MiVOLO / mivolo /structures.py
history blame
19.9 kB
import math
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import cv2
import numpy as np
import torch
from mivolo.data.misc import aggregate_votes_winsorized, assign_faces, box_iou, cropout_black_parts
from ultralytics.engine.results import Results
from ultralytics.utils.plotting import Annotator, colors
# because of ultralytics bug it is important to unset CUBLAS_WORKSPACE_CONFIG after the module importing
AGE_GENDER_TYPE = Tuple[float, str]
class PersonAndFaceCrops:
def __init__(self):
# int: index of person along results
self.crops_persons: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of face along results
self.crops_faces: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of face along results
self.crops_faces_wo_body: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
# int: index of person along results
self.crops_persons_wo_face: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {}
def _add_to_output(
self, crops: Dict[int, np.ndarray], out_crops: List[np.ndarray], out_crop_inds: List[Optional[int]]
inds_to_add = list(crops.keys())
crops_to_add = list(crops.values())
def _get_all_faces(
self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool
) -> Tuple[List[Optional[int]], List[Optional[np.ndarray]]]:
if use_persons and use_faces
faces: faces_with_bodies + faces_without_bodies + [None] * len(crops_persons_wo_face)
if use_persons and not use_faces
faces: [None] * n_persons
if not use_persons and use_faces:
faces: faces_with_bodies + faces_without_bodies
def add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops, num):
faces_inds.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
faces_crops.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
faces_inds: List[Optional[int]] = []
faces_crops: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = []
if not use_faces:
add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops, len(
self.crops_persons) + len(self.crops_persons_wo_face))
return faces_inds, faces_crops
self._add_to_output(self.crops_faces, faces_crops, faces_inds)
self._add_to_output(self.crops_faces_wo_body, faces_crops, faces_inds)
if use_persons:
add_none_to_output(faces_inds, faces_crops,
return faces_inds, faces_crops
def _get_all_bodies(
self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool
) -> Tuple[List[Optional[int]], List[Optional[np.ndarray]]]:
if use_persons and use_faces
persons: bodies_with_faces + [None] * len(faces_without_bodies) + bodies_without_faces
if use_persons and not use_faces
persons: bodies_with_faces + bodies_without_faces
if not use_persons and use_faces
persons: [None] * n_faces
def add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops, num):
bodies_inds.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
bodies_crops.extend([None for _ in range(num)])
bodies_inds: List[Optional[int]] = []
bodies_crops: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = []
if not use_persons:
add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops, len(
self.crops_faces) + len(self.crops_faces_wo_body))
return bodies_inds, bodies_crops
self._add_to_output(self.crops_persons, bodies_crops, bodies_inds)
if use_faces:
add_none_to_output(bodies_inds, bodies_crops,
bodies_crops, bodies_inds)
return bodies_inds, bodies_crops
def get_faces_with_bodies(self, use_persons: bool, use_faces: bool):
faces: faces_with_bodies, faces_without_bodies, [None] * len(crops_persons_wo_face)
persons: bodies_with_faces, [None] * len(faces_without_bodies), bodies_without_faces
bodies_inds, bodies_crops = self._get_all_bodies(
use_persons, use_faces)
faces_inds, faces_crops = self._get_all_faces(use_persons, use_faces)
return (bodies_inds, bodies_crops), (faces_inds, faces_crops)
def save(self, out_dir="output"):
ind = 0
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
for crops in [self.crops_persons, self.crops_faces, self.crops_faces_wo_body, self.crops_persons_wo_face]:
for crop in crops.values():
if crop is None:
out_name = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{ind}_crop.jpg")
cv2.imwrite(out_name, crop)
ind += 1
class PersonAndFaceResult:
def __init__(self, results: Results):
self.yolo_results = results
names = set(results.names.values())
assert "person" in names and "face" in names
# initially no faces and persons are associated to each other
self.face_to_person_map: Dict[int, Optional[int]] = {
ind: None for ind in self.get_bboxes_inds("face")}
self.unassigned_persons_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds(
n_objects = len(self.yolo_results.boxes)
self.ages: List[Optional[float]] = [None for _ in range(n_objects)]
self.genders: List[Optional[str]] = [None for _ in range(n_objects)]
self.gender_scores: List[Optional[float]] = [
None for _ in range(n_objects)]
def n_objects(self) -> int:
return len(self.yolo_results.boxes)
def get_bboxes_inds(self, category: str) -> List[int]:
bboxes: List[int] = []
for ind, det in enumerate(self.yolo_results.boxes):
name = self.yolo_results.names[int(det.cls)]
if name == category:
return bboxes
def get_distance_to_center(self, bbox_ind: int) -> float:
Calculate euclidian distance between bbox center and image center.
im_h, im_w = self.yolo_results[bbox_ind].orig_shape
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.get_bbox_by_ind(bbox_ind).cpu().numpy()
center_x, center_y = (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2
dist = math.dist([center_x, center_y], [im_w / 2, im_h / 2])
return dist
def plot(
Plots the detection results on an input RGB image. Accepts a numpy array (cv2) or a PIL Image.
conf (bool): Whether to plot the detection confidence score.
line_width (float, optional): The line width of the bounding boxes. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
font_size (float, optional): The font size of the text. If None, it is scaled to the image size.
font (str): The font to use for the text.
pil (bool): Whether to return the image as a PIL Image.
img (numpy.ndarray): Plot to another image. if not, plot to original image.
labels (bool): Whether to plot the label of bounding boxes.
boxes (bool): Whether to plot the bounding boxes.
probs (bool): Whether to plot classification probability
ages (bool): Whether to plot the age of bounding boxes.
genders (bool): Whether to plot the genders of bounding boxes.
gender_probs (bool): Whether to plot gender classification probability
(numpy.ndarray): A numpy array of the annotated image.
# return self.yolo_results.plot()
colors_by_ind = {}
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
if person_ind is not None:
colors_by_ind[face_ind] = face_ind + 2
colors_by_ind[person_ind] = face_ind + 2
colors_by_ind[face_ind] = 0
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
colors_by_ind[person_ind] = 1
names = self.yolo_results.names
annotator = Annotator(
deepcopy(self.yolo_results.orig_img if img is None else img),
pred_boxes, show_boxes = self.yolo_results.boxes, boxes
pred_probs, show_probs = self.yolo_results.probs, probs
if pred_boxes and show_boxes:
for bb_ind, (d, age, gender, gender_score) in enumerate(
zip(pred_boxes, self.ages, self.genders, self.gender_scores)
c, conf, guid = int(d.cls), float(
d.conf) if conf else None, None if d.id is None else int(d.id.item())
name = ("" if guid is None else f"id:{guid} ") + names[c]
label = (
f"{name} {conf:.2f}" if conf else name) if labels else None
if ages and age is not None:
label += f" {age:.1f}"
if genders and gender is not None:
label += f" {'F' if gender == 'female' else 'M'}"
if gender_probs and gender_score is not None:
label += f" ({gender_score:.1f})"
annotator.box_label(d.xyxy.squeeze(), label,
color=colors(colors_by_ind[bb_ind], True))
if pred_probs is not None and show_probs:
text = f"{', '.join(f'{names[j] if names else j} {pred_probs.data[j]:.2f}' for j in pred_probs.top5)}, "
annotator.text((32, 32), text, txt_color=(
255, 255, 255)) # TODO: allow setting colors
return annotator.result()
def set_tracked_age_gender(self, tracked_objects: Dict[int, List[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]):
Update age and gender for objects based on history from tracked_objects.
tracked_objects (dict[int, list[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]): info about tracked objects by guid
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
pguid = self._get_id_by_ind(person_ind)
fguid = self._get_id_by_ind(face_ind)
if fguid == -1 and pguid == -1:
# YOLO might not assign ids for some objects in some cases:
# https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/issues/3830
age, gender = self._gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects, fguid, pguid)
if age is None or gender is None:
self.set_age(face_ind, age)
self.set_gender(face_ind, gender, 1.0)
if pguid != -1:
self.set_gender(person_ind, gender, 1.0)
self.set_age(person_ind, age)
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
pid = self._get_id_by_ind(person_ind)
if pid == -1:
age, gender = self._gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects, -1, pid)
if age is None or gender is None:
self.set_gender(person_ind, gender, 1.0)
self.set_age(person_ind, age)
def _get_id_by_ind(self, ind: Optional[int] = None) -> int:
if ind is None:
return -1
obj_id = self.yolo_results.boxes[ind].id
if obj_id is None:
return -1
return obj_id.item()
def get_bbox_by_ind(self, ind: int, im_h: int = None, im_w: int = None) -> torch.tensor:
bb = self.yolo_results.boxes[ind].xyxy.squeeze().type(torch.int32)
if im_h is not None and im_w is not None:
bb[0] = torch.clamp(bb[0], min=0, max=im_w - 1)
bb[1] = torch.clamp(bb[1], min=0, max=im_h - 1)
bb[2] = torch.clamp(bb[2], min=0, max=im_w - 1)
bb[3] = torch.clamp(bb[3], min=0, max=im_h - 1)
return bb
def set_age(self, ind: Optional[int], age: float):
if ind is not None:
self.ages[ind] = age
def set_gender(self, ind: Optional[int], gender: str, gender_score: float):
if ind is not None:
self.genders[ind] = gender
self.gender_scores[ind] = gender_score
def _gather_tracking_result(
tracked_objects: Dict[int, List[AGE_GENDER_TYPE]],
fguid: int = -1,
pguid: int = -1,
minimum_sample_size: int = 10,
assert fguid != -1 or pguid != -1, "Incorrect tracking behaviour"
face_ages = [r[0] for r in tracked_objects[fguid] if r[0]
is not None] if fguid in tracked_objects else []
face_genders = [r[1] for r in tracked_objects[fguid]
if r[1] is not None] if fguid in tracked_objects else []
person_ages = [r[0] for r in tracked_objects[pguid]
if r[0] is not None] if pguid in tracked_objects else []
person_genders = [r[1] for r in tracked_objects[pguid]
if r[1] is not None] if pguid in tracked_objects else []
if not face_ages and not person_ages: # both empty
return None, None
# You can play here with different aggregation strategies
# Face ages - predictions based on face or face + person, depends on history of object
# Person ages - predictions based on person or face + person, depends on history of object
if len(person_ages + face_ages) >= minimum_sample_size:
age = aggregate_votes_winsorized(person_ages + face_ages)
face_age = np.mean(face_ages) if face_ages else None
person_age = np.mean(person_ages) if person_ages else None
if face_age is None:
face_age = person_age
if person_age is None:
person_age = face_age
age = (face_age + person_age) / 2.0
genders = face_genders + person_genders
assert len(genders) > 0
# take mode of genders
gender = max(set(genders), key=genders.count)
return age, gender
def get_results_for_tracking(self) -> Tuple[Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE], Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE]]:
Get objects from current frame
persons: Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE] = {}
faces: Dict[int, AGE_GENDER_TYPE] = {}
names = self.yolo_results.names
pred_boxes = self.yolo_results.boxes
for _, (det, age, gender, _) in enumerate(zip(pred_boxes, self.ages, self.genders, self.gender_scores)):
if det.id is None:
cat_id, _, guid = int(det.cls), float(det.conf), int(det.id.item())
name = names[cat_id]
if name == "person":
persons[guid] = (age, gender)
elif name == "face":
faces[guid] = (age, gender)
return persons, faces
def associate_faces_with_persons(self):
face_bboxes_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds("face")
person_bboxes_inds: List[int] = self.get_bboxes_inds("person")
face_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind) for ind in face_bboxes_inds]
person_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind) for ind in person_bboxes_inds]
self.face_to_person_map = {ind: None for ind in face_bboxes_inds}
assigned_faces, unassigned_persons_inds = assign_faces(
person_bboxes, face_bboxes)
for face_ind, person_ind in enumerate(assigned_faces):
face_ind = face_bboxes_inds[face_ind]
person_ind = person_bboxes_inds[person_ind] if person_ind is not None else None
self.face_to_person_map[face_ind] = person_ind
self.unassigned_persons_inds = [
person_bboxes_inds[person_ind] for person_ind in unassigned_persons_inds]
def crop_object(
self, full_image: np.ndarray, ind: int, cut_other_classes: Optional[List[str]] = None
) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
IOU_THRESH = 0.000001
obj_bbox = self.get_bbox_by_ind(ind, *full_image.shape[:2])
x1, y1, x2, y2 = obj_bbox
cur_cat = self.yolo_results.names[int(
# get crop of face or person
obj_image = full_image[y1:y2, x1:x2].copy()
crop_h, crop_w = obj_image.shape[:2]
if cur_cat == "person" and (crop_h < MIN_PERSON_SIZE or crop_w < MIN_PERSON_SIZE):
return None
if not cut_other_classes:
return obj_image
# calc iou between obj_bbox and other bboxes
other_bboxes: List[torch.tensor] = [
self.get_bbox_by_ind(other_ind, *full_image.shape[:2]) for other_ind in range(len(self.yolo_results.boxes))
iou_matrix = box_iou(torch.stack([obj_bbox]), torch.stack(
# cut out other objects in case of intersection
for other_ind, (det, iou) in enumerate(zip(self.yolo_results.boxes, iou_matrix)):
other_cat = self.yolo_results.names[int(det.cls)]
if ind == other_ind or iou < IOU_THRESH or other_cat not in cut_other_classes:
o_x1, o_y1, o_x2, o_y2 = det.xyxy.squeeze().type(torch.int32)
# remap current_person_bbox to reference_person_bbox coordinates
o_x1 = max(o_x1 - x1, 0)
o_y1 = max(o_y1 - y1, 0)
o_x2 = min(o_x2 - x1, crop_w)
o_y2 = min(o_y2 - y1, crop_h)
if other_cat != "face":
if (o_y1 / crop_h) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_y1 = 0
if ((crop_h - o_y2) / crop_h) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_y2 = crop_h
if (o_x1 / crop_w) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_x1 = 0
if ((crop_w - o_x2) / crop_w) < CROP_ROUND_RATE:
o_x2 = crop_w
obj_image[o_y1:o_y2, o_x1:o_x2] = 0
obj_image, remain_ratio = cropout_black_parts(
obj_image, CROP_ROUND_RATE)
return None
return obj_image
def collect_crops(self, image) -> PersonAndFaceCrops:
crops_data = PersonAndFaceCrops()
for face_ind, person_ind in self.face_to_person_map.items():
face_image = self.crop_object(
image, face_ind, cut_other_classes=[])
if person_ind is None:
crops_data.crops_faces_wo_body[face_ind] = face_image
person_image = self.crop_object(
image, person_ind, cut_other_classes=["face", "person"])
crops_data.crops_faces[face_ind] = face_image
crops_data.crops_persons[person_ind] = person_image
for person_ind in self.unassigned_persons_inds:
person_image = self.crop_object(
image, person_ind, cut_other_classes=["face", "person"])
crops_data.crops_persons_wo_face[person_ind] = person_image
# uncomment to save preprocessed crops
# crops_data.save()
return crops_data