license: mit
title: pic-to-header
sdk: streamlit
emoji: 🐨
colorFrom: blue
colorTo: purple
pinned: false
app_file: pic_to_header/app.py
# Pic-to-Header
![Pic-to-Header Result](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sunwood-ai-labs/pic-to-header/refs/heads/main/assets/result.png)
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Pic-to-Header is a Python application that generates header images using a mask image and an input image. Version 0.1.1 has been released.
## 🚀 Project Overview
Pic-to-Header is a Streamlit application that allows you to easily generate and download header images using a mask image and an input image. It's also available on PyPI. It also supports a command-line interface (CLI).
## ✨ Key Features
- Upload mask and input images
- Generate header images
- Preview and download generated header images
- Image processing using a command-line interface (CLI)
- Added README page and release notes page to the Streamlit app
## 🔧 Usage
### Method 1: Installation from PyPI
Pic-to-Header is available on PyPI. You can install it using the following command:
pip install pic-to-header
### Method 2: Installation from Source
1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/Sunwood-ai-labs/pic-to-header.git
cd pic-to-header
2. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Streamlit Web Application
1. Start the Streamlit application:
streamlit run pic_to_header/app.py
2. Access the URL displayed in your browser.
3. Upload your input and mask images.
4. Click the "Generate Header Image" button.
5. Preview and download the generated header image as needed.
### Command-Line Interface (CLI)
You can also process images using the CLI:
pic-to-header input_image.png mask_image.png output_image.png
pic-to-header assets/sample.png assets/mask.png output_image.png
### Using the Python Script
The `pic-to-header` package can also be used directly within a Python script. Here's an example:
from pic_to_header.core import process_header_image
# Specify the paths to the input image, mask image, and output image
input_image_path = "path/to/input_image.png"
mask_image_path = "path/to/mask_image.png"
output_image_path = "path/to/output_image.png"
# Generate the header image
result = process_header_image(input_image_path, mask_image_path, output_image_path)
print(f"Header image generated: {result}")
This script works as follows:
1. Imports the `process_header_image` function from the `pic_to_header.core` module.
2. Specifies the paths to the input image, mask image, and output image.
3. Calls the `process_header_image` function to generate the header image.
4. Displays the path to the generated image.
Running this script will generate the header image at the specified output path.
## 💻 Development
- `pic_to_header/core.py`: Contains the core image processing functionality.
- `pic_to_header/app.py`: Provides the web interface using Streamlit.
- `pic_to_header/cli.py`: Provides the command-line interface.
## 📦 Installation Instructions
See the "Usage" section above.
## 🆕 What's New
- Implemented a command-line interface (CLI) for image processing from the command line.
- Added a README page and release notes page to the Streamlit app.
- Improved documentation, adding instructions for installation from PyPI and CLI usage.
- Changed the CLI entry point from `pic_to_header.app:main` to `pic_to_header.cli:main`.
- Version number updated from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1.
## 📄 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.