FROM # Set environment variables ENV TOKEN=MTAyOTExOTAzMzEwODM0NDg0Mw.GHRuSg.UJGFPx7vbUBU23sHWzUPastwQXwsi1aWZnKjho \ MSGCHANNEL=1226099247963832351 \ ACCESS_TOKEN=2f763b38ad6c26368f5b6d3c86b2089bb98acfd4 \ CHARACTER_ID=PH7dDFG7FXHnEIcTw8maMJypt142z7HLYqt6Vdz88YE # Set the working directory WORKDIR /code # Create a temporary directory RUN mkdir /tmp/code # Copy package.json and package-lock.json to the temporary directory COPY package*.json /tmp/code/ # Change ownership of the files to allow npm install RUN chown -R node:node /tmp/code # Switch to the node user USER node # Install dependencies in the temporary directory RUN npm install --prefix /tmp/code # Switch back to the root user USER root # Copy the rest of the application code to the working directory COPY . . # Copy dependencies from the temporary directory to the working directory RUN cp -a /tmp/code/node_modules /code/ # Expose any necessary ports EXPOSE 7860 # Command to run the application CMD ["npm", "start", "--host", "", "--port", "7860"]