from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends , Request,WebSocket , BackgroundTasks import requests import base64 import logging import time import asyncio import PyPDF2 from docx import Document from PIL import Image import pytesseract import io from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re from get_gmail_data import GmailDataExtractor from dotenv import load_dotenv import os import random import json from supabase import create_client, Client from openai import Client app = FastAPI() load_dotenv() client = Client(api_key=os.getenv('OPENAI_API_KEY'),organization=os.getenv('ORG_ID')) url: str = os.getenv('SUPABASE_URL') key: str = os.getenv('SUPABASE_KEY') supabase: Client = create_client(url, key) GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = os.getenv('GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID') GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET =os.getenv('GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET') GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI = os.getenv('GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI') GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI_2= "" # Configure the logger logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"/test/batch_processing_result") async def batch_processing_result(request: Request, background_tasks: BackgroundTasks): body = await request.json() batch_id = body.get('batch_job_id') batch_job = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) # while batch_job.status == 'in_progress': batch_job = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) print(batch_job.status) # Add the processing task to background tasks if batch_job.status == 'completed': background_tasks.add_task(process_batch_data, batch_id) return {"batch_job_status":'completed'} # Immediately return success response return {'batch_job_status':'notcompleted'} async def process_batch_data(batch_id: str): try: batch_job = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) if batch_job.status == 'completed': result_file_id = batch_job.output_file_id result = client.files.content(result_file_id).content json_str = result.decode('utf-8') json_lines = json_str.splitlines() res = [] for line in json_lines: if line.strip(): try: json_dict = json.loads(line) res.append(json_dict) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: print(f"Error decoding JSON on line: {line}\nError: {e}") for resp in res: id = resp.get('custom_id') res_id = id.split('-')[1] output = json.loads(resp.get('response').get('body').get('choices')[0].get('message').get('content')) categories = str(output.get('categories')) summary = str(output.get('summary')) supabase_resp = supabase.table("imdb_dataset").select("Description").eq("imdb_id", res_id).execute() description =[0].get('Description') insert_response = ( supabase.table("imdb_outputs") .insert({ "id": res_id, "description": description, 'categories': categories, 'summary': summary }) .execute() ) print(f"Inserted data for ID: {res_id}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error in background processing: {str(e)}") # You might want to log this error or handle it in some way #"/test/batch_processing_result") # async def batch_processing_result(request:Request): # body = await request.json() # print(body) # res = [] # res_dict = {} # batch_id = body.get('batch_job_id') # batch_job = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) # # while batch_job.status == 'in_progress': # batch_job = client.batches.retrieve(batch_id) # print(batch_job.status) # if batch_job.status == 'completed': # result_file_id = batch_job.output_file_id # result = client.files.content(result_file_id).content # json_str = result.decode('utf-8') # json_lines = json_str.splitlines() # for line in json_lines: # if line.strip(): # Check if the line is not empty # try: # json_dict = json.loads(line) # res.append(json_dict) # except json.JSONDecodeError as e: # print(f"Error decoding JSON on line: {line}\nError: {e}") # for resp in res: # id = resp.get('custom_id') # res_id = id.split('-')[1] # print(id) # print(res_id) # output = json.loads(resp.get('response').get('body').get('choices')[0].get('message').get('content')) # categories = str(output.get('categories')) # summary = str(output.get('summary')) # prompt_tokens = resp.get('response').get('body').get('usage').get('prompt_tokens') # completion_tokens = resp.get('response').get('body').get('usage').get('completion_tokens') # supabase_resp = supabase.table("imdb_dataset").select("Description").eq("imdb_id",res_id).execute() # print( # description =[0].get('Description') # insert_response =( # supabase.table("imdb_outputs") # .insert({"id": res_id, "description": description ,'categories': categories , 'summary': summary }) # .execute() # ) # print(insert_response) # return {"batch_job_status":'true'} # return {'batch_job_status':'false'}"/test/v1") async def testv1(request:Request): system_prompt = ''' Your goal is to extract movie categories from movie descriptions, as well as a 1-sentence summary for these movies. You will be provided with a movie description, and you will output a json object containing the following information: { categories: string[] // Array of categories based on the movie description, summary: string // 1-sentence summary of the movie based on the movie description } Categories refer to the genre or type of the movie, like "action", "romance", "comedy", etc. Keep category names simple and use only lower case letters. Movies can have several categories, but try to keep it under 3-4. Only mention the categories that are the most obvious based on the description. ''' dataset = await request.json() openai_tasks = [] for ds in dataset.get('data'): id = ds.get('imdb_id') #Adding this id into the requests construction so that once the batch process is completed we can #add the result to the exact imdb_id defined in supabase table description = ds.get('Description') task = { "custom_id": f"task-{id}", "method": "POST", "url": "/v1/chat/completions", "body": { "model": "gpt-4o-mini", "temperature": 0.1, "response_format": { "type": "json_object" }, "messages": [ { "role": "system", "content": system_prompt }, { "role": "user", "content": description } ], "response_format" : {"type": "json_object"} } } openai_tasks.append(task) json_obj = io.BytesIO() for obj in openai_tasks: json_obj.write((json.dumps(obj) + '\n').encode('utf-8')) batch_file = client.files.create( file=json_obj, purpose="batch" ) batch_job = client.batches.create(, endpoint="/v1/chat/completions", completion_window="24h" ) save_data = { 'batch_job_id':f"{}", "batch_job_status": False } response = ( supabase.table("batch_processing_details") .insert(save_data) .execute() ) return {'data':f'Batch job is scheduled !'}"/getReceiptData") async def get_gmail_data(request:Request): body = await request.json() access_token = body.get("data") user_input = None data = GmailDataExtractor(access_token,user_input).extract_messages() # print(data.error) # print(data.json()) return data @app.get("/") async def login_google(): # oauth_url = f"{GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile%20email&access_type=offline" #Below is the URL to prompt the user to login to his specified gmail account and also give a readonly access to his gmail oauth_url_hr = f"{GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID}&redirect_uri={GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI}&scope=openid%20profile%20email%20" return { "url_hr": oauth_url_hr } @app.get("/test") async def test_google(code:str): # token_url = "" print("Printing authorisation token") print(code) token_url="" data = { "code": code, "client_id": GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, "client_secret": GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, "redirect_uri": GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URI, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "access_type": "offline" } response =, data=data) access_token = response.json().get("access_token") print("printing access token , yo yo test") print(access_token) return {"access_token":response.json()} # # if not access_token: # # raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Authorization code not provided") # print("Entered this function, for testing purposes") # brand_name = "louis vuitton" # user_info = requests.get("", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) # page_token = None # messages = [] # # user_query = f"subject:((receipt {brand_name}) OR (receipts {brand_name}) OR (reçu {brand_name}) OR (reçus {brand_name}) OR (Quittung {brand_name}) OR (Quittungen {brand_name}) OR (aankoopbon {brand_name}) OR (aankoopbonnen {brand_name}) OR (recibo {brand_name}) OR (recibos {brand_name}) OR (ricevuta {brand_name}) OR (ricevute {brand_name}) OR (ontvangstbewijs {brand_name}) OR (ontvangstbewijzen {brand_name})) has:attachment" # # user_query = f"{brand_name} label:^smartlabel_receipt" # user_query = f"(label:^smartlabel_receipt OR (subject:your AND subject:order) OR subject:receipts OR subject:receipt OR subject:invoice OR subject:invoice)) AND subject:amazon" # # user_query = """("invoice" OR (("tracking" OR "track") AND ("delivery" OR "package"))) OR (subject:order OR subject:receipt OR subject:receipts OR subject:invoice OR subject:invoice)""" # while True: # # Construct Gmail API request with pageToken # gmail_url = f"{user_query}" # if page_token: # gmail_url += f"&pageToken={page_token}" # gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) # gmail_data = gmail_response.json() # # Check if there are messages in the response # if "messages" in gmail_data: # messages.extend(gmail_data["messages"]) # # Check if there are more pages # if "nextPageToken" in gmail_data: # page_token = gmail_data["nextPageToken"] # else: # break # No more pages, exit the loop # unique_thread_ids = set() # filtered_data_list = [] # for entry in messages: # thread_id = entry['threadId'] # if thread_id not in unique_thread_ids: # unique_thread_ids.add(thread_id) # filtered_data_list.append(entry) # attachments = [] # attachment_no = 0 # data_new = {} # for i,message in enumerate(messages) : # # print(i) # # print(message) # if message: # message_id = message.get("id") # print(message_id) # if message_id: # message_url = f"{message_id}" # message_response = requests.get(message_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) # message_data = message_response.json() # print("printing message_data response json") # print(message_data) # print("Finished printing message_data response json") # subject = '' # body = '' # print("printing body") # print(message_data['snippet']) # if 'payload' in message_data and 'headers' in message_data['payload']: # headers = message_data['payload']['headers'] # for header in headers: # if header['name'] == 'Subject': # subject = header['value'] # if 'parts' in message_data['payload']: # parts = message_data['payload']['parts'] # print("printing parts") # print(parts) # for part in parts: # if part['mimeType'] == 'text/plain' or part['mimeType'] == 'text/html': # body_data = part['body']['data'] # print("printing body data") # print(body_data) # body = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(body_data) # print("Subject:", subject) # if body: # text,links=extract_text_and_links(body) # if text: # print("Printing extracted Text: ") # print(text) # else: # print("No text found or there was some error parsing.") # if links: # print("\nLinks:") # for link_text, link_url in links: # print(f"{link_text}: {link_url}") # else: # print("No links found or there was some error in parsing or maybe don't use for loop.") # # Check for parts in the message payload # if "payload" in message_data and "parts" in message_data["payload"]: # for part in message_data["payload"]["parts"]: # if "body" in part and "attachmentId" in part["body"]: # attachment_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"] # attachment_url = f"{message_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}" # attachment_response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) # attachment_data = attachment_response.json() # data = attachment_data.get("data") # filename = part.get("filename", "untitled.txt") # if data: # data_new[filename]=data[:10] # # attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) # # extracted_text = await extract_text_from_attachment(filename, attachment_content) # attachment_no+=1 # return {"attachment_count":attachment_no,"attachment_content":data_new} def extract_text_and_links(html_content): soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # Extract text text = soup.get_text() text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip() # Extract links links = [] for link in soup.find_all('a', href=True): links.append((link.text, link['href'])) return text, links"/auth/google") async def auth_google(request: Request): data = await request.json() code = data.get("access_token") brand_name = data.get("brand_name") print("Printing the access token") print(code) if not code: raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Authorization code not provided") access_token_new = code user_info = requests.get("", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"}) page_token = None messages = [] user_query = f"subject:((receipt {brand_name}) OR (receipts {brand_name}) OR (reçu {brand_name}) OR (reçus {brand_name}) OR (Quittung {brand_name}) OR (Quittungen {brand_name}) OR (aankoopbon {brand_name}) OR (aankoopbonnen {brand_name}) OR (recibo {brand_name}) OR (recibos {brand_name}) OR (ricevuta {brand_name}) OR (ricevute {brand_name}) OR (ontvangstbewijs {brand_name}) OR (ontvangstbewijzen {brand_name})) has:attachment" # user_query = f"{brand_name} label:^smartlabel_receipt" while True: # Construct Gmail API request with pageToken gmail_url = f"{user_query}" if page_token: gmail_url += f"&pageToken={page_token}" gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"}) gmail_data = gmail_response.json() # Check if there are messages in the response if "messages" in gmail_data: messages.extend(gmail_data["messages"]) # Check if there are more pages if "nextPageToken" in gmail_data: page_token = gmail_data["nextPageToken"] else: break # No more pages, exit the loop attachments = [] attachment_no = 0 data_new = {} for i,message in enumerate(messages) : # print(i) # print(message) if message: message_id = message.get("id") print(message_id) if message_id: message_url = f"{message_id}" message_response = requests.get(message_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"}) message_data = message_response.json() if "payload" in message_data: payload = message_data["payload"] if "body" in payload and "data" in payload["body"]: body_data = payload["body"]["data"] body_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(body_data.encode("UTF-8")).decode("UTF-8") print("Body Content:") print(body_content) # Check for parts in the message payload if "payload" in message_data and "parts" in message_data["payload"]: for part in message_data["payload"]["parts"]: if "body" in part and "attachmentId" in part["body"]: attachment_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"] attachment_url = f"{message_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}" attachment_response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token_new}"}) attachment_data = attachment_response.json() data = attachment_data.get("data") filename = part.get("filename", "untitled.txt") if data: data_new[filename]=data attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) extracted_text = await extract_text_from_attachment(filename, attachment_content) attachment_no+=1 return {"attachment_count":attachment_no,"attachment_content":data_new} async def send_chunked_data(websocket: WebSocket, filename: str, data: str): chunk_size = 1024 # Set an appropriate chunk size for i in range(0, len(data), chunk_size): await websocket.send_json({"filename": filename, "data_chunk": data[i:i + chunk_size]}) await asyncio.sleep(0.4) await websocket.send_text("FinishedThisAttachment") async def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_data): with io.BytesIO(pdf_data) as pdf_file: pdf_reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file) text = "" for page_num in range(len(pdf_reader.pages)): page = pdf_reader.pages[page_num] text += page.extract_text() return text async def extract_text_from_docx(docx_data): doc = Document(io.BytesIO(docx_data)) text = "" for para in doc.paragraphs: text += para.text + "\n" return text async def extract_text_from_attachment(filename, data): if filename.endswith('.pdf'): return await extract_text_from_pdf(data) elif filename.endswith('.docx'): return await extract_text_from_docx(data) else: # Add handling for other document types if needed return "Unsupported document type" @app.websocket("/ws") async def test_websocket(websocket: WebSocket): await websocket.accept()"Hi hi succefull in connecting !!") data = await websocket.receive_text()"Received JSON data: %s", data) def get_messages(code:str):"entered into the get_messages") access_token = code print("printing access_token") print(access_token) page_token = None messages = [] jobs_query = "subject:receipt OR subject:receipts has:attachment" while True: # Construct Gmail API request with pageToken print("into the gmail") gmail_url = f"{jobs_query}" if page_token: gmail_url += f"&pageToken={page_token}" gmail_response = requests.get(gmail_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"})"{gmail_response}") print(gmail_response) gmail_data = gmail_response.json() # Check if there are messages in the response if "messages" in gmail_data: messages.extend(gmail_data["messages"]) # Check if there are more pages if "nextPageToken" in gmail_data: page_token = gmail_data["nextPageToken"] else: break # No more pages, exit the loop print("returning the messages") unique_thread_ids = set() filtered_data_list = [] for entry in messages: thread_id = entry['threadId'] if thread_id not in unique_thread_ids: unique_thread_ids.add(thread_id) filtered_data_list.append(entry) return filtered_data_list async def event_generator(code:str):"entered into the event_generator") access_token = code messages=get_messages(access_token) print(len(messages)) await websocket.send_json({"total_messages":len(messages)}) await websocket.send_text("CompletedSendingTotalMessagesLength") attachments = [] prev_data="" data_new={} attachment_no=0 batch_size = 5 prev_filename = None for i,message in enumerate(messages) : print(i)"{i}")"{message}") print(message) if message: message_id = message.get("id") thread_id = message.get("threadId") print(message_id) if message_id: message_url = f"{message_id}" message_response = requests.get(message_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) message_data = message_response.json() # Check for parts in the message payload if "payload" in message_data and "parts" in message_data["payload"]: for part in message_data["payload"]["parts"]: if "body" in part and "attachmentId" in part["body"]: attachment_id = part["body"]["attachmentId"] print(attachment_id) attachment_url = f"{message_id}/attachments/{attachment_id}" attachment_response = requests.get(attachment_url, headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}"}) attachment_data = attachment_response.json() data = attachment_data.get("data",{}) filename = part.get("filename", "untitled.txt") if data: data_new[filename]=str(data[:10]) attachment_content = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(data) extracted_text = await extract_text_from_attachment(filename, attachment_content) await send_chunked_data(websocket, filename, data) attachment_no+=1 await websocket.send_text("CompletedFetchingMessages") await event_generator(data)"Closing connection") await websocket.close()