import requests import json import time import datetime import requests import paramiko from dotenv import load_dotenv from selenium import webdriver import webbrowser import os from datetime import date from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from request_json.sbt_request_generator import generate_request load_dotenv() REDIRECT_URL = os.environ.get("REDIRECT_URL") _base64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=' CUSTOMER_TOKEN = os.environ.get("CUSTOMER_TOKEN") APP_ID = os.environ.get("APP_ID") CLIENT_ID = os.environ.get("CLIENT_ID") CLIENT_SECRET = os.environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET") def connect(): ssh_host = '' ssh_user = 'ec2-user' ssh_key_path = '.ssh/ipygg-api-test.pem' ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh_client.load_system_host_keys() ssh_client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(ssh_key_path) ssh_client.connect(ssh_host, username=ssh_user, pkey=ssh_key) print("Successfully connected to the test server") transport = ssh_client.get_transport() if transport.is_active(): print("SSH connection is active") else: print("SSH connection is not active") return ssh_client def command(): mysql_host = '' mysql_user = 'iPYGG' mysql_password = 'yt1uQ8aiTd!2cY6K2re342!G6g' mysql_command = f"mysql -h {mysql_host} -u {mysql_user} -p{mysql_password} -e " return mysql_command def initialize_SBTdb(ssh_client): # ssh_client.exec_command(command() + "'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS test_SBTdb'") try: ssh_client.exec_command(command() + "'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS SBTdb'") ssh_client.exec_command(command() + """'USE SBTdb; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS token_key ( user_id VARCHAR(233) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, token_id VARCHAR(233), decryption_key VARBINARY(255), ipfs_link1 VARCHAR(255), ipfs_link2 VARCHAR(255), ipfs_link3 VARCHAR(255), membership_status VARCHAR(255) );'""") except Exception as e: print(e) def close(ssh_client): ssh_client.close() # **************************API calls************************** def store_attribute(db_name, table_name, restriction_name, restriction_value, attribute_name, attribute_value): ssh_client = connect() try: # Check if the row already exists select_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {table_name} WHERE {restriction_name}='{restriction_value}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE {db_name}; {select_query}\"") count_str = print("output: ", count_str) count_line = count_str.split('\n')[1] count = int(count_line) print("error:", if count > 0: # Update the existing row update_query = f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {attribute_name}='{attribute_value}' WHERE {restriction_name}='{restriction_value}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE {db_name}; {update_query}\"") print("error:", else: # Insert a new row insert_query = f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({restriction_name}, {attribute_name}) VALUES ('{restriction_value}', '{attribute_value}')" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE {db_name}; {insert_query}\"") print("error:", except Exception as e: print("ha! Exception!") print(e) close(ssh_client) def get_attribute(db_name, table_name, restriction, restriction_value, attribute_name): ssh_client = connect() try: query = f"SELECT {attribute_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {restriction}='{restriction_value}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE {db_name}; {query}\"") print("output: ", stdout) print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) result = rows = result.splitlines() attribute_value = rows[1] close(ssh_client) return attribute_value def get_attribute_2(db_name, table_name, restriction_1, restriction_value_1, restriction_2, restriction_value_2, attribute_name): ssh_client = connect() try: query = f"SELECT {attribute_name} FROM {table_name} WHERE {restriction_1}='{restriction_value_1}' AND {restriction_2}='{restriction_value_2}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE {db_name}; {query}\"") print("output: ", stdout, "end") # print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) stdout = "" # rows = result = rows = result.splitlines() # print ("result:", rows) attribute_value = rows[1] # print ("result2:", attribute_value) close(ssh_client) return attribute_value # called through API\metadata def store_ipfs(user_id, ipfs_link, link_num): ssh_client = connect() try: if(link_num==1): store_query = f"INSERT INTO token_key (user_id, ipfs_link1) VALUES ('{user_id}', '{ipfs_link}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ipfs_link1 = '{ipfs_link}'" elif(link_num==2): store_query = f"INSERT INTO token_key (user_id, ipfs_link2) VALUES ('{user_id}', '{ipfs_link}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ipfs_link2 = '{ipfs_link}'" elif(link_num==3): store_query = f"INSERT INTO token_key (user_id, ipfs_link3) VALUES ('{user_id}', '{ipfs_link}') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ipfs_link3 = '{ipfs_link}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE SBTdb; {store_query}\"") print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) close(ssh_client) # called through API\minting def store_token(ipfs_link1, ipfs_link2, ipfs_link3, membership_status, user_id, token_id): ssh_client = connect() # check if the record already exists check_query = f"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM token_key WHERE user_id='{user_id}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} 'USE SBTdb; {check_query}'") count_str = count_line = count_str.split('\n')[1] count = int(count_line) print(f"count: {count}") if count == 0: # if the record doesn't exist, insert a new record try: insert_query = f"INSERT INTO token_key (user_id, token_id, ipfs_link1, ipfs_link2, ipfs_link3, membership_status) VALUES ('{user_id}', '{token_id}', '{ipfs_link1}', '{ipfs_link2}', '{ipfs_link3}', '{membership_status}')" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE SBTdb; {insert_query}\"") print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) else: # if the record exists, update the existing record try: update_query = f"UPDATE token_key SET token_id='{token_id}', ipfs_link1='{ipfs_link1}', ipfs_link2='{ipfs_link2}', ipfs_link3='{ipfs_link3}', membership_status='{membership_status}' WHERE user_id='{user_id}'" # sql_query = f"USE SBTdb ;{update_query}" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE SBTdb; {update_query}\"") print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) close(ssh_client) return token_id # called through API\general, KYC, marketing def get_userinfo(user_id, token_id, type): ssh_client = connect() info = {} try: query = f"SELECT token_id FROM token_key WHERE user_id='{user_id}' " stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE SBTdb; {query}\"") print("error:", except Exception as e: print(e) token_id_str = print("token_id_str:", token_id_str) token_id_db = token_id_str.split('\n')[1] if token_id_db == token_id: if type == "general": retrieve_query = f"SELECT facebook_id FROM ipygg_users WHERE user_id='{user_id}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE ipygg; {retrieve_query}\"") print("error:", facebook_id ='\n')[1] info['facebook_id'] = facebook_id elif type == "KYC": retrieve_query = f"SELECT email, salutation, first_name, last_name, birthday, country, region, location, address, postcode, area_code, phone, hk_id, passport FROM ipygg_users WHERE user_id='{user_id}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE ipygg; {retrieve_query}\"") print("error:", info_list ='\n')[1].split('\t') info = { 'email': info_list[0], 'salutation': info_list[1], 'first_name': info_list[2], 'last_name': info_list[3], 'birthday': info_list[4], 'country': info_list[5], 'region': info_list[6], 'location': info_list[7], 'address': info_list[8], 'postcode': info_list[9], 'area_code': info_list[10], 'phone': info_list[11], 'hk_id': info_list[12], 'passport': info_list[13] } info['dual_passport'] = False #TODO: add dual_passport to ipygg_users elif type == "marketing": retrieve_query = f"SELECT email, facebook_id, wealth_level FROM ipygg_users WHERE user_id='{user_id}'" stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh_client.exec_command(f"{command()} \"USE ipygg; {retrieve_query}\"") print("error:", info_list ='\n')[1].split('\t') info['email'] = info_list[0] info['facebook_id'] = info_list[1] info['wealth_level'] = info_list[2] close(ssh_client) return True, info else: close(ssh_client) return False, info # def update_Status(request_id, status, user_id, institution_id, latest_update_date=time.localtime().tm_mday): # conn, cursor = get_conn_and_cursor(request_id) # try: # sql = "update request_log set status = \"{}\" where user_id = \"{}\" AND " \ # "institution_id = \"{}\" AND request_id = \"{}\";".format( # status, user_id, institution_id, request_id) # # addRequestLog(request_id, sql) # # cursor.execute(sql) # # conn.commit() # except Exception as e: # print(e) # # addRequestLog(request_id, "Could not update user Status") def getCustomerToken(request_id, user_id): """ Returns: *customer token* for generating link token Uses: *Client ID*, *Client secret* (Defined in Url: "" Section 0 in the Flowchart """ url = "" payload = json.dumps({ "client_id": f"{CLIENT_ID}", "client_secret": f"{CLIENT_SECRET}", "grant_type": "client_credentials" }) headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request( "POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload).json() # logger( # request_id, f'=============headers X-Request-Id============\n{headers["X-Request-Id"]}') # logger( # request_id, f'============1 post response==========\n{response}') return response["access_token"] def getLinkToken(customer_token, request_id, user_id): url = "" payload = json.dumps({ "client_id": f"{CLIENT_ID}", "user_id": user_id, "redirect_uri": f"{REDIRECT_URL}", "state": "ipygg_stateparameter", "grant_type": "client_credentials", "response_mode": "form_post", "response_type": "code", "automatic_data_refresh": "", "countries": [], "institution_id": "", "institution_status": "", "language": "", "link_mode": "test", "products_requested": [], "products_supported": [], "ui_mode": "redirect", "user_type": [] }) headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {customer_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } try: print(request_id, "Trying to get login ID from finverse") response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) j = response.json() link_url = j["link_url"] print(request_id, link_url) if 'error' in j.keys(): if j['error']['code'] == 40001: print(j) return 404 # finverse_connector.update_refresh_token(user_id, j['login_identity_id'], j['refresh_token'], institution_id, # request_id, date) return j['link_url'] except Exception as e: print(request_id, "Unable to refresh") print(request_id, e) def getLoginID(customer_token, request_id, user_id): """ Returns: *link token* Uses: *Customer token*, *login refresh token* Documentation: Data API -> 12-Data Refresh -> POST /auth/token/refresh (1st step in the Refresh flow) URL: Section 9 in the Flowchart """ url = "" payload = json.dumps({ }) headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {customer_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } try: print(request_id, "Trying to get login ID from finverse") response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers) j = response.json() login_id = j["login_identity"]["login_identity_id"] print(request_id, login_id) if 'error' in j.keys(): if j['error']['code'] == 40001: print(j) return 404 # finverse_connector.update_refresh_token(user_id, j['login_identity_id'], j['refresh_token'], institution_id, # request_id, date) return j['access_token'] except Exception as e: print(request_id, "Unable to refresh") print(request_id, e) def getLinkCode(user_id, request_id, code, customer_token): url = "" payload = { "client_id": f"{CLIENT_ID}", "code": f"{code}", "redirect_uri": f"{REDIRECT_URL}", "grant_type": "authorization_code" } headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {customer_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } try: print(request_id, "Trying to get link code from finverse") response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) j = response.json() # print(j) login_id = j["login_identity_id"] login_id_token = j["access_token"] refresh_token = j["refresh_token"] print(f'{request_id}, login id: {login_id} , refresh token: {refresh_token}') if 'error' in j.keys(): if j['error']['code'] == 40001: return 404 # finverse_connector.update_refresh_token(user_id, j['login_identity_id'], j['refresh_token'], institution_id, # request_id, date) return login_id_token except Exception as e: print(request_id, "Unable to get link code") print(request_id, e) def getRefreshedToken(customer_token, request_id, user_id, refresh_token, institution_id, date, redirect_uri): """ Returns: *link token* Uses: *Customer token*, *login refresh token* Documentation: Data API -> 12-Data Refresh -> POST /auth/token/refresh (1st step in the Refresh flow) URL: Section 9 in the Flowchart """ url = "" payload = json.dumps({ "redirect_uri": f"{redirect_uri}", "grant_type": "client_credentials", "code": "" }) headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {customer_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } try: print(request_id, "Trying to get refreshed credentials from finverse") response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload) j = response.json() print(request_id, j) if 'error' in j.keys(): if j['error']['code'] == 40001: return 404 # finverse_connector.update_refresh_token(user_id, j['login_identity_id'], j['refresh_token'], institution_id, # request_id, date) return j['access_token'] except Exception as e: print(request_id, "Unable to refresh") print(request_id, e) def get_pdf(userId, statement_id, login_identity_token, request_id): try: # logger(request_id, f"\nfetching PDF for {statement_id}") url = f"{statement_id}?redirect=false" payload = {} headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{userId}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {login_identity_token}', 'Content-Type': "application/json" } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload).json() # print(request_id, "response") link = response['statement_links'][0]['url'] # print(f'link is : {link}') return link except Exception as e: print(request_id, f"Error in get_pdf") print(request_id, e) # finverse_connector.update_Status( # request_id, "50200", userId, institution_id) # def statements_fetch(userId, institution_id, login_identity_token, request_id): try: # logger(request_id, "fetching statements from finverse") url = f"" payload = {} headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{userId}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {login_identity_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, data=payload).json() print(request_id, f"The response is :\n{response}") statement = response["statements"] print(f'statement: {statement[0]["id"]}') # for statement in response['statements']: # # name = statement['name'] + ' ' + statement['date'] if statement != None: statement = get_pdf(userId, statement[0]["id"], login_identity_token, request_id) return statement, 200 else: print('no statement') return 0 except Exception as e: print(request_id, f"Error in statements_fetch") print(request_id, e) # finverse_connector.update_Status( # request_id, "50200", userId, institution_id) return 500 def check_if_token_exists(user_id, institution_id, request_id): """ Searches: if user exists in user_and_login_identity table and if value of *refresh_allowed* is 1 Section 1 in the Flowchart """ # db_name, table_name, restriction, restriction_value, attribute_name user_details = get_attribute_2('ipygg', 'user_and_login_identity', 'user_id', user_id, 'institution_id', institution_id, '*') if user_details != "": print(user_details) # refresh_token = user_details[6] refresh_allowed = user_details[-1] print(refresh_allowed) if refresh_allowed == "1": return user_details else: return 0 else: return 0 def statements_report(userId, institutionId, requestId, date): try: # finverse_connector.add_status( # requestId, "10000", userId, institutionId, 'PDFs', date) customer_token = getCustomerToken(requestId, userId) print(customer_token) # addRequestLog(requestId, f"Fetching PDFs for {userId} with {institutionId} institutionID") # userInfo = check_if_token_exists( # userId, institutionId, requestId) userInfo = 1 print(f'userInfo: {userInfo}') if userInfo == 0: # createUserAccount() print(requestId, "User does not have any accounts") return 500 # user does not exist else: # refresh_token = userInfo[-2] search_url = getLinkToken(customer_token, requestId, userId) driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get(search_url) wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 50).until(EC.url_contains("code=")) url = driver.current_url time.sleep(5) url_list = url.split("code=",1)[1] code = url_list[:26] print(f'code is {code}') # # where user input # code = input("Enter code:") time.sleep(5) login_identity_token = getLinkCode(requestId,userId,code,customer_token) pdf_link = statements_fetch(userId, institutionId, login_identity_token, requestId) if pdf_link!= 500: # pdf_link = get_pdf(userId, statement_list['id'], login_identity_token, requestId)[0]) return pdf_link else: return 500 except Exception as e: print(requestId, "Fetching PDFs failed") print(requestId, e) print(e) return 500 # Fetching error # pdf_link = get_pdf(userId="1001001", statement_id="01H4RJ02B5Q7ZTX9S3TPFWNQT0", login_identity_token="eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Imp3dC9jcnlwdG9LZXlzL2p3dC1rZXkvY3J5cHRvS2V5VmVyc2lvbnMvMSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.AbmNVOWDAQm9wnxLqpQuHpSBWp7L1IRCXNAeT-FWaXO3hsYOCzsfyA1DObn1XOHbGV-HoYXHGPrDThORrfFOBKjH6yW7-W41UQDjlRIGVsXxYUwJsHAV8ytuDoyIk8rqoPVNALHsU4rOzXYIpplI-7HMgYAzjRXAP50x0KL4Ks5pyGYokmnq2nElKi_nC1XFlsPjYuVnJ_88xZF6hOugoZgU8Mq4P59RUTUUksTWWW8BthCKr1sakKYcBEbIp2efv8Upfc_feY-z4j4qI1V_PHiXUIatqr71kOMbJ3xNkhzEIXNh_SdK4u3C7SW1ZZhivTaFakTUhMazvg3xtalUZq_EZViLg4OJTmUB1gjYEBoPMpUwlQcJXgXpwtUh-9cEo99ufw0oB9trc4ocdfMYzw0kavfmPZqPHgu3HdX7Ofi0Fxgh8-AvRqlr3eVjmL54u8js5A9n43LaZ7oQgOxs82mm0XfAeX_alhzID3IVo-ZDpGkQ8hV-19-X2APhSt75tCMwFvHBfDd8QRfSyCPL0Yqi01jzT1TiVyP7yV2RjaDJQPcXk81nbgEGL_kwfLbCjpWeZSoJi15vAEhEGpM7pnuRHplLq59v6ARCfU1kRXI1Huva5S5X196Cfk7T9gBtqfUkT3oETNIkR8UxQmwp5BQHXtKMcMU8C4h4W3WAsd8", request_id="request1234") # # print(f'{pdf_link} finished') def get_today_date(): today = return str(today) # Example for what will be returned # 2023-06-29 ################### MAIN ############################ def get_bs(userId="1836660007822863504716", institutionId="00000005",requestId="request1234"): standard_names = {'boch': "Consolidated Statement", 'hangseng': "Statement of", 'hsbc': "Statement - HSBC One Account", 'sc': "statementOfAccount"} # records = statements_report("1836660007822863504716","00000005","request1234","05072023") # userId, institutionId, requestId, date pdf_link = statements_report(userId, institutionId, requestId, str(get_today_date())) # get_pdf(userId, institution_id, records[0]['id'], login_identity_token, request_id) if pdf_link != 500: print(f"successfully get bank report with link: {pdf_link}") def get_transactions(user_id, login_identity_token): """ Returns: *customer token* for generating link token Uses: *Client ID*, *Client secret* (Defined in Url: "" Section 0 in the Flowchart """ url = "" # payload = json.dumps({ # "client_id": f"{CLIENT_ID}", # "client_secret": f"{CLIENT_SECRET}", # "grant_type": "client_credentials" # }) headers = { 'X-Request-Id': f'{user_id}-{int(time.time())}', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {login_identity_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } response = requests.request( "GET", url, headers=headers).json() transaction_record = response["transactions"] print(f"getting transactions: {transaction_record}") return response["transactions"] def past_transactions(userId="1836660007822863504716", institutionId="00000005",requestId="request1234"): try: # finverse_connector.add_status( # requestId, "10000", userId, institutionId, 'PDFs', date) customer_token = getCustomerToken(requestId, userId) print(customer_token) # addRequestLog(requestId, f"Fetching PDFs for {userId} with {institutionId} institutionID") # userInfo = check_if_token_exists( # userId, institutionId, requestId) userInfo = 1 print(f'userInfo: {userInfo}') if userInfo == 0: # createUserAccount() print(requestId, "User does not have any accounts") return 500 # user does not exist else: search_url = getLinkToken(customer_token, requestId, userId) driver = webdriver.Chrome() driver.get(search_url) wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 50).until(EC.url_contains("code=")) url = driver.current_url time.sleep(5) url_list = url.split("code=",1)[1] code = url_list[:26] print(f'code is {code}') time.sleep(5) login_identity_token = getLinkCode(requestId,userId,code,customer_token) transaction_record = get_transactions(userId, login_identity_token) # transaction_record = transaction_record[:10] print('printing transactions records') item_num = 0 for item in transaction_record: if str( in item["created_at"]: item_num = item_num + 1 # print(item) transaction_data = { "endpoint": "SBT", "apiType": "store_finverse_verif", "requestId": "request1234", "userId": userId # a string } if (item_num >= 100): print("user has more than 100 transactions in the past year") transaction_data["finverseVerif"] = "True" # a string "True" or "False" # post true else: print("user has no more than 100 transactions in the past year") transaction_data["finverseVerif"] = "False" # a string "True" or "False" # post false generate_request(transaction_data) except Exception as e: print(requestId, "Fetching transactions failed") print(requestId, e)