import base64 import re from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Callable, Dict, List import altair as alt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import spacy import streamlit as st from pandas.core.series import Series from PIL import Image from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from sklearn.utils import resample from stqdm import stqdm from textacy.preprocessing import make_pipeline, normalize, remove, replace from .configs import Languages, ModelConfigs, SupportedFiles stqdm.pandas() @st.cache def get_logo(path): return # @st.cache(suppress_st_warning=True) def read_file(uploaded_file) -> pd.DataFrame: file_type =".")[-1] if file_type in set( for i in SupportedFiles): read_f = SupportedFiles[file_type].value[0] return read_f(uploaded_file, dtype=str) else: st.error("File type not supported") def download_button(dataframe: pd.DataFrame, name: str): csv = dataframe.to_csv(index=False) # some strings <-> bytes conversions necessary here b64 = base64.b64encode(csv.encode()).decode() href = f'Download' st.write(href, unsafe_allow_html=True) def encode(text: pd.Series, labels: pd.Series): tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer( input="content", # default: file already in memory encoding="utf-8", # default decode_error="strict", # default strip_accents=None, # do nothing lowercase=False, # do nothing preprocessor=None, # do nothing - default tokenizer=None, # default stop_words=None, # do nothing analyzer="word", ngram_range=(1, 3), # maximum 3-ngrams min_df=0.001, max_df=0.75, sublinear_tf=True, ) label_encoder = LabelEncoder() with st.spinner("Encoding text using TF-IDF and Encoding labels"): X = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(text.values) y = label_encoder.fit_transform(labels.values) return { "X": X, "y": y, "X_names": np.array(tfidf_vectorizer.get_feature_names()), "y_names": label_encoder.classes_, } def wordifier(X, y, X_names: List[str], y_names: List[str], configs=ModelConfigs): n_instances, n_features = X.shape n_classes = len(y_names) # NOTE: the * 10 / 10 trick is to have "nice" round-ups sample_fraction = np.ceil((n_features / n_instances) * 10) / 10 sample_size = min( # this is the maximum supported configs.MAX_SELECTION.value, # at minimum you want MIN_SELECTION but in general you want # n_instances * sample_fraction max(configs.MIN_SELECTION.value, int(n_instances * sample_fraction)), # however if previous one is bigger the the available instances take # the number of available instances n_instances, ) # TODO: might want to try out something to subsample features at each iteration # initialize coefficient matrices pos_scores = np.zeros((n_classes, n_features), dtype=int) neg_scores = np.zeros((n_classes, n_features), dtype=int) with st.spinner("Wordifying!"): for _ in stqdm(range(configs.NUM_ITERS.value)): # run randomized regression clf = LogisticRegression( penalty="l1", C=configs.PENALTIES.value[np.random.randint(len(configs.PENALTIES.value))], solver="liblinear", multi_class="auto", max_iter=500, class_weight="balanced", ) # sample indices to subsample matrix selection = resample(np.arange(n_instances), replace=True, stratify=y, n_samples=sample_size) # fit try:[selection], y[selection]) except ValueError: continue # record coefficients if n_classes == 2: pos_scores[1] = pos_scores[1] + (clf.coef_ > 0.0) neg_scores[1] = neg_scores[1] + (clf.coef_ < 0.0) pos_scores[0] = pos_scores[0] + (clf.coef_ < 0.0) neg_scores[0] = neg_scores[0] + (clf.coef_ > 0.0) else: pos_scores += clf.coef_ > 0 neg_scores += clf.coef_ < 0 # normalize pos_scores = pos_scores / configs.NUM_ITERS.value neg_scores = neg_scores / configs.NUM_ITERS.value # get only active features pos_positions = np.where(pos_scores >= configs.SELECTION_THRESHOLD.value, pos_scores, 0) neg_positions = np.where(neg_scores >= configs.SELECTION_THRESHOLD.value, neg_scores, 0) # prepare DataFrame pos = [(X_names[i], pos_scores[c, i], y_names[c]) for c, i in zip(*pos_positions.nonzero())] neg = [(X_names[i], neg_scores[c, i], y_names[c]) for c, i in zip(*neg_positions.nonzero())] posdf = pd.DataFrame(pos, columns="word score label".split()).sort_values(["label", "score"], ascending=False) negdf = pd.DataFrame(neg, columns="word score label".split()).sort_values(["label", "score"], ascending=False) return posdf, negdf # more [here]( # and [here]( _re_space = re.compile(" {2,}") def normalize_useless_spaces(t): return _re_space.sub(" ", t) _re_rep = re.compile(r"(\S)(\1{2,})") def normalize_repeating_chars(t): def _replace_rep(m): c, cc = m.groups() return c return _re_rep.sub(_replace_rep, t) _re_wrep = re.compile(r"(?:\s|^)(\w+)\s+((?:\1\s+)+)\1(\s|\W|$)") def normalize_repeating_words(t): def _replace_wrep(m): c, cc, e = m.groups() return c return _re_wrep.sub(_replace_wrep, t) class TextPreprocessor: def __init__( self, language: str, cleaning_steps: List[str], lemmatizer_when: str = "last", remove_stop: bool = True ) -> None: # prepare lemmatizer self.language = language self.nlp = spacy.load(Languages[language].value, exclude=["parser", "ner", "pos", "tok2vec"]) self.lemmatizer_when = self._lemmatization_options().get(lemmatizer_when, None) self.remove_stop = remove_stop self._lemmatize = self._get_lemmatizer() # prepare cleaning self.cleaning_steps = [ self._cleaning_options()[step] for step in cleaning_steps if step in self._cleaning_options() ] self.cleaning_pipeline = make_pipeline(*self.cleaning_steps) if self.cleaning_steps else lambda x: x def _get_lemmatizer(self) -> Callable: """Return the correct spacy Doc-level lemmatizer""" if self.remove_stop: def lemmatizer(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> str: """Lemmatizes spacy Doc and removes stopwords""" return " ".join([t.lemma_ for t in doc if t.lemma_ != "-PRON-" and not t.is_stop]) else: def lemmatizer(doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc) -> str: """Lemmatizes spacy Doc""" return " ".join([t.lemma_ for t in doc if t.lemma_ != "-PRON-"]) return lemmatizer @staticmethod def _lemmatization_options() -> Dict[str, str]: return { "Before preprocessing": "first", "After preprocessing": "last", "Never! Let's do it quick and dirty": None, } def lemmatizer(self, series: pd.Series) -> pd.Series: """ Apply spacy pipeline to transform string to spacy Doc and applies lemmatization """ res = [] pbar = stqdm(total=len(series)) for doc in self.nlp.pipe(series, batch_size=500): res.append(self._lemmatize(doc)) pbar.update(1) pbar.close() return pd.Series(res) @staticmethod def _cleaning_options(): """Returns available cleaning steps in order""" return OrderedDict( [ ("lower", lambda x: x.lower()), ("normalize_unicode", normalize.unicode), ("normalize_bullet_points", normalize.bullet_points), ("normalize_hyphenated_words", normalize.hyphenated_words), ("normalize_quotation_marks", normalize.quotation_marks), ("normalize_whitespace", normalize.whitespace), ("remove_accents", remove.accents), ("remove_brackets", remove.brackets), ("remove_html_tags", remove.html_tags), ("remove_punctuation", remove.punctuation), ("replace_currency_symbols", replace.currency_symbols), ("replace_emails", replace.emails), ("replace_emojis", replace.emojis), ("replace_hashtags", replace.hashtags), ("replace_numbers", replace.numbers), ("replace_phone_numbers", replace.phone_numbers), ("replace_urls", replace.urls), ("replace_user_handles", replace.user_handles), ("normalize_useless_spaces", normalize_useless_spaces), ("normalize_repeating_chars", normalize_repeating_chars), ("normalize_repeating_words", normalize_repeating_words), ("strip", lambda x: x.strip()), ] ) def fit_transform(self, series: pd.Series) -> Series: """Applies text preprocessing""" if self.lemmatizer_when == "first": with st.spinner("Lemmatizing"): series = self.lemmatizer(series) with st.spinner("Cleaning"): series = series.progress_map(self.cleaning_pipeline) if self.lemmatizer_when == "last": with st.spinner("Lemmatizing"): series = self.lemmatizer(series) return series def plot_labels_prop(data: pd.DataFrame, label_column: str): source = data["label"].value_counts().reset_index().rename(columns={"index": "Labels", label_column: "Counts"}) source["Proportions"] = ((source["Counts"] / source["Counts"].sum()).round(3) * 100).map("{:,.2f}".format) + "%" bars = ( alt.Chart(source) .mark_bar() .encode( x="Labels:O", y="Counts:Q", ) ) text = bars.mark_text(align="center", baseline="middle", dy=15).encode(text="Proportions:O") return (bars + text).properties(height=300) def plot_nchars(data: pd.DataFrame, text_column: str): source = data[text_column].str.len().to_frame() plot = ( alt.Chart(source) .mark_bar() .encode( alt.X(f"{text_column}:Q", bin=True, axis=alt.Axis(title="# chars per text")), alt.Y("count()", axis=alt.Axis(title="")), ) ) return def plot_score(data: pd.DataFrame, label_col: str, label: str): source = data.loc[data[label_col] == label].sort_values("score", ascending=False).head(100) plot = ( alt.Chart(source) .mark_bar() .encode( y=alt.Y("word:O", sort="-x"), x="score:Q", ) ) return * source.shape[0], 50))