import gradio as gr def create_demo(get_video): block = gr.Blocks(css='style.css').queue() with block: with gr.Group(): with gr.Box(): with gr.Row(elem_id='prompt-container').style(equal_height=True): prompt = gr.Text( label='Prompt', show_label=False, max_lines=1, placeholder='Enter your prompt', elem_id='prompt-text-input').style(container=False) run_button = gr.Button('Generate video').style( full_width=False) result = gr.Video(label='Result', show_label=False, elem_id='gallery') with gr.Accordion('Advanced options', open=False): seed = gr.Slider( label='Seed', minimum=-1, maximum=1000000, step=1, value=-1, info='If set to -1, a different seed will be used each time.') sampling_steps = gr.Slider(label='Number of sampling steps', minimum=10, maximum=100, step=5, value=50) inputs = [ prompt, seed, sampling_steps # num_frames, # num_inference_steps, ] gr.Examples(examples=[ ["Astronaut riding a horse", 431, 50], ["Cars running on the highway at night", 1000, 50], ["close up of a clown fish swimming. 4K",7865, 50] ], inputs=inputs, outputs=result, fn=get_video, cache_examples=True) prompt.submit(fn=get_video, inputs=inputs, outputs=result), inputs=inputs, outputs=result) return block