File size: 13,775 Bytes
b7f28d9 8b7bbc9 05aa824 d2f47c7 ee92da2 8b7bbc9 7c15110 8b7bbc9 7c15110 b4bcc22 05aa824 8b7bbc9 4d85d66 8b7bbc9 388857b 732b374 8b7bbc9 e715b7e 8b7bbc9 aaebbaa a7c9f3e 8b7bbc9 a07cfe0 347dbf6 68bbf2b a07cfe0 6470042 8e36064 6470042 f562fef 8f237b9 f562fef 347dbf6 f562fef 8b7bbc9 87cc66e 0f607c6 8b7bbc9 347dbf6 8b7bbc9 b427156 8b7bbc9 238f6ea 8b7bbc9 d580044 0f607c6 8b7bbc9 347dbf6 8b7bbc9 347dbf6 87cc66e 347dbf6 87cc66e 8b7bbc9 87cc66e 8b7bbc9 87cc66e 8b7bbc9 347dbf6 2e70b03 8b7bbc9 2e0507d b42bcc4 e715b7e 2e0507d de6ab79 05aa824 f027aaa 05aa824 2783e32 05aa824 b42bcc4 2e0507d 444c10d 0365945 4394a0e 2e0507d c64698c 2e0507d 9105bbb 52be56a c64698c 2e0507d 4394a0e 2e0507d 2f880cf 2e0507d e715b7e 2e0507d e715b7e 2e0507d 8b7bbc9 7e3b6a7 0eadc0e 7a6ea5f |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 |
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends , Request,WebSocket
from import OAuth2PasswordBearer
import requests
from jose import jwt
import webbrowser
import base64
import logging
app = FastAPI()
oauth2_scheme = OAuth2PasswordBearer(tokenUrl="token")
# Replace these with your own values from the Google Developer Console
# Configure the logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def login_google():
# oauth_url = f"{GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile%20email&access_type=offline"
#Below is the URL to prompt the user to login to his specified gmail account and also give a readonly access to his gmail
oauth_url = f"{GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20"
oauth_url_hr = f"{GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI_hr}&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20"
return {
"url_hr": oauth_url_hr
async def auth_google(request: Request):
#This code is basically the authorization code and this authorization code helps us to get the access token with the required scopes that we have set .
#We require the gmail.readonly scopes that requires verification of our application and all.
data = await request.json()
code = data.get("access_token")
print("Printing the access token")
if not code:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Authorization code not provided")
# token_url = ""
# print(code)
# data = {
# "code": code,
# "client_id": GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
# "client_secret": GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
# "redirect_uri": GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI,
# "grant_type": "authorization_code",
# }
# response =, data=data)
# access_token = response.json().get("access_token")
access_token_new = code
# print(response.json())
# print(access_token_new)
user_info = requests.get("", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"})
# user_query = data.get("user_query")
page_token = None
messages = []
jobs_query = "subject:receipt OR subject:receipts has:attachment"
while True:
# Construct Gmail API request with pageToken
gmail_url = f"{jobs_query}"
if page_token:
gmail_url += f"&pageToken={page_token}"
gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"})
gmail_data = gmail_response.json()
# Check if there are messages in the response
if "messages" in gmail_data:
# Check if there are more pages
if "nextPageToken" in gmail_data:
page_token = gmail_data["nextPageToken"]
break # No more pages, exit the loop
# print(len(messages))
# query = "subject:receipt OR subject:receipts has:attachment"
# gmail_url = f"{query}"
# gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"})
# messages = gmail_response.json().get("messages", [])
# print(messages)
# print("Printing gmail response")
# print(gmail_response.json())
# Fetch attachments from the first message
attachments = []
attachment_no = 0
data_new = {}
for i,message in enumerate(messages) :
# print(i)
# print(message)
if message:
message_id = message.get("id")
if message_id:
message_url = f"{message_id}"
message_response = requests.get(message_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"})
message_data = message_response.json()
# Check for parts in the message payload
if "payload" in message_data and "parts" in message_data["payload"]:
for part in message_data["payload"]["parts"]:
if "body" in part and "attachmentId" in part["body"]:
attachment_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"]
attachment_url = f"{message_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}"
attachment_response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"})
attachment_data = attachment_response.json()
data = attachment_data.get("data")
filename = part.get("filename", "untitled.txt")
if data:
# data_new.append({filename:data.encode("UTF-8")})
# Decode base64-encoded attachment data
# print(filename)
attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8"))
# print(attachment_content)
# print(data_new)
# if data:
# # Decode base64-encoded attachment data
# attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8"))
# # Save the attachment to a file
# save_path = f"/Users/omkarmalpure/Documents/Gmail_API/attachments/{filename}"
# with open(save_path, "wb") as file:
# file.write(attachment_content)
# attachments.append(save_path)
# print(attachments)
# print(len(data_new))
return {"attachment_count":attachment_no,"attachment_content":data_new}
async def test_websocket(websocket: WebSocket):
#This code is basically the authorization code and this authorization code helps us to get the access token with the required scopes that we have set .
#We require the gmail.readonly scopes that requires verification of our application and all.
# raw_body = await request.body()
# return {"data":Yo Yo"}
# data = await request.json()
# code = data.get("access_token")
sucess =await websocket.accept()
# await print(sucess)
# await print("Hi hi working")"Hi hi succefull in connecting !!")
# await websocket.send_json({"message":"Yes Websockets successfull"})
# await print("working after line 163")"Now receiving json!!")
data = await websocket.receive_text()"Received JSON data: %s", data)
# print(data)
# code = data.get("message")
# print(code)
# code = raw_body.decode()
# sent=event_generator(data)
for i in range(1, 11):"printing value {i}")
def get_messages(code:str):
# print(code)"entered into the get_messages")
access_token = code
print("printing access_token")
page_token = None
messages = []
jobs_query = "subject:receipt OR subject:receipts has:attachment"
while True:
# Construct Gmail API request with pageToken
print("into the gmail")
gmail_url = f"{jobs_query}"
if page_token:
gmail_url += f"&pageToken={page_token}"
gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
gmail_data = gmail_response.json()
# Check if there are messages in the response
if "messages" in gmail_data:
# Check if there are more pages
if "nextPageToken" in gmail_data:
page_token = gmail_data["nextPageToken"]
break # No more pages, exit the loop
print("returning the messages")
unique_thread_ids = set()
filtered_data_list = []
for entry in messages:
thread_id = entry['threadId']
if thread_id not in unique_thread_ids:
return filtered_data_list
async def event_generator(code:str):"entered into the event_generator")
access_token = code
await websocket.send(json.dumps({"total_messages": len(messages)}))
attachments = []
batch_size = 5
prev_filename = None
for i,message in enumerate(messages) :
if message:
message_id = message.get("id")
thread_id = message.get("threadId")
if message_id:
message_url = f"{message_id}"
message_response = requests.get(message_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
message_data = message_response.json()
# Check for parts in the message payload
if "payload" in message_data and "parts" in message_data["payload"]:
for part in message_data["payload"]["parts"]:
if "body" in part and "attachmentId" in part["body"]:
attachment_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"]
attachment_url = f"{message_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}"
attachment_response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})
attachment_data = attachment_response.json()
data = attachment_data.get("data",{})
filename = part.get("filename", "untitled.txt")
# print("Print the data json response for that gmail")
# print(attachment_data)
# json_str = json.dumps(attachment_data, indent=2)
# with subprocess.Popen(["less"], stdin=subprocess.PIPE) as less_process:
# less_process.communicate(input=json_str.encode("utf-8"))
if data:
# data_new.append({filename:data.encode("UTF-8")})
# Decode base64-encodattaed attachment data
# print(filename)s
attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data.encode("UTF-8"))
# print(attachment_content)
# print(data_new)
await websocket.send_json({filename:data[:10]})
# yield f"data: {str(data_new)}\n\n"
# data_new={}
await websocket.send_text("Successfully sent all the Data !")
async def get_token(token: str = Depends(oauth2_scheme)):
return jwt.decode(token, GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, algorithms=["HS256"])
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# import uvicorn
#, host="", port=8000)