import json |
import logging |
from typing import Optional |
from httpx import get |
from core.model_runtime.utils.encoders import jsonable_encoder |
from core.tools.entities.api_entities import UserTool, UserToolProvider |
from core.tools.entities.common_entities import I18nObject |
from core.tools.entities.tool_bundle import ApiToolBundle |
from core.tools.entities.tool_entities import ( |
ApiProviderAuthType, |
ApiProviderSchemaType, |
ToolCredentialsOption, |
ToolProviderCredentials, |
) |
from core.tools.provider.api_tool_provider import ApiToolProviderController |
from core.tools.tool_label_manager import ToolLabelManager |
from core.tools.tool_manager import ToolManager |
from core.tools.utils.configuration import ToolConfigurationManager |
from core.tools.utils.parser import ApiBasedToolSchemaParser |
from extensions.ext_database import db |
from models.tools import ApiToolProvider |
from services.tools.tools_transform_service import ToolTransformService |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
class ApiToolManageService: |
@staticmethod |
def parser_api_schema(schema: str) -> list[ApiToolBundle]: |
""" |
parse api schema to tool bundle |
""" |
try: |
warnings = {} |
try: |
tool_bundles, schema_type = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.auto_parse_to_tool_bundle(schema, warning=warnings) |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema: {str(e)}") |
credentials_schema = [ |
ToolProviderCredentials( |
name="auth_type", |
type=ToolProviderCredentials.CredentialsType.SELECT, |
required=True, |
default="none", |
options=[ |
ToolCredentialsOption(value="none", label=I18nObject(en_US="None", zh_Hans="无")), |
ToolCredentialsOption(value="api_key", label=I18nObject(en_US="Api Key", zh_Hans="Api Key")), |
], |
placeholder=I18nObject(en_US="Select auth type", zh_Hans="选择认证方式"), |
), |
ToolProviderCredentials( |
name="api_key_header", |
type=ToolProviderCredentials.CredentialsType.TEXT_INPUT, |
required=False, |
placeholder=I18nObject(en_US="Enter api key header", zh_Hans="输入 api key header,如:X-API-KEY"), |
default="api_key", |
help=I18nObject(en_US="HTTP header name for api key", zh_Hans="HTTP 头部字段名,用于传递 api key"), |
), |
ToolProviderCredentials( |
name="api_key_value", |
type=ToolProviderCredentials.CredentialsType.TEXT_INPUT, |
required=False, |
placeholder=I18nObject(en_US="Enter api key", zh_Hans="输入 api key"), |
default="", |
), |
] |
return jsonable_encoder( |
{ |
"schema_type": schema_type, |
"parameters_schema": tool_bundles, |
"credentials_schema": credentials_schema, |
"warning": warnings, |
} |
) |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema: {str(e)}") |
@staticmethod |
def convert_schema_to_tool_bundles( |
schema: str, extra_info: Optional[dict] = None |
) -> tuple[list[ApiToolBundle], str]: |
""" |
convert schema to tool bundles |
:return: the list of tool bundles, description |
""" |
try: |
tool_bundles = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.auto_parse_to_tool_bundle(schema, extra_info=extra_info) |
return tool_bundles |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema: {str(e)}") |
@staticmethod |
def create_api_tool_provider( |
user_id: str, |
tenant_id: str, |
provider_name: str, |
icon: dict, |
credentials: dict, |
schema_type: str, |
schema: str, |
privacy_policy: str, |
custom_disclaimer: str, |
labels: list[str], |
): |
""" |
create api tool provider |
""" |
if schema_type not in [member.value for member in ApiProviderSchemaType]: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema type {schema}") |
provider: ApiToolProvider = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider) |
.filter( |
ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
ApiToolProvider.name == provider_name, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if provider is not None: |
raise ValueError(f"provider {provider_name} already exists") |
extra_info = {} |
tool_bundles, schema_type = ApiToolManageService.convert_schema_to_tool_bundles(schema, extra_info) |
if len(tool_bundles) > 100: |
raise ValueError("the number of apis should be less than 100") |
db_provider = ApiToolProvider( |
tenant_id=tenant_id, |
user_id=user_id, |
name=provider_name, |
icon=json.dumps(icon), |
schema=schema, |
description=extra_info.get("description", ""), |
schema_type_str=schema_type, |
tools_str=json.dumps(jsonable_encoder(tool_bundles)), |
credentials_str={}, |
privacy_policy=privacy_policy, |
custom_disclaimer=custom_disclaimer, |
) |
if "auth_type" not in credentials: |
raise ValueError("auth_type is required") |
auth_type = ApiProviderAuthType.value_of(credentials["auth_type"]) |
provider_controller = ApiToolProviderController.from_db(db_provider, auth_type) |
provider_controller.load_bundled_tools(tool_bundles) |
tool_configuration = ToolConfigurationManager(tenant_id=tenant_id, provider_controller=provider_controller) |
encrypted_credentials = tool_configuration.encrypt_tool_credentials(credentials) |
db_provider.credentials_str = json.dumps(encrypted_credentials) |
db.session.add(db_provider) |
db.session.commit() |
ToolLabelManager.update_tool_labels(provider_controller, labels) |
return {"result": "success"} |
@staticmethod |
def get_api_tool_provider_remote_schema(user_id: str, tenant_id: str, url: str): |
""" |
get api tool provider remote schema |
""" |
headers = { |
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)" |
" Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/", |
"Accept": "*/*", |
} |
try: |
response = get(url, headers=headers, timeout=10) |
if response.status_code != 200: |
raise ValueError(f"Got status code {response.status_code}") |
schema = response.text |
ApiToolManageService.parser_api_schema(schema) |
except Exception as e: |
logger.error(f"parse api schema error: {str(e)}") |
raise ValueError("invalid schema, please check the url you provided") |
return {"schema": schema} |
@staticmethod |
def list_api_tool_provider_tools(user_id: str, tenant_id: str, provider: str) -> list[UserTool]: |
""" |
list api tool provider tools |
""" |
provider: ApiToolProvider = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider) |
.filter( |
ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
ApiToolProvider.name == provider, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if provider is None: |
raise ValueError(f"you have not added provider {provider}") |
controller = ToolTransformService.api_provider_to_controller(db_provider=provider) |
labels = ToolLabelManager.get_tool_labels(controller) |
return [ |
ToolTransformService.tool_to_user_tool( |
tool_bundle, |
labels=labels, |
) |
for tool_bundle in provider.tools |
] |
@staticmethod |
def update_api_tool_provider( |
user_id: str, |
tenant_id: str, |
provider_name: str, |
original_provider: str, |
icon: dict, |
credentials: dict, |
schema_type: str, |
schema: str, |
privacy_policy: str, |
custom_disclaimer: str, |
labels: list[str], |
): |
""" |
update api tool provider |
""" |
if schema_type not in [member.value for member in ApiProviderSchemaType]: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema type {schema}") |
provider: ApiToolProvider = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider) |
.filter( |
ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
ApiToolProvider.name == original_provider, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if provider is None: |
raise ValueError(f"api provider {provider_name} does not exists") |
extra_info = {} |
tool_bundles, schema_type = ApiToolManageService.convert_schema_to_tool_bundles(schema, extra_info) |
provider.name = provider_name |
provider.icon = json.dumps(icon) |
provider.schema = schema |
provider.description = extra_info.get("description", "") |
provider.schema_type_str = ApiProviderSchemaType.OPENAPI.value |
provider.tools_str = json.dumps(jsonable_encoder(tool_bundles)) |
provider.privacy_policy = privacy_policy |
provider.custom_disclaimer = custom_disclaimer |
if "auth_type" not in credentials: |
raise ValueError("auth_type is required") |
auth_type = ApiProviderAuthType.value_of(credentials["auth_type"]) |
provider_controller = ApiToolProviderController.from_db(provider, auth_type) |
provider_controller.load_bundled_tools(tool_bundles) |
tool_configuration = ToolConfigurationManager(tenant_id=tenant_id, provider_controller=provider_controller) |
original_credentials = tool_configuration.decrypt_tool_credentials(provider.credentials) |
masked_credentials = tool_configuration.mask_tool_credentials(original_credentials) |
for name, value in credentials.items(): |
if name in masked_credentials and value == masked_credentials[name]: |
credentials[name] = original_credentials[name] |
credentials = tool_configuration.encrypt_tool_credentials(credentials) |
provider.credentials_str = json.dumps(credentials) |
db.session.add(provider) |
db.session.commit() |
tool_configuration.delete_tool_credentials_cache() |
ToolLabelManager.update_tool_labels(provider_controller, labels) |
return {"result": "success"} |
@staticmethod |
def delete_api_tool_provider(user_id: str, tenant_id: str, provider_name: str): |
""" |
delete tool provider |
""" |
provider: ApiToolProvider = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider) |
.filter( |
ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
ApiToolProvider.name == provider_name, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if provider is None: |
raise ValueError(f"you have not added provider {provider_name}") |
db.session.delete(provider) |
db.session.commit() |
return {"result": "success"} |
@staticmethod |
def get_api_tool_provider(user_id: str, tenant_id: str, provider: str): |
""" |
get api tool provider |
""" |
return ToolManager.user_get_api_provider(provider=provider, tenant_id=tenant_id) |
@staticmethod |
def test_api_tool_preview( |
tenant_id: str, |
provider_name: str, |
tool_name: str, |
credentials: dict, |
parameters: dict, |
schema_type: str, |
schema: str, |
): |
""" |
test api tool before adding api tool provider |
""" |
if schema_type not in [member.value for member in ApiProviderSchemaType]: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid schema type {schema_type}") |
try: |
tool_bundles, _ = ApiBasedToolSchemaParser.auto_parse_to_tool_bundle(schema) |
except Exception as e: |
raise ValueError("invalid schema") |
tool_bundle = next(filter(lambda tb: tb.operation_id == tool_name, tool_bundles), None) |
if tool_bundle is None: |
raise ValueError(f"invalid tool name {tool_name}") |
db_provider: ApiToolProvider = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider) |
.filter( |
ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id, |
ApiToolProvider.name == provider_name, |
) |
.first() |
) |
if not db_provider: |
db_provider = ApiToolProvider( |
tenant_id="", |
user_id="", |
name="", |
icon="", |
schema=schema, |
description="", |
schema_type_str=ApiProviderSchemaType.OPENAPI.value, |
tools_str=json.dumps(jsonable_encoder(tool_bundles)), |
credentials_str=json.dumps(credentials), |
) |
if "auth_type" not in credentials: |
raise ValueError("auth_type is required") |
auth_type = ApiProviderAuthType.value_of(credentials["auth_type"]) |
provider_controller = ApiToolProviderController.from_db(db_provider, auth_type) |
provider_controller.load_bundled_tools(tool_bundles) |
if db_provider.id: |
tool_configuration = ToolConfigurationManager(tenant_id=tenant_id, provider_controller=provider_controller) |
decrypted_credentials = tool_configuration.decrypt_tool_credentials(credentials) |
masked_credentials = tool_configuration.mask_tool_credentials(decrypted_credentials) |
for name, value in credentials.items(): |
if name in masked_credentials and value == masked_credentials[name]: |
credentials[name] = decrypted_credentials[name] |
try: |
provider_controller.validate_credentials_format(credentials) |
tool = provider_controller.get_tool(tool_name) |
tool = tool.fork_tool_runtime( |
runtime={ |
"credentials": credentials, |
"tenant_id": tenant_id, |
} |
) |
result = tool.validate_credentials(credentials, parameters) |
except Exception as e: |
return {"error": str(e)} |
return {"result": result or "empty response"} |
@staticmethod |
def list_api_tools(user_id: str, tenant_id: str) -> list[UserToolProvider]: |
""" |
list api tools |
""" |
db_providers: list[ApiToolProvider] = ( |
db.session.query(ApiToolProvider).filter(ApiToolProvider.tenant_id == tenant_id).all() or [] |
) |
result: list[UserToolProvider] = [] |
for provider in db_providers: |
provider_controller = ToolTransformService.api_provider_to_controller(db_provider=provider) |
labels = ToolLabelManager.get_tool_labels(provider_controller) |
user_provider = ToolTransformService.api_provider_to_user_provider( |
provider_controller, db_provider=provider, decrypt_credentials=True |
) |
user_provider.labels = labels |
ToolTransformService.repack_provider(user_provider) |
tools = provider_controller.get_tools(user_id=user_id, tenant_id=tenant_id) |
for tool in tools: |
user_provider.tools.append( |
ToolTransformService.tool_to_user_tool( |
tenant_id=tenant_id, tool=tool, credentials=user_provider.original_credentials, labels=labels |
) |
) |
result.append(user_provider) |
return result |