import math import os import time from collections import defaultdict from functools import wraps import torch import torch.distributed as dist from rich import box from rich.console import Console from rich.console import Group from import Live from rich.markdown import Markdown from rich.padding import Padding from rich.panel import Panel from rich.progress import BarColumn from rich.progress import Progress from rich.progress import SpinnerColumn from rich.progress import TimeElapsedColumn from rich.progress import TimeRemainingColumn from rich.rule import Rule from rich.table import Table from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter # This is here so that the history can be pickled. def default_list(): return [] class Mean: """Keeps track of the running mean, along with the latest value. """ def __init__(self): self.reset() def __call__(self): mean = / max(self.count, 1) return mean def reset(self): self.count = 0 = 0 def update(self, val): if math.isfinite(val): self.count += 1 += val def when(condition): """Runs a function only when the condition is met. The condition is a function that is run. Parameters ---------- condition : Callable Function to run to check whether or not to run the decorated function. Example ------- Checkpoint only runs every 100 iterations, and only if the local rank is 0. >>> i = 0 >>> rank = 0 >>> >>> @when(lambda: i % 100 == 0 and rank == 0) >>> def checkpoint(): >>> print("Saving to /runs/exp1") >>> >>> for i in range(1000): >>> checkpoint() """ def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): if condition(): return fn(*args, **kwargs) return decorated return decorator def timer(prefix: str = "time"): """Adds execution time to the output dictionary of the decorated function. The function decorated by this must output a dictionary. The key added will follow the form "[prefix]/[name_of_function]" Parameters ---------- prefix : str, optional The key added will follow the form "[prefix]/[name_of_function]", by default "time". """ def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): s = time.perf_counter() output = fn(*args, **kwargs) assert isinstance(output, dict) e = time.perf_counter() output[f"{prefix}/{fn.__name__}"] = e - s return output return decorated return decorator class Tracker: """ A tracker class that helps to monitor the progress of training and logging the metrics. Attributes ---------- metrics : dict A dictionary containing the metrics for each label. history : dict A dictionary containing the history of metrics for each label. writer : SummaryWriter A SummaryWriter object for logging the metrics. rank : int The rank of the current process. step : int The current step of the training. tasks : dict A dictionary containing the progress bars and tables for each label. pbar : Progress A progress bar object for displaying the progress. consoles : list A list of console objects for logging. live : Live A Live object for updating the display live. Methods ------- print(msg: str) Prints the given message to all consoles. update(label: str, fn_name: str) Updates the progress bar and table for the given label. done(label: str, title: str) Resets the progress bar and table for the given label and prints the final result. track(label: str, length: int, completed: int = 0, op: dist.ReduceOp = dist.ReduceOp.AVG, ddp_active: bool = "LOCAL_RANK" in os.environ) A decorator for tracking the progress and metrics of a function. log(label: str, value_type: str = "value", history: bool = True) A decorator for logging the metrics of a function. is_best(label: str, key: str) -> bool Checks if the latest value of the given key in the label is the best so far. state_dict() -> dict Returns a dictionary containing the state of the tracker. load_state_dict(state_dict: dict) -> Tracker Loads the state of the tracker from the given state dictionary. """ def __init__( self, writer: SummaryWriter = None, log_file: str = None, rank: int = 0, console_width: int = 100, step: int = 0, ): """ Initializes the Tracker object. Parameters ---------- writer : SummaryWriter, optional A SummaryWriter object for logging the metrics, by default None. log_file : str, optional The path to the log file, by default None. rank : int, optional The rank of the current process, by default 0. console_width : int, optional The width of the console, by default 100. step : int, optional The current step of the training, by default 0. """ self.metrics = {} self.history = {} self.writer = writer self.rank = rank self.step = step # Create progress bars etc. self.tasks = {} self.pbar = Progress( SpinnerColumn(), "[progress.description]{task.description}", "{task.completed}/{}", BarColumn(), TimeElapsedColumn(), "/", TimeRemainingColumn(), ) self.consoles = [Console(width=console_width)] = Live(console=self.consoles[0], refresh_per_second=10) if log_file is not None: self.consoles.append(Console(width=console_width, file=open(log_file, "a"))) def print(self, msg): """ Prints the given message to all consoles. Parameters ---------- msg : str The message to be printed. """ if self.rank == 0: for c in self.consoles: c.log(msg) def update(self, label, fn_name): """ Updates the progress bar and table for the given label. Parameters ---------- label : str The label of the progress bar and table to be updated. fn_name : str The name of the function associated with the label. """ if self.rank == 0: self.pbar.advance(self.tasks[label]["pbar"]) # Create table table = Table(title=label, expand=True, box=box.MINIMAL) table.add_column("key", style="cyan") table.add_column("value", style="bright_blue") table.add_column("mean", style="bright_green") keys = self.metrics[label]["value"].keys() for k in keys: value = self.metrics[label]["value"][k] mean = self.metrics[label]["mean"][k]() table.add_row(k, f"{value:10.6f}", f"{mean:10.6f}") self.tasks[label]["table"] = table tables = [t["table"] for t in self.tasks.values()] group = Group(*tables, self.pbar) Group( Padding("", (0, 0)), Rule(f"[italic]{fn_name}()", style="white"), Padding("", (0, 0)), group, padding=(0, 5), title="[b]Progress", border_style="blue" ), ) ) def done(self, label: str, title: str): """ Resets the progress bar and table for the given label and prints the final result. Parameters ---------- label : str The label of the progress bar and table to be reset. title : str The title to be displayed when printing the final result. """ for label in self.metrics: for v in self.metrics[label]["mean"].values(): v.reset() if self.rank == 0: self.pbar.reset(self.tasks[label]["pbar"]) tables = [t["table"] for t in self.tasks.values()] group = Group(Markdown(f"# {title}"), *tables, self.pbar) self.print(group) def track( self, label: str, length: int, completed: int = 0, op: dist.ReduceOp = dist.ReduceOp.AVG, ddp_active: bool = "LOCAL_RANK" in os.environ, ): """ A decorator for tracking the progress and metrics of a function. Parameters ---------- label : str The label to be associated with the progress and metrics. length : int The total number of iterations to be completed. completed : int, optional The number of iterations already completed, by default 0. op : dist.ReduceOp, optional The reduce operation to be used, by default dist.ReduceOp.AVG. ddp_active : bool, optional Whether the DistributedDataParallel is active, by default "LOCAL_RANK" in os.environ. """ self.tasks[label] = { "pbar": self.pbar.add_task( f"[white]Iteration ({label})", total=length, completed=completed ), "table": Table(), } self.metrics[label] = { "value": defaultdict(), "mean": defaultdict(lambda: Mean()), } def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): output = fn(*args, **kwargs) if not isinstance(output, dict): self.update(label, fn.__name__) return output # Collect across all DDP processes scalar_keys = [] for k, v in output.items(): if isinstance(v, (int, float)): v = torch.tensor([v]) if not torch.is_tensor(v): continue if ddp_active and v.is_cuda: # pragma: no cover dist.all_reduce(v, op=op) output[k] = v.detach() if torch.numel(v) == 1: scalar_keys.append(k) output[k] = v.item() # Save the outputs to tracker for k, v in output.items(): if k not in scalar_keys: continue self.metrics[label]["value"][k] = v # Update the running mean self.metrics[label]["mean"][k].update(v) self.update(label, fn.__name__) return output return decorated return decorator def log(self, label: str, value_type: str = "value", history: bool = True): """ A decorator for logging the metrics of a function. Parameters ---------- label : str The label to be associated with the logging. value_type : str, optional The type of value to be logged, by default "value". history : bool, optional Whether to save the history of the metrics, by default True. """ assert value_type in ["mean", "value"] if history: if label not in self.history: self.history[label] = defaultdict(default_list) def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def decorated(*args, **kwargs): output = fn(*args, **kwargs) if self.rank == 0: nonlocal value_type, label metrics = self.metrics[label][value_type] for k, v in metrics.items(): v = v() if isinstance(v, Mean) else v if self.writer is not None: self.writer.add_scalar(f"{k}/{label}", v, self.step) if label in self.history: self.history[label][k].append(v) if label in self.history: self.history[label]["step"].append(self.step) return output return decorated return decorator def is_best(self, label, key): """ Checks if the latest value of the given key in the label is the best so far. Parameters ---------- label : str The label of the metrics to be checked. key : str The key of the metric to be checked. Returns ------- bool True if the latest value is the best so far, otherwise False. """ return self.history[label][key][-1] == min(self.history[label][key]) def state_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary containing the state of the tracker. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing the history and step of the tracker. """ return {"history": self.history, "step": self.step} def load_state_dict(self, state_dict): """ Loads the state of the tracker from the given state dictionary. Parameters ---------- state_dict : dict A dictionary containing the history and step of the tracker. Returns ------- Tracker The tracker object with the loaded state. """ self.history = state_dict["history"] self.step = state_dict["step"] return self