import pytest |
def pytest_addoption(parser): |
parser.addoption('--translator', action='store', default=None, help='Chosen translator for test run') |
parser.addoption('--target-lang', action='store', default='ENG', help='Target language for translator test run') |
parser.addoption('--text', action='store', default=None, help='Text to be used for translation test run') |
parser.addoption('--count', action='store', type=int, default=1, help='Amount of times the test should be repeated') |
@pytest.fixture |
def translator(request): |
return request.config.getoption('--translator') |
@pytest.fixture |
def tgt_lang(request): |
return request.config.getoption('--target-lang') |
@pytest.fixture |
def text(request): |
return request.config.getoption('--text') |
@pytest.fixture |
def count(request): |
return request.config.getoption('--count') |