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  1. app (3).py +1 -1
app (3).py CHANGED
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ if app_mode == '06 Conclusion & Insights':
  st.title("Conclusion and Insights πŸ”¬",divider='rainbow')
  st.markdown('##### _Health advisories based on our data observations_ πŸ“')
  st.markdown("'Based on our overall data analysis, there is a strong relationship between individuals' eating behavior and the obesity occurences")
- st.markdown("Especially for revolving around the question of 'Do you eat any food between meals?'(CAEC), we can see individuals who has a high frequency and tendency to eat food between meals have a higher possiblity for obesity."
  st.markdown('Understanding the importance of eating behavior, we want to suggest a regulated eating schedule with correct food consumption frequencies to reduce health risks related with obesity πŸ₯—πŸ₯© ')
  st.markdown('Alongside with eating behaviors, physical activity also have a strong influence: we can see a decreased physical activity level as the obesity intensity increases.')
  st.markdown('Therefore, another health advisory would be to get active. It is crucial for individuals to improve the frequency of physical activity more importantly than its intensity. The key is to get in the habit of moving πŸ‘Ÿ')
  st.title("Conclusion and Insights πŸ”¬",divider='rainbow')
  st.markdown('##### _Health advisories based on our data observations_ πŸ“')
  st.markdown("'Based on our overall data analysis, there is a strong relationship between individuals' eating behavior and the obesity occurences")
+ st.markdown("Especially for revolving around the question of 'Do you eat any food between meals?'(CAEC), we can see individuals who has a high frequency and tendency to eat food between meals have a higher possiblity for obesity.")
  st.markdown('Understanding the importance of eating behavior, we want to suggest a regulated eating schedule with correct food consumption frequencies to reduce health risks related with obesity πŸ₯—πŸ₯© ')
  st.markdown('Alongside with eating behaviors, physical activity also have a strong influence: we can see a decreased physical activity level as the obesity intensity increases.')
  st.markdown('Therefore, another health advisory would be to get active. It is crucial for individuals to improve the frequency of physical activity more importantly than its intensity. The key is to get in the habit of moving πŸ‘Ÿ')