Runtime error
Runtime error
import streamlit as st | |
import torch | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
from peft import PeftModel, PeftConfig | |
from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM | |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer | |
import numpy as np | |
import time | |
# JS | |
import nltk | |'wordnet') | |
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn | |
def get_models(): | |
st.write('Loading the model...') | |
config = PeftConfig.from_pretrained("NursNurs/T5ForReverseDictionary") | |
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("google/flan-t5-large") | |
model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, "NursNurs/T5ForReverseDictionary") | |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/flan-t5-large") | |
st.write("The assistant is loaded and ready to use!") | |
return model, tokenizer | |
model, tokenizer = get_models() | |
def return_top_k(sentence, k=10): | |
if sentence[-1] != ".": | |
sentence = sentence + "." | |
inputs = [f"Descripton : {sentence}. Word : "] | |
inputs = tokenizer( | |
inputs, | |
padding=True, truncation=True, | |
return_tensors="pt", | |
) | |
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") | | | |
with torch.no_grad(): | |
inputs = {k: for k, v in inputs.items()} | |
output_sequences = model.generate(input_ids=inputs["input_ids"], max_new_tokens=10, num_beams=k+5, num_return_sequences=k+5, #max_length=3, | |
top_p = 50, output_scores=True, return_dict_in_generate=True) #repetition_penalty=10000.0 | |
logits = output_sequences['sequences_scores'].clone().detach() | |
decoded_probabilities = torch.softmax(logits, dim=0) | |
#all word predictions | |
predictions = [tokenizer.decode(tokens, skip_special_tokens=True) for tokens in output_sequences['sequences']] | |
probabilities = [round(float(prob), 2) for prob in decoded_probabilities] | |
for pred in predictions: | |
if (len(pred) < 2) | (pred in sentence.split()): | |
predictions.pop(predictions.index(pred)) | |
return predictions[:10] | |
if 'messages' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.messages = [] | |
if 'results' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.results = {'results': False, 'results_print': False} | |
if 'actions' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.actions = [""] | |
if 'counters' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.counters = {"letter_count": 1, "word_count": 0} | |
if 'is_helpful' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.is_helpful = {'ask':False} | |
if 'descriptions' not in st.session_state: | |
st.session_state.descriptions = [] | |
st.title("You name it!") | |
with st.chat_message('user', avatar='simon.jpg'): | |
st.write("Hey assistant!") | |
bot = st.chat_message('assistant') | |
bot.write("Hello human! Wanna practice naming some words?") | |
#for showing history of messages | |
for message in st.session_state.messages: | |
if message['role'] == 'user': | |
with st.chat_message(message['role'], avatar='simon.jpg'): | |
st.markdown(message['content']) | |
else: | |
with st.chat_message(message['role']): | |
st.markdown(message['content']) | |
def get_text(): | |
input_text = st.chat_input() | |
return input_text | |
def write_bot(input, remember=True, blink=True): | |
with st.chat_message('assistant'): | |
message_placeholder = st.empty() | |
full_response = input | |
if blink == True: | |
response = '' | |
for chunk in full_response.split(): | |
response += chunk + " " | |
time.sleep(0.05) | |
# Add a blinking cursor to simulate typing | |
message_placeholder.markdown(response + "▌") | |
time.sleep(0.5) | |
message_placeholder.markdown(full_response) | |
if remember == True: | |
st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': full_response}) | |
def ask_if_helped(): | |
y = st.button('Yes!', key=60) | |
n = st.button('No...', key=61) | |
new = st.button('I have a new word', key=62) | |
if y: | |
write_bot("I am happy to help!") | |
elif n: | |
st.session_state.actions.append('cue') | |
elif new: | |
write_bot("Please describe your word!") | |
# st.session_state.is_helpful['ask'] = False | |
if st.session_state.actions[-1] == "result": | |
a1 = st.button('Results', key=10) | |
a2 = st.button('Cue', key=11) | |
if a1: | |
write_bot("Here are my guesses about your word:") | |
st.write(st.session_state.results['results_print']) | |
time.sleep(1) | |
write_bot('Does it help you remember the word?', remember=False) | |
st.session_state.is_helpful['ask'] = True | |
elif a2: | |
write_bot(f'The first letter is {st.session_state.results["results"][0][0]}.') | |
time.sleep(1) | |
write_bot('Does it help you remember the word?', remember=False) | |
st.session_state.is_helpful['ask'] = True | |
if st.session_state.is_helpful['ask'] == True: | |
ask_if_helped() | |
if st.session_state.actions[-1] == 'cue': | |
guessed = False | |
write_bot('What do you want to see?', remember=False, blink=False) | |
b1 = st.button("Next letter", key="1") | |
b2 = st.button("Next word", key="2") | |
b3 = st.button("All words", key="3") | |
b4 = st.button("I remembered the word!", key="4", type='primary') | |
b5 = st.button("Exit", key="5", type='primary') | |
while guessed == False: | |
if b1: | |
st.session_state.counters["letter_count"] += 1 | |
word_count = st.session_state.counters["word_count"] | |
letter_count = st.session_state.counters["letter_count"] | |
write_bot(f'The word starts with {st.session_state.results["results"][word_count][:letter_count]}', remember=False) | |
elif b2: | |
st.session_state.counters["letter_count"] = 1 | |
letter_count = st.session_state.counters["letter_count"] | |
st.session_state.counters["word_count"] += 1 | |
word_count = st.session_state.counters["word_count"] | |
write_bot(f'The next word starts with {st.session_state.results["results"][word_count][:letter_count]}', remember=False) | |
elif b3: | |
write_bot(f"Here are all my guesses about your word: {st.session_state.results['results_print']}") | |
elif b4: | |
write_bot("Yay! I am happy I could be of help!") | |
new = st.button('Play again', key=63) | |
if new: | |
write_bot("Please describe your word!") | |
guessed = True | |
break | |
elif b5: | |
write_bot("I am sorry I couldn't help you this time. See you soon!") | |
st.session_state.actions.append('cue') | |
new = st.button('Play again', key=64) | |
if new: | |
write_bot("Please describe your word!") | |
break | |
#display user message in chat message container | |
prompt = get_text() | |
if prompt: | |
with st.chat_message('user', avatar='simon.jpg'): | |
st.markdown(prompt) | |
#add to history | |
st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': prompt}) | |
yes = ['yes', 'again', 'Yes', 'sure', 'new word', 'yes!', 'yep', 'yeah'] | |
if prompt in yes: | |
write_bot("Please describe your word!") | |
elif prompt == 'It is similar to the best place on earth': | |
write_bot("Great! Let me think what it could be...") | |
time.sleep(3) | |
write_bot("Do you mean Saarland?") | |
#if previously we asked to give a prompt | |
elif (st.session_state.messages[-2]['content'] == "Please describe your word!") & (st.session_state.messages[-1]['content'] != "no"): | |
write_bot("Great! Let me think what it could be...") | |
st.session_state.descriptions.append(prompt) | |
st.session_state.results['results'] = return_top_k(st.session_state.descriptions[-1]) | |
st.session_state.results['results_print'] = dict(zip(range(1, 11), st.session_state.results['results'])) | |
write_bot("I think I have some ideas. Do you want to see my guesses or do you want a cue?") | |
st.session_state.actions.append("result") | |
# elif prompt == 'results': | |
# st.text("results") | |
# st.write("results") | |
# st.session_state.actions.append({'result': True}) | |
# st.write(st.session_state.actions) | |
# with st.chat_message('user'): | |
# custom_response = "Results" | |
# st.markdown(custom_response) | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': custom_response}) | |
# with st.chat_message('assistant'): | |
# message_placeholder = st.empty() | |
# response = f"Here are my guesses about your word: {result_print}" | |
# message_placeholder.markdown(response + "|") | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': response}) | |
# elif st.button('Cue'): | |
# response = "Cue" | |
# with st.chat_message('user'): | |
# st.markdown(response) | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'user', 'content': response}) | |
# text = f'The first letter is {result[0][0]}.' | |
# bot.write(text) | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': text}) | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# word_count = 0 | |
# elif prompt == 'Results': | |
# with st.chat_message('assistant'): | |
# message_placeholder = st.empty() | |
# response = f"Here are my guesses about your word: {result_print}" | |
# message_placeholder.markdown(response + "|") | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': response}) | |
# #if you don't wanna practice word naming | |
# else: | |
# with st.chat_message('assistant'): | |
# message_placeholder = st.empty() | |
# response = "See you next time!" | |
# message_placeholder.markdown(response + "|") | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': response}) | |
# if st.button('Results'): | |
# bot.write("Here are my guesses about your word:") | |
# bot.write(result_print) | |
# elif st.button('Cue'): | |
# bot.write(f'The first letter is {result[0][0]}.') | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# word_count = 0 | |
# answer = st.chat_input('Does it help you remember the word? Type yes or no') | |
# if answer == "no": | |
# bot.write("What do you want to see?") | |
# if st.button('Next letter'): | |
# letter_count += 1 | |
# bot.write(f'The word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# elif st.button('Next word'): | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# bot.write(f'The next word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# word_count += 1 | |
# elif st.button('All words'): | |
# bot.write("Here are all my guesses about your word:") | |
# bot.write(result_print) | |
# bot.write("Does this help you remember your word?") | |
# answer = st.chat_input('Type yes/no/exit') | |
# if answer == 'Exit': | |
# st.write("I am sorry I couldn't help you. See you next time!") | |
#write down assistant's responses | |
#response = f'Echo: {prompt}' #echoes prompt | |
# with st.chat_message('assistant'): | |
# message_placeholder = st.empty() | |
# full_response = "yeee" | |
# #here insert the loop with the model answers (for response in...) | |
# #this to imitate a cursor | |
# message_placeholder.markdown(full_response + "|") | |
# #add to history | |
# st.session_state.messages.append({'role': 'assistant', 'content': full_response}) | |
##TODO: a button to delete history | |
# if prompt == 'Yes': | |
# bot.write("Great! Please describe the word you have in mind.") | |
# sent = st.chat_input('Description of your word') | |
# # adding the text that will show in the text box as default | |
# default_value = "Type the description of the word you have in mind!" | |
# sent = st.text_area("Text", default_value, height = 50) | |
# result = return_top_k(sent) | |
# result = ['animal', 'monster', 'creature', 'bird', 'cat', 'human', 'dog', 'spider', 'alien', 'meow'] | |
# result = return_top_k(sent) | |
# result_print = dict(zip(range(1, 11), result)) | |
# if st.button('Results'): | |
# st.write("Here are my guesses about your word:") | |
# st.write(result_print) | |
# elif st.button('Cue'): | |
# st.write(f'The first letter is {result[0][0]}.') | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# word_count = 0 | |
# answer = st.text_area("Text", 'Does it help you remember the word? Type yes or no', height = 50) | |
# if answer == 'No': | |
# while answer == 'No': | |
# option = st.selectbox( | |
# 'What do you want to see?', | |
# ('Next letter', 'Next word', 'All words')) | |
# if option == 'Next letter': | |
# letter_count += 1 | |
# st.write(f'The word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# elif option == 'Next word': | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# st.write(f'The next word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# word_count += 1 | |
# else: | |
# st.write("Here are all my guesses about your word:") | |
# st.write(result_print) | |
# answer = st.selectbox( | |
# 'Does it help you remember the word??', | |
# ('Yes', 'No', 'Exit')) | |
# if answer == 'Exit': | |
# st.write("I am sorry I couldn't help you. See you next time!") | |
# break | |
# else: | |
# st.write("I am happy I could be of help!") | |
# else: | |
# st.write('Do you want to see my guesses or do you want a cue?') | |
#2 | |
# option = st.selectbox( | |
# 'Do you want to see my guesses or do you want a cue?', | |
# ('Results', 'Cue')) | |
# st.write('You selected:', option) | |
# if option == 'Results': | |
# st.write("Here are my guesses about your word:") | |
# st.write(result_print) | |
# elif option == 'Cue': | |
# st.write(f'The first letter is {result[0][0]}.') | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# word_count = 0 | |
# answer = st.selectbox( | |
# 'Does it help you remember the word??', | |
# ('Yes', 'No')) | |
# if answer == 'No': | |
# while answer == 'No': | |
# option = st.selectbox( | |
# 'What do you want to see?', | |
# ('Next letter', 'Next word', 'All words')) | |
# if option == 'Next letter': | |
# letter_count += 1 | |
# st.write(f'The word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# elif option == 'Next word': | |
# letter_count = 1 | |
# st.write(f'The next word starts with {result[word_count][:letter_count]}') | |
# word_count += 1 | |
# else: | |
# st.write("Here are all my guesses about your word:") | |
# st.write(result_print) | |
# answer = st.selectbox( | |
# 'Does it help you remember the word??', | |
# ('Yes', 'No', 'Exit')) | |
# if answer == 'Exit': | |
# st.write("I am sorry I couldn't help you. See you next time!") | |
# break | |
# else: | |
# st.write("I am happy I could be of help!") |