commited on
Browse files- +544 -0
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
1 |
# import all packages
2 |
import requests
3 |
import streamlit as st
4 |
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
5 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
6 |
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
7 |
# tokenizer
8 |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, DistilBertTokenizerFast
9 |
# sequence tagging model + training-related
10 |
from transformers import DistilBertForTokenClassification, Trainer, TrainingArguments
11 |
import numpy as np
12 |
import pandas as pd
13 |
import torch
14 |
import json
15 |
import sys
16 |
import os
17 |
#from datasets import load_metric
18 |
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
19 |
from pandas import read_csv
20 |
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
21 |
import sklearn.model_selection
22 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
23 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
24 |
from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB
25 |
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
26 |
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline, FeatureUnion
27 |
import math
28 |
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
29 |
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_fscore_support
30 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
31 |
import json
32 |
import re
33 |
import numpy as np
34 |
import pandas as pd
35 |
import re
36 |
import nltk
37 |
#stemmer = nltk.SnowballStemmer("english")
38 |
#from nltk.corpus import stopwords
39 |
import string
40 |
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
41 |
# import seaborn as sns
42 |
# from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
43 |
# from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, ConfusionMatrixDisplay
44 |
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, Trainer, TrainingArguments, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoConfig
45 |
import torch
46 |
from import TensorDataset, DataLoader, RandomSampler, SequentialSampler
47 |
import itertools
48 |
import json
49 |
import glob
50 |
from transformers import TextClassificationPipeline, TFAutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
51 |
from transformers import pipeline
52 |
import pickle
53 |
import urllib.request
54 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer
55 |
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
56 |
#from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
57 |
#from urllib.request import urlopen
58 |
#from tabulate import tabulate
59 |
import csv
60 |
import gdown
61 |
import zipfile
62 |
import wget
63 |
import pdfplumber
64 |
import pathlib
65 |
import shutil
66 |
import webbrowser
67 |
from streamlit.components.v1 import html
68 |
import streamlit.components.v1 as components
69 |
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader
70 |
71 |
72 |
#device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
73 |
74 |
# from git import Repo
75 |
76 |
# Repo.clone_from('', branch='master')
77 |
78 |
def main():
79 |
80 |
st.title("Text to Causal Knowledge Graph")
81 |
st.sidebar.title("Please upload your text documents in one file here:")
82 |
83 |
seed = 1
84 |
k1= 5
85 |
86 |
uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Choose a file", type = "pdf")
87 |
text_list = []
88 |
causal_sents = []
89 |
90 |
reader = PdfReader(uploaded_file)
91 |
92 |
for page in reader.pages:
93 |
text = page.extract_text()
94 |
95 |
96 |
text_list_final = [x.replace('\n', '') for x in text_list]
97 |
text_list_final = re.sub('"', '', str(text_list_final))
98 |
99 |
sentences = nltk.sent_tokenize(text_list_final)
100 |
101 |
result =[]
102 |
for i in sentences:
103 |
result1 = i.lower()
104 |
result2 = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]','',result1)
105 |
106 |
107 |
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
108 |
model_path = "checkpoint-2850"
109 |
110 |
model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_path,id2label={0:'non-causal',1:'causal'})
111 |
112 |
pipe1 = pipeline("text-classification", model=model,tokenizer=tokenizer)
113 |
for sent in result:
114 |
pred = pipe1(sent)
115 |
for lab in pred:
116 |
if lab['label'] == 'causal': #causal
117 |
118 |
119 |
model_name = "distilbert-base-uncased"
120 |
tokenizer = DistilBertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)
121 |
model_path1 = "DistilBertforTokenClassification"
122 |
123 |
model = DistilBertForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_path1, id2label={0:'CT',1:'E',2:'C',3:'O'}) #len(unique_tags),, num_labels= 7,
124 |
pipe = pipeline('ner', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer,aggregation_strategy='simple') #grouped_entities=True
125 |
126 |
sentence_pred = []
127 |
class_list = []
128 |
entity_list = []
129 |
for k in causal_sents:
130 |
pred= pipe(k)
131 |
132 |
for i in pred:
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
filename = 'Checkpoint-classification.sav'
139 |
count_vect = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=[1,3])
140 |
141 |
loaded_model = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb'))
142 |
loaded_vectorizer = pickle.load(open('vectorizefile_classification.pickle', 'rb'))
143 |
144 |
pipeline_test_output = loaded_vectorizer.transform(class_list)
145 |
predicted = loaded_model.predict(pipeline_test_output)
146 |
pred1 = predicted
147 |
level0 = []
148 |
count =0
149 |
for i in predicted:
150 |
if i == 3:
151 |
152 |
count +=1
153 |
154 |
155 |
count +=1
156 |
157 |
list_pred = {0: 'Customers',1:'Employees',2:'Investors',3:'Non-performance',4:'Society',5:'Unclassified'}
158 |
pred_val = [list_pred[i] for i in pred1]
159 |
160 |
161 |
162 |
sent_id, unique = pd.factorize(sentence_pred)
163 |
164 |
final_list = pd.DataFrame(
165 |
{'Id': sent_id,
166 |
'Full sentence': sentence_pred,
167 |
'Component': class_list,
168 |
'cause/effect': entity_list,
169 |
'Label_level1': level0,
170 |
'Label_level2': pred_val
171 |
172 |
s = final_list['Component'].shift(-1)
173 |
m = s.str.startswith('##', na=False)
174 |
final_list.loc[m, 'Component'] += (' ' + s[m])
175 |
176 |
177 |
final_list1 = final_list[~final_list['Component'].astype(str).str.startswith('##')]
178 |
179 |
li = []
180 |
uni = final_list1['Id'].unique()
181 |
for i in uni:
182 |
df_new = final_list1[final_list1['Id'] == i]
183 |
uni1 = df_new['Id'].unique()
184 |
if 'E' not in df_new.values:
185 |
186 |
out = np.concatenate(li).ravel()
187 |
li_pan = pd.DataFrame(out,columns=['Id'])
188 |
df3 = pd.merge(final_list1, li_pan[['Id']], on='Id', how='left', indicator=True) \
189 |
.query("_merge == 'left_only'") \
190 |
191 |
192 |
df = df3.groupby(['Id','Full sentence','cause/effect', 'Label_level1', 'Label_level2'])['Component'].apply(', '.join).reset_index()
193 |
194 |
df["cause/effect"].replace({"C": "cause", "E": "effect"}, inplace=True)
195 |
df_final = df[df['cause/effect'] != 'CT']
196 |
df['New string'] = df_final['Component'].replace(r'[##]+', ' ', regex=True)
197 |
df_final = df_final.drop('Component',1)
198 |
df_final.insert(2, "Component", df['New string'], True)
199 |
200 |
201 |
202 |
count_NP_NP = 0
203 |
count_NP_investor = 0
204 |
count_NP_customer = 0
205 |
count_NP_employees = 0
206 |
count_NP_society = 0
207 |
208 |
count_inv_np = 0
209 |
count_inv_investor = 0
210 |
count_inv_customer = 0
211 |
count_inv_employee = 0
212 |
count_inv_society = 0
213 |
214 |
count_cus_np = 0
215 |
count_cus_investor = 0
216 |
count_cus_customer = 0
217 |
count_cus_employee = 0
218 |
count_cus_society = 0
219 |
220 |
count_emp_np = 0
221 |
count_emp_investor = 0
222 |
count_emp_customer = 0
223 |
count_emp_employee = 0
224 |
count_emp_society = 0
225 |
226 |
count_soc_np = 0
227 |
count_soc_investor = 0
228 |
count_soc_customer = 0
229 |
count_soc_employee = 0
230 |
count_soc_society = 0
231 |
for i in range(0,df_final['Id'].max()):
232 |
j = df_final.loc[df_final['Id'] == i]
233 |
cause_tab = j.loc[j['cause/effect'] == 'cause']
234 |
effect_tab = j.loc[j['cause/effect'] == 'effect']
235 |
cause_coun_NP = (cause_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
236 |
effect_coun_NP = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
237 |
238 |
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_coun_NP > 0):
239 |
count_NP = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_coun_NP else effect_coun_NP
240 |
241 |
count_NP = 0
242 |
effect_NP_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
243 |
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_inv > 0):
244 |
count_NP_inv = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_inv else effect_NP_inv
245 |
246 |
count_NP_inv = 0
247 |
effect_NP_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
248 |
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_cus > 0):
249 |
count_NP_cus = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_cus else effect_NP_cus
250 |
251 |
count_NP_cus = 0
252 |
effect_NP_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
253 |
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_emp > 0):
254 |
count_NP_emp = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_emp else effect_NP_emp
255 |
256 |
count_NP_emp = 0
257 |
effect_NP_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
258 |
if (cause_coun_NP > 0) and (effect_NP_soc > 0):
259 |
count_NP_soc = cause_coun_NP if cause_coun_NP >= effect_NP_soc else effect_NP_soc
260 |
261 |
count_NP_soc = 0
262 |
263 |
cause_coun_inv = (cause_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
264 |
effect_coun_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
265 |
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_coun_inv > 0):
266 |
count_NP_inv = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_coun_inv else effect_coun_inv
267 |
268 |
count_NP_inv = 0
269 |
270 |
effect_inv_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
271 |
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_inv > 0):
272 |
count_inv_inv = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_inv else effect_inv_inv
273 |
274 |
count_inv_inv = 0
275 |
effect_inv_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
276 |
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_cus > 0):
277 |
count_inv_cus = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_cus else effect_inv_cus
278 |
279 |
count_inv_cus = 0
280 |
effect_inv_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
281 |
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_emp > 0):
282 |
count_inv_emp = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_emp else effect_inv_emp
283 |
284 |
count_inv_emp = 0
285 |
286 |
effect_inv_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
287 |
if (cause_coun_inv > 0) and (effect_inv_soc > 0):
288 |
count_inv_soc = cause_coun_inv if cause_coun_inv >= effect_inv_soc else effect_inv_soc
289 |
290 |
count_inv_soc = 0
291 |
292 |
cause_coun_cus = (cause_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
293 |
effect_coun_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
294 |
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_coun_cus > 0):
295 |
count_NP_cus = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_coun_cus else effect_coun_cus
296 |
297 |
count_NP_cus = 0
298 |
299 |
effect_cus_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
300 |
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_inv > 0):
301 |
count_cus_inv = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_inv else effect_cus_inv
302 |
303 |
count_cus_inv = 0
304 |
305 |
effect_cus_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
306 |
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_cus > 0):
307 |
count_cus_cus = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_cus else effect_cus_cus
308 |
309 |
count_cus_cus = 0
310 |
311 |
effect_cus_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
312 |
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_emp > 0):
313 |
count_cus_emp = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_emp else effect_cus_emp
314 |
315 |
count_cus_emp = 0
316 |
317 |
effect_cus_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
318 |
if (cause_coun_cus > 0) and (effect_cus_soc > 0):
319 |
count_cus_soc = cause_coun_cus if cause_coun_cus >= effect_cus_soc else effect_cus_soc
320 |
321 |
count_cus_soc = 0
322 |
323 |
cause_coun_emp = (cause_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
324 |
effect_coun_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
325 |
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_coun_emp > 0):
326 |
count_NP_emp = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_coun_emp else effect_coun_emp
327 |
328 |
count_NP_emp = 0
329 |
330 |
effect_emp_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
331 |
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_inv > 0):
332 |
count_emp_inv = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_inv else effect_emp_inv
333 |
334 |
count_emp_inv = 0
335 |
336 |
effect_emp_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
337 |
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_cus > 0):
338 |
count_emp_cus = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_cus else effect_emp_cus
339 |
340 |
count_emp_cus = 0
341 |
342 |
effect_emp_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
343 |
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_emp > 0):
344 |
count_emp_emp = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_emp else effect_emp_emp
345 |
346 |
count_emp_emp = 0
347 |
348 |
effect_emp_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
349 |
if (cause_coun_emp > 0) and (effect_emp_soc > 0):
350 |
count_emp_soc = cause_coun_emp if cause_coun_emp >= effect_emp_soc else effect_emp_soc
351 |
352 |
count_emp_soc = 0
353 |
354 |
cause_coun_soc = (cause_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
355 |
effect_coun_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Non-performance').sum()
356 |
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_coun_soc > 0):
357 |
count_NP_soc = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_coun_soc else effect_coun_soc
358 |
359 |
count_NP_soc = 0
360 |
361 |
effect_soc_inv = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Investors').sum()
362 |
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_inv > 0):
363 |
count_soc_inv = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_inv else effect_soc_inv
364 |
365 |
count_soc_inv = 0
366 |
367 |
effect_soc_cus = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Customers').sum()
368 |
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_cus > 0):
369 |
count_soc_cus = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_cus else effect_soc_cus
370 |
371 |
count_soc_cus = 0
372 |
373 |
effect_soc_emp = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Employees').sum()
374 |
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_emp > 0):
375 |
count_soc_emp = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_emp else effect_soc_emp
376 |
377 |
count_soc_emp = 0
378 |
379 |
effect_soc_soc = (effect_tab.Label_level2 == 'Society').sum()
380 |
if (cause_coun_soc > 0) and (effect_soc_soc > 0):
381 |
count_soc_soc = cause_coun_soc if cause_coun_soc >= effect_soc_soc else effect_soc_soc
382 |
383 |
count_soc_soc = 0
384 |
385 |
count_NP_NP = count_NP_NP + count_NP
386 |
count_NP_investor = count_NP_investor + count_NP_inv
387 |
count_NP_customer = count_NP_customer + count_NP_cus
388 |
count_NP_employees = count_NP_employees + count_NP_emp
389 |
count_NP_society = count_NP_society + count_NP_soc
390 |
391 |
count_inv_np = count_inv_np + count_NP_inv
392 |
count_inv_investor = count_inv_investor + count_inv_inv
393 |
count_inv_customer = count_inv_customer + count_inv_cus
394 |
count_inv_employee = count_inv_employee + count_inv_emp
395 |
count_inv_society = count_inv_society + count_inv_soc
396 |
397 |
count_cus_np = count_cus_np + count_NP_cus
398 |
count_cus_investor = count_cus_investor + count_cus_inv
399 |
count_cus_customer = count_cus_customer + count_cus_cus
400 |
count_cus_employee = count_cus_employee + count_cus_emp
401 |
count_cus_society = count_cus_society + count_cus_soc
402 |
403 |
count_emp_np = count_emp_np + count_NP_emp
404 |
count_emp_investor = count_emp_investor + count_emp_inv
405 |
count_emp_customer = count_emp_customer + count_emp_cus
406 |
count_emp_employee = count_emp_employee + count_emp_emp
407 |
count_emp_society = count_emp_society + count_emp_soc
408 |
409 |
count_soc_np = count_soc_np + count_NP_soc
410 |
count_soc_investor = count_soc_investor + count_soc_inv
411 |
count_soc_customer = count_soc_customer + count_soc_cus
412 |
count_soc_employee = count_soc_employee + count_soc_emp
413 |
count_soc_society = count_soc_society + count_soc_soc
414 |
415 |
df_tab = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'],index=['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'], dtype=object)
416 |
417 |
df_tab.loc['Non-performance'] = [count_NP_NP, count_NP_investor, count_NP_customer, count_NP_employees, count_NP_society]
418 |
df_tab.loc['Investors'] = [count_inv_np, count_inv_investor, count_inv_customer, count_inv_employee, count_inv_society]
419 |
df_tab.loc['Customers'] = [count_cus_np, count_cus_investor, count_cus_customer, count_cus_employee, count_cus_society]
420 |
df_tab.loc['Employees'] = [count_emp_np, count_emp_investor, count_emp_customer, count_emp_employee, count_emp_society]
421 |
df_tab.loc['Society'] = [count_soc_np, count_soc_investor, count_soc_customer, count_soc_employee, count_soc_society]
422 |
423 |
424 |
# df_tab = pd.DataFrame({
425 |
# 'Non-performance': [count_NP_NP, count_NP_investor, count_NP_customer, count_NP_employees, count_NP_society],
426 |
# 'Investors': [count_inv_np, count_inv_investor, count_inv_customer, count_inv_employee, count_inv_society],
427 |
# 'Customers': [count_cus_np, count_cus_investor, count_cus_customer, count_cus_employee, count_cus_society],
428 |
# 'Employees': [count_emp_np, count_emp_investor, count_emp_customer, count_emp_employee, count_emp_society],
429 |
# 'Society': [count_soc_np, count_soc_investor, count_soc_customer, count_soc_employee, count_soc_society]},
430 |
# index=['Non-performance', 'Investors', 'Customers', 'Employees', 'Society'])
431 |
432 |
433 |
434 |
df = pd.read_csv('final_data.csv', index_col=0)
435 |
436 |
# Convert to JSON format
437 |
json_data = []
438 |
for row in df.index:
439 |
for col in df.columns:
440 |
441 |
'source': row,
442 |
'target': col,
443 |
'value': int(df.loc[row, col])
444 |
445 |
446 |
# Write JSON to file
447 |
with open('smalljson.json', 'w') as f:
448 |
json.dump(json_data, f)
449 |
450 |
csv_file = "predictions.csv"
451 |
json_file = "ch.json"
452 |
453 |
# Open the CSV file and read the data
454 |
with open(csv_file, "r") as f:
455 |
csv_data = csv.DictReader(f)
456 |
457 |
# Convert the CSV data to a list of dictionaries
458 |
data_list = []
459 |
for row in csv_data:
460 |
461 |
462 |
# Convert the list of dictionaries to JSON
463 |
json_data = json.dumps(data_list)
464 |
465 |
# Write the JSON data to a file
466 |
with open(json_file, "w") as f:
467 |
468 |
469 |
def convert_df(df):
470 |
471 |
#IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun
472 |
473 |
return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8')
474 |
475 |
476 |
477 |
csv1 = convert_df(df_final.astype(str))
478 |
csv2 = convert_df(df_tab.astype(str))
479 |
480 |
with st.container():
481 |
st.download_button(label="Download the detailed result table",data=csv1,file_name='results.csv',mime='text/csv')
482 |
st.download_button(label="Download the result table",data=csv2,file_name='final_data.csv',mime='text/csv')
483 |
484 |
485 |
# def tree_css(file_name):
486 |
# with open('/Users/seetha/Downloads/tree.css')as f:
487 |
# st.markdown(f"<style>{}</style>", unsafe_allow_html = True)
488 |
489 |
# def div_css(file_name):
490 |
# with open('/Users/seetha/Downloads/div.css')as f:
491 |
# st.markdown(f"<style>{}</style>", unsafe_allow_html = True)
492 |
493 |
# def side_css(file_name):
494 |
# with open('/Users/seetha/Downloads/side.css')as f:
495 |
# st.markdown(f"<style>{}</style>", unsafe_allow_html = True)
496 |
497 |
# tree_css('tree.css')
498 |
# div_css('div.css')
499 |
# side_css('side.css')
500 |
501 |
STREAMLIT_STATIC_PATH = pathlib.Path(st.__path__[0]) / 'static'
502 |
503 |
if not CSS_PATH.is_dir():
504 |
505 |
506 |
css_file = CSS_PATH / "tree.css"
507 |
css_file1 = CSS_PATH / "div.css"
508 |
css_file2 = CSS_PATH / "side.css"
509 |
jso_file = CSS_PATH / "smalljson.json"
510 |
if not css_file.exists():
511 |
shutil.copy("tree.css", css_file)
512 |
shutil.copy("div.css", css_file1)
513 |
shutil.copy("side.css", css_file2)
514 |
shutil.copy("smalljson.json", jso_file)
515 |
516 |
HtmlFile = open("index.html", 'r', encoding='utf-8')
517 |
source_code =
518 |
519 |
520 |
# # Define your javascript
521 |
# my_js = """
522 |
# alert("Hello World");
523 |
# """
524 |
525 |
# Wrapt the javascript as html code
526 |
#my_html = f"<script>{my_js}</script>"
527 |
528 |
529 |
# with st.container():
530 |
# # Execute your app
531 |
# st.title("Visualization example")
532 |
# # components.html(source_code)
533 |
# #html(my_html)
534 |
535 |
# # embed streamlit docs in a streamlit app
536 |
# #components.iframe("")
537 |
# st.markdown('<a href="" target="_self">Text to Knowledge graph link</a>', unsafe_allow_html=True)
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 |
if __name__ == '__main__':
544 |