from datetime import datetime, timezone |
from typing import Optional, Union |
from sqlalchemy import asc, desc, or_ |
from core.app.entities.app_invoke_entities import InvokeFrom |
from core.llm_generator.llm_generator import LLMGenerator |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from libs.infinite_scroll_pagination import InfiniteScrollPagination |
from models.account import Account |
from models.model import App, Conversation, EndUser, Message |
from services.errors.conversation import ConversationNotExistsError, LastConversationNotExistsError |
from services.errors.message import MessageNotExistsError |
class ConversationService: |
@classmethod |
def pagination_by_last_id( |
cls, |
app_model: App, |
user: Optional[Union[Account, EndUser]], |
last_id: Optional[str], |
limit: int, |
invoke_from: InvokeFrom, |
include_ids: Optional[list] = None, |
exclude_ids: Optional[list] = None, |
sort_by: str = "-updated_at", |
) -> InfiniteScrollPagination: |
if not user: |
return InfiniteScrollPagination(data=[], limit=limit, has_more=False) |
base_query = db.session.query(Conversation).filter( |
Conversation.is_deleted == False, |
Conversation.app_id == app_model.id, |
Conversation.from_source == ("api" if isinstance(user, EndUser) else "console"), |
Conversation.from_end_user_id == (user.id if isinstance(user, EndUser) else None), |
Conversation.from_account_id == (user.id if isinstance(user, Account) else None), |
or_(Conversation.invoke_from.is_(None), Conversation.invoke_from == invoke_from.value), |
) |
if include_ids is not None: |
base_query = base_query.filter(Conversation.id.in_(include_ids)) |
if exclude_ids is not None: |
base_query = base_query.filter(~Conversation.id.in_(exclude_ids)) |
sort_field, sort_direction = cls._get_sort_params(sort_by) |
if last_id: |
last_conversation = base_query.filter(Conversation.id == last_id).first() |
if not last_conversation: |
raise LastConversationNotExistsError() |
filter_condition = cls._build_filter_condition(sort_field, sort_direction, last_conversation) |
base_query = base_query.filter(filter_condition) |
base_query = base_query.order_by(sort_direction(getattr(Conversation, sort_field))) |
conversations = base_query.limit(limit).all() |
has_more = False |
if len(conversations) == limit: |
current_page_last_conversation = conversations[-1] |
rest_filter_condition = cls._build_filter_condition( |
sort_field, sort_direction, current_page_last_conversation, is_next_page=True |
) |
rest_count = base_query.filter(rest_filter_condition).count() |
if rest_count > 0: |
has_more = True |
return InfiniteScrollPagination(data=conversations, limit=limit, has_more=has_more) |
@classmethod |
def _get_sort_params(cls, sort_by: str) -> tuple[str, callable]: |
if sort_by.startswith("-"): |
return sort_by[1:], desc |
return sort_by, asc |
@classmethod |
def _build_filter_condition( |
cls, sort_field: str, sort_direction: callable, reference_conversation: Conversation, is_next_page: bool = False |
): |
field_value = getattr(reference_conversation, sort_field) |
if (sort_direction == desc and not is_next_page) or (sort_direction == asc and is_next_page): |
return getattr(Conversation, sort_field) < field_value |
else: |
return getattr(Conversation, sort_field) > field_value |
@classmethod |
def rename( |
cls, |
app_model: App, |
conversation_id: str, |
user: Optional[Union[Account, EndUser]], |
name: str, |
auto_generate: bool, |
): |
conversation = cls.get_conversation(app_model, conversation_id, user) |
if auto_generate: |
return cls.auto_generate_name(app_model, conversation) |
else: |
conversation.name = name |
conversation.updated_at = datetime.now(timezone.utc).replace(tzinfo=None) |
db.session.commit() |
return conversation |
@classmethod |
def auto_generate_name(cls, app_model: App, conversation: Conversation): |
message = ( |
db.session.query(Message) |
.filter(Message.app_id == app_model.id, Message.conversation_id == conversation.id) |
.order_by(Message.created_at.asc()) |
.first() |
) |
if not message: |
raise MessageNotExistsError() |
try: |
name = LLMGenerator.generate_conversation_name( |
app_model.tenant_id, message.query, conversation.id, app_model.id |
) |
conversation.name = name |
except: |
pass |
db.session.commit() |
return conversation |
@classmethod |
def get_conversation(cls, app_model: App, conversation_id: str, user: Optional[Union[Account, EndUser]]): |
conversation = ( |
db.session.query(Conversation) |
.filter( |
Conversation.id == conversation_id, |
Conversation.app_id == app_model.id, |
Conversation.from_source == ("api" if isinstance(user, EndUser) else "console"), |
Conversation.from_end_user_id == (user.id if isinstance(user, EndUser) else None), |
Conversation.from_account_id == (user.id if isinstance(user, Account) else None), |
Conversation.is_deleted == False, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if not conversation: |
raise ConversationNotExistsError() |
return conversation |
@classmethod |
def delete(cls, app_model: App, conversation_id: str, user: Optional[Union[Account, EndUser]]): |
conversation = cls.get_conversation(app_model, conversation_id, user) |
conversation.is_deleted = True |
db.session.commit() |