import torch | |
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw | |
import torchvision.transforms as transforms | |
import torchvision | |
from zipfile import ZipFile | |
import os | |
import multiprocessing | |
import math | |
import numpy as np | |
import random | |
from io import BytesIO | |
VALID_IMAGE_TYPES = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.bmp', '.png'] | |
def check_filenames_in_zipdata(filenames, ziproot): | |
samples = [] | |
for fst in ZipFile(ziproot).infolist(): | |
fname = fst.filename | |
if fname.endswith('/') or fname.startswith('.') or fst.file_size == 0: | |
continue | |
if os.path.splitext(fname)[1].lower() in VALID_IMAGE_TYPES: | |
samples.append((fname)) | |
filenames = set(filenames) | |
samples = set(samples) | |
assert filenames.issubset(samples), 'Something wrong with your zip data' | |
def draw_box(img, boxes): | |
colors = ["red", "olive", "blue", "green", "orange", "brown", "cyan", "purple"] | |
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) | |
for bid, box in enumerate(boxes): | |
draw.rectangle([box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]], outline =colors[bid % len(colors)], width=4) | |
# draw.rectangle([box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]], outline ="red", width=2) # x0 y0 x1 y1 | |
return img | |
def to_valid(x0, y0, x1, y1, image_size, min_box_size): | |
valid = True | |
if x0>image_size or y0>image_size or x1<0 or y1<0: | |
valid = False # no way to make this box vide, it is completely cropped out | |
return valid, (None, None, None, None) | |
x0 = max(x0, 0) | |
y0 = max(y0, 0) | |
x1 = min(x1, image_size) | |
y1 = min(y1, image_size) | |
if (x1-x0)*(y1-y0) / (image_size*image_size) < min_box_size: | |
valid = False | |
return valid, (None, None, None, None) | |
return valid, (x0, y0, x1, y1) | |
def recalculate_box_and_verify_if_valid(x, y, w, h, trans_info, image_size, min_box_size): | |
""" | |
x,y,w,h: the original annotation corresponding to the raw image size. | |
trans_info: what resizing and cropping have been applied to the raw image | |
image_size: what is the final image size | |
""" | |
x0 = x * trans_info["performed_scale"] - trans_info['crop_x'] | |
y0 = y * trans_info["performed_scale"] - trans_info['crop_y'] | |
x1 = (x + w) * trans_info["performed_scale"] - trans_info['crop_x'] | |
y1 = (y + h) * trans_info["performed_scale"] - trans_info['crop_y'] | |
# at this point, box annotation has been recalculated based on scaling and cropping | |
# but some point may fall off the image_size region (e.g., negative value), thus we | |
# need to clamp them into 0-image_size. But if all points falling outsize of image | |
# region, then we will consider this is an invalid box. | |
valid, (x0, y0, x1, y1) = to_valid(x0, y0, x1, y1, image_size, min_box_size) | |
if valid: | |
# we also perform random flip. | |
# Here boxes are valid, and are based on image_size | |
if trans_info["performed_flip"]: | |
x0, x1 = image_size-x1, image_size-x0 | |
return valid, (x0, y0, x1, y1) | |
class BaseDataset( | |
def __init__(self, image_root, random_crop, random_flip, image_size): | |
super().__init__() | |
self.image_root = image_root | |
self.random_crop = random_crop | |
self.random_flip = random_flip | |
self.image_size = image_size | |
self.use_zip = False | |
if image_root[-4::] == 'zip': | |
self.use_zip = True | |
self.zip_dict = {} | |
if self.random_crop: | |
assert False, 'NOT IMPLEMENTED' | |
def fetch_zipfile(self, ziproot): | |
pid = multiprocessing.current_process().pid # get pid of this process. | |
if pid not in self.zip_dict: | |
self.zip_dict[pid] = ZipFile(ziproot) | |
zip_file = self.zip_dict[pid] | |
return zip_file | |
def fetch_image(self, filename): | |
if self.use_zip: | |
zip_file = self.fetch_zipfile(self.image_root) | |
image = BytesIO( ).convert('RGB') | |
return image | |
else: | |
image = os.path.join(self.image_root,filename) ).convert('RGB') | |
return image | |
def vis_getitem_data(self, index=None, out=None, return_tensor=False, name="res.jpg", print_caption=True): | |
if out is None: | |
out = self[index] | |
img = torchvision.transforms.functional.to_pil_image( out["image"]*0.5+0.5 ) | |
canvas = torchvision.transforms.functional.to_pil_image( torch.ones_like(out["image"]) ) | |
W, H = img.size | |
if print_caption: | |
caption = out["caption"] | |
print(caption) | |
print(" ") | |
boxes = [] | |
for box in out["boxes"]: | |
x0,y0,x1,y1 = box | |
boxes.append( [float(x0*W), float(y0*H), float(x1*W), float(y1*H)] ) | |
img = draw_box(img, boxes) | |
if return_tensor: | |
return torchvision.transforms.functional.to_tensor(img) | |
else: | | | |
def transform_image(self, pil_image): | |
if self.random_crop: | |
assert False | |
arr = random_crop_arr(pil_image, self.image_size) | |
else: | |
arr, info = center_crop_arr(pil_image, self.image_size) | |
info["performed_flip"] = False | |
if self.random_flip and random.random()<0.5: | |
arr = arr[:, ::-1] | |
info["performed_flip"] = True | |
arr = arr.astype(np.float32) / 127.5 - 1 | |
arr = np.transpose(arr, [2,0,1]) | |
return torch.tensor(arr), info | |
def center_crop_arr(pil_image, image_size): | |
# We are not on a new enough PIL to support the `reducing_gap` | |
# argument, which uses BOX downsampling at powers of two first. | |
# Thus, we do it by hand to improve downsample quality. | |
WW, HH = pil_image.size | |
while min(*pil_image.size) >= 2 * image_size: | |
pil_image = pil_image.resize( | |
tuple(x // 2 for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BOX | |
) | |
scale = image_size / min(*pil_image.size) | |
pil_image = pil_image.resize( | |
tuple(round(x * scale) for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BICUBIC | |
) | |
# at this point, the min of pil_image side is desired image_size | |
performed_scale = image_size / min(WW, HH) | |
arr = np.array(pil_image) | |
crop_y = (arr.shape[0] - image_size) // 2 | |
crop_x = (arr.shape[1] - image_size) // 2 | |
info = {"performed_scale":performed_scale, 'crop_y':crop_y, 'crop_x':crop_x, "WW":WW, 'HH':HH} | |
return arr[crop_y : crop_y + image_size, crop_x : crop_x + image_size], info | |
def random_crop_arr(pil_image, image_size, min_crop_frac=0.8, max_crop_frac=1.0): | |
min_smaller_dim_size = math.ceil(image_size / max_crop_frac) | |
max_smaller_dim_size = math.ceil(image_size / min_crop_frac) | |
smaller_dim_size = random.randrange(min_smaller_dim_size, max_smaller_dim_size + 1) | |
# We are not on a new enough PIL to support the `reducing_gap` | |
# argument, which uses BOX downsampling at powers of two first. | |
# Thus, we do it by hand to improve downsample quality. | |
while min(*pil_image.size) >= 2 * smaller_dim_size: | |
pil_image = pil_image.resize( | |
tuple(x // 2 for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BOX | |
) | |
scale = smaller_dim_size / min(*pil_image.size) | |
pil_image = pil_image.resize( | |
tuple(round(x * scale) for x in pil_image.size), resample=Image.BICUBIC | |
) | |
arr = np.array(pil_image) | |
crop_y = random.randrange(arr.shape[0] - image_size + 1) | |
crop_x = random.randrange(arr.shape[1] - image_size + 1) | |
return arr[crop_y : crop_y + image_size, crop_x : crop_x + image_size] | |