File size: 3,879 Bytes
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import streamlit as st
import soundfile as sf
import numpy as np
from feat import *
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
import pandas as pd
import librosa
import numpy as np
from pyAudioAnalysis import audioSegmentation as aS
import speech_recognition as sr
import wave
# Label encoder
labelencoder = LabelEncoder()
# Load the saved model
model_path = 'cnn_lstm.keras'
model = load_model(model_path)
# Label mapping
label_mapping = {0: 'angry',
1: 'excited',
2: 'fear',
3: 'happy',
4: 'neutral',
5: 'sad'}
# Set the title of the Streamlit app
st.title("Speech Emotion Recognition")
# File uploader for audio files
audio_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an audio file:", type=["mp3", "wav"])
# Set the interval for segments
interval = st.number_input("Set the interval (0.00-15.00 seconds) for emotion detection segments:",
min_value=0.00, max_value=15.00, value=3.00, step=0.01)
# Button to upload
if st.button("Upload"):
if audio_file:
audio_data, samplerate =
# Convert the audio file to WAV format and save it
output_file_path = 'uploaded_audio.wav'
sf.write(output_file_path, audio_data, samplerate)
st.error("Please upload an audio file.")
# Function to process audio and predict emotions
def predict_emotions(audio_path, interval):
audio_data, samplerate =
duration = len(audio_data) / samplerate
emotions = []
for start in np.arange(0, duration, interval):
end = start + interval
if end > duration:
end = duration
segment = audio_data[int(start*samplerate):int(end*samplerate)]
segment_path = 'segment.wav'
sf.write(segment_path, segment, samplerate)
feat = features_extractor(segment_path)
feat = feat.reshape(1, -1)
predictions = model.predict(feat)
predicted_label = np.argmax(predictions, axis=1)
emotions.append((start, end, label_mapping[predicted_label[0]]))
return emotions
# Button to predict
if st.button("Predict"):
if audio_file:
emotions = predict_emotions('uploaded_audio.wav', interval=interval)
# Create a DataFrame to display emotions
emotions_df = pd.DataFrame(
emotions, columns=["Start", "End", "Emotion"])
# Save emotions to a log file
log_file_path = 'emotion_log.csv'
emotions_df.to_csv(log_file_path, index=False)
# Extrapolate major emotions
major_emotion = emotions_df['Emotion'].mode().values[0]
st.write(f"Major emotion: {major_emotion}")
st.success(f"Emotion log saved to {log_file_path}")
# Add download button for the emotion log file
with open(log_file_path, "rb") as file:
btn = st.download_button(
label="Download Emotion Log",
x = word_count1('uploaded_audio.wav')
y = get_speaking_rate('uploaded_audio.wav')
st.write(f'Number of words = {x[0]}')
st.write(f'Transcript = {x[1]}')
st.write(f'Speaking rate = {y} syllables per second')
st.error("Please upload an audio file.")
# Additional message at the bottom of the page
st.write("Thank you for using the app!")
file_path = 'path/to/your/audio/file'
audio, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=None)
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")