Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 8,339 Bytes
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import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as px
from stop_words import get_stop_words
from wordcloud import WordCloud
from datasets import load_dataset
import re
## import data
dataset = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/italian_long_covid_tweets")
data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dataset["train"])
# load stop words
it_stop_words = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/italian-stopwords")
it_stop = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(it_stop_words["train"])
it_stop = it_stop.text.to_list()
## Optimize stop words according to Luca's repo
def format_input(user_key, stopwords):
format user input request to lookup in the database of frequencies
user_key is a string
stopwords is a list of strings
key is a string
key = user_key.lower()
key = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', ' ', key)
key = ' '.join([el for el in key.split() if not (el in stopwords)])
return key
### Loading TFIDF
TFIDF_21_Jul_Oct = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/Long_Covid_word_frequency_TFIDF_21_Jul_Oct")
TFIDF_22_Feb_Apr = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/Long_Covid_word_frequency_TFIDF_22_Feb_Apr")
TFIDF_22_May_Jul = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/Long_Covid_word_frequency_TFIDF_22_May_Jul")
TFIDF_21_Nov_22_Jan = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/Long_Covid_word_frequency_TFIDF_21_Nov_22_Jan")
## Loading whole_text
whole_text_21_Jul_Oct = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/whole_text_TF_21_Jul_Oct")
whole_text_22_Feb_Apr = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/whole_text_TF_22_Feb_Apr")
whole_text_22_May_Jul = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/whole_text_TF_22_May_Jul")
whole_text_21_Nov_22_Jan = load_dataset("Santarabantoosoo/whole_text_TF_21_Nov_22_Jan")
TFIDF_21_Jul_Oct = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(TFIDF_21_Jul_Oct["train"])
TFIDF_22_Feb_Apr = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(TFIDF_22_Feb_Apr["train"])
TFIDF_22_May_Jul = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(TFIDF_22_May_Jul["train"])
TFIDF_21_Nov_22_Jan = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(TFIDF_21_Nov_22_Jan["train"])
whole_text_21_Jul_Oct = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(whole_text_21_Jul_Oct["train"])
whole_text_22_Feb_Apr = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(whole_text_22_Feb_Apr["train"])
whole_text_22_May_Jul = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(whole_text_22_May_Jul["train"])
whole_text_21_Nov_22_Jan = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(whole_text_21_Nov_22_Jan["train"])
ser_TFIDF = []
ser_whole_text = []
def plot_time_series(choice, keyword, user_keys):
x = np.arange(2,10,2)
y = [[] for j in range(len(keyword))]
for j in range(len(keyword)):
while i < len(choice):
i += 1
i += 1
y[j] = np.array(y[j])
x_ticks_labels = ['Q1','Q2','Q3','Q4']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
for j in range(len(keyword)):
ax.plot(x,y[j], label = user_keys[j].lower())
# Set number of ticks for x-axis
ax.set_xticklabels(x_ticks_labels, fontsize=12)
leg = plt.legend(loc='best')
plt.title("keywords quartely analysis (July 2021 - July 2022)")
plt.ylabel(f'Freq. from {user_choice}')
return fig
# Wordcloud with anger tweets
angry_tweets = data['tweet'][data["emotion"] == 'anger']
angry_tweets = angry_tweets.apply(format_input, args = [it_stop])
stop_words = ["https", 'http', "co", "RT"] + list(it_stop)
anger_wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=50, max_words=50, background_color="white", stopwords = stop_words).generate(str(angry_tweets))
# Wordcloud with sad tweets
sad_tweets = data['tweet'][data["emotion"] == 'sadness']
sad_tweets = sad_tweets.apply(format_input, args = [it_stop])
stop_words = ["https", 'http', "co", "RT"] + list(it_stop)
sad_wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=50, max_words=50, background_color="white", stopwords = stop_words).generate(str(sad_tweets))
# Wordcloud with joy tweets
joy_tweets = data['tweet'][data["emotion"] == 'joy']
joy_tweets = joy_tweets.apply(format_input, args = [it_stop])
stop_words = ["https", 'http', "co", "RT"] + list(it_stop)
joy_wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=50, max_words=50, background_color="white", stopwords = stop_words).generate(str(joy_tweets))
# Wordcloud with fear tweets
fear_tweets = data['tweet'][data["emotion"] == 'fear']
fear_tweets = fear_tweets.apply(format_input, args = [it_stop])
stop_words = ["https", 'http', "co", "RT"] + list(it_stop)
fear_wordcloud = WordCloud(max_font_size=50, max_words=50, background_color="white", stopwords = stop_words).generate(str(fear_tweets))
## COmbine all plots in a single plot
wc_fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2)
# fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ax1.imshow(sad_wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
ax1.set_title('Sadness', {'fontsize': 30})
ax2.imshow(joy_wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
ax2.set_title('Joy', {'fontsize': 30})
ax3.imshow(fear_wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
ax3.set_title('Fear', {'fontsize': 30})
ax4.imshow(anger_wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear")
ax4.set_title('Anger', {'fontsize': 30})
# plot a pie plot for emotions' distribution
number_tweets_per_day = data.groupby(['date', 'emotion']).agg({'id': 'count'}).reset_index()
number_tweets_per_day["tweet_date"] = pd.to_datetime(number_tweets_per_day["date"])
time_fig = px.line(number_tweets_per_day, x = 'tweet_date', y = 'id', labels = {'id': 'count'}, color = 'emotion',
# create a lineplot for emotions
sentiment_counts = data.groupby('emotion').agg({'id' : 'size'}).reset_index()
sentiment_counts.rename(columns = {'id':'count'}, inplace = True)
sent_fig = px.pie(sentiment_counts, values='count', names='emotion', title='Tweets within each emotion', labels = {'id': 'count'},
def display_plot(image_choice):
if image_choice == 'Sentiment distribution':
return sent_fig
elif image_choice == 'Time series':
return time_fig
elif image_choice == 'Word clouds':
return wc_fig
def display_freq_plot(choice, *args):
user_keys = [arg for arg in args]
# clean input strings to match keywords in the database
keyword = []
for key in user_keys:
keyword.append(format_input(key, it_stop))
if choice == "TFIDF":
return plot_time_series(ser_TFIDF, keyword, user_keys)
elif choice == "Whole_text":
return plot_time_series(ser_whole_text, keyword, user_keys)
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
gr.Markdown("## Choose your adventure")
with gr.Tabs():
with gr.TabItem("Topic modeling"):
gr.Markdown("Nothing here yet")
with gr.TabItem("Word frequency"):
inputs = [gr.Radio(choices = ['TFIDF', 'Whole_text'], label = 'Choose ur method'),
gr.Textbox(label = 'word 1'),
gr.Textbox(label = 'word 2'),
gr.Textbox(label = 'word 3'),
gr.Textbox(label = 'word 4')]
plot_output = gr.Plot(elem_id = 1)
freq_button = gr.Button("Submit"), inputs=inputs, outputs=plot_output)
with gr.TabItem("Sentiment analysis"):
text_input = gr.Radio(choices = ['Sentiment distribution', 'Word clouds', 'Time series'], label = 'Choose ur plot')
sent_plot = gr.Plot()
sent_button = gr.Button("Submit"), inputs=text_input, outputs= sent_plot)
demo.launch(debug=True, show_error = True);