import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import seaborn as sns from tsfeatures import ( tsfeatures, acf_features, arch_stat, crossing_points, entropy, flat_spots, heterogeneity, holt_parameters, lumpiness, nonlinearity, pacf_features, stl_features, stability, hw_parameters, unitroot_kpss, unitroot_pp, series_length, sparsity, hurst, statistics ) FILE_CATALOGUE = os.environ['FILE_CATALOGUE'] BUCKET_TIMENET = os.environ['BUCKET_TIMENET'] KEY_TIMENET = os.environ['KEY_TIMENET'] FEATS_COLS = ['hurst', 'series_length', 'unitroot_pp', 'unitroot_kpss', 'hw_alpha', 'hw_beta', 'hw_gamma', 'stability', 'nperiods', 'seasonal_period', 'trend_strength', 'spike', 'linearity', 'curvature', 'e_acf1', 'e_acf10', 'seasonal_strength', 'peak', 'trough', 'x_pacf5', 'diff1x_pacf5', 'diff2x_pacf5', 'seas_pacf', 'nonlinearity', 'lumpiness', 'alpha', 'beta', 'flat_spots', 'entropy', 'crossing_points', 'arch_lm', 'x_acf1', 'x_acf10', 'diff1_acf1', 'diff1_acf10', 'diff2_acf1', 'diff2_acf10', 'seas_acf1', 'sparsity', 'total_sum', 'mean', 'variance', 'median', 'p2point5', 'p5', 'p25', 'p75', 'p95', 'p97point5', 'max', 'min'] def tsfeatures_vector(df:pd.DataFrame, seasonality: int) -> pd.DataFrame: ts_df = tsfeatures( ts=df[['unique_id', 'ds', 'y']], freq=seasonality, features=[sparsity, acf_features, crossing_points, entropy, flat_spots, holt_parameters, lumpiness, nonlinearity, pacf_features, stl_features, stability, hw_parameters, unitroot_kpss, unitroot_pp, series_length, hurst, arch_stat, statistics], scale=False, ).rename(columns={'trend': 'trend_strength'}) if seasonality == 1: # add missing features when seasonality != 1 ts_df[['seasonal_strength', 'peak', 'trough', 'seas_pacf', 'seas_acf1']] = np.nan ts_df[['trend_strength', 'seasonal_strength']] = ts_df[['trend_strength', 'seasonal_strength']].fillna(0) vector = ts_df[FEATS_COLS].fillna(0).iloc[0].values vector = (vector - vector.min()) / (vector.max() - vector.min()) return vector.tolist() def get_closest_ids(x: list, top_k: int, index_pinecone): query_response = index_pinecone.query( top_k=top_k, include_values=False, include_metadata=True, vector=x, ) return query_response['matches'] def highlight_smallest(s, nsmallest=3): # Define colors colors = ['lightgreen', 'lightblue', 'lightpink'] # Rank data and find the nsmallest ranks = s.rank(method="min").astype(int) smallest = ranks.isin(ranks.nsmallest(nsmallest)) # Initialize an empty string for the styles attr = ['' for _ in s] # Apply styles to the nsmallest for i in range(1, nsmallest+1): mask = ranks == i attr = ['background-color: {};'.format(colors[i-1]) if v else a for v, a in zip(mask, attr)] return attr def plot_best_models_count(ids, catalogue): uids = [x['id'] for x in ids] file_evaluations = catalogue['file_evaluation'].loc[uids].unique() eval_df = [pd.read_parquet(f_eval) for f_eval in file_evaluations] eval_df = pd.concat(eval_df).query('unique_id in @uids') eval_df = pd.pivot( eval_df, index=['unique_id', 'metric'], columns='model', values='value' ).reset_index() models = eval_df.drop(columns=['unique_id', 'metric']).columns # compute relative metric for model in models: eval_df[model] = eval_df[model] / eval_df['Naive'] summary_df = eval_df.groupby('metric')[models].median().T summary_df = summary_df[summary_df.index != 'Naive'].sort_values('mae') summary_df =, nsmallest=3, axis=0) eval_df['BestModel'] = eval_df[models].idxmin(axis=1) #eval_df = eval_df.groupby(['BestModel', 'metric']).size().rename('n').reset_index() fig = sns.catplot(eval_df.query('metric != "mase"'), y='BestModel', kind='count', col='metric') return fig, summary_df def plot_closest_series(Y_df, id, catalogue): # leer archivo de file_timenet y hacer el plot uid_catalogue = catalogue.loc[id] closest_df = pd.read_parquet(uid_catalogue.file_timenet).query('unique_id == @id') #Y_df['unique_id'] = 'ProvidedByUser' # Create a figure with 1 row and 2 columns fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(15,5)) # Get the unique_id for each DataFrame unique_id_Y_df = Y_df['unique_id'].unique()[0] unique_id_closest_df = closest_df['unique_id'].unique()[0] # Plot the 'y' column for both dataframes, against 'ds', and label them with unique_id sns.lineplot(x='ds', y='y', ax=axes[0], data=Y_df, label=unique_id_Y_df) sns.lineplot(x='ds', y='y', ax=axes[1], data=closest_df) # Set the titles for the subplots axes[0].set_title('Uploaded Dataset') axes[1].set_title(f'TimenetTimeSeries:{uid_catalogue.dataset},{uid_catalogue.subdataset},{uid_catalogue.ts_name}') # Show legend on each subplot axes[0].legend() axes[1].legend() # Display the plot plt.tight_layout() return fig def get_catalogue(): return pd.read_parquet(FILE_CATALOGUE)