import torch import math import numpy as np from torch import nn from torch.nn import functional as F from torchaudio import transforms as T from alias_free_torch import Activation1d from .nn.layers import WNConv1d, WNConvTranspose1d from typing import Literal, Dict, Any # from .inference.sampling import sample from .utils import prepare_audio from .blocks import SnakeBeta from .bottleneck import Bottleneck, DiscreteBottleneck from .factory import create_pretransform_from_config, create_bottleneck_from_config from .pretransforms import Pretransform def checkpoint(function, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("use_reentrant", False) return torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint(function, *args, **kwargs) def get_activation(activation: Literal["elu", "snake", "none"], antialias=False, channels=None) -> nn.Module: if activation == "elu": act = nn.ELU() elif activation == "snake": act = SnakeBeta(channels) elif activation == "none": act = nn.Identity() else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown activation {activation}") if antialias: act = Activation1d(act) return act class ResidualUnit(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, dilation, use_snake=False, antialias_activation=False): super().__init__() self.dilation = dilation padding = (dilation * (7-1)) // 2 self.layers = nn.Sequential( get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=out_channels), WNConv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=7, dilation=dilation, padding=padding), get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=out_channels), WNConv1d(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=1) ) def forward(self, x): res = x #x = checkpoint(self.layers, x) x = self.layers(x) return x + res class EncoderBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride, use_snake=False, antialias_activation=False): super().__init__() self.layers = nn.Sequential( ResidualUnit(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, dilation=1, use_snake=use_snake), ResidualUnit(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, dilation=3, use_snake=use_snake), ResidualUnit(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=in_channels, dilation=9, use_snake=use_snake), get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=in_channels), WNConv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=2*stride, stride=stride, padding=math.ceil(stride/2)), ) def forward(self, x): return self.layers(x) class DecoderBlock(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, stride, use_snake=False, antialias_activation=False, use_nearest_upsample=False): super().__init__() if use_nearest_upsample: upsample_layer = nn.Sequential( nn.Upsample(scale_factor=stride, mode="nearest"), WNConv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=2*stride, stride=1, bias=False, padding='same') ) else: upsample_layer = WNConvTranspose1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=2*stride, stride=stride, padding=math.ceil(stride/2)) self.layers = nn.Sequential( get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=in_channels), upsample_layer, ResidualUnit(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, dilation=1, use_snake=use_snake), ResidualUnit(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, dilation=3, use_snake=use_snake), ResidualUnit(in_channels=out_channels, out_channels=out_channels, dilation=9, use_snake=use_snake), ) def forward(self, x): return self.layers(x) class OobleckEncoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels=2, channels=128, latent_dim=32, c_mults = [1, 2, 4, 8], strides = [2, 4, 8, 8], use_snake=False, antialias_activation=False ): super().__init__() c_mults = [1] + c_mults self.depth = len(c_mults) layers = [ WNConv1d(in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=c_mults[0] * channels, kernel_size=7, padding=3) ] for i in range(self.depth-1): layers += [EncoderBlock(in_channels=c_mults[i]*channels, out_channels=c_mults[i+1]*channels, stride=strides[i], use_snake=use_snake)] layers += [ get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=c_mults[-1] * channels), WNConv1d(in_channels=c_mults[-1]*channels, out_channels=latent_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1) ] self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): return self.layers(x) class OobleckDecoder(nn.Module): def __init__(self, out_channels=2, channels=128, latent_dim=32, c_mults = [1, 2, 4, 8], strides = [2, 4, 8, 8], use_snake=False, antialias_activation=False, use_nearest_upsample=False, final_tanh=True): super().__init__() c_mults = [1] + c_mults self.depth = len(c_mults) layers = [ WNConv1d(in_channels=latent_dim, out_channels=c_mults[-1]*channels, kernel_size=7, padding=3), ] for i in range(self.depth-1, 0, -1): layers += [DecoderBlock( in_channels=c_mults[i]*channels, out_channels=c_mults[i-1]*channels, stride=strides[i-1], use_snake=use_snake, antialias_activation=antialias_activation, use_nearest_upsample=use_nearest_upsample ) ] layers += [ get_activation("snake" if use_snake else "elu", antialias=antialias_activation, channels=c_mults[0] * channels), WNConv1d(in_channels=c_mults[0] * channels, out_channels=out_channels, kernel_size=7, padding=3, bias=False), nn.Tanh() if final_tanh else nn.Identity() ] self.layers = nn.Sequential(*layers) def forward(self, x): return self.layers(x) class DACEncoderWrapper(nn.Module): def __init__(self, in_channels=1, **kwargs): super().__init__() from dac.model.dac import Encoder as DACEncoder latent_dim = kwargs.pop("latent_dim", None) encoder_out_dim = kwargs["d_model"] * (2 ** len(kwargs["strides"])) self.encoder = DACEncoder(d_latent=encoder_out_dim, **kwargs) self.latent_dim = latent_dim # Latent-dim support was added to DAC after this was first written, and implemented differently, so this is for backwards compatibility self.proj_out = nn.Conv1d(self.encoder.enc_dim, latent_dim, kernel_size=1) if latent_dim is not None else nn.Identity() if in_channels != 1: self.encoder.block[0] = WNConv1d(in_channels, kwargs.get("d_model", 64), kernel_size=7, padding=3) def forward(self, x): x = self.encoder(x) x = self.proj_out(x) return x class DACDecoderWrapper(nn.Module): def __init__(self, latent_dim, out_channels=1, **kwargs): super().__init__() from dac.model.dac import Decoder as DACDecoder self.decoder = DACDecoder(**kwargs, input_channel = latent_dim, d_out=out_channels) self.latent_dim = latent_dim def forward(self, x): return self.decoder(x) class AudioAutoencoder(nn.Module): def __init__( self, encoder, decoder, latent_dim, downsampling_ratio, sample_rate, io_channels=2, bottleneck: Bottleneck = None, pretransform: Pretransform = None, in_channels = None, out_channels = None, soft_clip = False ): super().__init__() self.downsampling_ratio = downsampling_ratio self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.latent_dim = latent_dim self.io_channels = io_channels self.in_channels = io_channels self.out_channels = io_channels self.min_length = self.downsampling_ratio if in_channels is not None: self.in_channels = in_channels if out_channels is not None: self.out_channels = out_channels self.bottleneck = bottleneck self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder self.pretransform = pretransform self.soft_clip = soft_clip self.is_discrete = self.bottleneck is not None and self.bottleneck.is_discrete def encode(self, audio, return_info=False, skip_pretransform=False, iterate_batch=False, **kwargs): info = {} if self.pretransform is not None and not skip_pretransform: if self.pretransform.enable_grad: if iterate_batch: audios = [] for i in range(audio.shape[0]): audios.append(self.pretransform.encode(audio[i:i+1])) audio =, dim=0) else: audio = self.pretransform.encode(audio) else: with torch.no_grad(): if iterate_batch: audios = [] for i in range(audio.shape[0]): audios.append(self.pretransform.encode(audio[i:i+1])) audio =, dim=0) else: audio = self.pretransform.encode(audio) if self.encoder is not None: if iterate_batch: latents = [] for i in range(audio.shape[0]): latents.append(self.encoder(audio[i:i+1])) latents =, dim=0) else: latents = self.encoder(audio) else: latents = audio if self.bottleneck is not None: # TODO: Add iterate batch logic, needs to merge the info dicts latents, bottleneck_info = self.bottleneck.encode(latents, return_info=True, **kwargs) info.update(bottleneck_info) if return_info: return latents, info return latents def decode(self, latents, iterate_batch=False, **kwargs): if self.bottleneck is not None: if iterate_batch: decoded = [] for i in range(latents.shape[0]): decoded.append(self.bottleneck.decode(latents[i:i+1])) decoded =, dim=0) else: latents = self.bottleneck.decode(latents) if iterate_batch: decoded = [] for i in range(latents.shape[0]): decoded.append(self.decoder(latents[i:i+1])) decoded =, dim=0) else: decoded = self.decoder(latents, **kwargs) if self.pretransform is not None: if self.pretransform.enable_grad: if iterate_batch: decodeds = [] for i in range(decoded.shape[0]): decodeds.append(self.pretransform.decode(decoded[i:i+1])) decoded =, dim=0) else: decoded = self.pretransform.decode(decoded) else: with torch.no_grad(): if iterate_batch: decodeds = [] for i in range(latents.shape[0]): decodeds.append(self.pretransform.decode(decoded[i:i+1])) decoded =, dim=0) else: decoded = self.pretransform.decode(decoded) if self.soft_clip: decoded = torch.tanh(decoded) return decoded def decode_tokens(self, tokens, **kwargs): ''' Decode discrete tokens to audio Only works with discrete autoencoders ''' assert isinstance(self.bottleneck, DiscreteBottleneck), "decode_tokens only works with discrete autoencoders" latents = self.bottleneck.decode_tokens(tokens, **kwargs) return self.decode(latents, **kwargs) def preprocess_audio_for_encoder(self, audio, in_sr): ''' Preprocess single audio tensor (Channels x Length) to be compatible with the encoder. If the model is mono, stereo audio will be converted to mono. Audio will be silence-padded to be a multiple of the model's downsampling ratio. Audio will be resampled to the model's sample rate. The output will have batch size 1 and be shape (1 x Channels x Length) ''' return self.preprocess_audio_list_for_encoder([audio], [in_sr]) def preprocess_audio_list_for_encoder(self, audio_list, in_sr_list): ''' Preprocess a [list] of audio (Channels x Length) into a batch tensor to be compatable with the encoder. The audio in that list can be of different lengths and channels. in_sr can be an integer or list. If it's an integer it will be assumed it is the input sample_rate for every audio. All audio will be resampled to the model's sample rate. Audio will be silence-padded to the longest length, and further padded to be a multiple of the model's downsampling ratio. If the model is mono, all audio will be converted to mono. The output will be a tensor of shape (Batch x Channels x Length) ''' batch_size = len(audio_list) if isinstance(in_sr_list, int): in_sr_list = [in_sr_list]*batch_size assert len(in_sr_list) == batch_size, "list of sample rates must be the same length of audio_list" new_audio = [] max_length = 0 # resample & find the max length for i in range(batch_size): audio = audio_list[i] in_sr = in_sr_list[i] if len(audio.shape) == 3 and audio.shape[0] == 1: # batchsize 1 was given by accident. Just squeeze it. audio = audio.squeeze(0) elif len(audio.shape) == 1: # Mono signal, channel dimension is missing, unsqueeze it in audio = audio.unsqueeze(0) assert len(audio.shape)==2, "Audio should be shape (Channels x Length) with no batch dimension" # Resample audio if in_sr != self.sample_rate: resample_tf = T.Resample(in_sr, self.sample_rate).to(audio.device) audio = resample_tf(audio) new_audio.append(audio) if audio.shape[-1] > max_length: max_length = audio.shape[-1] # Pad every audio to the same length, multiple of model's downsampling ratio padded_audio_length = max_length + (self.min_length - (max_length % self.min_length)) % self.min_length for i in range(batch_size): # Pad it & if necessary, mixdown/duplicate stereo/mono channels to support model new_audio[i] = prepare_audio(new_audio[i], in_sr=in_sr, target_sr=in_sr, target_length=padded_audio_length, target_channels=self.in_channels, device=new_audio[i].device).squeeze(0) # convert to tensor return torch.stack(new_audio) def encode_audio(self, audio, chunked=False, overlap=32, chunk_size=128, **kwargs): ''' Encode audios into latents. Audios should already be preprocesed by preprocess_audio_for_encoder. If chunked is True, split the audio into chunks of a given maximum size chunk_size, with given overlap. Overlap and chunk_size params are both measured in number of latents (not audio samples) # and therefore you likely could use the same values with decode_audio. A overlap of zero will cause discontinuity artefacts. Overlap should be => receptive field size. Every autoencoder will have a different receptive field size, and thus ideal overlap. You can determine it empirically by diffing unchunked vs chunked output and looking at maximum diff. The final chunk may have a longer overlap in order to keep chunk_size consistent for all chunks. Smaller chunk_size uses less memory, but more compute. The chunk_size vs memory tradeoff isn't linear, and possibly depends on the GPU and CUDA version For example, on a A6000 chunk_size 128 is overall faster than 256 and 512 even though it has more chunks ''' if not chunked: # default behavior. Encode the entire audio in parallel return self.encode(audio, **kwargs) else: # CHUNKED ENCODING # samples_per_latent is just the downsampling ratio (which is also the upsampling ratio) samples_per_latent = self.downsampling_ratio total_size = audio.shape[2] # in samples batch_size = audio.shape[0] chunk_size *= samples_per_latent # converting metric in latents to samples overlap *= samples_per_latent # converting metric in latents to samples hop_size = chunk_size - overlap chunks = [] for i in range(0, total_size - chunk_size + 1, hop_size): chunk = audio[:,:,i:i+chunk_size] chunks.append(chunk) if i+chunk_size != total_size: # Final chunk chunk = audio[:,:,-chunk_size:] chunks.append(chunk) chunks = torch.stack(chunks) num_chunks = chunks.shape[0] # Note: y_size might be a different value from the latent length used in diffusion training # because we can encode audio of varying lengths # However, the audio should've been padded to a multiple of samples_per_latent by now. y_size = total_size // samples_per_latent # Create an empty latent, we will populate it with chunks as we encode them y_final = torch.zeros((batch_size,self.latent_dim,y_size)).to(audio.device) for i in range(num_chunks): x_chunk = chunks[i,:] # encode the chunk y_chunk = self.encode(x_chunk) # figure out where to put the audio along the time domain if i == num_chunks-1: # final chunk always goes at the end t_end = y_size t_start = t_end - y_chunk.shape[2] else: t_start = i * hop_size // samples_per_latent t_end = t_start + chunk_size // samples_per_latent # remove the edges of the overlaps ol = overlap//samples_per_latent//2 chunk_start = 0 chunk_end = y_chunk.shape[2] if i > 0: # no overlap for the start of the first chunk t_start += ol chunk_start += ol if i < num_chunks-1: # no overlap for the end of the last chunk t_end -= ol chunk_end -= ol # paste the chunked audio into our y_final output audio y_final[:,:,t_start:t_end] = y_chunk[:,:,chunk_start:chunk_end] return y_final def decode_audio(self, latents, chunked=False, overlap=32, chunk_size=128, **kwargs): ''' Decode latents to audio. If chunked is True, split the latents into chunks of a given maximum size chunk_size, with given overlap, both of which are measured in number of latents. A overlap of zero will cause discontinuity artefacts. Overlap should be => receptive field size. Every autoencoder will have a different receptive field size, and thus ideal overlap. You can determine it empirically by diffing unchunked vs chunked audio and looking at maximum diff. The final chunk may have a longer overlap in order to keep chunk_size consistent for all chunks. Smaller chunk_size uses less memory, but more compute. The chunk_size vs memory tradeoff isn't linear, and possibly depends on the GPU and CUDA version For example, on a A6000 chunk_size 128 is overall faster than 256 and 512 even though it has more chunks ''' if not chunked: # default behavior. Decode the entire latent in parallel return self.decode(latents, **kwargs) else: # chunked decoding hop_size = chunk_size - overlap total_size = latents.shape[2] batch_size = latents.shape[0] chunks = [] for i in range(0, total_size - chunk_size + 1, hop_size): chunk = latents[:,:,i:i+chunk_size] chunks.append(chunk) if i+chunk_size != total_size: # Final chunk chunk = latents[:,:,-chunk_size:] chunks.append(chunk) chunks = torch.stack(chunks) num_chunks = chunks.shape[0] # samples_per_latent is just the downsampling ratio samples_per_latent = self.downsampling_ratio # Create an empty waveform, we will populate it with chunks as decode them y_size = total_size * samples_per_latent y_final = torch.zeros((batch_size,self.out_channels,y_size)).to(latents.device) for i in range(num_chunks): x_chunk = chunks[i,:] # decode the chunk y_chunk = self.decode(x_chunk) # figure out where to put the audio along the time domain if i == num_chunks-1: # final chunk always goes at the end t_end = y_size t_start = t_end - y_chunk.shape[2] else: t_start = i * hop_size * samples_per_latent t_end = t_start + chunk_size * samples_per_latent # remove the edges of the overlaps ol = (overlap//2) * samples_per_latent chunk_start = 0 chunk_end = y_chunk.shape[2] if i > 0: # no overlap for the start of the first chunk t_start += ol chunk_start += ol if i < num_chunks-1: # no overlap for the end of the last chunk t_end -= ol chunk_end -= ol # paste the chunked audio into our y_final output audio y_final[:,:,t_start:t_end] = y_chunk[:,:,chunk_start:chunk_end] return y_final # AE factories def create_encoder_from_config(encoder_config: Dict[str, Any]): encoder_type = encoder_config.get("type", None) assert encoder_type is not None, "Encoder type must be specified" if encoder_type == "oobleck": encoder = OobleckEncoder( **encoder_config["config"] ) elif encoder_type == "seanet": from encodec.modules import SEANetEncoder seanet_encoder_config = encoder_config["config"] #SEANet encoder expects strides in reverse order seanet_encoder_config["ratios"] = list(reversed(seanet_encoder_config.get("ratios", [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]))) encoder = SEANetEncoder( **seanet_encoder_config ) elif encoder_type == "dac": dac_config = encoder_config["config"] encoder = DACEncoderWrapper(**dac_config) elif encoder_type == "local_attn": from .local_attention import TransformerEncoder1D local_attn_config = encoder_config["config"] encoder = TransformerEncoder1D( **local_attn_config ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown encoder type {encoder_type}") requires_grad = encoder_config.get("requires_grad", True) if not requires_grad: for param in encoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False return encoder def create_decoder_from_config(decoder_config: Dict[str, Any]): decoder_type = decoder_config.get("type", None) assert decoder_type is not None, "Decoder type must be specified" if decoder_type == "oobleck": decoder = OobleckDecoder( **decoder_config["config"] ) elif decoder_type == "seanet": from encodec.modules import SEANetDecoder decoder = SEANetDecoder( **decoder_config["config"] ) elif decoder_type == "dac": dac_config = decoder_config["config"] decoder = DACDecoderWrapper(**dac_config) elif decoder_type == "local_attn": from .local_attention import TransformerDecoder1D local_attn_config = decoder_config["config"] decoder = TransformerDecoder1D( **local_attn_config ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown decoder type {decoder_type}") requires_grad = decoder_config.get("requires_grad", True) if not requires_grad: for param in decoder.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False return decoder def create_autoencoder_from_config(config: Dict[str, Any]): ae_config = config["model"] encoder = create_encoder_from_config(ae_config["encoder"]) decoder = create_decoder_from_config(ae_config["decoder"]) bottleneck = ae_config.get("bottleneck", None) latent_dim = ae_config.get("latent_dim", None) assert latent_dim is not None, "latent_dim must be specified in model config" downsampling_ratio = ae_config.get("downsampling_ratio", None) assert downsampling_ratio is not None, "downsampling_ratio must be specified in model config" io_channels = ae_config.get("io_channels", None) assert io_channels is not None, "io_channels must be specified in model config" sample_rate = config.get("sample_rate", None) assert sample_rate is not None, "sample_rate must be specified in model config" in_channels = ae_config.get("in_channels", None) out_channels = ae_config.get("out_channels", None) pretransform = ae_config.get("pretransform", None) if pretransform is not None: pretransform = create_pretransform_from_config(pretransform, sample_rate) if bottleneck is not None: bottleneck = create_bottleneck_from_config(bottleneck) soft_clip = ae_config["decoder"].get("soft_clip", False) return AudioAutoencoder( encoder, decoder, io_channels=io_channels, latent_dim=latent_dim, downsampling_ratio=downsampling_ratio, sample_rate=sample_rate, bottleneck=bottleneck, pretransform=pretransform, in_channels=in_channels, out_channels=out_channels, soft_clip=soft_clip )