import typing import julius import numpy as np import torch from . import util class DSPMixin: _original_batch_size = None _original_num_channels = None _padded_signal_length = None def _preprocess_signal_for_windowing(self, window_duration, hop_duration): self._original_batch_size = self.batch_size self._original_num_channels = self.num_channels window_length = int(window_duration * self.sample_rate) hop_length = int(hop_duration * self.sample_rate) if window_length % hop_length != 0: factor = window_length // hop_length window_length = factor * hop_length self.zero_pad(hop_length, hop_length) self._padded_signal_length = self.signal_length return window_length, hop_length def windows( self, window_duration: float, hop_duration: float, preprocess: bool = True ): """Generator which yields windows of specified duration from signal with a specified hop length. Parameters ---------- window_duration : float Duration of every window in seconds. hop_duration : float Hop between windows in seconds. preprocess : bool, optional Whether to preprocess the signal, so that the first sample is in the middle of the first window, by default True Yields ------ AudioSignal Each window is returned as an AudioSignal. """ if preprocess: window_length, hop_length = self._preprocess_signal_for_windowing( window_duration, hop_duration ) self.audio_data = self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, self.signal_length) for b in range(self.batch_size): i = 0 start_idx = i * hop_length while True: start_idx = i * hop_length i += 1 end_idx = start_idx + window_length if end_idx > self.signal_length: break yield self[b, ..., start_idx:end_idx] def collect_windows( self, window_duration: float, hop_duration: float, preprocess: bool = True ): """Reshapes signal into windows of specified duration from signal with a specified hop length. Window are placed along the batch dimension. Use with :py:func:`audiotools.core.dsp.DSPMixin.overlap_and_add` to reconstruct the original signal. Parameters ---------- window_duration : float Duration of every window in seconds. hop_duration : float Hop between windows in seconds. preprocess : bool, optional Whether to preprocess the signal, so that the first sample is in the middle of the first window, by default True Returns ------- AudioSignal AudioSignal unfolded with shape ``(nb * nch * num_windows, 1, window_length)`` """ if preprocess: window_length, hop_length = self._preprocess_signal_for_windowing( window_duration, hop_duration ) # self.audio_data: (nb, nch, nt). unfolded = torch.nn.functional.unfold( self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, 1, self.signal_length), kernel_size=(1, window_length), stride=(1, hop_length), ) # unfolded: (nb * nch, window_length, num_windows). # -> (nb * nch * num_windows, 1, window_length) unfolded = unfolded.permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(-1, 1, window_length) self.audio_data = unfolded return self def overlap_and_add(self, hop_duration: float): """Function which takes a list of windows and overlap adds them into a signal the same length as ``audio_signal``. Parameters ---------- hop_duration : float How much to shift for each window (overlap is window_duration - hop_duration) in seconds. Returns ------- AudioSignal overlap-and-added signal. """ hop_length = int(hop_duration * self.sample_rate) window_length = self.signal_length nb, nch = self._original_batch_size, self._original_num_channels unfolded = self.audio_data.reshape(nb * nch, -1, window_length).permute(0, 2, 1) folded = torch.nn.functional.fold( unfolded, output_size=(1, self._padded_signal_length), kernel_size=(1, window_length), stride=(1, hop_length), ) norm = torch.ones_like(unfolded, device=unfolded.device) norm = torch.nn.functional.fold( norm, output_size=(1, self._padded_signal_length), kernel_size=(1, window_length), stride=(1, hop_length), ) folded = folded / norm folded = folded.reshape(nb, nch, -1) self.audio_data = folded self.trim(hop_length, hop_length) return self def low_pass( self, cutoffs: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], zeros: int = 51 ): """Low-passes the signal in-place. Each item in the batch can have a different low-pass cutoff, if the input to this signal is an array or tensor. If a float, all items are given the same low-pass filter. Parameters ---------- cutoffs : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Cutoff in Hz of low-pass filter. zeros : int, optional Number of taps to use in low-pass filter, by default 51 Returns ------- AudioSignal Low-passed AudioSignal. """ cutoffs = util.ensure_tensor(cutoffs, 2, self.batch_size) cutoffs = cutoffs / self.sample_rate filtered = torch.empty_like(self.audio_data) for i, cutoff in enumerate(cutoffs): lp_filter = julius.LowPassFilter(cutoff.cpu(), zeros=zeros).to(self.device) filtered[i] = lp_filter(self.audio_data[i]) self.audio_data = filtered self.stft_data = None return self def high_pass( self, cutoffs: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], zeros: int = 51 ): """High-passes the signal in-place. Each item in the batch can have a different high-pass cutoff, if the input to this signal is an array or tensor. If a float, all items are given the same high-pass filter. Parameters ---------- cutoffs : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Cutoff in Hz of high-pass filter. zeros : int, optional Number of taps to use in high-pass filter, by default 51 Returns ------- AudioSignal High-passed AudioSignal. """ cutoffs = util.ensure_tensor(cutoffs, 2, self.batch_size) cutoffs = cutoffs / self.sample_rate filtered = torch.empty_like(self.audio_data) for i, cutoff in enumerate(cutoffs): hp_filter = julius.HighPassFilter(cutoff.cpu(), zeros=zeros).to(self.device) filtered[i] = hp_filter(self.audio_data[i]) self.audio_data = filtered self.stft_data = None return self def mask_frequencies( self, fmin_hz: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], fmax_hz: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], val: float = 0.0, ): """Masks frequencies between ``fmin_hz`` and ``fmax_hz``, and fills them with the value specified by ``val``. Useful for implementing SpecAug. The min and max can be different for every item in the batch. Parameters ---------- fmin_hz : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Lower end of band to mask out. fmax_hz : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Upper end of band to mask out. val : float, optional Value to fill in, by default 0.0 Returns ------- AudioSignal Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the masked audio data. """ # SpecAug mag, phase = self.magnitude, self.phase fmin_hz = util.ensure_tensor(fmin_hz, ndim=mag.ndim) fmax_hz = util.ensure_tensor(fmax_hz, ndim=mag.ndim) assert torch.all(fmin_hz < fmax_hz) # build mask nbins = mag.shape[-2] bins_hz = torch.linspace(0, self.sample_rate / 2, nbins, device=self.device) bins_hz = bins_hz[None, None, :, None].repeat( self.batch_size, 1, 1, mag.shape[-1] ) mask = (fmin_hz <= bins_hz) & (bins_hz < fmax_hz) mask = mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val) phase = phase.masked_fill(mask, val) self.stft_data = mag * torch.exp(1j * phase) return self def mask_timesteps( self, tmin_s: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], tmax_s: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], val: float = 0.0, ): """Masks timesteps between ``tmin_s`` and ``tmax_s``, and fills them with the value specified by ``val``. Useful for implementing SpecAug. The min and max can be different for every item in the batch. Parameters ---------- tmin_s : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Lower end of timesteps to mask out. tmax_s : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Upper end of timesteps to mask out. val : float, optional Value to fill in, by default 0.0 Returns ------- AudioSignal Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the masked audio data. """ # SpecAug mag, phase = self.magnitude, self.phase tmin_s = util.ensure_tensor(tmin_s, ndim=mag.ndim) tmax_s = util.ensure_tensor(tmax_s, ndim=mag.ndim) assert torch.all(tmin_s < tmax_s) # build mask nt = mag.shape[-1] bins_t = torch.linspace(0, self.signal_duration, nt, device=self.device) bins_t = bins_t[None, None, None, :].repeat( self.batch_size, 1, mag.shape[-2], 1 ) mask = (tmin_s <= bins_t) & (bins_t < tmax_s) mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val) phase = phase.masked_fill(mask, val) self.stft_data = mag * torch.exp(1j * phase) return self def mask_low_magnitudes( self, db_cutoff: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float], val: float = 0.0 ): """Mask away magnitudes below a specified threshold, which can be different for every item in the batch. Parameters ---------- db_cutoff : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Decibel value for which things below it will be masked away. val : float, optional Value to fill in for masked portions, by default 0.0 Returns ------- AudioSignal Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the masked audio data. """ mag = self.magnitude log_mag = self.log_magnitude() db_cutoff = util.ensure_tensor(db_cutoff, ndim=mag.ndim) mask = log_mag < db_cutoff mag = mag.masked_fill(mask, val) self.magnitude = mag return self def shift_phase(self, shift: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]): """Shifts the phase by a constant value. Parameters ---------- shift : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] What to shift the phase by. Returns ------- AudioSignal Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the masked audio data. """ shift = util.ensure_tensor(shift, ndim=self.phase.ndim) self.phase = self.phase + shift return self def corrupt_phase(self, scale: typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float]): """Corrupts the phase randomly by some scaled value. Parameters ---------- scale : typing.Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray, float] Standard deviation of noise to add to the phase. Returns ------- AudioSignal Signal with ``stft_data`` manipulated. Apply ``.istft()`` to get the masked audio data. """ scale = util.ensure_tensor(scale, ndim=self.phase.ndim) self.phase = self.phase + scale * torch.randn_like(self.phase) return self def preemphasis(self, coef: float = 0.85): """Applies pre-emphasis to audio signal. Parameters ---------- coef : float, optional How much pre-emphasis to apply, lower values do less. 0 does nothing. by default 0.85 Returns ------- AudioSignal Pre-emphasized signal. """ kernel = torch.tensor([1, -coef, 0]).view(1, 1, -1).to(self.device) x = self.audio_data.reshape(-1, 1, self.signal_length) x = torch.nn.functional.conv1d(x, kernel, padding=1) self.audio_data = x.reshape(*self.audio_data.shape) return self