jumping!", "17": "Everything feels so clean now.", "18": "If all else fails, you just got a...", "19": "Will you figure it all out?", "20": "Yay!", "21": "Hooooooot!", "22": "What a rush! I like it!", "23": "Scragly.", "24": "Take a minute here if you want.", "25": "All for you.", "26": "Hey!", "27": "Yeah!", "28": "So fearless. So bold.", "29": "Bet you worked up a sweat.", "30": "Yeah!", "31": "Is it a tiny bit cooler?", "32": "You made it. Good for you.", "33": "FWEE!", "34": "That trunk sure is useful, huh?", "35": "Wonder if you can get over there.", "36": "Midair spin!", "37": "Whew! Back to normal.", "38": "Woo!", "39": "Those flowers smelled nice.", "40": "Ah!", "41": "It's scary being alone.", "42": "What lies beyond?", "43": "What's going on?", "44": "Here I am.", "45": "Go for it!", "46": "You got this!", "47": "They say the ocean tastes like tears.", "48": "What? I'm not a Goomba.", "49": "What a beautiful day!", "50": "You really gonna try it?", "51": "Whatcha gonna go with?", "52": "Wait a sec!", "53": "Ah.", "54": "Hi.", "55": "Awesome!", "56": "You've got this.", "57": "Welcome!", "58": "Thank you for riding with us.", "59": "Way to pull!", "60": "Yodel-ay-yay-yoo!", "61": "Hang in there, okay?", "62": "Huuuh!", "63": "You'll get a one-up if you beat a bunch of enemies in a row.", "64": "SIGHS", "65": "and we all lived happily ever after.", "66": "Peach!", "67": "Careful with this part.", "68": "What?", "69": "I wonder what there is to do.", "70": "Oh, you almost had it.", "71": "Haha, that was fun!", "72": "Wheeee!", "73": "I mean, no pressure.", "74": "My neighbors are so loud.", "75": "I'm wide awake now.", "76": "Hey you, what was that?", "77": "Go, go, go!", "78": "Well done!", "79": "I'm impressed you found me.", "80": "Luigi!", "81": "Bet that water's tasty!", "82": "We're saved!", "83": "I believe in you!", "84": "So jiggly!", "85": "All this sand.", "86": "My poor withered roots.", "87": "Don't leave me!", "88": "Go!", "89": "Ta-da! The sequel!", "90": "Having fun?", "91": "Mmm, delicious!", "92": "What flavor are you?", "93": "How, uh, how's the goo taste?", "94": "Bye-bye!", "95": "Boing!", "96": "You're leaving, aren't you?", "97": "A full moon!", "98": "Uh-oh.", "99": "Ooh!", "100": "Yikes!", "101": "Hi!", "102": "Go!", "103": "Toadette!", "104": "Ah!", "105": "Hey!", "106": "I love watching waterfalls.", "107": "Roll, roll, roll!", "108": "Yeah!", "109": "I've discovered a new species!", "110": "You're in great shape.", "111": "You must be sweating.", "112": "What's this?", "113": "You're gonna be amazing.", "114": "How is this happening?", "115": "Ew.", "116": "Nice job!", "117": "This feels amazing!", "118": "How about you?", "119": "Only the chosen one can calm the blazing light.", "120": "Hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha-ha!", "121": "Wanna swim with me?", "122": "Hey!", "123": "You can do it!", "124": "Quite the climb, huh?", "125": "Refreshing.", "126": "Has it been a minute yet?", "127": "Zoom, zoom!", "128": "What's with all the ice blocks?", "129": "Hello there!", "130": "It was so cool in there.", "131": "Dash, then jump.", "132": "Wow, Zippy!", "133": "Woo-hoo!", "134": "This place is dangerous. I'll just wait here.", "135": "Good luck with this part!", "136": "Mwah!", "137": "They're singing.", "138": "I don't get many visitors.", "139": "Ah, my roots are happy.", "140": "Just keep a cool head.", "141": "They just keep coming.", "142": "You got this!", "143": "Huh?", "144": "You should come back sometime.", "145": "What's this?", "146": "Shocking!", "147": "I'm here.", "148": "So shiny!", "149": "Like, did you see it?", "150": "How'd you get over there?", "151": "That looked terrifying!", "152": "Where...", "153": "Ha ha ha ha ha!", "154": "So long!", "155": "Wheeee! I love this ride!", "156": "Ugh!", "157": "You gonna push it?", "158": "I'm so happy you're here.", "159": "Dash!", "160": "It's safe here.", "161": "Rough place, huh?", "162": "Huh? Ah!", "163": "Oh!", "164": "Inferno, hot, hot.", "165": "Hey, someone to talk to!", "166": "Go on, take it.", "167": "Have a great time!", "168": "Wow!", "169": "Hang on.", "170": "Peace at last.", "171": "Make sure you don't miss any.", "172": "Ooh, maybe it's time for a break.", "173": "That's that.", "174": "Oh!", "175": "Go!", "176": "It's so hot.", "177": "Whatcha gonna pick?", "178": "Ever wonder where snow comes from?", "179": "So thirsty.", "180": "Yikes! Be careful!", "181": "So many of them!", "182": "What's going on?", "183": "You never know what will happen.", "184": "Good spot for a rest.", "185": "Nah, it's gotta be you.", "186": "I had to grow here?", "187": "Are they after me?", "188": "Oh no no no!", "189": "Go!", "190": "There! Over there!", "191": "You're doing great.", "192": "I wouldn't hang out here if I were you.", "193": "Yes, I too wonder that.", "194": "Thank you for playing.", "195": "Huh?", "196": "Oh yeah!", "197": "Lot going on, huh?", "198": "Notice anything unusual?", "199": "Whoa, careful!", "200": "Yee-haw!", "201": "It's kinda lonely.", "202": "You've almost got it.", "203": "Were they singing?", "204": "AHHHHH!", "205": "Hey!", "206": "Getting kind of dizzy.", "207": "Makes you really think, huh?", "208": "Oh, this isn't good.", "209": "Deep breaths.", "210": "You should keep going.", "211": "iHeart Coins.", "212": "Someone's here to save you!", "213": "I think you forgot something.", "214": "This thing looks unstable.", "215": "There's so many of them!", "216": "Oh, horror.", "217": "Oh hey, it's you!", "218": "You did great back there.", "219": "Onward!", "220": "You're all small again.", "221": "Three.", "222": "I'm falling!", "223": "Dash! Dash!", "224": "Awww!", "225": "Ah!", "226": "This way!", "227": "Oh!", "228": "I wonder what Goombas taste like.", "229": "Yoshi!", "230": "What muscles?", "231": "Too hot.", "232": "Ms. Bree sure is nice.", "233": "Don't worry about me.", "234": "Ha! Ha!", "235": "Look at him go.", "236": "One.", "237": "Where's the party?", "238": "You've got it!", "239": "So cold!", "240": "Keep climbing!", "241": "He found us!", "242": "Yeah!", "243": "I just saw the weirdest thing.", "244": "Did I surprise you?", "245": "Later.", "246": "That wall just...moved!", "247": "Uh, what is a one-up anyway?", "248": "Not that I mind the company.", "249": "What's that?", "250": "Ooh, you look tasty.", "251": "So sorry this happened. Again.", "252": "You don't say that every day.", "253": "That thing was huge!", "254": "I never get bored watching this.", "255": "Right!", "256": "You're all soggy.", "257": "Which way you gonna go?", "258": "Phew! I'm fine. Everything's fine.", "259": "You can do this!", "260": "That goo up there looks tasty.", "261": "Crouch? Then jump!", "262": "Hurrah!", "263": "I'm rooting for you!", "264": "And he's gone again.", "265": "Homestretch!", "266": "Great swimming!", "267": "Tough choice, huh?", "268": "I wonder what sea water tastes like.", "269": "Bye.", "270": "Huh. Nice work.", "271": "Float while in midair.", "272": "I believe in you.", "273": "Toad!", "274": "Huh?", "275": "Ah, hot!", "276": "That was wild.", "277": "Okay.", "278": "Just keep opening and closing your cap.", "279": "What is it?", "280": "No!", "281": "Anything nearby?", "282": "Woo!", "283": "Help yourself.", "284": "It's right there.", "285": "And don't fall.", "286": "So you can get over there.", "287": "You came the cool way.", "288": "Keep going!", "289": "Practice makes better.", "290": "You're a wonder.", "291": "It's burying me!", "292": "What?", "293": "Ugh.", "294": "Ah, smell that salt air.", "295": "Oh, you're clever.", "296": "Give it another shot.", "297": "Hello?", "298": "You've got this!", "299": "Hey, hey, hey, hey!", "300": "Wonder what you taste like.", "301": "Love this swimming hole.", "302": "Well, that was something.", "303": "Intruder!", "304": "you", "305": "Walking plants, huh?", "306": "Faster! Faster!", "307": "I wasn't expecting company.", "308": "Go, go, go!", "309": "Gah!", "310": "Here we go!", "311": "Why here? Why me?", "312": "The adventure continues!", "313": "It's hot out here!", "314": "You're not going in there, are you?", "315": "It's time to fly!", "316": "I'm tired. How about you?", "317": "Whoa!", "318": "Quick or careful, what'll it be?", "319": "Ding, ding, ding.", "320": "They're standing on end?", "321": "Mario!", "322": "Think you can go the distance?", "323": "Dangerous!", "324": "Come and get it!", "325": "Going up or going down?", "326": "Here, take this coin.", "327": "Are you going to climb up the left or the right?", "328": "Come back again sometime, yeah?", "329": "I'll never be alone again.", "330": "All guests are required to pull that handle.", "331": "So, did you have a good day?", "332": "Please stop!", "333": "Where did you come from?", "334": "Oh.", "335": "Leave me to my waterfalls.", "336": "Go!", "337": "Water!", "338": "What are they?", "339": "Focus. Take a breath.", "340": "How'd you even get in here?", "341": "They bring good luck.", "342": "Woo-hoo!", "343": "It's gonna be alright.", "344": "Hey.", "345": "Aww.", "346": "Whatcha doing over here?", "347": "You have to do things in a certain order.", "348": "Nobody's home but me right now.", "349": "My petals!", "350": "Of all the places to sprout!", "351": "I'm alive? I'm alive!", "352": "Yeah!", "353": "Hop, hop, hop!", "354": "See?", "355": "Press R in midair.", "356": "You're doing great.", "357": "I bet you'd be considered a delicacy.", "358": "Why'd you come this way?", "359": "So big!", "360": "Boing, boing.", "361": "I love the beach so much.", "362": "Last jump!", "363": "Keep going.", "364": "All right.", "365": "Go, go, go!", "366": "Help, help!", "367": "Wait.", "368": "Have a nice ride!", "369": "Come this way!", "370": "I warned you!", "371": "Huh?", "372": "Roll, roll, roll!", "373": "Well, that's new.", "374": "Never seen anything like it.", "375": "I feel sick.", "376": "I'm scared.", "377": "Again, again!", "378": "you", "379": "Whew.", "380": "Keep at it.", "381": "Ready to ride?", "382": "Don't give up.", "383": "Oh yeah!", "384": "You found me!", "385": "I didn't mean you should hang out.", "386": "Oh, nice.", "387": "SIGHS SIGHS SIGHS SIGHS", "388": "Hope that Goomba made it.", "389": "Careful out there.", "390": "Was it something I said?", "391": "Yeah.", "392": "Oh!", "393": "What was that?", "394": "Such an intriguing fossil!", "395": "This is kind of fun.", "396": "Wow!", "397": "Just a bit more.", "398": "Leaving so soon.", "399": "Something feels... off.", "400": "I'm all alone now.", "401": "Whoa!", "402": "Be careful!", "403": "You'll get it. Just keep trying.", "404": "That's just not my style.", "405": "You can do it!", "406": "I like life on the slow side.", "407": "Why not take both?", "408": "Where do you think they come from?", "409": "Storms a-brewin'.", "410": "What am I looking at?", "411": "Oh!", "412": "Is it just me or do I sound weird?", "413": "Not like I've got much choice.", "414": "Woo!", "415": "Love that sound!", "416": "What is all this?", "417": "You're quite the swimmer.", "418": "Jump, then unleash the vine!", "419": "Score!", "420": "Show me what you can do!", "421": "Hey there!", "422": "But if you mess with things like that,", "423": "I want some water too.", "424": "Watch your steps.", "425": "Is someone there?", "426": "Way to climb!", "427": "Phew!", "428": "Ugh.", "429": "ZOOM!", "430": "Ha!", "431": "Hey!", "432": "So, you survived.", "433": "Such a courageous Goomba.", "434": "Whoa!", "435": "Quiet days can be nice too.", "436": "You've had quite the journey.", "437": "Don't spit it all in one place.", "438": "Look at you!", "439": "Not that I have anything to say.", "440": "Forever.", "441": "Go!", "442": "So quiet lately.", "443": "I can finally talk again!", "444": "Oh!", "445": "You can do it!", "446": "Wee!", "447": "Ooh, that's a pretty flower.", "448": "All right, this way!", "449": "Hurry!", "450": "Well, hi there!", "451": "No matter how high!", "452": "I'm an internet.", "453": "What is R anyway?", "454": "I'm not one to rush.", "455": "I believe in you.", "456": "Pretty please?", "457": "Hey!", "458": "I must know!", "459": "I think I'm gonna make it.", "460": "Wait for it!", "461": "Didn't you see something back there?", "462": "Um...", "463": "Why not pick your favorite?", "464": "This block looks different.", "465": "Stay with me.", "466": "Huh?", "467": "Until next time!", "468": "Who goes there?", "469": "That Goomba looks so serene.", "470": "Why?", "471": "Ah!", "472": "Hang on.", "473": "Mmm, refreshing.", "474": "I think you're forgetting something.", "475": "Yeah!", "476": "What you doing in a place like this?", "477": "Clinky clinky!", "478": "Well then.", "479": "Well, were you scared?", "480": "Be careful.", "481": "I can feel the power!", "482": "Go, go, go!", "483": "The trick is where you jump from.", "484": "You know.", "485": "Whoa, whoa!", "486": "Yeah.", "487": "Was it all a dream?", "488": "You ready?", "489": "Woo-hoo!", "490": "You went through a lot to get here.", "491": "Impressive!", "492": "Great stride!", "493": "You gotta move quickly.", "494": "Take me with you!", "495": "I hope they happen again.", "496": "Love a good breeze.", "497": "Oh yeah!", "498": "Hi!", "499": "Mmm, fishy!", "500": "All aboard!", "501": "It's a long way down.", "502": "Ah.", "503": "Farewell, lonely days.", "504": "Did you hear someone just now?", "505": "Choo!", "506": "くでー!", "507": "Oh", "508": "Wait, we're underwater. Just focus.", "509": "Off you go!", "510": "See you later!", "511": "So many visitors today.", "512": "My mushroom!", "513": "Way to go!", "514": "How'd you get up here?", "515": "Ooooooh!", "516": "Whee!", "517": "Oh, oh, oh!", "518": "Bravo!", "519": "This is wonderful!", "520": "Rain feels nice.", "521": "Ahoy!", "522": "Push!", "523": "Almost as weird as talking plants.", "524": "What'll it be?", "525": "I love this place.", "526": "Screams", "527": "Yeah!", "528": "Look at you, walking on air.", "529": "Doing great!", "530": "Heave ho!", "531": "I'm a big fan myself.", "532": "Look at me, I'm the Wonderflower.", "533": "Ouch!", "534": "The fireworks were so good.", "535": "Everyone!", "536": "Geek!", "537": "Almost there.", "538": "Guess I'm on an airship. That's weird.", "539": "That worked out.", "540": "How did you...", "541": "Use this!", "542": "Do something!", "543": "Feel like you're missing something?", "544": "It's really coming our way.", "545": "Yep, it is way too hot.", "546": "How you doing?", "547": "Make sure you're getting your veggies!", "548": "We entrust it to you.", "549": "Daisy!", "550": "Watch your step.", "551": "Tough choice.", "552": "They just keep coming!", "553": "Heart.", "554": "Woo-hoo!", "555": "What are you doing?", "556": "See you later!", "557": "Dead end here.", "558": "See ya!", "559": "Now that's a good smell.", "560": "I want to be tall like the mushrooms.", "561": "Ah, oh.", "562": "That was so, so good.", "563": "Wonder if they ate it.", "564": "Nibbit!", "565": "You don't have them all.", "566": "Fix me!", "567": "Look at you go!", "568": "Wonder if I'll be tall someday too.", "569": "Bored, bored, bored.", "570": "Ha! That was fun!", "571": "Ready? Aim?", "572": "The rain finally let up out here.", "573": "Aww.", "574": "You good?", "575": "Wish I could go fishing.", "576": "Ah!", "577": "Ah!", "578": "Zoom!", "579": "What's a flower to do?", "580": "Gah!", "581": "Heya!", "582": "Could be quite a night.", "583": "Ooh, so exciting!", "584": "Ha ha!", "585": "That was scary.", "586": "Fly!", "587": "The snow!", "588": "What?", "589": "Roll, roll, roll!", "590": "Huh?", "591": "Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!", "592": "Sometimes it's nice to space out.", "593": "Would you look at that?", "594": "Thank you!", "595": "Got the place all to myself.", "596": "Keep going.", "597": "I warned ya.", "598": "Whoop, whoop.", "599": "What happened to you?", "600": "Chilly out today.", "601": "Jump!", "602": "So many creepy crawlies!", "603": "Jump, jump, jump!", "604": "They're definitely getting in your way.", "605": "gets right down to the roots.", "606": "Was I sleeping with my eyes open again?", "607": "Yeah!", "608": "Good form.", "609": "Go!", "610": "I'm impressed.", "611": "Great!", "612": "I live!", "613": "Woo!", "614": "You can do it!", "615": "Are you the chosen one? We shall see.", "616": "That couldn't have been real.", "617": "Life's full of surprises.", "618": "Time to dance!", "619": "So many shooting stars!", "620": "You're a brave one.", "621": "This heat is ridiculous.", "622": "We just...", "623": "You tired or something?", "624": "You're covered in goo?", "625": "Look out!", "626": "Where are you going?", "627": "Just hanging out. No, no reason.", "628": "Come back soon.", "629": "Where'd you come from?", "630": "But shouldn't you be going?", "631": "Careful you don't burn out.", "632": "Thanks.", "633": "So, just between us...", "634": "Splish splash!", "635": "Am I allergic to... me?", "636": "Ha ha ha!", "637": "Will it ever end?", "638": "That hit the spot.", "639": "You seeing what I'm seeing?", "640": "So, what you been eating lately?", "641": "You're no fun.", "642": "Way to go!", "643": "SIGHS", "644": "This place is intense.", "645": "Nice.", "646": "Ugh, that ruins everything.", "647": "喂", "648": "Huh?", "649": "Float here.", "650": "Hey!", "651": "Aww.", "652": "I said stop!", "653": "Woo woo!", "654": "Yeah!", "655": "Woo-hoo! It's you!", "656": "You're late.", "657": "Stop!", "658": "They're kind of annoying.", "659": "More water. More!", "660": "Ah!", "661": "I hate this.", "662": "Thanks for the appetizer.", "663": "I know you're there.", "664": "That's a lot of piranha plants.", "665": "It's snowing!", "666": "Woo!", "667": "Later!", "668": "There's no end to this rain.", "669": "Ooh!", "670": "That was stressful.", "671": "Ah, what a peaceful day.", "672": "Give it another go, huh?", "673": "My!", "674": "Going with the flow.", "675": "Timing is key.", "676": "This pipe, it can't hold us!", "677": "I bet you can make it.", "678": "This place might be the end of me.", "679": "Hi again.", "680": "Whoop whoop!", "681": "Hurry! Hurry!", "682": "Must have been my imagination.", "683": "You can't resist the call of the wall!", "684": "What?", "685": "What's happening?", "686": "Whoa!", "687": "Nothing to do but relax.", "688": "What a pretty sunset.", "689": "Yeah!", "690": "Hey, there's someone back there.", "691": "It's kind of catchy.", "692": "Feel that breeze!", "693": "No way!", "694": "Wiggler!", "695": "Come with me.", "696": "Whoa!", "697": "You'd share your water with me?", "698": "The party's just getting started!", "699": "I would really like to leave.", "700": "You're just gonna leave?", "701": "Don't let him see you!", "702": "I've been summoned!", "703": "Only rain can quench this thirst.", "704": "Oh!", "705": "Good luck.", "706": "SIGHS", "707": "Keep going!", "708": "Ooh!", "709": "Onward and upward.", "710": "Impossible!", "711": "What just happened?", "712": "Ugh, and the fish.", "713": "はいはいはいはい", "714": "Congratulations!", "715": "You're doing great!", "716": "Coins!", "717": "but it's kind of crowded lately.", "718": "Oh!", "719": "Wearable powers? Who'd have thought?", "720": "What a race!", "721": "Ah, they're copying you.", "722": "Hurry!", "723": "You fit right in around here.", "724": "Go!", "725": "Woo!", "726": "Still hot though." }