import gradio as gr from utils import calculate_cost, augment_image def update_btn_cost(w, h, req_type, selection, l=''): if selection == 'scale': after = l.split()[-1] w, h = map(int, after.split('x')) cost = calculate_cost(w, h, rmbg=(req_type == "移除背景")) return gr.Button(value=f"生成(预计消耗{cost}点数)") def getWH(img, w, h, f): if img is None: return w, h, '' w, h = img.width, img.height l = f"{w}x{h} -> {int(w * f)}x{int(h * f)}" return w, h, l def refresh_hint(l, f): if len(l) == 0: return '' before = l.split()[0] w, h = map(int, before.split('x')) l = f"{w}x{h} -> {int(w * f)}x{int(h * f)}" return l def set_index(evt: gr.SelectData): return evt.index def send_outputs(imgs, index): if imgs is None or len(imgs) == 0: return None elif len(imgs) == 1: return imgs[0][0] elif index >= 0: return imgs[index][0] else: return None def director_ui(): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_image = gr.Image(label="上传图片", value=None, sources=["upload", "clipboard", "webcam"], interactive=True, type="pil", show_share_button=False) with gr.Row(): from_t2i = gr.Button("使用文生图上一次生成的图片") from_out = gr.Button("使用右侧生成的图片") with gr.Column(): output_image = gr.Gallery(format='png', interactive=False, preview=True, show_share_button=False) selected_index = gr.Number(value=-1, visible=False) with gr.Row(): send_i2i = gr.Button("发送到图生图") send_inp = gr.Button("发送到局部重绘") send_vib = gr.Button("发送到风格迁移") req_type = gr.Radio(["移除背景", "素描", "线稿", "上色", "更改表情", "去聊天框"], value="线稿", label="功能选择") with gr.Tab("自由调整") as resize: width = gr.Slider(label="调整宽度", value=1024, minimum=1, maximum=2048, step=1) height = gr.Slider(label="调整高度", value=1024, minimum=1, maximum=2048, step=1) with gr.Tab("等比例缩放") as scale: hint = gr.HTML('', show_label=False) factor = gr.Slider(label="缩放比例", minimum=0.1, maximum=2, step=0.1) defry = gr.State(0) prompt = gr.State('') selection = gr.Radio(["resize", "scale"], visible=False) 'resize', inputs=None, outputs=selection) 'scale', inputs=None, outputs=selection) @gr.render(inputs=req_type) def extra_paras(r): if r == "上色": with gr.Row(): strength = gr.Radio(choices=range(6), value=0, label="强度") text = gr.Textbox(label="提示词(可选)", value='') strength.change(lambda x: x, inputs=strength, outputs=defry) text.change(lambda x: x, inputs=text, outputs=prompt) elif r == "更改表情": with gr.Row(): emotion = gr.Dropdown(choices=["neutral", "happy", "sad", "angry", "scared", "surprised", "tired", "excited", "nervous", "thinking", "confused", "shy", "disgusted", "smug", "bored", "laughing", "irritated", "aroused", "embarrassed", "worried", "love", "determined", "hurt", "playful"], value="neutral", label="表情") strength = gr.Dropdown(choices=["正常", "偏弱", "弱", "更弱", "很弱", "最弱"], value="正常", label="强度") text = gr.Textbox(label="提示词(可选)", value='') emotion.change(lambda e, t: f"{e};;{t}", inputs=[emotion, text], outputs=prompt) text.change(lambda e, t: f"{e};;{t}", inputs=[emotion, text], outputs=prompt) strength.change(lambda s: {"正常": 0, "偏弱": 1, "弱": 2, "更弱": 3, "很弱": 4, "最弱": 5}[s], inputs=strength, outputs=defry) else: return, inputs=None, outputs=selected_index), inputs=[output_image, selected_index], outputs=input_image) req_type.change(lambda r: "neutral;;" if r == "更改表情" else '', inputs=req_type, outputs=prompt) input_image.change(getWH, inputs=[input_image, width, height, factor], outputs=[width, height, hint]) factor.change(refresh_hint, inputs=[hint, factor], outputs=[hint]) tool_btn = gr.Button(value="生成", variant="primary") dtool_stop = gr.Button(value="取消", variant="stop", visible=False) (gr.Button(visible=False), gr.Button(visible=True)), inputs=None, outputs=[tool_btn, dtool_stop]) dtool_gen =, inputs=[input_image, width, height, req_type, selection, factor, defry, prompt], outputs=output_image, concurrency_id="generate") (gr.Button(visible=True), gr.Button(visible=False)), inputs=None, outputs=[tool_btn, dtool_stop], cancels=[dtool_gen]) width.change(update_btn_cost, inputs=[width, height, req_type, selection, hint], outputs=tool_btn) height.change(update_btn_cost, inputs=[width, height, req_type, selection, hint], outputs=tool_btn) req_type.change(update_btn_cost, inputs=[width, height, req_type, selection, hint], outputs=tool_btn) factor.change(update_btn_cost, inputs=[width, height, req_type, selection, hint], outputs=tool_btn) selection.change(update_btn_cost, inputs=[width, height, req_type, selection, hint], outputs=tool_btn) return from_t2i, send_i2i, send_inp, send_vib, input_image, output_image, selected_index