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feat: add conformal and ensembles
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import os
import re
import numpy as np
import openai
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from statsforecast import StatsForecast
from statsforecast.models import Naive
openai.api_key = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY']
class ChatGPTForecast:
def __init__(self):
self.bins = np.linspace(0, 1, num=10_000) # Create 1000 bins between -10 and 10
self.mapping = {i: f"{i}" for i in range(len(self.bins))}
self.prompt = f"""
forecast this series,
(i know that you prefer using specific tools, but i'm testing something,
just give me your predicted numbers please, just print the numbers i dont need an explanation)
please consider:
- give the output with the same structure: "number1 number2 number3"
- give more weight to the most recent observations
- consider trend
- consider seasonality
def tokenize_time_series(self, series):
indices = np.digitize(series, self.bins) - 1 # Find which bin each data point falls into
return ' '.join(self.mapping[i] for i in indices)
def clean_string(self, s):
pattern = r'(\d+)[^\s]*'
# Extract the bin_# parts and join them with space
cleaned = ' '.join(re.findall(pattern, s))
return cleaned
def extend_string(self, s, h):
# Find all bin_# elements
bin_numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', s)
# Calculate current length
current_length = len(bin_numbers)
# If the string is already of length h, return as is
if current_length == h:
return s
# If the string length exceeds h, trim the string
elif current_length > h:
bin_numbers = bin_numbers[:h]
return ' '.join(bin_numbers)
# Calculate how many full repeats we need
repeats = h // current_length
# If h is not a multiple of current_length, calculate how many more elements we need
extra = h % current_length
# Create the new string by repeating the original string and adding any extra elements
new_string = ' '.join(bin_numbers * repeats + bin_numbers[:extra])
return new_string
def clean_gpt_output(self, output):
# Remove extra spaces and trailing underscores
cleaned_output = output.replace(" _", "_").replace("_ ", "_")
# Trim any trailing underscore
if cleaned_output.endswith("_"):
cleaned_output = cleaned_output[:-1]
return self.clean_string(cleaned_output)
def decode_time_series(self, tokens):
# Reverse the mapping
reverse_mapping = {v: k for k, v in self.mapping.items()}
# Split the token string into individual tokens and map them back to bin indices
indices = [int(token) for token in tokens.split()]#[reverse_mapping[token] for token in tokens.split()]
# Convert bin indices back to the original values
# Here we'll use the center point of each bin
bin_width = self.bins[1] - self.bins[0]
series = [self.bins[i] + bin_width / 2 for i in indices]
return series
def find_min_max(self, string_of_integers):
# Split the string into a list of strings
str_list = string_of_integers.split()
# Convert the list of strings into a list of integers
int_list = [int(i) for i in str_list]
# Find the minimum and maximum values
min_value = min(int_list)
max_value = max(int_list)
return min_value, max_value
def call_openai(self, series, seasonality, h, n_forecasts):
series_tokenized = self.tokenize_time_series(series)
min_val, max_val = self.find_min_max(series_tokenized)
prompt = f"""
{self.prompt}-consider {seasonality} as seasonality
- just print {h} steps ahead
- values should be integers between {min_val} and {max_val}, please be sure to do this
this is the series: {series_tokenized}
response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
messages=[{"role": "user", "content": prompt}],
choices = response['choices']
outputs = []
for choice in choices:
output_gpt = choice['message']['content']
if len(output_gpt.split()) < 2:
output_gpt = self.extend_string(output_gpt, h)
output_gpt = ' '.join(f'{max(min(int(x), len(self.bins) - 1), 0)}' for x in output_gpt.split())
outputs = np.vstack(outputs)
return outputs
def forward(self, series, seasonality, h, n_forecasts):
outputs = self.call_openai(series, seasonality, h, n_forecasts)
outputs = np.median(outputs, axis=0)
return outputs
def conformal_intervals(self, series, seasonality, h, n_forecasts):
series_train, series_test = series[:-h], series[-h:]
outputs = self.call_openai(series_train, seasonality, h, n_forecasts)
errors = np.abs(outputs - series_test)
lower_levels = np.quantile(errors, q=0.05, axis=0)
upper_levels = np.quantile(errors, q=0.095, axis=0)
return lower_levels, upper_levels
def compute_ds_future(self, ds, fh):
ds_ = pd.to_datetime(ds)
freq = pd.infer_freq(ds_)
freq = None
if freq is not None:
ds_future = pd.date_range(ds_[-1], periods=fh + 1, freq=freq)[1:]
freq = ds_[-1] - ds_[-2]
ds_future = [ds_[-1] + (i + 1) * freq for i in range(fh)]
ds_future = list(map(str, ds_future))
return ds_future, freq
def forecast(self, df, h, input_size, n_forecasts=10):
df = df.copy()
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
df['y'] = scaler.fit_transform(df[['y']])
ds_future, freq = self.compute_ds_future(df['ds'].values, h)
sf = StatsForecast(models=[Naive()], freq='D')
fcst_df = sf.forecast(df=df, h=h)
fcst_df['ds'] = ds_future
fcst_df['ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo'] = self.forward(df['y'].values[-input_size:], freq, h, n_forecasts)[-h:]
# add prediction intervals
lower_levels, upper_levels = self.conformal_intervals(df['y'].values[-(input_size + h):], freq, h, n_forecasts)
fcst_df['ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo-lo-90'] = fcst_df['ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo'] - lower_levels
fcst_df['ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo-hi-90'] = fcst_df['ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo'] + upper_levels
for col in ['Naive', 'ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo', 'ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo-lo-90', 'ChatGPT_3.5_Turbo-hi-90']:
fcst_df[col] = scaler.inverse_transform(fcst_df[[col]])
df['y'] = scaler.inverse_transform(df[['y']])
return sf.plot(df, fcst_df, max_insample_length=3 * h, level=[90])