from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from collections import Counter, deque from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Dict from pprint import pprint # Workaround for try: import tensorflow as tf except ModuleNotFoundError: # Error handling pass import torch import ffmpeg import numpy as np from src.utils import format_timestamp from enum import Enum # Defaults for Silero SPEECH_TRESHOLD = 0.3 MAX_SILENT_PERIOD = 10 # seconds MAX_MERGE_SIZE = 150 # Do not create segments larger than 2.5 minutes # Default segment padding SEGMENT_PADDING_LEFT = 1 # Start detected text segment early SEGMENT_PADDING_RIGHT = 1 # End detected segments late # Whether to attempt to transcribe non-speech TRANSCRIBE_NON_SPEECH = False # Minimum size of segments to process MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION = 1 # Always merge segments that are less than this duration apart MIN_FORCE_MERGE_GAP = 0.5 FORCE_MERGE_SEGMENT_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 # The maximum time for texts from old segments to be used in the next segment MAX_PROMPT_WINDOW = 0 # seconds (0 = disabled) PROMPT_NO_SPEECH_PROB = 0.1 # Do not pass the text from segments with a no speech probability higher than this VAD_MAX_PROCESSING_CHUNK = 60 * 60 # 60 minutes of audio class AbstractTranscription(ABC): def __init__(self, segment_padding_left: float = None, segment_padding_right = None, max_silent_period: float = None, max_merge_size: float = None, transcribe_non_speech: bool = False, max_prompt_window: float = None): self.sampling_rate = 16000 self.segment_padding_left = segment_padding_left self.segment_padding_right = segment_padding_right self.max_silent_period = max_silent_period self.max_merge_size = max_merge_size self.transcribe_non_speech = transcribe_non_speech self.max_prompt_window = max_prompt_window self.min_force_merge_gap = MIN_FORCE_MERGE_GAP self.max_force_merge_size = max_merge_size * FORCE_MERGE_SEGMENT_MULTIPLIER if max_merge_size is not None else None def get_audio_segment(self, str, start_time: str = None, duration: str = None): return load_audio(str, self.sampling_rate, start_time, duration) @abstractmethod def get_transcribe_timestamps(self, audio: str): """ Get the start and end timestamps of the sections that should be transcribed by this VAD method. Parameters ---------- audio: str The audio file. Returns ------- A list of start and end timestamps, in fractional seconds. """ return def transcribe(self, audio: str, whisperCallable): """ Transcribe the given audo file. Parameters ---------- audio: str The audio file. whisperCallable: Callable[[Union[str, np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], str], dict[str, Union[dict, Any]]] The callback that is used to invoke Whisper on an audio file/buffer. The first parameter is the audio file/buffer, and the second parameter is an optional text prompt. The return value is the result of the Whisper call. Returns ------- A list of start and end timestamps, in fractional seconds. """ # get speech timestamps from full audio file seconds_timestamps = self.get_transcribe_timestamps(audio) padded = self.pad_timestamps(seconds_timestamps, self.segment_padding_left, self.segment_padding_right) merged = self.merge_timestamps(padded, self.max_silent_period, self.max_merge_size, self.min_force_merge_gap, self.max_force_merge_size) # A deque of transcribed segments that is passed to the next segment as a prompt prompt_window = deque() print("Timestamps:") pprint(merged) if self.transcribe_non_speech: max_audio_duration = get_audio_duration(audio) # Expand segments to include the gaps between them if (self.max_prompt_window is not None and self.max_prompt_window > 0): # When we have a prompt window, we create speech segments betwen each segment if we exceed the merge size merged = self.fill_gaps(merged, total_duration=max_audio_duration, max_expand_size=self.max_merge_size) else: # With no prompt window, it is better to expand the segments merged = self.expand_gaps(merged, total_duration=max_audio_duration) print("Transcribing non-speech:") pprint(merged) result = { 'text': "", 'segments': [], 'language': "" } languageCounter = Counter() # For each time segment, run whisper for segment in merged: segment_start = segment['start'] segment_end = segment['end'] segment_expand_amount = segment.get('expand_amount', 0) segment_duration = segment_end - segment_start if segment_duration < MIN_SEGMENT_DURATION: continue; # Audio to run on Whisper segment_audio = self.get_audio_segment(audio, start_time = str(segment_start), duration = str(segment_duration)) # Previous segments to use as a prompt segment_prompt = ' '.join([segment['text'] for segment in prompt_window]) if len(prompt_window) > 0 else None print("Running whisper from ", format_timestamp(segment_start), " to ", format_timestamp(segment_end), ", duration: ", segment_duration, "expanded: ", segment_expand_amount, "prompt: ", segment_prompt) segment_result = whisperCallable(segment_audio, segment_prompt) adjusted_segments = self.adjust_timestamp(segment_result["segments"], adjust_seconds=segment_start, max_source_time=segment_duration) # Append to output result['text'] += segment_result['text'] result['segments'].extend(adjusted_segments) # Increment detected language languageCounter[segment_result['language']] += 1 # Update prompt window if (self.max_prompt_window is not None and self.max_prompt_window > 0): # Add segments to the current prompt window for segment in adjusted_segments: if segment.get('no_speech_prob', 0) <= PROMPT_NO_SPEECH_PROB: prompt_window.append(segment) while (len(prompt_window) > 0 and prompt_window[0]['end'] < segment_end - self.max_prompt_window): prompt_window.popleft() if len(languageCounter) > 0: result['language'] = languageCounter.most_common(1)[0][0] return result def include_gaps(self, segments: Iterator[dict], min_gap_length: float, total_duration: float): result = [] last_end_time = 0 for segment in segments: segment_start = float(segment['start']) segment_end = float(segment['end']) if (last_end_time != segment_start): delta = segment_start - last_end_time if (min_gap_length is None or delta >= min_gap_length): result.append( { 'start': last_end_time, 'end': segment_start, 'gap': True } ) last_end_time = segment_end result.append(segment) # Also include total duration if specified if (total_duration is not None and last_end_time < total_duration): delta = total_duration - segment_start if (min_gap_length is None or delta >= min_gap_length): result.append( { 'start': last_end_time, 'end': total_duration, 'gap': True } ) return result # Expand the end time of each segment to the start of the next segment def expand_gaps(self, segments: List[Dict[str, Any]], total_duration: float): result = [] if len(segments) == 0: return result # Add gap at the beginning if needed if (segments[0]['start'] > 0): result.append({ 'start': 0, 'end': segments[0]['start'], 'gap': True } ) for i in range(len(segments) - 1): current_segment = segments[i] next_segment = segments[i + 1] delta = next_segment['start'] - current_segment['end'] # Expand if the gap actually exists if (delta >= 0): current_segment = current_segment.copy() current_segment['expand_amount'] = delta current_segment['end'] = next_segment['start'] result.append(current_segment) # Add last segment last_segment = segments[-1] result.append(last_segment) # Also include total duration if specified if (total_duration is not None): last_segment = result[-1] if (last_segment['end'] < total_duration): last_segment = last_segment.copy() last_segment['end'] = total_duration result[-1] = last_segment return result def fill_gaps(self, segments: List[Dict[str, Any]], total_duration: float, max_expand_size: float = None): result = [] if len(segments) == 0: return result # Add gap at the beginning if needed if (segments[0]['start'] > 0): result.append({ 'start': 0, 'end': segments[0]['start'], 'gap': True } ) for i in range(len(segments) - 1): expanded = False current_segment = segments[i] next_segment = segments[i + 1] delta = next_segment['start'] - current_segment['end'] if (max_expand_size is not None and delta <= max_expand_size): # Just expand the current segment current_segment = current_segment.copy() current_segment['expand_amount'] = delta current_segment['end'] = next_segment['start'] expanded = True result.append(current_segment) # Add a gap to the next segment if needed if (delta >= 0 and not expanded): result.append({ 'start': current_segment['end'], 'end': next_segment['start'], 'gap': True } ) # Add last segment last_segment = segments[-1] result.append(last_segment) # Also include total duration if specified if (total_duration is not None): last_segment = result[-1] delta = total_duration - last_segment['end'] if (delta > 0): if (max_expand_size is not None and delta <= max_expand_size): # Expand the last segment last_segment = last_segment.copy() last_segment['expand_amount'] = delta last_segment['end'] = total_duration result[-1] = last_segment else: result.append({ 'start': last_segment['end'], 'end': total_duration, 'gap': True } ) return result def adjust_timestamp(self, segments: Iterator[dict], adjust_seconds: float, max_source_time: float = None): result = [] for segment in segments: segment_start = float(segment['start']) segment_end = float(segment['end']) # Filter segments? if (max_source_time is not None): if (segment_start > max_source_time): continue segment_end = min(max_source_time, segment_end) new_segment = segment.copy() # Add to start and end new_segment['start'] = segment_start + adjust_seconds new_segment['end'] = segment_end + adjust_seconds result.append(new_segment) return result def pad_timestamps(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], padding_left: float, padding_right: float): if (padding_left == 0 and padding_right == 0): return timestamps result = [] prev_entry = None for i in range(len(timestamps)): curr_entry = timestamps[i] next_entry = timestamps[i + 1] if i < len(timestamps) - 1 else None segment_start = curr_entry['start'] segment_end = curr_entry['end'] if padding_left is not None: segment_start = max(prev_entry['end'] if prev_entry else 0, segment_start - padding_left) if padding_right is not None: segment_end = segment_end + padding_right # Do not pad past the next segment if (next_entry is not None): segment_end = min(next_entry['start'], segment_end) new_entry = { 'start': segment_start, 'end': segment_end } prev_entry = new_entry result.append(new_entry) return result def merge_timestamps(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], max_merge_gap: float, max_merge_size: float, min_force_merge_gap: float, max_force_merge_size: float): if max_merge_gap is None: return timestamps result = [] current_entry = None for entry in timestamps: if current_entry is None: current_entry = entry continue # Get distance to the previous entry distance = entry['start'] - current_entry['end'] current_entry_size = current_entry['end'] - current_entry['start'] if distance <= max_merge_gap and (max_merge_size is None or current_entry_size <= max_merge_size): # Regular merge current_entry['end'] = entry['end'] elif min_force_merge_gap is not None and distance <= min_force_merge_gap and (max_force_merge_size is None or current_entry_size <= max_force_merge_size): # Force merge if the distance is small (up to a certain maximum size) current_entry['end'] = entry['end'] else: # Output current entry result.append(current_entry) current_entry = entry # Add final entry if current_entry is not None: result.append(current_entry) return result def multiply_timestamps(self, timestamps: List[Dict[str, Any]], factor: float): result = [] for entry in timestamps: start = entry['start'] end = entry['end'] result.append({ 'start': start * factor, 'end': end * factor }) return result class VadSileroTranscription(AbstractTranscription): def __init__(self, segment_padding_left=SEGMENT_PADDING_LEFT, segment_padding_right=SEGMENT_PADDING_RIGHT, max_silent_period=MAX_SILENT_PERIOD, max_merge_size=MAX_MERGE_SIZE, transcribe_non_speech: bool = False, max_prompt_window=MAX_PROMPT_WINDOW, copy = None): super().__init__(segment_padding_left=segment_padding_left, segment_padding_right=segment_padding_right, max_silent_period=max_silent_period, max_merge_size=max_merge_size, transcribe_non_speech=transcribe_non_speech, max_prompt_window=max_prompt_window) if copy: self.model = copy.model self.get_speech_timestamps = copy.get_speech_timestamps else: self.model, utils = torch.hub.load(repo_or_dir='snakers4/silero-vad', model='silero_vad') (self.get_speech_timestamps, _, _, _, _) = utils def get_transcribe_timestamps(self, audio: str): audio_duration = get_audio_duration(audio) result = [] # Divide procesisng of audio into chunks chunk_start = 0.0 while (chunk_start < audio_duration): chunk_duration = min(audio_duration - chunk_start, VAD_MAX_PROCESSING_CHUNK) print("Processing VAD in chunk from {} to {}".format(format_timestamp(chunk_start), format_timestamp(chunk_start + chunk_duration))) wav = self.get_audio_segment(audio, str(chunk_start), str(chunk_duration)) sample_timestamps = self.get_speech_timestamps(wav, self.model, sampling_rate=self.sampling_rate, threshold=SPEECH_TRESHOLD) seconds_timestamps = self.multiply_timestamps(sample_timestamps, factor=1 / self.sampling_rate) adjusted = self.adjust_timestamp(seconds_timestamps, adjust_seconds=chunk_start, max_source_time=chunk_start + chunk_duration) #pprint(adjusted) result.extend(adjusted) chunk_start += chunk_duration return result # A very simple VAD that just marks every N seconds as speech class VadPeriodicTranscription(AbstractTranscription): def __init__(self, periodic_duration: float): super().__init__() self.periodic_duration = periodic_duration def get_transcribe_timestamps(self, audio: str): # Get duration in seconds audio_duration = get_audio_duration(audio) result = [] # Generate a timestamp every N seconds start_timestamp = 0 while (start_timestamp < audio_duration): end_timestamp = min(start_timestamp + self.periodic_duration, audio_duration) segment_duration = end_timestamp - start_timestamp # Minimum duration is 1 second if (segment_duration >= 1): result.append( { 'start': start_timestamp, 'end': end_timestamp } ) start_timestamp = end_timestamp return result def get_audio_duration(file: str): return float(ffmpeg.probe(file)["format"]["duration"]) def load_audio(file: str, sample_rate: int = 16000, start_time: str = None, duration: str = None): """ Open an audio file and read as mono waveform, resampling as necessary Parameters ---------- file: str The audio file to open sr: int The sample rate to resample the audio if necessary start_time: str The start time, using the standard FFMPEG time duration syntax, or None to disable. duration: str The duration, using the standard FFMPEG time duration syntax, or None to disable. Returns ------- A NumPy array containing the audio waveform, in float32 dtype. """ try: inputArgs = {'threads': 0} if (start_time is not None): inputArgs['ss'] = start_time if (duration is not None): inputArgs['t'] = duration # This launches a subprocess to decode audio while down-mixing and resampling as necessary. # Requires the ffmpeg CLI and `ffmpeg-python` package to be installed. out, _ = ( ffmpeg.input(file, **inputArgs) .output("-", format="s16le", acodec="pcm_s16le", ac=1, ar=sample_rate) .run(cmd="ffmpeg", capture_stdout=True, capture_stderr=True) ) except ffmpeg.Error as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to load audio: {e.stderr.decode()}") return np.frombuffer(out, np.int16).flatten().astype(np.float32) / 32768.0