Runtime error
Runtime error
Browse files
@@ -21,4 +21,13 @@ license: mit
21 |
6. Click on the Run button
22 |
7. On the right side of the interface, the top view displays the selected number of misclassified images.
23 |
8. The second view displays the GradCAM output.
24 |
9. And Final view displays the top n predicitons for the given image.
21 |
6. Click on the Run button
22 |
7. On the right side of the interface, the top view displays the selected number of misclassified images.
23 |
8. The second view displays the GradCAM output.
24 |
9. And Final view displays the top n predicitons for the given image.
25 |
26 |
## Components Used:
27 |
1. `gr.Dropdown` : Used for selecting the number of images for Misclassified & GradCAM output and also for the top n classes to be displayed.
28 |
2. `gr.Checkbox` : Used for boolean inputs like if user wants to visualize Misclassified or if they want to visualize gradCAM images.
29 |
3. `gr.Slider` : Used to select the opacity paramter to be used with GradCAM viaualization.
30 |
4. `gr.Gallery`: Used to display a numebr of images, used for displaying input images and output images.
31 |
5. `gr.UploadButton`: A generic file uplaod button, used for picking and uploading local image file for prediction.
32 |
6. `gr.Button`: Used for calling the main prediction module.
33 |
7. `gr.Label`: Used for displaying the top n classification results.