import cv2 import numpy as np import imutils import streamlit as st import base64 def detect_face(input_img): face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier( + 'haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml') gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(input_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray_image, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=5) if len(faces) == 1: return faces[0] else: return None def thug_life(input_img,angle,x,y): face_coords = detect_face(input_img) if face_coords is None: return input_img sunglass_img = cv2.imread('media/glasses.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) sunglass_img = imutils.rotate(sunglass_img, angle=angle) face_width, face_height = face_coords[2], face_coords[3] sunglass_img_resized = cv2.resize(sunglass_img, (face_width, face_height)) # Check if the image has an alpha channel if sunglass_img_resized.shape[2] == 4: alpha_channel_resized = cv2.resize(sunglass_img_resized[:, :, 3], (face_width, face_height)) else: # If no alpha channel, create a default one alpha_channel_resized = np.ones((face_height, face_width), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 thug_glass = alpha_channel_resized / 255.0 thug_glass = np.stack([thug_glass] * 3, axis=-1) offset_y = int(face_height * y) # Adjust the offset based on your preference start_y = max(0, face_coords[1] - offset_y) offset_x = int(face_width * x) # Adjust the offset based on your preference start_x = max(0, face_coords[1] - offset_x) roi = input_img[start_y: start_y + face_height, start_x:start_x + face_width] glass_bgr = sunglass_img_resized[:, :, :3] overlay = (1 - thug_glass) * roi + thug_glass * glass_bgr input_img[start_y: start_y + face_height, start_x:start_x + face_width] = overlay music_file = 'media/ThugLife.mp3' audio_bytes = open(music_file,'rb').read() audio_bytes = base64.b64encode(audio_bytes).decode() st.markdown(f'', unsafe_allow_html=True) return input_img